Abstract:Face recognition (FR) models are vulnerable to performance variations across demographic groups. The causes for these performance differences are unclear due to the highly complex deep learning-based structure of face recognition models. Several works aimed at exploring possible roots of gender and ethnicity bias, identifying semantic reasons such as hairstyle, make-up, or facial hair as possible sources. Motivated by recent discoveries of the importance of frequency patterns in convolutional neural networks, we explain bias in face recognition using state-of-the-art frequency-based explanations. Our extensive results show that different frequencies are important to FR models depending on the ethnicity of the samples.
Abstract:Despite the considerable performance improvements of face recognition algorithms in recent years, the same scientific advances responsible for this progress can also be used to create efficient ways to attack them, posing a threat to their secure deployment. Morphing attack detection (MAD) systems aim to detect a specific type of threat, morphing attacks, at an early stage, preventing them from being considered for verification in critical processes. Foundation models (FM) learn from extensive amounts of unlabeled data, achieving remarkable zero-shot generalization to unseen domains. Although this generalization capacity might be weak when dealing with domain-specific downstream tasks such as MAD, FMs can easily adapt to these settings while retaining the built-in knowledge acquired during pre-training. In this work, we recognize the potential of FMs to perform well in the MAD task when properly adapted to its specificities. To this end, we adapt FM CLIP architectures with LoRA weights while simultaneously training a classification header. The proposed framework, MADation surpasses our alternative FM and transformer-based frameworks and constitutes the first adaption of FMs to the MAD task. MADation presents competitive results with current MAD solutions in the literature and even surpasses them in several evaluation scenarios. To encourage reproducibility and facilitate further research in MAD, we publicly release the implementation of MADation at https: //github.com/gurayozgur/MADation
Abstract:Although face recognition systems have seen a massive performance enhancement in recent years, they are still targeted by threats such as presentation attacks, leading to the need for generalizable presentation attack detection (PAD) algorithms. Current PAD solutions suffer from two main problems: low generalization to unknown cenarios and large training data requirements. Foundation models (FM) are pre-trained on extensive datasets, achieving remarkable results when generalizing to unseen domains and allowing for efficient task-specific adaption even when little training data are available. In this work, we recognize the potential of FMs to address common PAD problems and tackle the PAD task with an adapted FM for the first time. The FM under consideration is adapted with LoRA weights while simultaneously training a classification header. The resultant architecture, FoundPAD, is highly generalizable to unseen domains, achieving competitive results in several settings under different data availability scenarios and even when using synthetic training data. To encourage reproducibility and facilitate further research in PAD, we publicly release the implementation of FoundPAD at https://github.com/gurayozgur/FoundPAD .
Abstract:Synthetic data is gaining increasing popularity for face recognition technologies, mainly due to the privacy concerns and challenges associated with obtaining real data, including diverse scenarios, quality, and demographic groups, among others. It also offers some advantages over real data, such as the large amount of data that can be generated or the ability to customize it to adapt to specific problem-solving needs. To effectively use such data, face recognition models should also be specifically designed to exploit synthetic data to its fullest potential. In order to promote the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and investigate the application of synthetic data to better train face recognition systems, we introduce the 2nd FRCSyn-onGoing challenge, based on the 2nd Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn), originally launched at CVPR 2024. This is an ongoing challenge that provides researchers with an accessible platform to benchmark i) the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and ii) novel face recognition systems that are specifically proposed to take advantage of synthetic data. We focus on exploring the use of synthetic data both individually and in combination with real data to solve current challenges in face recognition such as demographic bias, domain adaptation, and performance constraints in demanding situations, such as age disparities between training and testing, changes in the pose, or occlusions. Very interesting findings are obtained in this second edition, including a direct comparison with the first one, in which synthetic databases were restricted to DCFace and GANDiffFace.
Abstract:Foundation models are predominantly trained in an unsupervised or self-supervised manner on highly diverse and large-scale datasets, making them broadly applicable to various downstream tasks. In this work, we investigate for the first time whether such models are suitable for the specific domain of face recognition. We further propose and demonstrate the adaptation of these models for face recognition across different levels of data availability. Extensive experiments are conducted on multiple foundation models and datasets of varying scales for training and fine-tuning, with evaluation on a wide range of benchmarks. Our results indicate that, despite their versatility, pre-trained foundation models underperform in face recognition compared to similar architectures trained specifically for this task. However, fine-tuning foundation models yields promising results, often surpassing models trained from scratch when training data is limited. Even with access to large-scale face recognition training datasets, fine-tuned foundation models perform comparably to models trained from scratch, but with lower training computational costs and without relying on the assumption of extensive data availability. Our analysis also explores bias in face recognition, with slightly higher bias observed in some settings when using foundation models.
Abstract:Drowsiness detection holds paramount importance in ensuring safety in workplaces or behind the wheel, enhancing productivity, and healthcare across diverse domains. Therefore accurate and real-time drowsiness detection plays a critical role in preventing accidents, enhancing safety, and ultimately saving lives across various sectors and scenarios. This comprehensive review explores the significance of drowsiness detection in various areas of application, transcending the conventional focus solely on driver drowsiness detection. We delve into the current methodologies, challenges, and technological advancements in drowsiness detection schemes, considering diverse contexts such as public transportation, healthcare, workplace safety, and beyond. By examining the multifaceted implications of drowsiness, this work contributes to a holistic understanding of its impact and the crucial role of accurate and real-time detection techniques in enhancing safety and performance. We identified weaknesses in current algorithms and limitations in existing research such as accurate and real-time detection, stable data transmission, and building bias-free systems. Our survey frames existing works and leads to practical recommendations like mitigating the bias issue by using synthetic data, overcoming the hardware limitations with model compression, and leveraging fusion to boost model performance. This is a pioneering work to survey the topic of drowsiness detection in such an entirely and not only focusing on one single aspect. We consider the topic of drowsiness detection as a dynamic and evolving field, presenting numerous opportunities for further exploration.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation (KD) aims at improving the performance of a compact student model by distilling the knowledge from a high-performing teacher model. In this paper, we present an adaptive KD approach, namely AdaDistill, for deep face recognition. The proposed AdaDistill embeds the KD concept into the softmax loss by training the student using a margin penalty softmax loss with distilled class centers from the teacher. Being aware of the relatively low capacity of the compact student model, we propose to distill less complex knowledge at an early stage of training and more complex one at a later stage of training. This relative adjustment of the distilled knowledge is controlled by the progression of the learning capability of the student over the training iterations without the need to tune any hyper-parameters. Extensive experiments and ablation studies show that AdaDistill can enhance the discriminative learning capability of the student and demonstrate superiority over various state-of-the-art competitors on several challenging benchmarks, such as IJB-B, IJB-C, and ICCV2021-MFR
Abstract:Face Image Quality Assessment (FIQA) estimates the utility of face images for automated face recognition (FR) systems. We propose in this work a novel approach to assess the quality of face images based on inspecting the required changes in the pre-trained FR model weights to minimize differences between testing samples and the distribution of the FR training dataset. To achieve that, we propose quantifying the discrepancy in Batch Normalization statistics (BNS), including mean and variance, between those recorded during FR training and those obtained by processing testing samples through the pretrained FR model. We then generate gradient magnitudes of pretrained FR weights by backpropagating the BNS through the pretrained model. The cumulative absolute sum of these gradient magnitudes serves as the FIQ for our approach. Through comprehensive experimentation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our training-free and quality labeling-free approach, achieving competitive performance to recent state-of-theart FIQA approaches without relying on quality labeling, the need to train regression networks, specialized architectures, or designing and optimizing specific loss functions.
Abstract:Synthetic data is gaining increasing relevance for training machine learning models. This is mainly motivated due to several factors such as the lack of real data and intra-class variability, time and errors produced in manual labeling, and in some cases privacy concerns, among others. This paper presents an overview of the 2nd edition of the Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn) organized at CVPR 2024. FRCSyn aims to investigate the use of synthetic data in face recognition to address current technological limitations, including data privacy concerns, demographic biases, generalization to novel scenarios, and performance constraints in challenging situations such as aging, pose variations, and occlusions. Unlike the 1st edition, in which synthetic data from DCFace and GANDiffFace methods was only allowed to train face recognition systems, in this 2nd edition we propose new sub-tasks that allow participants to explore novel face generative methods. The outcomes of the 2nd FRCSyn Challenge, along with the proposed experimental protocol and benchmarking contribute significantly to the application of synthetic data to face recognition.
Abstract:Face Image Quality Assessment (FIQA) techniques have seen steady improvements over recent years, but their performance still deteriorates if the input face samples are not properly aligned. This alignment sensitivity comes from the fact that most FIQA techniques are trained or designed using a specific face alignment procedure. If the alignment technique changes, the performance of most existing FIQA techniques quickly becomes suboptimal. To address this problem, we present in this paper a novel knowledge distillation approach, termed AI-KD that can extend on any existing FIQA technique, improving its robustness to alignment variations and, in turn, performance with different alignment procedures. To validate the proposed distillation approach, we conduct comprehensive experiments on 6 face datasets with 4 recent face recognition models and in comparison to 7 state-of-the-art FIQA techniques. Our results show that AI-KD consistently improves performance of the initial FIQA techniques not only with misaligned samples, but also with properly aligned facial images. Furthermore, it leads to a new state-of-the-art, when used with a competitive initial FIQA approach. The code for AI-KD is made publicly available from: https://github.com/LSIbabnikz/AI-KD.