Abstract:Existing visual perception systems focus on region-level segmentation in single-turn dialogues, relying on complex and explicit query instructions. Such systems cannot reason at the pixel level and comprehend dynamic user intent that changes over interaction. Our work tackles this issue by introducing a novel task, Pixel-level Reasoning Segmentation (Pixel-level RS) based on multi-turn conversations, tracking evolving user intent via multi-turn interactions for fine-grained segmentation. To establish a benchmark for this novel task, we build a Pixel-level ReasonIng Segmentation Dataset Based on Multi-Turn Conversations (PRIST), comprising 24k utterances from 8.3k multi-turn conversational scenarios with segmentation targets. Building on PRIST, we further propose MIRAS, a Multi-turn Interactive ReAsoning Segmentation framework, integrates pixel-level segmentation with robust multi-turn conversation understanding, generating pixel-grounded explanations aligned with user intent. The PRIST dataset and MIRSA framework fill the gap in pixel-level reasoning segmentation. Experimental results on the PRIST dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms current segmentation-specific baselines in terms of segmentation and LLM-based reasoning metrics. The code and data are available at: https://github.com/ccccai239/PixelRIST.
Abstract:Fine-tuning is a key approach for adapting language models to specific downstream tasks, but updating all model parameters becomes impractical as model sizes increase. Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods, such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), address this challenge by introducing additional adaptation parameters into pre-trained weight matrices. However, LoRA's performance varies across different insertion points within the model, highlighting potential parameter inefficiency due to unnecessary insertions. To this end, we propose SSMLoRA (State Space Model Low-Rank Adaptation), an extension of LoRA that incorporates a State Space Model (SSM) to interconnect low-rank matrices. SSMLoRA ensures that performance is maintained even with sparser insertions. SSMLoRA allows the model to not only map inputs to a low-rank space for better feature extraction but also leverage the computations from the previous low-rank space. Our method achieves comparable performance to LoRA on the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark while using only half the parameters. Additionally, due to its structure, SSMLoRA shows promise in handling tasks with longer input sequences. .You can find our code here:https://github.com/yuhkalhic/SSMLoRA.
Abstract:Although large language models(LLMs) show amazing capabilities, among various exciting applications discovered for LLMs fall short in other low-resource languages. Besides, most existing methods depend on large-scale dialogue corpora and thus building systems for dialogue generation in a zero-shot scenario remains a considerable challenge. To address this challenge, we propose a novel end-to-end zero-shot dialogue generation model ChatZero based on cross-lingual code-switching method. First, we construct code-switching language and pseudo-target language with placeholders. Then for cross-lingual semantic transfer, we employ unsupervised contrastive learning to minimize the semantics gap of the source language, code-switching language, and pseudo-target language that are mutually positive examples in the high dimensional semantic space. Experiments on the multilingual DailyDialog and DSTC7-AVSD datasets demonstrate that ChatZero can achieve more than 90\% of the original performance under the zero-shot case compared to supervised learning, and achieve state-of-the-art performance compared with other baselines.
Abstract:Current state-of-the-art dialogue systems heavily rely on extensive training datasets. However, challenges arise in domains where domain-specific training datasets are insufficient or entirely absent. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel data \textbf{A}ugmentation framework for \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{D}omain \textbf{D}ialogue \textbf{G}eneration, referred to as \textbf{AMD$^2$G}. The AMD$^2$G framework consists of a data augmentation process and a two-stage training approach: domain-agnostic training and domain adaptation training. We posit that domain corpora are a blend of domain-agnostic and domain-specific features, with certain representation patterns shared among diverse domains. Domain-agnostic training aims to enable models to learn these common expressive patterns. To construct domain-agnostic dialogue corpora, we employ a \textit{\textbf{de-domaining}} data processing technique used to remove domain-specific features. By mitigating the effects of domain-specific features, the model trained on the de-domained corpora can effectively learn common expression patterns in different domains. Subsequently, we adapt the learned domain-agnostic features to the target domain through domain adaptation training. We conduct experiments on Chinese dialogue datasets from five different domains and show that AMD$^2$G achieves superior performance compared to both direct training on the target domain corpus and collective training on all five domain corpora. Our work underscores AMD$^2$G as a viable alternative solution for low-resource multi-domain dialogue generation. Code and data associated with our work are available on GitHub repository$^{\text 1}$.
Abstract:Full-parameter fine-tuning has become the go-to choice for adapting language models (LMs) to downstream tasks due to its excellent performance. As LMs grow in size, fine-tuning the full parameters of LMs requires a prohibitively large amount of GPU memory. Existing approaches utilize zeroth-order optimizer to conserve GPU memory, which can potentially compromise the performance of LMs as non-zero order optimizers tend to converge more readily on most downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel optimizer-independent end-to-end hierarchical fine-tuning strategy, HiFT, which only updates a subset of parameters at each training step. HiFT can significantly reduce the amount of gradients and optimizer state parameters residing in GPU memory at the same time, thereby reducing GPU memory usage. Our results demonstrate that: (1) HiFT achieves comparable performance to parameter-efficient fine-tuning and standard full parameter fine-tuning. (2) HiFT supports various optimizers including AdamW, AdaGrad, SGD, etc. (3) HiFT can save more than 60\% GPU memory compared with standard full-parameter fine-tuning for 7B model. (4) HiFT enables full-parameter fine-tuning of a 7B model on single 48G A6000 with a precision of 32 using the AdamW optimizer, without using any memory saving techniques.
Abstract:LLMs (large language models) such as ChatGPT have shown remarkable language understanding and generation capabilities. Although reference-free evaluators based on LLMs show better human alignment than traditional reference-based evaluators, there are many challenges in using reference-free evaluators based on LLMs. Reference-free evaluators are more suitable for open-ended examples with different semantics responses. But not all examples are open-ended. For closed-ended examples with unique correct semantic response, reference-free evaluators will still consider it high quality when giving a response that is inconsistent with the facts and the semantic of reference. In order to comprehensively evaluate the reliability of evaluators based on LLMs, we construct two adversarial meta-evaluation dialogue generation datasets KdConv-ADV and DSTC7-ADV based on KdConv and DSTC7-AVSD, respectively. Compared to previous meta-evaluation benchmarks, KdConv-ADV and DSTC7-ADV are much more challenging since they requires evaluators to be able to reasonably evaluate closed-ended examples with the help of external knowledge or even its own knowledge. Empirical results show that the ability of LLMs to identify unreasonable responses is insufficient. There are risks in using eference-free evaluators based on LLMs to evaluate the quality of dialogue responses.
Abstract:Cooperative perception (CP) is attracting increasing attention and is regarded as the core foundation to support cooperative driving automation, a potential key solution to addressing the safety, mobility, and sustainability issues of contemporary transportation systems. However, current research on CP is still at the beginning stages where a systematic problem formulation of CP is still missing, acting as the essential guideline of the system design of a CP system under real-world situations. In this paper, we formulate a universal CP system into an optimization problem and a mobile-edge-cloud framework called Cooperverse. This system addresses CP in a mixed connectivity and automation environment. A Dynamic Feature Sharing (DFS) methodology is introduced to support this CP system under certain constraints and a Random Priority Filtering (RPF) method is proposed to conduct DFS with high performance. Experiments have been conducted based on a high-fidelity CP platform, and the results show that the Cooperverse framework is effective for dynamic node engagement and the proposed DFS methodology can improve system CP performance by 14.5% and the RPF method can reduce the communication cost for mobile nodes by 90% with only 1.7% drop for average precision.
Abstract:We investigate response generation for multi-turn dialogue in generative-based chatbots. Existing generative models based on RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks) usually employ the last hidden state to summarize the sequences, which makes models unable to capture the subtle variability observed in different dialogues and cannot distinguish the differences between dialogues that are similar in composition. In this paper, we propose a Pseudo-Variational Gated Recurrent Unit (PVGRU) component without posterior knowledge through introducing a recurrent summarizing variable into the GRU, which can aggregate the accumulated distribution variations of subsequences. PVGRU can perceive the subtle semantic variability through summarizing variables that are optimized by the devised distribution consistency and reconstruction objectives. In addition, we build a Pseudo-Variational Hierarchical Dialogue (PVHD) model based on PVGRU. Experimental results demonstrate that PVGRU can broadly improve the diversity and relevance of responses on two benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Utilizing the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the computer vision community is now witnessing an unprecedented evolution in all kinds of perception tasks, particularly in object detection. Based on multiple spatially separated perception nodes, Cooperative Perception (CP) has emerged to significantly advance the perception of automated driving. However, current cooperative object detection methods mainly focus on ego-vehicle efficiency without considering the practical issues of system-wide costs. In this paper, we introduce VINet, a unified deep learning-based CP network for scalable, lightweight, and heterogeneous cooperative 3D object detection. VINet is the first CP method designed from the standpoint of large-scale system-level implementation and can be divided into three main phases: 1) Global Pre-Processing and Lightweight Feature Extraction which prepare the data into global style and extract features for cooperation in a lightweight manner; 2) Two-Stream Fusion which fuses the features from scalable and heterogeneous perception nodes; and 3) Central Feature Backbone and 3D Detection Head which further process the fused features and generate cooperative detection results. A cooperative perception platform is designed and developed for CP dataset acquisition and several baselines are compared during the experiments. The experimental analysis shows that VINet can achieve remarkable improvements for pedestrians and cars with 2x less system-wide computational costs and 12x less system-wide communicational costs.
Abstract:Current end-to-end retrieval-based dialogue systems are mainly based on Recurrent Neural Networks or Transformers with attention mechanisms. Although promising results have been achieved, these models often suffer from slow inference or huge number of parameters. In this paper, we propose a novel lightweight fully convolutional architecture, called DialogConv, for response selection. DialogConv is exclusively built on top of convolution to extract matching features of context and response. Dialogues are modeled in 3D views, where DialogConv performs convolution operations on embedding view, word view and utterance view to capture richer semantic information from multiple contextual views. On the four benchmark datasets, compared with state-of-the-art baselines, DialogConv is on average about 8.5x smaller in size, and 79.39x and 10.64x faster on CPU and GPU devices, respectively. At the same time, DialogConv achieves the competitive effectiveness of response selection.