Abstract:We present TUMTraffic-VideoQA, a novel dataset and benchmark designed for spatio-temporal video understanding in complex roadside traffic scenarios. The dataset comprises 1,000 videos, featuring 85,000 multiple-choice QA pairs, 2,300 object captioning, and 5,700 object grounding annotations, encompassing diverse real-world conditions such as adverse weather and traffic anomalies. By incorporating tuple-based spatio-temporal object expressions, TUMTraffic-VideoQA unifies three essential tasks-multiple-choice video question answering, referred object captioning, and spatio-temporal object grounding-within a cohesive evaluation framework. We further introduce the TUMTraffic-Qwen baseline model, enhanced with visual token sampling strategies, providing valuable insights into the challenges of fine-grained spatio-temporal reasoning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the dataset's complexity, highlight the limitations of existing models, and position TUMTraffic-VideoQA as a robust foundation for advancing research in intelligent transportation systems. The dataset and benchmark are publicly available to facilitate further exploration.
Abstract:Accurately detecting 3D objects from monocular images in dynamic roadside scenarios remains a challenging problem due to varying camera perspectives and unpredictable scene conditions. This paper introduces a two-stage training strategy to address these challenges. Our approach initially trains a model on the large-scale synthetic dataset, RoadSense3D, which offers a diverse range of scenarios for robust feature learning. Subsequently, we fine-tune the model on a combination of real-world datasets to enhance its adaptability to practical conditions. Experimental results of the Cube R-CNN model on challenging public benchmarks show a remarkable improvement in detection performance, with a mean average precision rising from 0.26 to 12.76 on the TUM Traffic A9 Highway dataset and from 2.09 to 6.60 on the DAIR-V2X-I dataset when performing transfer learning. Code, data, and qualitative video results are available on the project website: https://roadsense3d.github.io.
Abstract:Existing roadside perception systems are limited by the absence of publicly available, large-scale, high-quality 3D datasets. Exploring the use of cost-effective, extensive synthetic datasets offers a viable solution to tackle this challenge and enhance the performance of roadside monocular 3D detection. In this study, we introduce the TUMTraf Synthetic Dataset, offering a diverse and substantial collection of high-quality 3D data to augment scarce real-world datasets. Besides, we present WARM-3D, a concise yet effective framework to aid the Sim2Real domain transfer for roadside monocular 3D detection. Our method leverages cheap synthetic datasets and 2D labels from an off-the-shelf 2D detector for weak supervision. We show that WARM-3D significantly enhances performance, achieving a +12.40% increase in mAP 3D over the baseline with only pseudo-2D supervision. With 2D GT as weak labels, WARM-3D even reaches performance close to the Oracle baseline. Moreover, WARM-3D improves the ability of 3D detectors to unseen sample recognition across various real-world environments, highlighting its potential for practical applications.
Abstract:Accurate and effective 3D object detection is critical for ensuring the driving safety of autonomous vehicles. Recently, state-of-the-art two-stage 3D object detectors have exhibited promising performance. However, these methods refine proposals individually, ignoring the rich contextual information in the object relationships between the neighbor proposals. In this study, we introduce an object relation module, consisting of a graph generator and a graph neural network (GNN), to learn the spatial information from certain patterns to improve 3D object detection. Specifically, we create an inter-object relationship graph based on proposals in a frame via the graph generator to connect each proposal with its neighbor proposals. Afterward, the GNN module extracts edge features from the generated graph and iteratively refines proposal features with the captured edge features. Ultimately, we leverage the refined features as input to the detection head to obtain detection results. Our approach improves upon the baseline PV-RCNN on the KITTI validation set for the car class across easy, moderate, and hard difficulty levels by 0.82%, 0.74%, and 0.58%, respectively. Additionally, our method outperforms the baseline by more than 1% under the moderate and hard levels BEV AP on the test server.
Abstract:In the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), efficient data compression is crucial for managing large-scale point cloud data acquired by roadside LiDAR sensors. The demand for efficient storage, streaming, and real-time object detection capabilities for point cloud data is substantial. This work introduces PointCompress3D, a novel point cloud compression framework tailored specifically for roadside LiDARs. Our framework addresses the challenges of compressing high-resolution point clouds while maintaining accuracy and compatibility with roadside LiDAR sensors. We adapt, extend, integrate, and evaluate three cutting-edge compression methods using our real-world-based TUMTraf dataset family. We achieve a frame rate of 10 FPS while keeping compression sizes below 105 Kb, a reduction of 50 times, and maintaining object detection performance on par with the original data. In extensive experiments and ablation studies, we finally achieved a PSNR d2 of 94.46 and a BPP of 6.54 on our dataset. Future work includes the deployment on the live system. The code is available on our project website: https://pointcompress3d.github.io.
Abstract:Cooperative perception offers several benefits for enhancing the capabilities of autonomous vehicles and improving road safety. Using roadside sensors in addition to onboard sensors increases reliability and extends the sensor range. External sensors offer higher situational awareness for automated vehicles and prevent occlusions. We propose CoopDet3D, a cooperative multi-modal fusion model, and TUMTraf-V2X, a perception dataset, for the cooperative 3D object detection and tracking task. Our dataset contains 2,000 labeled point clouds and 5,000 labeled images from five roadside and four onboard sensors. It includes 30k 3D boxes with track IDs and precise GPS and IMU data. We labeled eight categories and covered occlusion scenarios with challenging driving maneuvers, like traffic violations, near-miss events, overtaking, and U-turns. Through multiple experiments, we show that our CoopDet3D camera-LiDAR fusion model achieves an increase of +14.36 3D mAP compared to a vehicle camera-LiDAR fusion model. Finally, we make our dataset, model, labeling tool, and dev-kit publicly available on our website: https://tum-traffic-dataset.github.io/tumtraf-v2x.
Abstract:Collaborative perception in automated vehicles leverages the exchange of information between agents, aiming to elevate perception results. Previous camera-based collaborative 3D perception methods typically employ 3D bounding boxes or bird's eye views as representations of the environment. However, these approaches fall short in offering a comprehensive 3D environmental prediction. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first method for collaborative 3D semantic occupancy prediction. Particularly, it improves local 3D semantic occupancy predictions by hybrid fusion of (i) semantic and occupancy task features, and (ii) compressed orthogonal attention features shared between vehicles. Additionally, due to the lack of a collaborative perception dataset designed for semantic occupancy prediction, we augment a current collaborative perception dataset to include 3D collaborative semantic occupancy labels for a more robust evaluation. The experimental findings highlight that: (i) our collaborative semantic occupancy predictions excel above the results from single vehicles by over 30%, and (ii) models anchored on semantic occupancy outpace state-of-the-art collaborative 3D detection techniques in subsequent perception applications, showcasing enhanced accuracy and enriched semantic-awareness in road environments.
Abstract:The curation of large-scale datasets is still costly and requires much time and resources. Data is often manually labeled, and the challenge of creating high-quality datasets remains. In this work, we fill the research gap using active learning for multi-modal 3D object detection. We propose ActiveAnno3D, an active learning framework to select data samples for labeling that are of maximum informativeness for training. We explore various continuous training methods and integrate the most efficient method regarding computational demand and detection performance. Furthermore, we perform extensive experiments and ablation studies with BEVFusion and PV-RCNN on the nuScenes and TUM Traffic Intersection dataset. We show that we can achieve almost the same performance with PV-RCNN and the entropy-based query strategy when using only half of the training data (77.25 mAP compared to 83.50 mAP) of the TUM Traffic Intersection dataset. BEVFusion achieved an mAP of 64.31 when using half of the training data and 75.0 mAP when using the complete nuScenes dataset. We integrate our active learning framework into the proAnno labeling tool to enable AI-assisted data selection and labeling and minimize the labeling costs. Finally, we provide code, weights, and visualization results on our website: https://active3d-framework.github.io/active3d-framework.
Abstract:Event-based cameras are predestined for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). They provide very high temporal resolution and dynamic range, which can eliminate motion blur and make objects easier to recognize at night. However, event-based images lack color and texture compared to images from a conventional rgb camera. Considering that, data fusion between event-based and conventional cameras can combine the strengths of both modalities. For this purpose, extrinsic calibration is necessary. To the best of our knowledge, no targetless calibration between event-based and rgb cameras can handle multiple moving objects, nor data fusion optimized for the domain of roadside ITS exists, nor synchronized event-based and rgb camera datasets in the field of ITS are known. To fill these research gaps, based on our previous work, we extend our targetless calibration approach with clustering methods to handle multiple moving objects. Furthermore, we develop an early fusion, simple late fusion, and a novel spatiotemporal late fusion method. Lastly, we publish the TUMTraf Event Dataset, which contains more than 4k synchronized event-based and rgb images with 21.9k labeled 2D boxes. During our extensive experiments, we verified the effectiveness of our calibration method with multiple moving objects. Furthermore, compared to a single rgb camera, we increased the detection performance of up to +16% mAP in the day and up to +12% mAP in the challenging night with our presented event-based sensor fusion methods. The TUMTraf Event Dataset is available at https://innovation-mobility.com/tumtraf-dataset.
Abstract:Point cloud registration is challenging in the presence of heavy outlier correspondences. This paper focuses on addressing the robust correspondence-based registration problem with gravity prior that often arises in practice. The gravity directions are typically obtained by inertial measurement units (IMUs) and can reduce the degree of freedom (DOF) of rotation from 3 to 1. We propose a novel transformation decoupling strategy by leveraging screw theory. This strategy decomposes the original 4-DOF problem into three sub-problems with 1-DOF, 2-DOF, and 1-DOF, respectively, thereby enhancing the computation efficiency. Specifically, the first 1-DOF represents the translation along the rotation axis and we propose an interval stabbing-based method to solve it. The second 2-DOF represents the pole which is an auxiliary variable in screw theory and we utilize a branch-and-bound method to solve it. The last 1-DOF represents the rotation angle and we propose a global voting method for its estimation. The proposed method sequentially solves three consensus maximization sub-problems, leading to efficient and deterministic registration. In particular, it can even handle the correspondence-free registration problem due to its significant robustness. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method is more efficient and robust than state-of-the-art methods, even when dealing with outlier rates exceeding 99%.