Abstract:Most of the world's languages and dialects are low-resource, and lack support in mainstream machine translation (MT) models. However, many of them have a closely-related high-resource language (HRL) neighbor, and differ in linguistically regular ways from it. This underscores the importance of model robustness to dialectical variation and cross-lingual generalization to the HRL dialect continuum. We present DialUp, consisting of a training-time technique for adapting a pretrained model to dialectical data (M->D), and an inference-time intervention adapting dialectical data to the model expertise (D->M). M->D induces model robustness to potentially unseen and unknown dialects by exposure to synthetic data exemplifying linguistic mechanisms of dialectical variation, whereas D->M treats dialectical divergence for known target dialects. These methods show considerable performance gains for several dialects from four language families, and modest gains for two other language families. We also conduct feature and error analyses, which show that language varieties with low baseline MT performance are more likely to benefit from these approaches.
Abstract:Underperformance of ASR systems for speakers of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and other marginalized language varieties is a well-documented phenomenon, and one that reinforces the stigmatization of these varieties. We investigate whether or not the recent wave of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) speech models can close the gap in ASR performance between AAVE and Mainstream American English (MAE). We evaluate four SSL models (wav2vec 2.0, HuBERT, WavLM, and XLS-R) on zero-shot Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for these two varieties and find that these models perpetuate the bias in performance against AAVE. Additionally, the models have higher word error rates on utterances with more phonological and morphosyntactic features of AAVE. Despite the success of SSL speech models in improving ASR for low resource varieties, SSL pre-training alone may not bridge the gap between AAVE and MAE. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/cmu-llab/s3m-aave.
Abstract:Positive thinking is thought to be an important component of self-motivation in various practical fields such as education and the workplace. Previous work, including sentiment transfer and positive reframing, has focused on the positive side of language. However, self-motivation that drives people to reach their goals has not yet been studied from a computational perspective. Moreover, negative feedback has not yet been explored, even though positive and negative feedback are both necessary to grow self-motivation. To facilitate self-motivation, we propose CArrot and STICk (CASTIC) dataset, consisting of 12,590 sentences with 5 different strategies for enhancing self-motivation. Our data and code are publicly available at here.
Abstract:Existing zero-shot cross-lingual NER approaches require substantial prior knowledge of the target language, which is impractical for low-resource languages. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to NER using phonemic representation based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to bridge the gap between representations of different languages. Our experiments show that our method significantly outperforms baseline models in extremely low-resource languages, with the highest average F-1 score (46.38%) and lowest standard deviation (12.67), particularly demonstrating its robustness with non-Latin scripts.
Abstract:Existing work implementing comparative reconstruction of ancestral languages (proto-languages) has usually required full supervision. However, historical reconstruction models are only of practical value if they can be trained with a limited amount of labeled data. We propose a semisupervised historical reconstruction task in which the model is trained on only a small amount of labeled data (cognate sets with proto-forms) and a large amount of unlabeled data (cognate sets without proto-forms). We propose a neural architecture for comparative reconstruction (DPD-BiReconstructor) incorporating an essential insight from linguists' comparative method: that reconstructed words should not only be reconstructable from their daughter words, but also deterministically transformable back into their daughter words. We show that this architecture is able to leverage unlabeled cognate sets to outperform strong semisupervised baselines on this novel task.
Abstract:Proto-form reconstruction has been a painstaking process for linguists. Recently, computational models such as RNN and Transformers have been proposed to automate this process. We take three different approaches to improve upon previous methods, including data augmentation to recover missing reflexes, adding a VAE structure to the Transformer model for proto-to-language prediction, and using a neural machine translation model for the reconstruction task. We find that with the additional VAE structure, the Transformer model has a better performance on the WikiHan dataset, and the data augmentation step stabilizes the training.
Abstract:Protolanguage reconstruction is central to historical linguistics. The comparative method, one of the most influential theoretical and methodological frameworks in the history of the language sciences, allows linguists to infer protoforms (reconstructed ancestral words) from their reflexes (related modern words) based on the assumption of regular sound change. Not surprisingly, numerous computational linguists have attempted to operationalize comparative reconstruction through various computational models, the most successful of which have been supervised encoder-decoder models, which treat the problem of predicting protoforms given sets of reflexes as a sequence-to-sequence problem. We argue that this framework ignores one of the most important aspects of the comparative method: not only should protoforms be inferable from cognate sets (sets of related reflexes) but the reflexes should also be inferable from the protoforms. Leveraging another line of research -- reflex prediction -- we propose a system in which candidate protoforms from a reconstruction model are reranked by a reflex prediction model. We show that this more complete implementation of the comparative method allows us to surpass state-of-the-art protoform reconstruction methods on three of four Chinese and Romance datasets.
Abstract:Lexical-syntactic flexibility, in the form of conversion (or zero-derivation) is a hallmark of English morphology. In conversion, a word with one part of speech is placed in a non-prototypical context, where it is coerced to behave as if it had a different part of speech. However, while this process affects a large part of the English lexicon, little work has been done to establish the degree to which language models capture this type of generalization. This paper reports the first study on the behavior of large language models with reference to conversion. We design a task for testing lexical-syntactic flexibility -- the degree to which models can generalize over words in a construction with a non-prototypical part of speech. This task is situated within a natural language inference paradigm. We test the abilities of five language models -- two proprietary models (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4), three open-source models (Mistral 7B, Falcon 40B, and Llama 2 70B). We find that GPT-4 performs best on the task, followed by GPT-3.5, but that the open source language models are also able to perform it and that the 7B parameter Mistral displays as little difference between its baseline performance on the natural language inference task and the non-prototypical syntactic category task, as the massive GPT-4.
Abstract:In this paper, we make a contribution that can be understood from two perspectives: from an NLP perspective, we introduce a small challenge dataset for NLI with large lexical overlap, which minimises the possibility of models discerning entailment solely based on token distinctions, and show that GPT-4 and Llama 2 fail it with strong bias. We then create further challenging sub-tasks in an effort to explain this failure. From a Computational Linguistics perspective, we identify a group of constructions with three classes of adjectives which cannot be distinguished by surface features. This enables us to probe for LLM's understanding of these constructions in various ways, and we find that they fail in a variety of ways to distinguish between them, suggesting that they don't adequately represent their meaning or capture the lexical properties of phrasal heads.
Abstract:Thousands of the world's languages are in danger of extinction--a tremendous threat to cultural identities and human language diversity. Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) is a form of linguistic annotation that can support documentation and resource creation for these languages' communities. IGT typically consists of (1) transcriptions, (2) morphological segmentation, (3) glosses, and (4) free translations to a majority language. We propose Wav2Gloss: a task to extract these four annotation components automatically from speech, and introduce the first dataset to this end, Fieldwork: a corpus of speech with all these annotations covering 37 languages with standard formatting and train/dev/test splits. We compare end-to-end and cascaded Wav2Gloss methods, with analysis suggesting that pre-trained decoders assist with translation and glossing, that multi-task and multilingual approaches are underperformant, and that end-to-end systems perform better than cascaded systems, despite the text-only systems' advantages. We provide benchmarks to lay the ground work for future research on IGT generation from speech.