Abstract:Developing an automated driving system capable of navigating complex traffic environments remains a formidable challenge. Unlike rule-based or supervised learning-based methods, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based controllers eliminate the need for domain-specific knowledge and datasets, thus providing adaptability to various scenarios. Nonetheless, a common limitation of existing studies on DRL-based controllers is their focus on driving scenarios with simple traffic patterns, which hinders their capability to effectively handle complex driving environments with delayed, long-term rewards, thus compromising the generalizability of their findings. In response to these limitations, our research introduces a pioneering hierarchical framework that efficiently decomposes intricate decision-making problems into manageable and interpretable subtasks. We adopt a two step training process that trains the high-level controller and low-level controller separately. The high-level controller exhibits an enhanced exploration potential with long-term delayed rewards, and the low-level controller provides longitudinal and lateral control ability using short-term instantaneous rewards. Through simulation experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of our hierarchical controller in managing complex highway driving situations.
Abstract:Accurate and effective 3D object detection is critical for ensuring the driving safety of autonomous vehicles. Recently, state-of-the-art two-stage 3D object detectors have exhibited promising performance. However, these methods refine proposals individually, ignoring the rich contextual information in the object relationships between the neighbor proposals. In this study, we introduce an object relation module, consisting of a graph generator and a graph neural network (GNN), to learn the spatial information from certain patterns to improve 3D object detection. Specifically, we create an inter-object relationship graph based on proposals in a frame via the graph generator to connect each proposal with its neighbor proposals. Afterward, the GNN module extracts edge features from the generated graph and iteratively refines proposal features with the captured edge features. Ultimately, we leverage the refined features as input to the detection head to obtain detection results. Our approach improves upon the baseline PV-RCNN on the KITTI validation set for the car class across easy, moderate, and hard difficulty levels by 0.82%, 0.74%, and 0.58%, respectively. Additionally, our method outperforms the baseline by more than 1% under the moderate and hard levels BEV AP on the test server.
Abstract:Autonomous driving has rapidly developed and shown promising performance with recent advances in hardware and deep learning methods. High-quality datasets are fundamental for developing reliable autonomous driving algorithms. Previous dataset surveys tried to review the datasets but either focused on a limited number or lacked detailed investigation of the characters of datasets. To this end, we present an exhaustive study of over 200 autonomous driving datasets from multiple perspectives, including sensor modalities, data size, tasks, and contextual conditions. We introduce a novel metric to evaluate the impact of each dataset, which can also be a guide for establishing new datasets. We further analyze the annotation process and quality of datasets. Additionally, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the data distribution of several vital datasets. Finally, we discuss the development trend of the future autonomous driving datasets.
Abstract:The applications of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) in the fields of Autonomous Driving (AD) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have attracted widespread attention due to their outstanding performance and the ability to leverage Large Language Models (LLMs). By integrating language data, the vehicles, and transportation systems are able to deeply understand real-world environments, improving driving safety and efficiency. In this work, we present a comprehensive survey of the advances in language models in this domain, encompassing current models and datasets. Additionally, we explore the potential applications and emerging research directions. Finally, we thoroughly discuss the challenges and research gap. The paper aims to provide researchers with the current work and future trends of VLMs in AD and ITS.
Abstract:Deformable linear objects are vastly represented in our everyday lives. It is often challenging even for humans to visually understand them, as the same object can be entangled so that it appears completely different. Examples of deformable linear objects include blood vessels and wiring harnesses, vital to the functioning of their corresponding systems, such as the human body and a vehicle. However, no point cloud datasets exist for studying 3D deformable linear objects. Therefore, we are introducing two point cloud datasets, PointWire and PointVessel. We evaluated state-of-the-art methods on the proposed large-scale 3D deformable linear object benchmarks. Finally, we analyzed the generalization capabilities of these methods by conducting transferability experiments on the PointWire and PointVessel datasets.
Abstract:Recent research in pedestrian simulation often aims to develop realistic behaviors in various situations, but it is challenging for existing algorithms to generate behaviors that identify weaknesses in automated vehicles' performance in extreme and unlikely scenarios and edge cases. To address this, specialized pedestrian behavior algorithms are needed. Current research focuses on realistic trajectories using social force models and reinforcement learning based models. However, we propose a reinforcement learning algorithm that specifically targets collisions and better uncovers unique failure modes of automated vehicle controllers. Our algorithm is efficient and generates more severe collisions, allowing for the identification and correction of weaknesses in autonomous driving algorithms in complex and varied scenarios.
Abstract:State-of-the-art 3D detection methods rely on supervised learning and large labelled datasets. However, annotating lidar data is resource-consuming, and depending only on supervised learning limits the applicability of trained models. Against this backdrop, here we propose using a self-supervised training strategy to learn a general point cloud backbone model for downstream 3D vision tasks. 3D scene flow can be estimated with self-supervised learning using cycle consistency, which removes labelled data requirements. Moreover, the perception of objects in the traffic scenarios heavily relies on making sense of the sparse data in the spatio-temporal context. Our main contribution leverages learned flow and motion representations and combines a self-supervised backbone with a 3D detection head focusing mainly on the relation between the scene flow and detection tasks. In this way, self-supervised scene flow training constructs point motion features in the backbone, which help distinguish objects based on their different motion patterns used with a 3D detection head. Experiments on KITTI and nuScenes benchmarks show that the proposed self-supervised pre-training increases 3D detection performance significantly.
Abstract:Avoiding unseen or partially occluded vulnerable road users (VRUs) is a major challenge for fully autonomous driving in urban scenes. However, occlusion-aware risk assessment systems have not been widely studied. Here, we propose a pedestrian emergence estimation and occlusion-aware risk assessment system for urban autonomous driving. First, the proposed system utilizes available contextual information, such as visible cars and pedestrians, to estimate pedestrian emergence probabilities in occluded regions. These probabilities are then used in a risk assessment framework, and incorporated into a longitudinal motion controller. The proposed controller is tested against several baseline controllers that recapitulate some commonly observed driving styles. The simulated test scenarios include randomly placed parked cars and pedestrians, most of whom are occluded from the ego vehicle's view and emerges randomly. The proposed controller outperformed the baselines in terms of safety and comfort measures.
Abstract:3D object detection is a core component of automated driving systems. State-of-the-art methods fuse RGB imagery and LiDAR point cloud data frame-by-frame for 3D bounding box regression. However, frame-by-frame 3D object detection suffers from noise, field-of-view obstruction, and sparsity. We propose a novel Temporal Fusion Module (TFM) to use information from previous time-steps to mitigate these problems. First, a state-of-the-art frustum network extracts point cloud features from raw RGB and LiDAR point cloud data frame-by-frame. Then, our TFM module fuses these features with a recurrent neural network. As a result, 3D object detection becomes robust against single frame failures and transient occlusions. Experiments on the KITTI object tracking dataset show the efficiency of the proposed TFM, where we obtain ~6%, ~4%, and ~6% improvements on Car, Pedestrian, and Cyclist classes, respectively, compared to frame-by-frame baselines. Furthermore, ablation studies reinforce that the subject of improvement is temporal fusion and show the effects of different placements of TFM in the object detection pipeline. Our code is open-source and available at https://github.com/emecercelik/Temp-Frustum-Net.git.
Abstract:Predicting vulnerable road user behavior is an essential prerequisite for deploying Automated Driving Systems (ADS) in the real-world. Pedestrian crossing intention should be recognized in real-time, especially for urban driving. Recent works have shown the potential of using vision-based deep neural network models for this task. However, these models are not robust and certain issues still need to be resolved. First, the global spatio-temproal context that accounts for the interaction between the target pedestrian and the scene has not been properly utilized. Second, the optimum strategy for fusing different sensor data has not been thoroughly investigated. This work addresses the above limitations by introducing a novel neural network architecture to fuse inherently different spatio-temporal features for pedestrian crossing intention prediction. We fuse different phenomena such as sequences of RGB imagery, semantic segmentation masks, and ego-vehicle speed in an optimum way using attention mechanisms and a stack of recurrent neural networks. The optimum architecture was obtained through exhaustive ablation and comparison studies. Extensive comparative experiments on the JAAD pedestrian action prediction benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, where state-of-the-art performance was achieved. Our code is open-source and publicly available.