IBM Research, USA
Abstract:Recent methods for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human feedback predominantly rely on a single reference model, which limits diversity, model overfitting, and underutilizes the wide range of available pre-trained models. Incorporating multiple reference models has the potential to address these limitations by broadening perspectives, reducing bias, and leveraging the strengths of diverse open-source LLMs. However, integrating multiple reference models into reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) frameworks poses significant theoretical challenges, particularly in reverse KL-regularization, where achieving exact solutions has remained an open problem. This paper presents the first \emph{exact solution} to the multiple reference model problem in reverse KL-regularized RLHF. We introduce a comprehensive theoretical framework that includes rigorous statistical analysis and provides sample complexity guarantees. Additionally, we extend our analysis to forward KL-regularized RLHF, offering new insights into sample complexity requirements in multiple reference scenarios. Our contributions lay the foundation for more advanced and adaptable LLM alignment techniques, enabling the effective use of multiple reference models. This work paves the way for developing alignment frameworks that are both theoretically sound and better suited to the challenges of modern AI ecosystems.
Abstract:Reducing the likelihood of generating harmful and toxic output is an essential task when aligning large language models (LLMs). Existing methods mainly rely on training an external reward model (i.e., another language model) or fine-tuning the LLM using self-generated data to influence the outcome. In this paper, we show that LLMs have the capability of self-detoxification without the use of an additional reward model or re-training. We propose \textit{Self-disciplined Autoregressive Sampling (SASA)}, a lightweight controlled decoding algorithm for toxicity reduction of LLMs. SASA leverages the contextual representations from an LLM to learn linear subspaces characterizing toxic v.s. non-toxic output in analytical forms. When auto-completing a response token-by-token, SASA dynamically tracks the margin of the current output to steer the generation away from the toxic subspace, by adjusting the autoregressive sampling strategy. Evaluated on LLMs of different scale and nature, namely Llama-3.1-Instruct (8B), Llama-2 (7B), and GPT2-L models with the RealToxicityPrompts, BOLD, and AttaQ benchmarks, SASA markedly enhances the quality of the generated sentences relative to the original models and attains comparable performance to state-of-the-art detoxification techniques, significantly reducing the toxicity level by only using the LLM's internal representations.
Abstract:The Wasserstein space of probability measures is known for its intricate Riemannian structure, which underpins the Wasserstein geometry and enables gradient flow algorithms. However, the Wasserstein geometry may not be suitable for certain tasks or data modalities. Motivated by scenarios where the global structure of the data needs to be preserved, this work initiates the study of gradient flows and Riemannian structure in the Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) geometry, which is particularly suited for such purposes. We focus on the inner product GW (IGW) distance between distributions on $\mathbb{R}^d$. Given a functional $\mathsf{F}:\mathcal{P}_2(\mathbb{R}^d)\to\mathbb{R}$ to optimize, we present an implicit IGW minimizing movement scheme that generates a sequence of distributions $\{\rho_i\}_{i=0}^n$, which are close in IGW and aligned in the 2-Wasserstein sense. Taking the time step to zero, we prove that the discrete solution converges to an IGW generalized minimizing movement (GMM) $(\rho_t)_t$ that follows the continuity equation with a velocity field $v_t\in L^2(\rho_t;\mathbb{R}^d)$, specified by a global transformation of the Wasserstein gradient of $\mathsf{F}$. The transformation is given by a mobility operator that modifies the Wasserstein gradient to encode not only local information, but also global structure. Our gradient flow analysis leads us to identify the Riemannian structure that gives rise to the intrinsic IGW geometry, using which we establish a Benamou-Brenier-like formula for IGW. We conclude with a formal derivation, akin to the Otto calculus, of the IGW gradient as the inverse mobility acting on the Wasserstein gradient. Numerical experiments validating our theory and demonstrating the global nature of IGW interpolations are provided.
Abstract:Stochastic dominance is an important concept in probability theory, econometrics and social choice theory for robustly modeling agents' preferences between random outcomes. While many works have been dedicated to the univariate case, little has been done in the multivariate scenario, wherein an agent has to decide between different multivariate outcomes. By exploiting a characterization of multivariate first stochastic dominance in terms of couplings, we introduce a statistic that assesses multivariate almost stochastic dominance under the framework of Optimal Transport with a smooth cost. Further, we introduce an entropic regularization of this statistic, and establish a central limit theorem (CLT) and consistency of the bootstrap procedure for the empirical statistic. Armed with this CLT, we propose a hypothesis testing framework as well as an efficient implementation using the Sinkhorn algorithm. We showcase our method in comparing and benchmarking Large Language Models that are evaluated on multiple metrics. Our multivariate stochastic dominance test allows us to capture the dependencies between the metrics in order to make an informed and statistically significant decision on the relative performance of the models.
Abstract:Policy alignment of large language models refers to constrained policy optimization, where the policy is optimized to maximize a reward while staying close to a reference policy with respect to an $f$-divergence such as the $\mathsf{KL}$ divergence. The best of $n$ alignment policy selects a sample from the reference policy that has the maximum reward among $n$ independent samples. For both cases (policy alignment and best of $n$), recent works showed empirically that the reward improvement of the aligned policy on the reference one scales like $\sqrt{\mathsf{KL}}$, with an explicit bound in $n$ on the $\mathsf{KL}$ for the best of $n$ policy. We show in this paper that the $\sqrt{\mathsf{KL}}$ information theoretic upper bound holds if the reward under the reference policy has sub-gaussian tails. Moreover, we prove for the best of $n$ policy, that the $\mathsf{KL}$ upper bound can be obtained for any $f$-divergence via a reduction to exponential order statistics owing to the R\'enyi representation of order statistics, and a data processing inequality. If additional information is known on the tails of the aligned policy we show that tighter control on the reward improvement can be obtained via the R\'enyi divergence. Finally we demonstrate how these upper bounds transfer from proxy rewards to golden rewards which results in a decrease in the golden reward improvement due to overestimation and approximation errors of the proxy reward.
Abstract:Current LLM alignment techniques use pairwise human preferences at a sample level, and as such, they do not imply an alignment on the distributional level. We propose in this paper Alignment via Optimal Transport (AOT), a novel method for distributional preference alignment of LLMs. AOT aligns LLMs on unpaired preference data by making the reward distribution of the positive samples stochastically dominant in the first order on the distribution of negative samples. We introduce a convex relaxation of this first-order stochastic dominance and cast it as an optimal transport problem with a smooth and convex cost. Thanks to the one-dimensional nature of the resulting optimal transport problem and the convexity of the cost, it has a closed-form solution via sorting on empirical measures. We fine-tune LLMs with this AOT objective, which enables alignment by penalizing the violation of the stochastic dominance of the reward distribution of the positive samples on the reward distribution of the negative samples. We analyze the sample complexity of AOT by considering the dual of the OT problem and show that it converges at the parametric rate. Empirically, we show on a diverse set of alignment datasets and LLMs that AOT leads to state-of-the-art models in the 7B family of models when evaluated with Open LLM Benchmarks and AlpacaEval.
Abstract:We propose a distributional framework for assessing socio-technical risks of foundation models with quantified statistical significance. Our approach hinges on a new statistical relative testing based on first and second order stochastic dominance of real random variables. We show that the second order statistics in this test are linked to mean-risk models commonly used in econometrics and mathematical finance to balance risk and utility when choosing between alternatives. Using this framework, we formally develop a risk-aware approach for foundation model selection given guardrails quantified by specified metrics. Inspired by portfolio optimization and selection theory in mathematical finance, we define a \emph{metrics portfolio} for each model as a means to aggregate a collection of metrics, and perform model selection based on the stochastic dominance of these portfolios. The statistical significance of our tests is backed theoretically by an asymptotic analysis via central limit theorems instantiated in practice via a bootstrap variance estimate. We use our framework to compare various large language models regarding risks related to drifting from instructions and outputting toxic content.
Abstract:Data collected from the real world tends to be biased, unbalanced, and at risk of exposing sensitive and private information. This reality has given rise to the idea of creating synthetic datasets to alleviate risk, bias, harm, and privacy concerns inherent in the real data. This concept relies on Generative AI models to produce unbiased, privacy-preserving synthetic data while being true to the real data. In this new paradigm, how can we tell if this approach delivers on its promises? We present an auditing framework that offers a holistic assessment of synthetic datasets and AI models trained on them, centered around bias and discrimination prevention, fidelity to the real data, utility, robustness, and privacy preservation. We showcase our framework by auditing multiple generative models on diverse use cases, including education, healthcare, banking, human resources, and across different modalities, from tabular, to time-series, to natural language. Our use cases demonstrate the importance of a holistic assessment in order to ensure compliance with socio-technical safeguards that regulators and policymakers are increasingly enforcing. For this purpose, we introduce the trust index that ranks multiple synthetic datasets based on their prescribed safeguards and their desired trade-offs. Moreover, we devise a trust-index-driven model selection and cross-validation procedure via auditing in the training loop that we showcase on a class of transformer models that we dub TrustFormers, across different modalities. This trust-driven model selection allows for controllable trust trade-offs in the resulting synthetic data. We instrument our auditing framework with workflows that connect different stakeholders from model development to audit and certification via a synthetic data auditing report.
Abstract:Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of machine-learning models that use adversarial training to generate new samples with the same (potentially very complex) statistics as the training samples. One major form of training failure, known as mode collapse, involves the generator failing to reproduce the full diversity of modes in the target probability distribution. Here, we present an effective model of GAN training, which captures the learning dynamics by replacing the generator neural network with a collection of particles in the output space; particles are coupled by a universal kernel valid for certain wide neural networks and high-dimensional inputs. The generality of our simplified model allows us to study the conditions under which mode collapse occurs. Indeed, experiments which vary the effective kernel of the generator reveal a mode collapse transition, the shape of which can be related to the type of discriminator through the frequency principle. Further, we find that gradient regularizers of intermediate strengths can optimally yield convergence through critical damping of the generator dynamics. Our effective GAN model thus provides an interpretable physical framework for understanding and improving adversarial training.
Abstract:With the prospect of automating a number of chemical tasks with high fidelity, chemical language processing models are emerging at a rapid speed. Here, we present a cloud-based real-time platform that allows users to virtually screen molecules of interest. For this purpose, molecular embeddings inferred from a recently proposed large chemical language model, named MolFormer, are leveraged. The platform currently supports three tasks: nearest neighbor retrieval, chemical space visualization, and property prediction. Based on the functionalities of this platform and results obtained, we believe that such a platform can play a pivotal role in automating chemistry and chemical engineering research, as well as assist in drug discovery and material design tasks. A demo of our platform is provided at \url{}.