Abstract:Contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) has been found to be vulnerable to poisoning backdoor attacks where the adversary can achieve an almost perfect attack success rate on CLIP models by poisoning only 0.01\% of the training dataset. This raises security concerns on the current practice of pretraining large-scale models on unscrutinized web data using CLIP. In this work, we analyze the representations of backdoor-poisoned samples learned by CLIP models and find that they exhibit unique characteristics in their local subspace, i.e., their local neighborhoods are far more sparse than that of clean samples. Based on this finding, we conduct a systematic study on detecting CLIP backdoor attacks and show that these attacks can be easily and efficiently detected by traditional density ratio-based local outlier detectors, whereas existing backdoor sample detection methods fail. Our experiments also reveal that an unintentional backdoor already exists in the original CC3M dataset and has been trained into a popular open-source model released by OpenCLIP. Based on our detector, one can clean up a million-scale web dataset (e.g., CC3M) efficiently within 15 minutes using 4 Nvidia A100 GPUs. The code is publicly available in our \href{https://github.com/HanxunH/Detect-CLIP-Backdoor-Samples}{GitHub repository}.
Abstract:Auditing Large Language Models (LLMs) is a crucial and challenging task. In this study, we focus on auditing black-box LLMs without access to their parameters, only to the provided service. We treat this type of auditing as a black-box optimization problem where the goal is to automatically uncover input-output pairs of the target LLMs that exhibit illegal, immoral, or unsafe behaviors. For instance, we may seek a non-toxic input that the target LLM responds to with a toxic output or an input that induces the hallucinative response from the target LLM containing politically sensitive individuals. This black-box optimization is challenging due to the scarcity of feasible points, the discrete nature of the prompt space, and the large search space. To address these challenges, we propose Curiosity-Driven Auditing for Large Language Models (CALM), which uses intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning to finetune an LLM as the auditor agent to uncover potential harmful and biased input-output pairs of the target LLM. CALM successfully identifies derogatory completions involving celebrities and uncovers inputs that elicit specific names under the black-box setting. This work offers a promising direction for auditing black-box LLMs. Our code is available at https://github.com/x-zheng16/CALM.git.
Abstract:Controlling the movements of dynamic objects and the camera within generated videos is a meaningful yet challenging task. Due to the lack of datasets with comprehensive motion annotations, existing algorithms can not simultaneously control the motions of both camera and objects, resulting in limited controllability over generated contents. To address this issue and facilitate the research in this field, we introduce a Synthetic Dataset for Free-Form Motion Control (SynFMC). The proposed SynFMC dataset includes diverse objects and environments and covers various motion patterns according to specific rules, simulating common and complex real-world scenarios. The complete 6D pose information facilitates models learning to disentangle the motion effects from objects and the camera in a video. To validate the effectiveness and generalization of SynFMC, we further propose a method, Free-Form Motion Control (FMC). FMC enables independent or simultaneous control of object and camera movements, producing high-fidelity videos. Moreover, it is compatible with various personalized text-to-image (T2I) models for different content styles. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed FMC outperforms previous methods across multiple scenarios.
Abstract:Transferable adversarial examples highlight the vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to imperceptible perturbations across various real-world applications. While there have been notable advancements in untargeted transferable attacks, targeted transferable attacks remain a significant challenge. In this work, we focus on generative approaches for targeted transferable attacks. Current generative attacks focus on reducing overfitting to surrogate models and the source data domain, but they often overlook the importance of enhancing transferability through additional semantics. To address this issue, we introduce a novel plug-and-play module into the general generator architecture to enhance adversarial transferability. Specifically, we propose a \emph{Semantic Injection Module} (SIM) that utilizes the semantics contained in an additional guiding image to improve transferability. The guiding image provides a simple yet effective method to incorporate target semantics from the target class to create targeted and highly transferable attacks. Additionally, we propose new loss formulations that can integrate the semantic injection module more effectively for both targeted and untargeted attacks. We conduct comprehensive experiments under both targeted and untargeted attack settings to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach.
Abstract:Model extraction attacks are one type of inference-time attacks that approximate the functionality and performance of a black-box victim model by launching a certain number of queries to the model and then leveraging the model's predictions to train a substitute model. These attacks pose severe security threats to production models and MLaaS platforms and could cause significant monetary losses to the model owners. A body of work has proposed to defend machine learning models against model extraction attacks, including both active defense methods that modify the model's outputs or increase the query overhead to avoid extraction and passive defense methods that detect malicious queries or leverage watermarks to perform post-verification. In this work, we introduce a new defense paradigm called attack as defense which modifies the model's output to be poisonous such that any malicious users that attempt to use the output to train a substitute model will be poisoned. To this end, we propose a novel lightweight backdoor attack method dubbed HoneypotNet that replaces the classification layer of the victim model with a honeypot layer and then fine-tunes the honeypot layer with a shadow model (to simulate model extraction) via bi-level optimization to modify its output to be poisonous while remaining the original performance. We empirically demonstrate on four commonly used benchmark datasets that HoneypotNet can inject backdoors into substitute models with a high success rate. The injected backdoor not only facilitates ownership verification but also disrupts the functionality of substitute models, serving as a significant deterrent to model extraction attacks.
Abstract:Physical adversarial patches printed on clothing can easily allow individuals to evade person detectors. However, most existing adversarial patch generation methods prioritize attack effectiveness over stealthiness, resulting in patches that are aesthetically unpleasing. Although existing methods using generative adversarial networks or diffusion models can produce more natural-looking patches, they often struggle to balance stealthiness with attack effectiveness and lack flexibility for user customization. To address these challenges, we propose a novel diffusion-based customizable patch generation framework termed DiffPatch, specifically tailored for creating naturalistic and customizable adversarial patches. Our approach enables users to utilize a reference image as the source, rather than starting from random noise, and incorporates masks to craft naturalistic patches of various shapes, not limited to squares. To prevent the original semantics from being lost during the diffusion process, we employ Null-text inversion to map random noise samples to a single input image and generate patches through Incomplete Diffusion Optimization (IDO). Notably, while maintaining a natural appearance, our method achieves a comparable attack performance to state-of-the-art non-naturalistic patches when using similarly sized attacks. Using DiffPatch, we have created a physical adversarial T-shirt dataset, AdvPatch-1K, specifically targeting YOLOv5s. This dataset includes over a thousand images across diverse scenarios, validating the effectiveness of our attack in real-world environments. Moreover, it provides a valuable resource for future research.
Abstract:Large pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) have been shown to be susceptible to adversarial attacks, raising concerns about their deployment in safety-critical scenarios like autonomous driving and medical diagnosis. One promising approach for improving the robustness of pre-trained VLMs is Adversarial Prompt Tuning (APT), which combines adversarial training with prompt tuning. However, existing APT methods are mostly single-modal methods that design prompt(s) for only the visual or textual modality, limiting their effectiveness in either robustness or clean accuracy. In this work, we propose a novel method called Adversarial Prompt Distillation (APD) that combines APT with knowledge distillation to boost the adversarial robustness of CLIP. Specifically, APD is a bimodal method that adds prompts for both the visual and textual modalities while leveraging a cleanly pre-trained teacher CLIP model to distill and boost the performance of the student CLIP model on downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our APD over the current state-of-the-art APT methods in terms of both natural and adversarial performances. The effectiveness of our APD method validates the possibility of using a non-robust teacher to improve the generalization and robustness of VLMs.
Abstract:Large pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP have demonstrated excellent zero-shot generalizability across various downstream tasks. However, recent studies have shown that the inference performance of CLIP can be greatly degraded by small adversarial perturbations, especially its visual modality, posing significant safety threats. To mitigate this vulnerability, in this paper, we propose a novel defense method called Test-Time Adversarial Prompt Tuning (TAPT) to enhance the inference robustness of CLIP against visual adversarial attacks. TAPT is a test-time defense method that learns defensive bimodal (textual and visual) prompts to robustify the inference process of CLIP. Specifically, it is an unsupervised method that optimizes the defensive prompts for each test sample by minimizing a multi-view entropy and aligning adversarial-clean distributions. We evaluate the effectiveness of TAPT on 11 benchmark datasets, including ImageNet and 10 other zero-shot datasets, demonstrating that it enhances the zero-shot adversarial robustness of the original CLIP by at least 48.9% against AutoAttack (AA), while largely maintaining performance on clean examples. Moreover, TAPT outperforms existing adversarial prompt tuning methods across various backbones, achieving an average robustness improvement of at least 36.6%.
Abstract:As deep learning models are increasingly deployed in safety-critical applications, evaluating their vulnerabilities to adversarial perturbations is essential for ensuring their reliability and trustworthiness. Over the past decade, a large number of white-box adversarial robustness evaluation methods (i.e., attacks) have been proposed, ranging from single-step to multi-step methods and from individual to ensemble methods. Despite these advances, challenges remain in conducting meaningful and comprehensive robustness evaluations, particularly when it comes to large-scale testing and ensuring evaluations reflect real-world adversarial risks. In this work, we focus on image classification models and propose a novel individual attack method, Probability Margin Attack (PMA), which defines the adversarial margin in the probability space rather than the logits space. We analyze the relationship between PMA and existing cross-entropy or logits-margin-based attacks, and show that PMA can outperform the current state-of-the-art individual methods. Building on PMA, we propose two types of ensemble attacks that balance effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, we create a million-scale dataset, CC1M, derived from the existing CC3M dataset, and use it to conduct the first million-scale white-box adversarial robustness evaluation of adversarially-trained ImageNet models. Our findings provide valuable insights into the robustness gaps between individual versus ensemble attacks and small-scale versus million-scale evaluations.
Abstract:As large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) continue to gain prominence, ensuring their safety deployment in real-world applications has become a critical concern. Recently, significant research efforts have focused on evaluating the robustness of VLMs against jailbreak attacks. Due to challenges in obtaining multi-modal data, current studies often assess VLM robustness by generating adversarial or query-relevant images based on harmful text datasets. However, the jailbreak images generated this way exhibit certain limitations. Adversarial images require white-box access to the target VLM and are relatively easy to defend against, while query-relevant images must be linked to the target harmful content, limiting their diversity and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a novel jailbreak method named IDEATOR, which autonomously generates malicious image-text pairs for black-box jailbreak attacks. IDEATOR is a VLM-based approach inspired by our conjecture that a VLM itself might be a powerful red team model for generating jailbreak prompts. Specifically, IDEATOR employs a VLM to generate jailbreak texts while leveraging a state-of-the-art diffusion model to create corresponding jailbreak images. Extensive experiments demonstrate the high effectiveness and transferability of IDEATOR. It successfully jailbreaks MiniGPT-4 with a 94% success rate and transfers seamlessly to LLaVA and InstructBLIP, achieving high success rates of 82% and 88%, respectively. IDEATOR uncovers previously unrecognized vulnerabilities in VLMs, calling for advanced safety mechanisms.