Abstract:We propose a novel Two-Stage framework for Structured Pruning (2SSP) for pruning Large Language Models (LLMs), which combines two different strategies of pruning, namely Width and Depth Pruning. The first stage (Width Pruning) removes entire neurons, hence their corresponding rows and columns, aiming to preserve the connectivity among the pruned structures in the intermediate state of the Feed-Forward Networks in each Transformer block. This is done based on an importance score measuring the impact of each neuron over the output magnitude. The second stage (Depth Pruning), instead, removes entire Attention submodules. This is done by applying an iterative process that removes the Attention submodules with the minimum impact on a given metric of interest (in our case, perplexity). We also propose a novel mechanism to balance the sparsity rate of the two stages w.r.t. to the desired global sparsity. We test 2SSP on four LLM families and three sparsity rates (25\%, 37.5\%, and 50\%), measuring the resulting perplexity over three language modeling datasets as well as the performance over six downstream tasks. Our method consistently outperforms five state-of-the-art competitors over three language modeling and six downstream tasks, with an up to two-order-of-magnitude gain in terms of pruning time. The code is available at available at \url{https://github.com/FabrizioSandri/2SSP}.
Abstract:Continuous control tasks often involve high-dimensional, dynamic, and non-linear environments. State-of-the-art performance in these tasks is achieved through complex closed-box policies that are effective, but suffer from an inherent opacity. Interpretable policies, while generally underperforming compared to their closed-box counterparts, advantageously facilitate transparent decision-making within automated systems. Hence, their usage is often essential for diagnosing and mitigating errors, supporting ethical and legal accountability, and fostering trust among stakeholders. In this paper, we propose SMOSE, a novel method to train sparsely activated interpretable controllers, based on a top-1 Mixture-of-Experts architecture. SMOSE combines a set of interpretable decisionmakers, trained to be experts in different basic skills, and an interpretable router that assigns tasks among the experts. The training is carried out via state-of-the-art Reinforcement Learning algorithms, exploiting load-balancing techniques to ensure fair expert usage. We then distill decision trees from the weights of the router, significantly improving the ease of interpretation. We evaluate SMOSE on six benchmark environments from MuJoCo: our method outperforms recent interpretable baselines and narrows the gap with noninterpretable state-of-the-art algorithms
Abstract:Network pruning is a set of computational techniques that aim to reduce a given model's computational cost by removing a subset of its parameters while having minimal impact on performance. Throughout the last decade, the most widely used pruning paradigm has focused on pruning and re-training, which nowadays is inconvenient due to the vast amount of pre-trained models, which are in any case too expensive to re-train. In this paper, we exploit functional information from dense pre-trained models, i.e., their activations, to obtain sparse models that maximize the activations' alignment w.r.t. their corresponding dense models. Hence, we propose \textsc{NeuroAl}, a \emph{top-up} algorithm that can be used on top of any given pruning algorithm for LLMs, that modifies the block-wise and row-wise sparsity ratios to maximize the \emph{neuron alignment} among activations. Moreover, differently from existing methods, our approach adaptively selects the best parameters for the block-wise and row-wise sparsity ratios w.r.t. to the model and the desired sparsity (given as input), and requires \emph{no re-training}. We test our method on 4 different LLM families and 3 different sparsity ratios, showing how it consistently outperforms the latest state-of-the-art techniques. The code is available at https://github.com/eliacunegatti/NeuroAL.
Abstract:Hyperparameter optimization is a crucial problem in Evolutionary Computation. In fact, the values of the hyperparameters directly impact the trajectory taken by the optimization process, and their choice requires extensive reasoning by human operators. Although a variety of self-adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms have been proposed in the literature, no definitive solution has been found. In this work, we perform a preliminary investigation to automate the reasoning process that leads to the choice of hyperparameter values. We employ two open-source Large Language Models (LLMs), namely Llama2-70b and Mixtral, to analyze the optimization logs online and provide novel real-time hyperparameter recommendations. We study our approach in the context of step-size adaptation for (1+1)-ES. The results suggest that LLMs can be an effective method for optimizing hyperparameters in Evolution Strategies, encouraging further research in this direction.
Abstract:Robustness and generalizability are the key properties of artificial neural network (ANN)-based controllers for maintaining a reliable performance in case of changes. It is demonstrated that exposing the ANNs to variations during training processes can improve their robustness and generalization capabilities. However, the way in which this variation is introduced can have a significant impact. In this paper, we define various training schedules to specify how these variations are introduced during an evolutionary learning process. In particular, we focus on morphological robustness and generalizability concerned with finding an ANN-based controller that can provide sufficient performance on a range of physical variations. Then, we perform an extensive analysis of the effect of these training schedules on morphological generalization. Furthermore, we formalize the process of training sample selection (i.e., morphological variations) to improve generalization as a reinforcement learning problem. Overall, our results provide deeper insights into the role of variability and the ways of enhancing the generalization property of evolved ANN-based controllers.
Abstract:AI methods are finding an increasing number of applications, but their often black-box nature has raised concerns about accountability and trust. The field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has emerged in response to the need for human understanding of AI models. Evolutionary computation (EC), as a family of powerful optimization and learning tools, has significant potential to contribute to XAI. In this paper, we provide an introduction to XAI and review various techniques in current use for explaining machine learning (ML) models. We then focus on how EC can be used in XAI, and review some XAI approaches which incorporate EC techniques. Additionally, we discuss the application of XAI principles within EC itself, examining how these principles can shed some light on the behavior and outcomes of EC algorithms in general, on the (automatic) configuration of these algorithms, and on the underlying problem landscapes that these algorithms optimize. Finally, we discuss some open challenges in XAI and opportunities for future research in this field using EC. Our aim is to demonstrate that EC is well-suited for addressing current problems in explainability and to encourage further exploration of these methods to contribute to the development of more transparent and trustworthy ML models and EC algorithms.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models seamlessly discriminate among arbitrary semantic categories, yet they still suffer from poor generalization when presented with challenging examples. For this reason, Episodic Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) strategies have recently emerged as powerful techniques to adapt VLMs in the presence of a single unlabeled image. The recent literature on TTA is dominated by the paradigm of prompt tuning by Marginal Entropy Minimization, which, relying on online backpropagation, inevitably slows down inference while increasing memory. In this work, we theoretically investigate the properties of this approach and unveil that a surprisingly strong TTA method lies dormant and hidden within it. We term this approach ZERO (TTA with "zero" temperature), whose design is both incredibly effective and frustratingly simple: augment N times, predict, retain the most confident predictions, and marginalize after setting the Softmax temperature to zero. Remarkably, ZERO requires a single batched forward pass through the vision encoder only and no backward passes. We thoroughly evaluate our approach following the experimental protocol established in the literature and show that ZERO largely surpasses or compares favorably w.r.t. the state-of-the-art while being almost 10x faster and 13x more memory-friendly than standard Test-Time Prompt Tuning. Thanks to its simplicity and comparatively negligible computation, ZERO can serve as a strong baseline for future work in this field. The code is available at https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/zero.
Abstract:The Influence Maximization (IM) problem is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial problem over graphs whose goal is to find the set of nodes in a network that spreads influence at most. Among the various methods for solving the IM problem, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been shown to be particularly effective. While the literature on the topic is particularly ample, only a few attempts have been made at solving the IM problem over higher-order networks, namely extensions of standard graphs that can capture interactions that involve more than two nodes. Hypergraphs are a valuable tool for modeling complex interaction networks in various domains; however, they require rethinking of several graph-based problems, including IM. In this work, we propose a multi-objective EA for the IM problem over hypergraphs that leverages smart initialization and hypergraph-aware mutation. While the existing methods rely on greedy or heuristic methods, to our best knowledge this is the first attempt at applying EAs to this problem. Our results over nine real-world datasets and three propagation models, compared with five baseline algorithms, reveal that our method achieves in most cases state-of-the-art results in terms of hypervolume and solution diversity.
Abstract:While excellent in transfer learning, Vision-Language models (VLMs) come with high computational costs due to their large number of parameters. To address this issue, removing parameters via model pruning is a viable solution. However, existing techniques for VLMs are task-specific, and thus require pruning the network from scratch for each new task of interest. In this work, we explore a new direction: Task-Agnostic Vision-Language Pruning (TA-VLP). Given a pretrained VLM, the goal is to find a unique pruned counterpart transferable to multiple unknown downstream tasks. In this challenging setting, the transferable representations already encoded in the pretrained model are a key aspect to preserve. Thus, we propose Multimodal Flow Pruning (MULTIFLOW), a first, gradient-free, pruning framework for TA-VLP where: (i) the importance of a parameter is expressed in terms of its magnitude and its information flow, by incorporating the saliency of the neurons it connects; and (ii) pruning is driven by the emergent (multimodal) distribution of the VLM parameters after pretraining. We benchmark eight state-of-the-art pruning algorithms in the context of TA-VLP, experimenting with two VLMs, three vision-language tasks, and three pruning ratios. Our experimental results show that MULTIFLOW outperforms recent sophisticated, combinatorial competitors in the vast majority of the cases, paving the way towards addressing TA-VLP. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/multiflow.
Abstract:The Influence Maximization (IM) problem seeks to discover the set of nodes in a graph that can spread the information propagation at most. This problem is known to be NP-hard, and it is usually studied by maximizing the influence (spread) and, optionally, optimizing a second objective, such as minimizing the seed set size or maximizing the influence fairness. However, in many practical scenarios multiple aspects of the IM problem must be optimized at the same time. In this work, we propose a first case study where several IM-specific objective functions, namely budget, fairness, communities, and time, are optimized on top of the maximization of influence and minimization of the seed set size. To this aim, we introduce MOEIM (Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Influence Maximization) a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) based on NSGA-II incorporating graph-aware operators and a smart initialization. We compare MOEIM in two experimental settings, including a total of nine graph datasets, two heuristic methods, a related MOEA, and a state-of-the-art Deep Learning approach. The experiments show that MOEIM overall outperforms the competitors in most of the tested many-objective settings. To conclude, we also investigate the correlation between the objectives, leading to novel insights into the topic. The codebase is available at https://github.com/eliacunegatti/MOEIM.