Abstract:Statistical downscaling is a technique used in climate modeling to increase the resolution of climate simulations. High-resolution climate information is essential for various high-impact applications, including natural hazard risk assessment. However, simulating climate at high resolution is intractable. Thus, climate simulations are often conducted at a coarse scale and then downscaled to the desired resolution. Existing downscaling techniques are either simulation-based methods with high computational costs, or statistical approaches with limitations in accuracy or application specificity. We introduce Generative Bias Correction and Super-Resolution (GenBCSR), a two-stage probabilistic framework for statistical downscaling that overcomes the limitations of previous methods. GenBCSR employs two transformations to match high-dimensional distributions at different resolutions: (i) the first stage, bias correction, aligns the distributions at coarse scale, (ii) the second stage, statistical super-resolution, lifts the corrected coarse distribution by introducing fine-grained details. Each stage is instantiated by a state-of-the-art generative model, resulting in an efficient and effective computational pipeline for the well-studied distribution matching problem. By framing the downscaling problem as distribution matching, GenBCSR relaxes the constraints of supervised learning, which requires samples to be aligned. Despite not requiring such correspondence, we show that GenBCSR surpasses standard approaches in predictive accuracy of critical impact variables, particularly in predicting the tails (99% percentile) of composite indexes composed of interacting variables, achieving up to 4-5 folds of error reduction.
Abstract:This paper presents a physics-constrained neural differential equation framework for parameterization, and employs it to model the time evolution of seasonal snow depth given hydrometeorological forcings. When trained on data from multiple SNOTEL sites, the parameterization predicts daily snow depth with under 9% median error and Nash Sutcliffe Efficiencies over 0.94 across a wide variety of snow climates. The parameterization also generalizes to new sites not seen during training, which is not often true for calibrated snow models. Requiring the parameterization to predict snow water equivalent in addition to snow depth only increases error to ~12%. The structure of the approach guarantees the satisfaction of physical constraints, enables these constraints during model training, and allows modeling at different temporal resolutions without additional retraining of the parameterization. These benefits hold potential in climate modeling, and could extend to other dynamical systems with physical constraints.
Abstract:Regional high-resolution climate projections are crucial for many applications, such as agriculture, hydrology, and natural hazard risk assessment. Dynamical downscaling, the state-of-the-art method to produce localized future climate information, involves running a regional climate model (RCM) driven by an Earth System Model (ESM), but it is too computationally expensive to apply to large climate projection ensembles. We propose a novel approach combining dynamical downscaling with generative artificial intelligence to reduce the cost and improve the uncertainty estimates of downscaled climate projections. In our framework, an RCM dynamically downscales ESM output to an intermediate resolution, followed by a generative diffusion model that further refines the resolution to the target scale. This approach leverages the generalizability of physics-based models and the sampling efficiency of diffusion models, enabling the downscaling of large multi-model ensembles. We evaluate our method against dynamically-downscaled climate projections from the CMIP6 ensemble. Our results demonstrate its ability to provide more accurate uncertainty bounds on future regional climate than alternatives such as dynamical downscaling of smaller ensembles, or traditional empirical statistical downscaling methods. We also show that dynamical-generative downscaling results in significantly lower errors than bias correction and spatial disaggregation (BCSD), and captures more accurately the spectra and multivariate correlations of meteorological fields. These characteristics make the dynamical-generative framework a flexible, accurate, and efficient way to downscale large ensembles of climate projections, currently out of reach for pure dynamical downscaling.
Abstract:Machine learning is playing an increasing role in hydrology, supplementing or replacing physics-based models. One notable example is the use of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for forecasting streamflow given observed precipitation and geographic characteristics. Training of such a model over the continental United States has demonstrated that a single set of model parameters can be used across independent catchments, and that RNNs can outperform physics-based models. In this work, we take a next step and study the performance of RNNs for river routing in land surface models (LSMs). Instead of observed precipitation, the LSM-RNN uses instantaneous runoff calculated from physics-based models as an input. We train the model with data from river basins spanning the globe and test it in streamflow hindcasts. The model demonstrates skill at generalization across basins (predicting streamflow in unseen catchments) and across time (predicting streamflow during years not used in training). We compare the predictions from the LSM-RNN to an existing physics-based model calibrated with a similar dataset and find that the LSM-RNN outperforms the physics-based model. Our results give further evidence that RNNs are effective for global streamflow prediction from runoff inputs and motivate the development of complete routing models that can capture nested sub-basis connections.
Abstract:Complex dynamical systems are notoriously difficult to model because some degrees of freedom (e.g., small scales) may be computationally unresolvable or are incompletely understood, yet they are dynamically important. For example, the small scales of cloud dynamics and droplet formation are crucial for controlling climate, yet are unresolvable in global climate models. Semi-empirical closure models for the effects of unresolved degrees of freedom often exist and encode important domain-specific knowledge. Building on such closure models and correcting them through learning the structural errors can be an effective way of fusing data with domain knowledge. Here we describe a general approach, principles, and algorithms for learning about structural errors. Key to our approach is to include structural error models inside the models of complex systems, for example, in closure models for unresolved scales. The structural errors then map, usually nonlinearly, to observable data. As a result, however, mismatches between model output and data are only indirectly informative about structural errors, due to a lack of labeled pairs of inputs and outputs of structural error models. Additionally, derivatives of the model may not exist or be readily available. We discuss how structural error models can be learned from indirect data with derivative-free Kalman inversion algorithms and variants, how sparsity constraints enforce a "do no harm" principle, and various ways of modeling structural errors. We also discuss the merits of using non-local and/or stochastic error models. In addition, we demonstrate how data assimilation techniques can assist the learning about structural errors in non-ergodic systems. The concepts and algorithms are illustrated in two numerical examples based on the Lorenz-96 system and a human glucose-insulin model.
Abstract:Tipping points are abrupt, drastic, and often irreversible changes in the evolution of non-stationary and chaotic dynamical systems. For instance, increased greenhouse gas concentrations are predicted to lead to drastic decreases in low cloud cover, referred to as a climatological tipping point. In this paper, we learn the evolution of such non-stationary dynamical systems using a novel recurrent neural operator (RNO), which learns mappings between function spaces. After training RNO on only the pre-tipping dynamics, we employ it to detect future tipping points using an uncertainty-based approach. In particular, we propose a conformal prediction framework to forecast tipping points by monitoring deviations from physics constraints (such as conserved quantities and partial differential equations), enabling forecasting of these abrupt changes along with a rigorous measure of uncertainty. We illustrate our proposed methodology on non-stationary ordinary and partial differential equations, such as the Lorenz-63 and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations. We also apply our methods to forecast a climate tipping point in stratocumulus cloud cover. In our experiments, we demonstrate that even partial or approximate physics constraints can be used to accurately forecast future tipping points.