Abstract:Supervised 3D part segmentation models are tailored for a fixed set of objects and parts, limiting their transferability to open-set, real-world scenarios. Recent works have explored vision-language models (VLMs) as a promising alternative, using multi-view rendering and textual prompting to identify object parts. However, naively applying VLMs in this context introduces several drawbacks, such as the need for meticulous prompt engineering, and fails to leverage the 3D geometric structure of objects. To address these limitations, we propose COPS, a COmprehensive model for Parts Segmentation that blends the semantics extracted from visual concepts and 3D geometry to effectively identify object parts. COPS renders a point cloud from multiple viewpoints, extracts 2D features, projects them back to 3D, and uses a novel geometric-aware feature aggregation procedure to ensure spatial and semantic consistency. Finally, it clusters points into parts and labels them. We demonstrate that COPS is efficient, scalable, and achieves zero-shot state-of-the-art performance across five datasets, covering synthetic and real-world data, texture-less and coloured objects, as well as rigid and non-rigid shapes. The code is available at https://3d-cops.github.io.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce PASTA (Perceptual Assessment System for explanaTion of Artificial intelligence), a novel framework for a human-centric evaluation of XAI techniques in computer vision. Our first key contribution is a human evaluation of XAI explanations on four diverse datasets (COCO, Pascal Parts, Cats Dogs Cars, and MonumAI) which constitutes the first large-scale benchmark dataset for XAI, with annotations at both the image and concept levels. This dataset allows for robust evaluation and comparison across various XAI methods. Our second major contribution is a data-based metric for assessing the interpretability of explanations. It mimics human preferences, based on a database of human evaluations of explanations in the PASTA-dataset. With its dataset and metric, the PASTA framework provides consistent and reliable comparisons between XAI techniques, in a way that is scalable but still aligned with human evaluations. Additionally, our benchmark allows for comparisons between explanations across different modalities, an aspect previously unaddressed. Our findings indicate that humans tend to prefer saliency maps over other explanation types. Moreover, we provide evidence that human assessments show a low correlation with existing XAI metrics that are numerically simulated by probing the model.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown significant promise in Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks by leveraging web-scale multimodal datasets. However, these models often struggle with continual learning due to catastrophic forgetting when adapting to new tasks. As an effective remedy to mitigate catastrophic forgetting, rehearsal strategy uses the data of past tasks upon learning new task. However, such strategy incurs the need of storing past data, which might not be feasible due to hardware constraints or privacy concerns. In this work, we propose the first data-free method that leverages the language generation capability of a VLM, instead of relying on external models, to produce pseudo-rehearsal data for addressing continual VQA. Our proposal, named as GaB, generates pseudo-rehearsal data by posing previous task questions on new task data. Yet, despite being effective, the distribution of generated questions skews towards the most frequently posed questions due to the limited and task-specific training data. To mitigate this issue, we introduce a pseudo-rehearsal balancing module that aligns the generated data towards the ground-truth data distribution using either the question meta-statistics or an unsupervised clustering method. We evaluate our proposed method on two recent benchmarks, \ie VQACL-VQAv2 and CLOVE-function benchmarks. GaB outperforms all the data-free baselines with substantial improvement in maintaining VQA performance across evolving tasks, while being on-par with methods with access to the past data.
Abstract:Recent progress in Text-to-Image (T2I) generative models has enabled high-quality image generation. As performance and accessibility increase, these models are gaining significant attraction and popularity: ensuring their fairness and safety is a priority to prevent the dissemination and perpetuation of biases. However, existing studies in bias detection focus on closed sets of predefined biases (e.g., gender, ethnicity). In this paper, we propose a general framework to identify, quantify, and explain biases in an open set setting, i.e. without requiring a predefined set. This pipeline leverages a Large Language Model (LLM) to propose biases starting from a set of captions. Next, these captions are used by the target generative model for generating a set of images. Finally, Vision Question Answering (VQA) is leveraged for bias evaluation. We show two variations of this framework: OpenBias and GradBias. OpenBias detects and quantifies biases, while GradBias determines the contribution of individual prompt words on biases. OpenBias effectively detects both well-known and novel biases related to people, objects, and animals and highly aligns with existing closed-set bias detection methods and human judgment. GradBias shows that neutral words can significantly influence biases and it outperforms several baselines, including state-of-the-art foundation models. Code available here: https://github.com/Moreno98/GradBias.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) combine visual and textual understanding, rendering them well-suited for diverse tasks like generating image captions and answering visual questions across various domains. However, these capabilities are built upon training on large amount of uncurated data crawled from the web. The latter may include sensitive information that VLMs could memorize and leak, raising significant privacy concerns. In this paper, we assess whether these vulnerabilities exist, focusing on identity leakage. Our study leads to three key findings: (i) VLMs leak identity information, even when the vision-language alignment and the fine-tuning use anonymized data; (ii) context has little influence on identity leakage; (iii) simple, widely used anonymization techniques, like blurring, are not sufficient to address the problem. These findings underscore the urgent need for robust privacy protection strategies when deploying VLMs. Ethical awareness and responsible development practices are essential to mitigate these risks.
Abstract:Machine unlearning (MU) aims to erase data from a model as if it never saw them during training. To this extent, existing MU approaches assume complete or partial access to the training data, which can be limited over time due to privacy regulations. However, no setting or benchmark exists to probe the effectiveness of MU methods in such scenarios, i.e. when training data is missing. To fill this gap, we propose a novel task we call One-Shot Unlearning of Personal Identities (O-UPI) that evaluates unlearning models when the training data is not accessible. Specifically, we focus on the identity unlearning case, which is relevant due to current regulations requiring data deletion after training. To cope with data absence, we expect users to provide a portraiting picture to perform unlearning. To evaluate methods in O-UPI, we benchmark the forgetting on CelebA and CelebA-HQ datasets with different unlearning set sizes. We test applicable methods on this challenging benchmark, proposing also an effective method that meta-learns to forget identities from a single image. Our findings indicate that existing approaches struggle when data availability is limited, with greater difficulty when there is dissimilarity between provided samples and data used at training time. We will release the code and benchmark upon acceptance.
Abstract:Assessing the capabilities of large multimodal models (LMMs) often requires the creation of ad-hoc evaluations. Currently, building new benchmarks requires tremendous amounts of manual work for each specific analysis. This makes the evaluation process tedious and costly. In this paper, we present APEx, Automatic Programming of Experiments, the first framework for automatic benchmarking of LMMs. Given a research question expressed in natural language, APEx leverages a large language model (LLM) and a library of pre-specified tools to generate a set of experiments for the model at hand, and progressively compile a scientific report. The report drives the testing procedure: based on the current status of the investigation, APEx chooses which experiments to perform and whether the results are sufficient to draw conclusions. Finally, the LLM refines the report, presenting the results to the user in natural language. Thanks to its modularity, our framework is flexible and extensible as new tools become available. Empirically, APEx reproduces the findings of existing studies while allowing for arbitrary analyses and hypothesis testing.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models seamlessly discriminate among arbitrary semantic categories, yet they still suffer from poor generalization when presented with challenging examples. For this reason, Episodic Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) strategies have recently emerged as powerful techniques to adapt VLMs in the presence of a single unlabeled image. The recent literature on TTA is dominated by the paradigm of prompt tuning by Marginal Entropy Minimization, which, relying on online backpropagation, inevitably slows down inference while increasing memory. In this work, we theoretically investigate the properties of this approach and unveil that a surprisingly strong TTA method lies dormant and hidden within it. We term this approach ZERO (TTA with "zero" temperature), whose design is both incredibly effective and frustratingly simple: augment N times, predict, retain the most confident predictions, and marginalize after setting the Softmax temperature to zero. Remarkably, ZERO requires a single batched forward pass through the vision encoder only and no backward passes. We thoroughly evaluate our approach following the experimental protocol established in the literature and show that ZERO largely surpasses or compares favorably w.r.t. the state-of-the-art while being almost 10x faster and 13x more memory-friendly than standard Test-Time Prompt Tuning. Thanks to its simplicity and comparatively negligible computation, ZERO can serve as a strong baseline for future work in this field. The code is available at https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/zero.
Abstract:Prompt tuning has emerged as an effective rehearsal-free technique for class-incremental learning (CIL) that learns a tiny set of task-specific parameters (or prompts) to instruct a pre-trained transformer to learn on a sequence of tasks. Albeit effective, prompt tuning methods do not lend well in the multi-label class incremental learning (MLCIL) scenario (where an image contains multiple foreground classes) due to the ambiguity in selecting the correct prompt(s) corresponding to different foreground objects belonging to multiple tasks. To circumvent this issue we propose to eliminate the prompt selection mechanism by maintaining task-specific pathways, which allow us to learn representations that do not interact with the ones from the other tasks. Since independent pathways in truly incremental scenarios will result in an explosion of computation due to the quadratically complex multi-head self-attention (MSA) operation in prompt tuning, we propose to reduce the original patch token embeddings into summarized tokens. Prompt tuning is then applied to these fewer summarized tokens to compute the final representation. Our proposed method Multi-Label class incremental learning via summarising pAtch tokeN Embeddings (MULTI-LANE) enables learning disentangled task-specific representations in MLCIL while ensuring fast inference. We conduct experiments in common benchmarks and demonstrate that our MULTI-LANE achieves a new state-of-the-art in MLCIL. Additionally, we show that MULTI-LANE is also competitive in the CIL setting. Source code available at https://github.com/tdemin16/multi-lane
Abstract:Large vision-language models revolutionized image classification and semantic segmentation paradigms. However, they typically assume a pre-defined set of categories, or vocabulary, at test time for composing textual prompts. This assumption is impractical in scenarios with unknown or evolving semantic context. Here, we address this issue and introduce the Vocabulary-free Image Classification (VIC) task, which aims to assign a class from an unconstrained language-induced semantic space to an input image without needing a known vocabulary. VIC is challenging due to the vastness of the semantic space, which contains millions of concepts, including fine-grained categories. To address VIC, we propose Category Search from External Databases (CaSED), a training-free method that leverages a pre-trained vision-language model and an external database. CaSED first extracts the set of candidate categories from the most semantically similar captions in the database and then assigns the image to the best-matching candidate category according to the same vision-language model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CaSED can be applied locally to generate a coarse segmentation mask that classifies image regions, introducing the task of Vocabulary-free Semantic Segmentation. CaSED and its variants outperform other more complex vision-language models, on classification and semantic segmentation benchmarks, while using much fewer parameters.