Abstract:This paper develops a hierarchical learning and optimization framework that can learn and achieve well-coordinated multi-skill locomotion. The learned multi-skill policy can switch between skills automatically and naturally in tracking arbitrarily positioned goals and recover from failures promptly. The proposed framework is composed of a deep reinforcement learning process and an optimization process. First, the contact pattern is incorporated into the reward terms for learning different types of gaits as separate policies without the need for any other references. Then, a higher level policy is learned to generate weights for individual policies to compose multi-skill locomotion in a goal-tracking task setting. Skills are automatically and naturally switched according to the distance to the goal. The proper distances for skill switching are incorporated in reward calculation for learning the high level policy and updated by an outer optimization loop as learning progresses. We first demonstrated successful multi-skill locomotion in comprehensive tasks on a simulated Unitree A1 quadruped robot. We also deployed the learned policy in the real world showcasing trotting, bounding, galloping, and their natural transitions as the goal position changes. Moreover, the learned policy can react to unexpected failures at any time, perform prompt recovery, and resume locomotion successfully. Compared to discrete switch between single skills which failed to transition to galloping in the real world, our proposed approach achieves all the learned agile skills, with smoother and more continuous skill transitions.
Abstract:We present a diffusion-based approach to quadrupedal locomotion that simultaneously addresses the limitations of learning and interpolating between multiple skills and of (modes) offline adapting to new locomotion behaviours after training. This is the first framework to apply classifier-free guided diffusion to quadruped locomotion and demonstrate its efficacy by extracting goal-conditioned behaviour from an originally unlabelled dataset. We show that these capabilities are compatible with a multi-skill policy and can be applied with little modification and minimal compute overhead, i.e., running entirely on the robots onboard CPU. We verify the validity of our approach with hardware experiments on the ANYmal quadruped platform.
Abstract:Representation learning and unsupervised skill discovery can allow robots to acquire diverse and reusable behaviors without the need for task-specific rewards. In this work, we use unsupervised reinforcement learning to learn a latent representation by maximizing the mutual information between skills and states subject to a distance constraint. Our method improves upon prior constrained skill discovery methods by replacing the latent transition maximization with a norm-matching objective. This not only results in a much a richer state space coverage compared to baseline methods, but allows the robot to learn more stable and easily controllable locomotive behaviors. We successfully deploy the learned policy on a real ANYmal quadruped robot and demonstrate that the robot can accurately reach arbitrary points of the Cartesian state space in a zero-shot manner, using only an intrinsic skill discovery and standard regularization rewards.
Abstract:This work develops a data-efficient learning from demonstration framework which exploits the use of rich tactile sensing and achieves fine dexterous bimanual manipulation. Specifically, we formulated a convolutional autoencoder network that can effectively extract and encode high-dimensional tactile information. Further, we developed a behaviour cloning network that can learn human-like sensorimotor skills demonstrated directly on the robot hardware in the task space by fusing both proprioceptive and tactile feedback. Our comparison study with the baseline method revealed the effectiveness of the contact information, which enabled successful extraction and replication of the demonstrated motor skills. Extensive experiments on real dual-arm robots demonstrated the robustness and effectiveness of the fine pinch grasp policy directly learned from one-shot demonstration, including grasping of the same object with different initial poses, generalizing to ten unseen new objects, robust and firm grasping against external pushes, as well as contact-aware and reactive re-grasping in case of dropping objects under very large perturbations. Moreover, the saliency map method is employed to describe the weight distribution across various modalities during pinch grasping. The video is available online at: \href{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs}{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs}.
Abstract:Robot motor skills can be learned through deep reinforcement learning (DRL) by neural networks as state-action mappings. While the selection of state observations is crucial, there has been a lack of quantitative analysis to date. Here, we present a systematic saliency analysis that quantitatively evaluates the relative importance of different feedback states for motor skills learned through DRL. Our approach can identify the most essential feedback states for locomotion skills, including balance recovery, trotting, bounding, pacing and galloping. By using only key states including joint positions, gravity vector, base linear and angular velocities, we demonstrate that a simulated quadruped robot can achieve robust performance in various test scenarios across these distinct skills. The benchmarks using task performance metrics show that locomotion skills learned with key states can achieve comparable performance to those with all states, and the task performance or learning success rate will drop significantly if key states are missing. This work provides quantitative insights into the relationship between state observations and specific types of motor skills, serving as a guideline for robot motor learning. The proposed method is applicable to differentiable state-action mapping, such as neural network based control policies, enabling the learning of a wide range of motor skills with minimal sensing dependencies.
Abstract:For the model-free deep reinforcement learning of quadruped fall recovery, the initialization of robot configurations is crucial to the data efficiency and robustness. This work focuses on algorithmic improvements of data efficiency and robustness simultaneously through automatic discovery of initial states, which is achieved by our proposed K-Access algorithm based on accessibility metrics. Specifically, we formulated accessibility metrics to measure the difficulty of transitions between two arbitrary states, and proposed a novel K-Access algorithm for state-space clustering that automatically discovers the centroids of the static-pose clusters based on the accessibility metrics. By using the discovered centroidal static poses as initial states, we improve the data efficiency by reducing the redundant exploration, and enhance the robustness by easy explorations from the centroids to sampled static poses. We studied extensive validation using an 8-DOF quadrupedal robot Bittle. Compared to random initialization, the learning curve of our proposed method converges much faster, requiring only around 60% of training episodes. With our method, the robot can successfully recover standing poses in 99.4% of tests within 3 seconds.
Abstract:Achieving versatile robot locomotion requires motor skills which can adapt to previously unseen situations. We propose a Multi-Expert Learning Architecture (MELA) that learns to generate adaptive skills from a group of representative expert skills. During training, MELA is first initialised by a distinct set of pre-trained experts, each in a separate deep neural network (DNN). Then by learning the combination of these DNNs using a Gating Neural Network (GNN), MELA can acquire more specialised experts and transitional skills across various locomotion modes. During runtime, MELA constantly blends multiple DNNs and dynamically synthesises a new DNN to produce adaptive behaviours in response to changing situations. This approach leverages the advantages of trained expert skills and the fast online synthesis of adaptive policies to generate responsive motor skills during the changing tasks. Using a unified MELA framework, we demonstrated successful multi-skill locomotion on a real quadruped robot that performed coherent trotting, steering, and fall recovery autonomously, and showed the merit of multi-expert learning generating behaviours which can adapt to unseen scenarios.