Abstract:The theory of homogenization provides a systematic approach to the derivation of macroscale constitutive laws, obviating the need to repeatedly resolve complex microstructure. However, the unit cell problem that defines the constitutive model is typically not amenable to explicit evaluation. It is therefore of interest to learn constitutive models from data generated by the unit cell problem. Many viscoelastic and elastoviscoplastic materials are characterized by memory-dependent constitutive laws. In order to amortize the computational investment in finding such memory-dependent constitutive laws, it is desirable to learn their dependence on the material microstructure. While prior work has addressed learning memory dependence and material dependence separately, their joint learning has not been considered. This paper focuses on the joint learning problem and proposes a novel neural operator framework to address it. In order to provide firm foundations, the homogenization problem for linear Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic materials is studied. The theoretical properties of the cell problem in this Kelvin-Voigt setting are used to motivate the proposed general neural operator framework; these theoretical properties are also used to prove a universal approximation theorem for the learned macroscale constitutive model. This formulation of learnable constitutive models is then deployed beyond the Kelvin-Voigt setting. Numerical experiments are presented showing that the resulting data-driven methodology accurately learns history- and microstructure-dependent linear viscoelastic and nonlinear elastoviscoplastic constitutive models, and numerical results also demonstrate that the resulting constitutive models can be deployed in macroscale simulation of material deformation.
Abstract:Generative models that satisfy hard constraints are crucial in many scientific and engineering applications where physical laws or system requirements must be strictly respected. However, many existing constrained generative models, especially those developed for computer vision, rely heavily on gradient information, often sparse or computationally expensive in fields like partial differential equations (PDEs). In this work, we introduce a novel framework for adapting pre-trained, unconstrained flow-matching models to satisfy constraints exactly in a zero-shot manner without requiring expensive gradient computations or fine-tuning. Our framework, ECI sampling, alternates between extrapolation (E), correction (C), and interpolation (I) stages during each iterative sampling step of flow matching sampling to ensure accurate integration of constraint information while preserving the validity of the generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across various PDE systems, showing that ECI-guided generation strictly adheres to physical constraints and accurately captures complex distribution shifts induced by these constraints. Empirical results demonstrate that our framework consistently outperforms baseline approaches in various zero-shot constrained generation tasks and also achieves competitive results in the regression tasks without additional fine-tuning.
Abstract:Given a small number of images of a subject, personalized image generation techniques can fine-tune large pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models to generate images of the subject in novel contexts, conditioned on text prompts. In doing so, a trade-off is made between prompt fidelity, subject fidelity and diversity. As the pre-trained model is fine-tuned, earlier checkpoints synthesize images with low subject fidelity but high prompt fidelity and diversity. In contrast, later checkpoints generate images with low prompt fidelity and diversity but high subject fidelity. This inherent trade-off limits the prompt fidelity, subject fidelity and diversity of generated images. In this work, we propose DreamBlend to combine the prompt fidelity from earlier checkpoints and the subject fidelity from later checkpoints during inference. We perform a cross attention guided image synthesis from a later checkpoint, guided by an image generated by an earlier checkpoint, for the same prompt. This enables generation of images with better subject fidelity, prompt fidelity and diversity on challenging prompts, outperforming state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods.
Abstract:The aim of these notes is to demonstrate the potential for ideas in machine learning to impact on the fields of inverse problems and data assimilation. The perspective is one that is primarily aimed at researchers from inverse problems and/or data assimilation who wish to see a mathematical presentation of machine learning as it pertains to their fields. As a by-product, we include a succinct mathematical treatment of various topics in machine learning.
Abstract:Remarkable progress in the development of Deep Learning Weather Prediction (DLWP) models positions them to become competitive with traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Indeed, a wide number of DLWP architectures -- based on various backbones, including U-Net, Transformer, Graph Neural Network (GNN), and Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) -- have demonstrated their potential at forecasting atmospheric states. However, due to differences in training protocols, forecast horizons, and data choices, it remains unclear which (if any) of these methods and architectures are most suitable for weather forecasting and for future model development. Here, we step back and provide a detailed empirical analysis, under controlled conditions, comparing and contrasting the most prominent DLWP models, along with their backbones. We accomplish this by predicting synthetic two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes and real-world global weather dynamics. In terms of accuracy, memory consumption, and runtime, our results illustrate various tradeoffs. For example, on synthetic data, we observe favorable performance of FNO; and on the real-world WeatherBench dataset, our results demonstrate the suitability of ConvLSTM and SwinTransformer for short-to-mid-ranged forecasts. For long-ranged weather rollouts of up to 365 days, we observe superior stability and physical soundness in architectures that formulate a spherical data representation, i.e., GraphCast and Spherical FNO. In addition, we observe that all of these model backbones ``saturate,'' i.e., none of them exhibit so-called neural scaling, which highlights an important direction for future work on these and related models.
Abstract:Filtering-the task of estimating the conditional distribution of states of a dynamical system given partial, noisy, observations-is important in many areas of science and engineering, including weather and climate prediction. However, the filtering distribution is generally intractable to obtain for high-dimensional, nonlinear systems. Filters used in practice, such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), are biased for nonlinear systems and have numerous tuning parameters. Here, we present a framework for learning a parameterized analysis map-the map that takes a forecast distribution and observations to the filtering distribution-using variational inference. We show that this methodology can be used to learn gain matrices for filtering linear and nonlinear dynamical systems, as well as inflation and localization parameters for an EnKF. Future work will apply this framework to learn new filtering algorithms.
Abstract:Existing work in scientific machine learning (SciML) has shown that data-driven learning of solution operators can provide a fast approximate alternative to classical numerical partial differential equation (PDE) solvers. Of these, Neural Operators (NOs) have emerged as particularly promising. We observe that several uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods for NOs fail for test inputs that are even moderately out-of-domain (OOD), even when the model approximates the solution well for in-domain tasks. To address this limitation, we show that ensembling several NOs can identify high-error regions and provide good uncertainty estimates that are well-correlated with prediction errors. Based on this, we propose a cost-effective alternative, DiverseNO, that mimics the properties of the ensemble by encouraging diverse predictions from its multiple heads in the last feed-forward layer. We then introduce Operator-ProbConserv, a method that uses these well-calibrated UQ estimates within the ProbConserv framework to update the model. Our empirical results show that Operator-ProbConserv enhances OOD model performance for a variety of challenging PDE problems and satisfies physical constraints such as conservation laws.
Abstract:Complex dynamical systems are notoriously difficult to model because some degrees of freedom (e.g., small scales) may be computationally unresolvable or are incompletely understood, yet they are dynamically important. For example, the small scales of cloud dynamics and droplet formation are crucial for controlling climate, yet are unresolvable in global climate models. Semi-empirical closure models for the effects of unresolved degrees of freedom often exist and encode important domain-specific knowledge. Building on such closure models and correcting them through learning the structural errors can be an effective way of fusing data with domain knowledge. Here we describe a general approach, principles, and algorithms for learning about structural errors. Key to our approach is to include structural error models inside the models of complex systems, for example, in closure models for unresolved scales. The structural errors then map, usually nonlinearly, to observable data. As a result, however, mismatches between model output and data are only indirectly informative about structural errors, due to a lack of labeled pairs of inputs and outputs of structural error models. Additionally, derivatives of the model may not exist or be readily available. We discuss how structural error models can be learned from indirect data with derivative-free Kalman inversion algorithms and variants, how sparsity constraints enforce a "do no harm" principle, and various ways of modeling structural errors. We also discuss the merits of using non-local and/or stochastic error models. In addition, we demonstrate how data assimilation techniques can assist the learning about structural errors in non-ergodic systems. The concepts and algorithms are illustrated in two numerical examples based on the Lorenz-96 system and a human glucose-insulin model.
Abstract:Bayesian posterior distributions arising in modern applications, including inverse problems in partial differential equation models in tomography and subsurface flow, are often computationally intractable due to the large computational cost of evaluating the data likelihood. To alleviate this problem, we consider using Gaussian process regression to build a surrogate model for the likelihood, resulting in an approximate posterior distribution that is amenable to computations in practice. This work serves as an introduction to Gaussian process regression, in particular in the context of building surrogate models for inverse problems, and presents new insights into a suitable choice of training points. We show that the error between the true and approximate posterior distribution can be bounded by the error between the true and approximate likelihood, measured in the $L^2$-norm weighted by the true posterior, and that efficiently bounding the error between the true and approximate likelihood in this norm suggests choosing the training points in the Gaussian process surrogate model based on the true posterior.
Abstract:The classical development of neural networks has primarily focused on learning mappings between finite dimensional Euclidean spaces or finite sets. We propose a generalization of neural networks tailored to learn operators mapping between infinite dimensional function spaces. We formulate the approximation of operators by composition of a class of linear integral operators and nonlinear activation functions, so that the composed operator can approximate complex nonlinear operators. We prove a universal approximation theorem for our construction. Furthermore, we introduce four classes of operator parameterizations: graph-based operators, low-rank operators, multipole graph-based operators, and Fourier operators and describe efficient algorithms for computing with each one. The proposed neural operators are resolution-invariant: they share the same network parameters between different discretizations of the underlying function spaces and can be used for zero-shot super-resolutions. Numerically, the proposed models show superior performance compared to existing machine learning based methodologies on Burgers' equation, Darcy flow, and the Navier-Stokes equation, while being several order of magnitude faster compared to conventional PDE solvers.