Abstract:Graph transformers extend global self-attention to graph-structured data, achieving notable success in graph learning. Recently, random walk structural encoding (RWSE) has been found to further enhance their predictive power by encoding both structural and positional information into the edge representation. However, RWSE cannot always distinguish between edges that belong to different local graph patterns, which reduces its ability to capture the full structural complexity of graphs. This work introduces Simple Path Structural Encoding (SPSE), a novel method that utilizes simple path counts for edge encoding. We show theoretically and experimentally that SPSE overcomes the limitations of RWSE, providing a richer representation of graph structures, particularly for capturing local cyclic patterns. To make SPSE computationally tractable, we propose an efficient approximate algorithm for simple path counting. SPSE demonstrates significant performance improvements over RWSE on various benchmarks, including molecular and long-range graph datasets, achieving statistically significant gains in discriminative tasks. These results pose SPSE as a powerful edge encoding alternative for enhancing the expressivity of graph transformers.
Abstract:Self-Explainable Graph Neural Networks (SE-GNNs) are popular explainable-by-design GNNs, but the properties and the limitations of their explanations are not well understood. Our first contribution fills this gap by formalizing the explanations extracted by SE-GNNs, referred to as Trivial Explanations (TEs), and comparing them to established notions of explanations, namely Prime Implicant (PI) and faithful explanations. Our analysis reveals that TEs match PI explanations for a restricted but significant family of tasks. In general, however, they can be less informative than PI explanations and are surprisingly misaligned with widely accepted notions of faithfulness. Although faithful and PI explanations are informative, they are intractable to find and we show that they can be prohibitively large. Motivated by this, we propose Dual-Channel GNNs that integrate a white-box rule extractor and a standard SE-GNN, adaptively combining both channels when the task benefits. Our experiments show that even a simple instantiation of Dual-Channel GNNs can recover succinct rules and perform on par or better than widely used SE-GNNs. Our code can be found in the supplementary material.
Abstract:Recently, significant attention has been given to the idea of viewing relational databases as heterogeneous graphs, enabling the application of graph neural network (GNN) technology for predictive tasks. However, existing GNN methods struggle with the complexity of the heterogeneous graphs induced by databases with numerous tables and relations. Traditional approaches either consider all possible relational meta-paths, thus failing to scale with the number of relations, or rely on domain experts to identify relevant meta-paths. A recent solution does manage to learn informative meta-paths without expert supervision, but assumes that a node's class depends solely on the existence of a meta-path occurrence. In this work, we present a self-explainable heterogeneous GNN for relational data, that supports models in which class membership depends on aggregate information obtained from multiple occurrences of a meta-path. Experimental results show that in the context of relational databases, our approach effectively identifies informative meta-paths that faithfully capture the model's reasoning mechanisms. It significantly outperforms existing methods in both synthetic and real-world scenario.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce PASTA (Perceptual Assessment System for explanaTion of Artificial intelligence), a novel framework for a human-centric evaluation of XAI techniques in computer vision. Our first key contribution is a human evaluation of XAI explanations on four diverse datasets (COCO, Pascal Parts, Cats Dogs Cars, and MonumAI) which constitutes the first large-scale benchmark dataset for XAI, with annotations at both the image and concept levels. This dataset allows for robust evaluation and comparison across various XAI methods. Our second major contribution is a data-based metric for assessing the interpretability of explanations. It mimics human preferences, based on a database of human evaluations of explanations in the PASTA-dataset. With its dataset and metric, the PASTA framework provides consistent and reliable comparisons between XAI techniques, in a way that is scalable but still aligned with human evaluations. Additionally, our benchmark allows for comparisons between explanations across different modalities, an aspect previously unaddressed. Our findings indicate that humans tend to prefer saliency maps over other explanation types. Moreover, we provide evidence that human assessments show a low correlation with existing XAI metrics that are numerically simulated by probing the model.
Abstract:Algorithmic Recourse (AR) aims to provide users with actionable steps to overturn unfavourable decisions made by machine learning predictors. However, these actions often take time to implement (e.g., getting a degree can take years), and their effects may vary as the world evolves. Thus, it is natural to ask for recourse that remains valid in a dynamic environment. In this paper, we study the robustness of algorithmic recourse over time by casting the problem through the lens of causality. We demonstrate theoretically and empirically that (even robust) causal AR methods can fail over time except in the - unlikely - case that the world is stationary. Even more critically, unless the world is fully deterministic, counterfactual AR cannot be solved optimally. To account for this, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm for temporal AR that explicitly accounts for time. Our simulations on synthetic and realistic datasets show how considering time produces more resilient solutions to potential trends in the data distribution.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as the predominant paradigm for learning from graph-structured data, offering a wide range of applications from social network analysis to bioinformatics. Despite their versatility, GNNs face challenges such as oversmoothing, lack of generalization and poor interpretability, which hinder their wider adoption and reliability in critical applications. Dropping has emerged as an effective paradigm for reducing noise during training and improving robustness of GNNs. However, existing approaches often rely on random or heuristic-based selection criteria, lacking a principled method to identify and exclude nodes that contribute to noise and over-complexity in the model. In this work, we argue that explainability should be a key indicator of a model's robustness throughout its training phase. To this end, we introduce xAI-Drop, a novel topological-level dropping regularizer that leverages explainability to pinpoint noisy network elements to be excluded from the GNN propagation mechanism. An empirical evaluation on diverse real-world datasets demonstrates that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art dropping approaches in accuracy, effectively reduces over-smoothing, and improves explanation quality.
Abstract:As Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) become more pervasive, it becomes paramount to build robust tools for computing explanations of their predictions. A key desideratum is that these explanations are faithful, i.e., that they portray an accurate picture of the GNN's reasoning process. A number of different faithfulness metrics exist, begging the question of what faithfulness is exactly, and what its properties are. We begin by showing that existing metrics are not interchangeable -- i.e., explanations attaining high faithfulness according to one metric may be unfaithful according to others -- and can be systematically insensitive to important properties of the explanation, and suggest how to address these issues. We proceed to show that, surprisingly, optimizing for faithfulness is not always a sensible design goal. Specifically, we show that for injective regular GNN architectures, perfectly faithful explanations are completely uninformative. The situation is different for modular GNNs, such as self-explainable and domain-invariant architectures, where optimizing faithfulness does not compromise informativeness, and is also unexpectedly tied to out-of-distribution generalization.
Abstract:The advent of powerful neural classifiers has increased interest in problems that require both learning and reasoning. These problems are critical for understanding important properties of models, such as trustworthiness, generalization, interpretability, and compliance to safety and structural constraints. However, recent research observed that tasks requiring both learning and reasoning on background knowledge often suffer from reasoning shortcuts (RSs): predictors can solve the downstream reasoning task without associating the correct concepts to the high-dimensional data. To address this issue, we introduce rsbench, a comprehensive benchmark suite designed to systematically evaluate the impact of RSs on models by providing easy access to highly customizable tasks affected by RSs. Furthermore, rsbench implements common metrics for evaluating concept quality and introduces novel formal verification procedures for assessing the presence of RSs in learning tasks. Using rsbench, we highlight that obtaining high quality concepts in both purely neural and neuro-symbolic models is a far-from-solved problem. rsbench is available at: https://unitn-sml.github.io/rsbench.
Abstract:Structured output prediction problems are ubiquitous in machine learning. The prominent approach leverages neural networks as powerful feature extractors, otherwise assuming the independence of the outputs. These outputs, however, jointly encode an object, e.g. a path in a graph, and are therefore related through the structure underlying the output space. We discuss the semantic loss, which injects knowledge about such structure, defined symbolically, into training by minimizing the network's violation of such dependencies, steering the network towards predicting distributions satisfying the underlying structure. At the same time, it is agnostic to the arrangement of the symbols, and depends only on the semantics expressed thereby, while also enabling efficient end-to-end training and inference. We also discuss key improvements and applications of the semantic loss. One limitations of the semantic loss is that it does not exploit the association of every data point with certain features certifying its membership in a target class. We should therefore prefer minimum-entropy distributions over valid structures, which we obtain by additionally minimizing the neuro-symbolic entropy. We empirically demonstrate the benefits of this more refined formulation. Moreover, the semantic loss is designed to be modular and can be combined with both discriminative and generative neural models. This is illustrated by integrating it into generative adversarial networks, yielding constrained adversarial networks, a novel class of deep generative models able to efficiently synthesize complex objects obeying the structure of the underlying domain.
Abstract:Algorithmic Recourse aims to provide actionable explanations, or recourse plans, to overturn potentially unfavourable decisions taken by automated machine learning models. In this paper, we propose an interaction paradigm based on a guided interaction pattern aimed at both eliciting the users' preferences and heading them toward effective recourse interventions. In a fictional task of money lending, we compare this approach with an exploratory interaction pattern based on a combination of alternative plans and the possibility of freely changing the configurations by the users themselves. Our results suggest that users may recognize that the guided interaction paradigm improves efficiency. However, they also feel less freedom to experiment with "what-if" scenarios. Nevertheless, the time spent on the purely exploratory interface tends to be perceived as a lack of efficiency, which reduces attractiveness, perspicuity, and dependability. Conversely, for the guided interface, more time on the interface seems to increase its attractiveness, perspicuity, and dependability while not impacting the perceived efficiency. That might suggest that this type of interfaces should combine these two approaches by trying to support exploratory behavior while gently pushing toward a guided effective solution.