Abstract:Imitation learning techniques have been shown to be highly effective in real-world control scenarios, such as robotics. However, these approaches not only suffer from compounding error issues but also require human experts to provide complete trajectories. Although there exist interactive methods where an expert oversees the robot and intervenes if needed, these extensions usually only utilize the data collected during intervention periods and ignore the feedback signal hidden in non-intervention timesteps. In this work, we create a model to formulate how the interventions occur in such cases, and show that it is possible to learn a policy with just a handful of expert interventions. Our key insight is that it is possible to get crucial information about the quality of the current state and the optimality of the chosen action from expert feedback, regardless of the presence or the absence of intervention. We evaluate our method on various discrete and continuous simulation environments, a real-world robotic manipulation task, as well as a human subject study. Videos and the code can be found at https://liralab.usc.edu/mile .
Abstract:This paper proposes to solve the problem of Vision-and-Language Navigation with legged robots, which not only provides a flexible way for humans to command but also allows the robot to navigate through more challenging and cluttered scenes. However, it is non-trivial to translate human language instructions all the way to low-level leg joint actions. We propose NaVILA, a 2-level framework that unifies a Vision-Language-Action model (VLA) with locomotion skills. Instead of directly predicting low-level actions from VLA, NaVILA first generates mid-level actions with spatial information in the form of language, (e.g., "moving forward 75cm"), which serves as an input for a visual locomotion RL policy for execution. NaVILA substantially improves previous approaches on existing benchmarks. The same advantages are demonstrated in our newly developed benchmarks with IsaacLab, featuring more realistic scenes, low-level controls, and real-world robot experiments. We show more results at https://navila-bot.github.io/
Abstract:When annotators disagree, predicting the labels given by individual annotators can capture nuances overlooked by traditional label aggregation. We introduce three approaches to predicting individual annotator ratings on the toxicity of text by incorporating individual annotator-specific information: a neural collaborative filtering (NCF) approach, an in-context learning (ICL) approach, and an intermediate embedding-based architecture. We also study the utility of demographic information for rating prediction. NCF showed limited utility; however, integrating annotator history, demographics, and survey information permits both the embedding-based architecture and ICL to substantially improve prediction accuracy, with the embedding-based architecture outperforming the other methods. We also find that, if demographics are predicted from survey information, using these imputed demographics as features performs comparably to using true demographic data. This suggests that demographics may not provide substantial information for modeling ratings beyond what is captured in survey responses. Our findings raise considerations about the relative utility of different types of annotator information and provide new approaches for modeling annotators in subjective NLP tasks.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning, off-policy actor-critic approaches like DDPG and TD3 are based on the deterministic policy gradient. Herein, the Q-function is trained from off-policy environment data and the actor (policy) is trained to maximize the Q-function via gradient ascent. We observe that in complex tasks like dexterous manipulation and restricted locomotion, the Q-value is a complex function of action, having several local optima or discontinuities. This poses a challenge for gradient ascent to traverse and makes the actor prone to get stuck at local optima. To address this, we introduce a new actor architecture that combines two simple insights: (i) use multiple actors and evaluate the Q-value maximizing action, and (ii) learn surrogates to the Q-function that are simpler to optimize with gradient-based methods. We evaluate tasks such as restricted locomotion, dexterous manipulation, and large discrete-action space recommender systems and show that our actor finds optimal actions more frequently and outperforms alternate actor architectures.
Abstract:Learning from human feedback has gained traction in fields like robotics and natural language processing in recent years. While prior works mostly rely on human feedback in the form of comparisons, language is a preferable modality that provides more informative insights into user preferences. In this work, we aim to incorporate comparative language feedback to iteratively improve robot trajectories and to learn reward functions that encode human preferences. To achieve this goal, we learn a shared latent space that integrates trajectory data and language feedback, and subsequently leverage the learned latent space to improve trajectories and learn human preferences. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to incorporate comparative language feedback into reward learning. Our simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the learned latent space and the success of our learning algorithms. We also conduct human subject studies that show our reward learning algorithm achieves a 23.9% higher subjective score on average and is 11.3% more time-efficient compared to preference-based reward learning, underscoring the superior performance of our method. Our website is at https://liralab.usc.edu/comparative-language-feedback/
Abstract:Adaptive brain stimulation can treat neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and post-stroke motor deficits by influencing abnormal neural activity. Because of patient heterogeneity, each patient requires a unique stimulation policy to achieve optimal neural responses. Model-free reinforcement learning (MFRL) holds promise in learning effective policies for a variety of similar control tasks, but is limited in domains like brain stimulation by a need for numerous costly environment interactions. In this work we introduce Coprocessor Actor Critic, a novel, model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) approach for learning neural coprocessor policies for brain stimulation. Our key insight is that coprocessor policy learning is a combination of learning how to act optimally in the world and learning how to induce optimal actions in the world through stimulation of an injured brain. We show that our approach overcomes the limitations of traditional MFRL methods in terms of sample efficiency and task success and outperforms baseline MBRL approaches in a neurologically realistic model of an injured brain.
Abstract:Training robots to perform complex control tasks from high-dimensional pixel input using reinforcement learning (RL) is sample-inefficient, because image observations are comprised primarily of task-irrelevant information. By contrast, humans are able to visually attend to task-relevant objects and areas. Based on this insight, we introduce Visual Saliency-Guided Reinforcement Learning (ViSaRL). Using ViSaRL to learn visual representations significantly improves the success rate, sample efficiency, and generalization of an RL agent on diverse tasks including DeepMind Control benchmark, robot manipulation in simulation and on a real robot. We present approaches for incorporating saliency into both CNN and Transformer-based encoders. We show that visual representations learned using ViSaRL are robust to various sources of visual perturbations including perceptual noise and scene variations. ViSaRL nearly doubles success rate on the real-robot tasks compared to the baseline which does not use saliency.
Abstract:Preference-based reward learning is a popular technique for teaching robots and autonomous systems how a human user wants them to perform a task. Previous works have shown that actively synthesizing preference queries to maximize information gain about the reward function parameters improves data efficiency. The information gain criterion focuses on precisely identifying all parameters of the reward function. This can potentially be wasteful as many parameters may result in the same reward, and many rewards may result in the same behavior in the downstream tasks. Instead, we show that it is possible to optimize for learning the reward function up to a behavioral equivalence class, such as inducing the same ranking over behaviors, distribution over choices, or other related definitions of what makes two rewards similar. We introduce a tractable framework that can capture such definitions of similarity. Our experiments in a synthetic environment, an assistive robotics environment with domain transfer, and a natural language processing problem with real datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our querying method over the state-of-the-art information gain method.
Abstract:We introduce DynaMITE-RL, a meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) approach to approximate inference in environments where the latent state evolves at varying rates. We model episode sessions - parts of the episode where the latent state is fixed - and propose three key modifications to existing meta-RL methods: consistency of latent information within sessions, session masking, and prior latent conditioning. We demonstrate the importance of these modifications in various domains, ranging from discrete Gridworld environments to continuous-control and simulated robot assistive tasks, demonstrating that DynaMITE-RL significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in sample efficiency and inference returns.
Abstract:Data generation and labeling are often expensive in robot learning. Preference-based learning is a concept that enables reliable labeling by querying users with preference questions. Active querying methods are commonly employed in preference-based learning to generate more informative data at the expense of parallelization and computation time. In this paper, we develop a set of novel algorithms, batch active preference-based learning methods, that enable efficient learning of reward functions using as few data samples as possible while still having short query generation times and also retaining parallelizability. We introduce a method based on determinantal point processes (DPP) for active batch generation and several heuristic-based alternatives. Finally, we present our experimental results for a variety of robotics tasks in simulation. Our results suggest that our batch active learning algorithm requires only a few queries that are computed in a short amount of time. We showcase one of our algorithms in a study to learn human users' preferences.