Abstract:While the capabilities of generative foundational models have advanced rapidly in recent years, methods to prevent harmful and unsafe behaviors remain underdeveloped. Among the pressing challenges in AI safety, machine unlearning (MU) has become increasingly critical to meet upcoming safety regulations. Most existing MU approaches focus on altering the most significant parameters of the model. However, these methods often require fine-tuning substantial portions of the model, resulting in high computational costs and training instabilities, which are typically mitigated by access to the original training dataset. In this work, we address these limitations by leveraging Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to create a compact, low-dimensional projection that enables the selective forgetting of specific data points. We propose Singular Value Decomposition for Efficient Machine Unlearning (SEMU), a novel approach designed to optimize MU in two key aspects. First, SEMU minimizes the number of model parameters that need to be modified, effectively removing unwanted knowledge while making only minimal changes to the model's weights. Second, SEMU eliminates the dependency on the original training dataset, preserving the model's previously acquired knowledge without additional data requirements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SEMU achieves competitive performance while significantly improving efficiency in terms of both data usage and the number of modified parameters.
Abstract:Deep Learning (DL) models are often black boxes, making their decision-making processes difficult to interpret. This lack of transparency has driven advancements in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), a field dedicated to clarifying the reasoning behind DL model predictions. Among these, attribution-based methods such as LRP and GradCAM are widely used, though they rely on approximations that can be imprecise. To address these limitations, we introduce One Matrix to Explain Neural Networks (OMENN), a novel post-hoc method that represents a neural network as a single, interpretable matrix for each specific input. This matrix is constructed through a series of linear transformations that represent the processing of the input by each successive layer in the neural network. As a result, OMENN provides locally precise, attribution-based explanations of the input across various modern models, including ViTs and CNNs. We present a theoretical analysis of OMENN based on dynamic linearity property and validate its effectiveness with extensive tests on two XAI benchmarks, demonstrating that OMENN is competitive with state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Prototypical parts networks, such as ProtoPNet, became popular due to their potential to produce more genuine explanations than post-hoc methods. However, for a long time, this potential has been strictly theoretical, and no systematic studies have existed to support it. That changed recently with the introduction of the FunnyBirds benchmark, which includes metrics for evaluating different aspects of explanations. However, this benchmark employs attribution maps visualization for all explanation techniques except for the ProtoPNet, for which the bounding boxes are used. This choice significantly influences the metric scores and questions the conclusions stated in FunnyBirds publication. In this study, we comprehensively compare metric scores obtained for two types of ProtoPNet visualizations: bounding boxes and similarity maps. Our analysis indicates that employing similarity maps aligns better with the essence of ProtoPNet, as evidenced by different metric scores obtained from FunnyBirds. Therefore, we advocate using similarity maps as a visualization technique for prototypical parts networks in explainability evaluation benchmarks.
Abstract:Prototypical parts networks combine the power of deep learning with the explainability of case-based reasoning to make accurate, interpretable decisions. They follow the this looks like that reasoning, representing each prototypical part with patches from training images. However, a single image patch comprises multiple visual features, such as color, shape, and texture, making it difficult for users to identify which feature is important to the model. To reduce this ambiguity, we introduce the Lucid Prototypical Parts Network (LucidPPN), a novel prototypical parts network that separates color prototypes from other visual features. Our method employs two reasoning branches: one for non-color visual features, processing grayscale images, and another focusing solely on color information. This separation allows us to clarify whether the model's decisions are based on color, shape, or texture. Additionally, LucidPPN identifies prototypical parts corresponding to semantic parts of classified objects, making comparisons between data classes more intuitive, e.g., when two bird species might differ primarily in belly color. Our experiments demonstrate that the two branches are complementary and together achieve results comparable to baseline methods. More importantly, LucidPPN generates less ambiguous prototypical parts, enhancing user understanding.
Abstract:Vision Transformers (ViTs) overpass Convolutional Neural Networks in processing incomplete inputs because they do not require the imputation of missing values. Therefore, ViTs are well suited for sequential decision-making, e.g. in the Active Visual Exploration problem. However, they are computationally inefficient because they perform a full forward pass each time a piece of new sequential information arrives. To reduce this computational inefficiency, we introduce the TOken REcycling (TORE) modification for the ViT inference, which can be used with any architecture. TORE divides ViT into two parts, iterator and aggregator. An iterator processes sequential information separately into midway tokens, which are cached. The aggregator processes midway tokens jointly to obtain the prediction. This way, we can reuse the results of computations made by iterator. Except for efficient sequential inference, we propose a complementary training policy, which significantly reduces the computational burden associated with sequential decision-making while achieving state-of-the-art accuracy.
Abstract:Prototypical parts-based networks are becoming increasingly popular due to their faithful self-explanations. However, their similarity maps are calculated in the penultimate network layer. Therefore, the receptive field of the prototype activation region often depends on parts of the image outside this region, which can lead to misleading interpretations. We name this undesired behavior a spatial explanation misalignment and introduce an interpretability benchmark with a set of dedicated metrics for quantifying this phenomenon. In addition, we propose a method for misalignment compensation and apply it to existing state-of-the-art models. We show the expressiveness of our benchmark and the effectiveness of the proposed compensation methodology through extensive empirical studies.
Abstract:Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) is a weakly-supervised problem in which one label is assigned to the whole bag of instances. An important class of MIL models is instance-based, where we first classify instances and then aggregate those predictions to obtain a bag label. The most common MIL model is when we consider a bag as positive if at least one of its instances has a positive label. However, this reasoning does not hold in many real-life scenarios, where the positive bag label is often a consequence of a certain percentage of positive instances. To address this issue, we introduce a dedicated instance-based method called ProMIL, based on deep neural networks and Bernstein polynomial estimation. An important advantage of ProMIL is that it can automatically detect the optimal percentage level for decision-making. We show that ProMIL outperforms standard instance-based MIL in real-world medical applications. We make the code available.
Abstract:Continual learning enables incremental learning of new tasks without forgetting those previously learned, resulting in positive knowledge transfer that can enhance performance on both new and old tasks. However, continual learning poses new challenges for interpretability, as the rationale behind model predictions may change over time, leading to interpretability concept drift. We address this problem by proposing Interpretable Class-InCremental LEarning (ICICLE), an exemplar-free approach that adopts a prototypical part-based approach. It consists of three crucial novelties: interpretability regularization that distills previously learned concepts while preserving user-friendly positive reasoning; proximity-based prototype initialization strategy dedicated to the fine-grained setting; and task-recency bias compensation devoted to prototypical parts. Our experimental results demonstrate that ICICLE reduces the interpretability concept drift and outperforms the existing exemplar-free methods of common class-incremental learning when applied to concept-based models. We make the code available.
Abstract:We introduce ProtoSeg, a novel model for interpretable semantic image segmentation, which constructs its predictions using similar patches from the training set. To achieve accuracy comparable to baseline methods, we adapt the mechanism of prototypical parts and introduce a diversity loss function that increases the variety of prototypes within each class. We show that ProtoSeg discovers semantic concepts, in contrast to standard segmentation models. Experiments conducted on Pascal VOC and Cityscapes datasets confirm the precision and transparency of the presented method.
Abstract:In this work, we propose the novel Prototypical Graph Regression Self-explainable Trees (ProGReST) model, which combines prototype learning, soft decision trees, and Graph Neural Networks. In contrast to other works, our model can be used to address various challenging tasks, including compound property prediction. In ProGReST, the rationale is obtained along with prediction due to the model's built-in interpretability. Additionally, we introduce a new graph prototype projection to accelerate model training. Finally, we evaluate PRoGReST on a wide range of chemical datasets for molecular property prediction and perform in-depth analysis with chemical experts to evaluate obtained interpretations. Our method achieves competitive results against state-of-the-art methods.