Abstract:Intent discovery is crucial for both building new conversational agents and improving existing ones. While several approaches have been proposed for intent discovery, most rely on clustering to group similar utterances together. Traditional evaluation of these utterance clusters requires intent labels for each utterance, limiting scalability. Although some clustering quality metrics exist that do not require labeled data, they focus solely on cluster geometry while ignoring the linguistic nuances present in conversational transcripts. In this paper, we introduce Keyword-based Utterance Level Clustering Quality (KULCQ), an unsupervised metric that leverages keyword analysis to evaluate clustering quality. We demonstrate KULCQ's effectiveness by comparing it with existing unsupervised clustering metrics and validate its performance through comprehensive ablation studies. Our results show that KULCQ better captures semantic relationships in conversational data while maintaining consistency with geometric clustering principles.
Abstract:Task-oriented dialogue systems rely on predefined conversation schemes (dialogue flows) often represented as directed acyclic graphs. These flows can be manually designed or automatically generated from previously recorded conversations. Due to variations in domain expertise or reliance on different sets of prior conversations, these dialogue flows can manifest in significantly different graph structures. Despite their importance, there is no standard method for evaluating the quality of dialogue flows. We introduce FuDGE (Fuzzy Dialogue-Graph Edit Distance), a novel metric that evaluates dialogue flows by assessing their structural complexity and representational coverage of the conversation data. FuDGE measures how well individual conversations align with a flow and, consequently, how well a set of conversations is represented by the flow overall. Through extensive experiments on manually configured flows and flows generated by automated techniques, we demonstrate the effectiveness of FuDGE and its evaluation framework. By standardizing and optimizing dialogue flows, FuDGE enables conversational designers and automated techniques to achieve higher levels of efficiency and automation.
Abstract:The quality of automatic speech recognition (ASR) is critical to Dialogue Systems as ASR errors propagate to and directly impact downstream tasks such as language understanding (LU). In this paper, we propose multi-task neural approaches to perform contextual language correction on ASR outputs jointly with LU to improve the performance of both tasks simultaneously. To measure the effectiveness of this approach we used a public benchmark, the 2nd Dialogue State Tracking (DSTC2) corpus. As a baseline approach, we trained task-specific Statistical Language Models (SLM) and fine-tuned state-of-the-art Generalized Pre-training (GPT) Language Model to re-rank the n-best ASR hypotheses, followed by a model to identify the dialog act and slots. i) We further trained ranker models using GPT and Hierarchical CNN-RNN models with discriminatory losses to detect the best output given n-best hypotheses. We extended these ranker models to first select the best ASR output and then identify the dialogue act and slots in an end to end fashion. ii) We also proposed a novel joint ASR error correction and LU model, a word confusion pointer network (WCN-Ptr) with multi-head self-attention on top, which consumes the word confusions populated from the n-best. We show that the error rates of off the shelf ASR and following LU systems can be reduced significantly by 14% relative with joint models trained using small amounts of in-domain data.
Abstract:This work presents an exploration and imitation-learning-based agent capable of state-of-the-art performance in playing text-based computer games. Text-based computer games describe their world to the player through natural language and expect the player to interact with the game using text. These games are of interest as they can be seen as a testbed for language understanding, problem-solving, and language generation by artificial agents. Moreover, they provide a learning environment in which these skills can be acquired through interactions with an environment rather than using fixed corpora. One aspect that makes these games particularly challenging for learning agents is the combinatorially large action space. Existing methods for solving text-based games are limited to games that are either very simple or have an action space restricted to a predetermined set of admissible actions. In this work, we propose to use the exploration approach of Go-Explore for solving text-based games. More specifically, in an initial exploration phase, we first extract trajectories with high rewards, after which we train a policy to solve the game by imitating these trajectories. Our experiments show that this approach outperforms existing solutions in solving text-based games, and it is more sample efficient in terms of the number of interactions with the environment. Moreover, we show that the learned policy can generalize better than existing solutions to unseen games without using any restriction on the action space.
Abstract:As the field of Spoken Dialogue Systems and Conversational AI grows, so does the need for tools and environments that abstract away implementation details in order to expedite the development process, lower the barrier of entry to the field, and offer a common test-bed for new ideas. In this paper, we present Plato, a flexible Conversational AI platform written in Python that supports any kind of conversational agent architecture, from standard architectures to architectures with jointly-trained components, single- or multi-party interactions, and offline or online training of any conversational agent component. Plato has been designed to be easy to understand and debug and is agnostic to the underlying learning frameworks that train each component.
Abstract:Encoder-decoder based neural architectures serve as the basis of state-of-the-art approaches in end-to-end open domain dialog systems. Since most of such systems are trained with a maximum likelihood(MLE) objective they suffer from issues such as lack of generalizability and the generic response problem, i.e., a system response that can be an answer to a large number of user utterances, e.g., "Maybe, I don't know." Having explicit feedback on the relevance and interestingness of a system response at each turn can be a useful signal for mitigating such issues and improving system quality by selecting responses from different approaches. Towards this goal, we present a system that evaluates chatbot responses at each dialog turn for coherence and engagement. Our system provides explicit turn-level dialog quality feedback, which we show to be highly correlated with human evaluation. To show that incorporating this feedback in the neural response generation models improves dialog quality, we present two different and complementary mechanisms to incorporate explicit feedback into a neural response generation model: reranking and direct modification of the loss function during training. Our studies show that a response generation model that incorporates these combined feedback mechanisms produce more engaging and coherent responses in an open-domain spoken dialog setting, significantly improving the response quality using both automatic and human evaluation.
Abstract:Current approaches to Natural Language Generation (NLG) focus on domain-specific, task-oriented dialogs (e.g. restaurant booking) using limited ontologies (up to 20 slot types), usually without considering the previous conversation context. Furthermore, these approaches require large amounts of data for each domain, and do not benefit from examples that may be available for other domains. This work explores the feasibility of statistical NLG for conversational applications with larger ontologies, which may be required by multi-domain dialog systems as well as open-domain knowledge graph based question answering (QA). We focus on modeling NLG through an Encoder-Decoder framework using a large dataset of interactions between real-world users and a conversational agent for open-domain QA. First, we investigate the impact of increasing the number of slot types on the generation quality and experiment with different partitions of the QA data with progressively larger ontologies (up to 369 slot types). Second, we explore multi-task learning for NLG and benchmark our model on a popular NLG dataset and perform experiments with open-domain QA and task-oriented dialog. Finally, we integrate conversation context by using context embeddings as an additional input for generation to improve response quality. Our experiments show the feasibility of learning statistical NLG models for open-domain contextual QA with larger ontologies.
Abstract:Building open domain conversational systems that allow users to have engaging conversations on topics of their choice is a challenging task. Alexa Prize was launched in 2016 to tackle the problem of achieving natural, sustained, coherent and engaging open-domain dialogs. In the second iteration of the competition in 2018, university teams advanced the state of the art by using context in dialog models, leveraging knowledge graphs for language understanding, handling complex utterances, building statistical and hierarchical dialog managers, and leveraging model-driven signals from user responses. The 2018 competition also included the provision of a suite of tools and models to the competitors including the CoBot (conversational bot) toolkit, topic and dialog act detection models, conversation evaluators, and a sensitive content detection model so that the competing teams could focus on building knowledge-rich, coherent and engaging multi-turn dialog systems. This paper outlines the advances developed by the university teams as well as the Alexa Prize team to achieve the common goal of advancing the science of Conversational AI. We address several key open-ended problems such as conversational speech recognition, open domain natural language understanding, commonsense reasoning, statistical dialog management, and dialog evaluation. These collaborative efforts have driven improved experiences by Alexa users to an average rating of 3.61, the median duration of 2 mins 18 seconds, and average turns to 14.6, increases of 14%, 92%, 54% respectively since the launch of the 2018 competition. For conversational speech recognition, we have improved our relative Word Error Rate by 55% and our relative Entity Error Rate by 34% since the launch of the Alexa Prize. Socialbots improved in quality significantly more rapidly in 2018, in part due to the release of the CoBot toolkit.
Abstract:As open-ended human-chatbot interaction becomes commonplace, sensitive content detection gains importance. In this work, we propose a two stage semi-supervised approach to bootstrap large-scale data for automatic sensitive language detection from publicly available web resources. We explore various data selection methods including 1) using a blacklist to rank online discussion forums by the level of their sensitiveness followed by randomly sampling utterances and 2) training a weakly supervised model in conjunction with the blacklist for scoring sentences from online discussion forums to curate a dataset. Our data collection strategy is flexible and allows the models to detect implicit sensitive content for which manual annotations may be difficult. We train models using publicly available annotated datasets as well as using the proposed large-scale semi-supervised datasets. We evaluate the performance of all the models on Twitter and Toxic Wikipedia comments testsets as well as on a manually annotated spoken language dataset collected during a large scale chatbot competition. Results show that a model trained on this collected data outperforms the baseline models by a large margin on both in-domain and out-of-domain testsets, achieving an F1 score of 95.5% on an out-of-domain testset compared to a score of 75% for models trained on public datasets. We also showcase that large scale two stage semi-supervision generalizes well across multiple classes of sensitivities such as hate speech, racism, sexual and pornographic content, etc. without even providing explicit labels for these classes, leading to an average recall of 95.5% versus the models trained using annotated public datasets which achieve an average recall of 73.2% across seven sensitive classes on out-of-domain testsets.
Abstract:Accurate prediction of conversation topics can be a valuable signal for creating coherent and engaging dialog systems. In this work, we focus on context-aware topic classification methods for identifying topics in free-form human-chatbot dialogs. We extend previous work on neural topic classification and unsupervised topic keyword detection by incorporating conversational context and dialog act features. On annotated data, we show that incorporating context and dialog acts leads to relative gains in topic classification accuracy by 35% and on unsupervised keyword detection recall by 11% for conversational interactions where topics frequently span multiple utterances. We show that topical metrics such as topical depth is highly correlated with dialog evaluation metrics such as coherence and engagement implying that conversational topic models can predict user satisfaction. Our work for detecting conversation topics and keywords can be used to guide chatbots towards coherent dialog.