Abstract:Vision-Language Models seamlessly discriminate among arbitrary semantic categories, yet they still suffer from poor generalization when presented with challenging examples. For this reason, Episodic Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) strategies have recently emerged as powerful techniques to adapt VLMs in the presence of a single unlabeled image. The recent literature on TTA is dominated by the paradigm of prompt tuning by Marginal Entropy Minimization, which, relying on online backpropagation, inevitably slows down inference while increasing memory. In this work, we theoretically investigate the properties of this approach and unveil that a surprisingly strong TTA method lies dormant and hidden within it. We term this approach ZERO (TTA with "zero" temperature), whose design is both incredibly effective and frustratingly simple: augment N times, predict, retain the most confident predictions, and marginalize after setting the Softmax temperature to zero. Remarkably, ZERO requires a single batched forward pass through the vision encoder only and no backward passes. We thoroughly evaluate our approach following the experimental protocol established in the literature and show that ZERO largely surpasses or compares favorably w.r.t. the state-of-the-art while being almost 10x faster and 13x more memory-friendly than standard Test-Time Prompt Tuning. Thanks to its simplicity and comparatively negligible computation, ZERO can serve as a strong baseline for future work in this field. The code is available at https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/zero.
Abstract:While excellent in transfer learning, Vision-Language models (VLMs) come with high computational costs due to their large number of parameters. To address this issue, removing parameters via model pruning is a viable solution. However, existing techniques for VLMs are task-specific, and thus require pruning the network from scratch for each new task of interest. In this work, we explore a new direction: Task-Agnostic Vision-Language Pruning (TA-VLP). Given a pretrained VLM, the goal is to find a unique pruned counterpart transferable to multiple unknown downstream tasks. In this challenging setting, the transferable representations already encoded in the pretrained model are a key aspect to preserve. Thus, we propose Multimodal Flow Pruning (MULTIFLOW), a first, gradient-free, pruning framework for TA-VLP where: (i) the importance of a parameter is expressed in terms of its magnitude and its information flow, by incorporating the saliency of the neurons it connects; and (ii) pruning is driven by the emergent (multimodal) distribution of the VLM parameters after pretraining. We benchmark eight state-of-the-art pruning algorithms in the context of TA-VLP, experimenting with two VLMs, three vision-language tasks, and three pruning ratios. Our experimental results show that MULTIFLOW outperforms recent sophisticated, combinatorial competitors in the vast majority of the cases, paving the way towards addressing TA-VLP. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/multiflow.
Abstract:Geometric model fitting is a challenging but fundamental computer vision problem. Recently, quantum optimization has been shown to enhance robust fitting for the case of a single model, while leaving the question of multi-model fitting open. In response to this challenge, this paper shows that the latter case can significantly benefit from quantum hardware and proposes the first quantum approach to multi-model fitting (MMF). We formulate MMF as a problem that can be efficiently sampled by modern adiabatic quantum computers without the relaxation of the objective function. We also propose an iterative and decomposed version of our method, which supports real-world-sized problems. The experimental evaluation demonstrates promising results on a variety of datasets. The source code is available at: https://github.com/FarinaMatteo/qmmf.