Abstract:We provide a distillation scaling law that estimates distilled model performance based on a compute budget and its allocation between the student and teacher. Our findings reduce the risks associated with using distillation at scale; compute allocation for both the teacher and student models can now be done to maximize student performance. We provide compute optimal distillation recipes for when 1) a teacher exists, or 2) a teacher needs training. If many students are to be distilled, or a teacher already exists, distillation outperforms supervised pretraining until a compute level which grows predictably with student size. If one student is to be distilled and a teacher also needs training, supervised learning should be done instead. Additionally, we provide insights across our large scale study of distillation, which increase our understanding of distillation and inform experimental design.
Abstract:Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (IJEPA) offers an attractive alternative to Masked Autoencoder (MAE) for representation learning using the Masked Image Modeling framework. IJEPA drives representations to capture useful semantic information by predicting in latent rather than input space. However, IJEPA relies on carefully designed context and target windows to avoid representational collapse. The encoder modules in IJEPA cannot adaptively modulate the type of predicted and/or target features based on the feasibility of the masked prediction task as they are not given sufficient information of both context and targets. Based on the intuition that in natural images, information has a strong spatial bias with spatially local regions being highly predictive of one another compared to distant ones. We condition the target encoder and context encoder modules in IJEPA with positions of context and target windows respectively. Our "conditional" encoders show performance gains on several image classification benchmark datasets, improved robustness to context window size and sample-efficiency during pretraining.
Abstract:Generating user intent from a sequence of user interface (UI) actions is a core challenge in comprehensive UI understanding. Recent advancements in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have led to substantial progress in this area, but their demands for extensive model parameters, computing power, and high latency makes them impractical for scenarios requiring lightweight, on-device solutions with low latency or heightened privacy. Additionally, the lack of high-quality datasets has hindered the development of such lightweight models. To address these challenges, we propose UI-JEPA, a novel framework that employs masking strategies to learn abstract UI embeddings from unlabeled data through self-supervised learning, combined with an LLM decoder fine-tuned for user intent prediction. We also introduce two new UI-grounded multimodal datasets, "Intent in the Wild" (IIW) and "Intent in the Tame" (IIT), designed for few-shot and zero-shot UI understanding tasks. IIW consists of 1.7K videos across 219 intent categories, while IIT contains 914 videos across 10 categories. We establish the first baselines for these datasets, showing that representations learned using a JEPA-style objective, combined with an LLM decoder, can achieve user intent predictions that match the performance of state-of-the-art large MLLMs, but with significantly reduced annotation and deployment resources. Measured by intent similarity scores, UI-JEPA outperforms GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 3.5 Sonnet by 10.0% and 7.2% respectively, averaged across two datasets. Notably, UI-JEPA accomplishes the performance with a 50.5x reduction in computational cost and a 6.6x improvement in latency in the IIW dataset. These results underscore the effectiveness of UI-JEPA, highlighting its potential for lightweight, high-performance UI understanding.
Abstract:Two competing paradigms exist for self-supervised learning of data representations. Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) is a class of architectures in which semantically similar inputs are encoded into representations that are predictive of each other. A recent successful approach that falls under the JEPA framework is self-distillation, where an online encoder is trained to predict the output of the target encoder, sometimes using a lightweight predictor network. This is contrasted with the Masked AutoEncoder (MAE) paradigm, where an encoder and decoder are trained to reconstruct missing parts of the input in the data space rather, than its latent representation. A common motivation for using the JEPA approach over MAE is that the JEPA objective prioritizes abstract features over fine-grained pixel information (which can be unpredictable and uninformative). In this work, we seek to understand the mechanism behind this empirical observation by analyzing the training dynamics of deep linear models. We uncover a surprising mechanism: in a simplified linear setting where both approaches learn similar representations, JEPAs are biased to learn high-influence features, i.e., features characterized by having high regression coefficients. Our results point to a distinct implicit bias of predicting in latent space that may shed light on its success in practice.
Abstract:Joint embedding (JE) architectures have emerged as a promising avenue for acquiring transferable data representations. A key obstacle to using JE methods, however, is the inherent challenge of evaluating learned representations without access to a downstream task, and an annotated dataset. Without efficient and reliable evaluation, it is difficult to iterate on architectural and training choices for JE methods. In this paper, we introduce LiDAR (Linear Discriminant Analysis Rank), a metric designed to measure the quality of representations within JE architectures. Our metric addresses several shortcomings of recent approaches based on feature covariance rank by discriminating between informative and uninformative features. In essence, LiDAR quantifies the rank of the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) matrix associated with the surrogate SSL task -- a measure that intuitively captures the information content as it pertains to solving the SSL task. We empirically demonstrate that LiDAR significantly surpasses naive rank based approaches in its predictive power of optimal hyperparameters. Our proposed criterion presents a more robust and intuitive means of assessing the quality of representations within JE architectures, which we hope facilitates broader adoption of these powerful techniques in various domains.
Abstract:Pretrained language models are commonly aligned with human preferences and downstream tasks via reinforcement finetuning (RFT), which entails maximizing a (possibly learned) reward function using policy gradient algorithms. This work highlights a fundamental optimization obstacle in RFT: we prove that the expected gradient for an input vanishes when its reward standard deviation under the model is small, even if the expected reward is far from optimal. Through experiments on an RFT benchmark and controlled environments, as well as a theoretical analysis, we then demonstrate that vanishing gradients due to small reward standard deviation are prevalent and detrimental, leading to extremely slow reward maximization. Lastly, we explore ways to overcome vanishing gradients in RFT. We find the common practice of an initial supervised finetuning (SFT) phase to be the most promising candidate, which sheds light on its importance in an RFT pipeline. Moreover, we show that a relatively small number of SFT optimization steps on as few as 1% of the input samples can suffice, indicating that the initial SFT phase need not be expensive in terms of compute and data labeling efforts. Overall, our results emphasize that being mindful for inputs whose expected gradient vanishes, as measured by the reward standard deviation, is crucial for successful execution of RFT.
Abstract:Large language models exhibit surprising emergent generalization properties, yet also struggle on many simple reasoning tasks such as arithmetic and parity. This raises the question of if and when Transformer models can learn the true algorithm for solving a task. We study the scope of Transformers' abilities in the specific setting of length generalization on algorithmic tasks. Here, we propose a unifying framework to understand when and how Transformers can exhibit strong length generalization on a given task. Specifically, we leverage RASP (Weiss et al., 2021) -- a programming language designed for the computational model of a Transformer -- and introduce the RASP-Generalization Conjecture: Transformers tend to length generalize on a task if the task can be solved by a short RASP program which works for all input lengths. This simple conjecture remarkably captures most known instances of length generalization on algorithmic tasks. Moreover, we leverage our insights to drastically improve generalization performance on traditionally hard tasks (such as parity and addition). On the theoretical side, we give a simple example where the "min-degree-interpolator" model of learning from Abbe et al. (2023) does not correctly predict Transformers' out-of-distribution behavior, but our conjecture does. Overall, our work provides a novel perspective on the mechanisms of compositional generalization and the algorithmic capabilities of Transformers.
Abstract:We investigate the capabilities of transformer large language models (LLMs) on relational reasoning tasks involving abstract symbols. Such tasks have long been studied in the neuroscience literature as fundamental building blocks for more complex abilities in programming, mathematics, and verbal reasoning. For (i) regression tasks, we prove that transformers generalize when trained, but require astonishingly large quantities of training data. For (ii) next-token-prediction tasks with symbolic labels, we show an "inverse scaling law": transformers fail to generalize as their embedding dimension increases. For both settings (i) and (ii), we propose subtle transformer modifications which can reduce the amount of data needed by adding two trainable parameters per head.
Abstract:Can transformers generalize efficiently on problems that require dealing with examples with different levels of difficulty? We introduce a new task tailored to assess generalization over different complexities and present results that indicate that standard transformers face challenges in solving these tasks. These tasks are variations of pointer value retrieval previously introduced by Zhang et al. (2021). We investigate how the use of a mechanism for adaptive and modular computation in transformers facilitates the learning of tasks that demand generalization over the number of sequential computation steps (i.e., the depth of the computation graph). Based on our observations, we propose a transformer-based architecture called Hyper-UT, which combines dynamic function generation from hyper networks with adaptive depth from Universal Transformers. This model demonstrates higher accuracy and a fairer allocation of computational resources when generalizing to higher numbers of computation steps. We conclude that mechanisms for adaptive depth and modularity complement each other in improving efficient generalization concerning example complexity. Additionally, to emphasize the broad applicability of our findings, we illustrate that in a standard image recognition task, Hyper- UT's performance matches that of a ViT model but with considerably reduced computational demands (achieving over 70\% average savings by effectively using fewer layers).
Abstract:Going beyond stochastic gradient descent (SGD), what new phenomena emerge in wide neural networks trained by adaptive optimizers like Adam? Here we show: The same dichotomy between feature learning and kernel behaviors (as in SGD) holds for general optimizers as well, including Adam -- albeit with a nonlinear notion of "kernel." We derive the corresponding "neural tangent" and "maximal update" limits for any architecture. Two foundational advances underlie the above results: 1) A new Tensor Program language, NEXORT, that can express how adaptive optimizers process gradients into updates. 2) The introduction of bra-ket notation to drastically simplify expressions and calculations in Tensor Programs. This work summarizes and generalizes all previous results in the Tensor Programs series of papers.