Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, USA
Abstract:We consider the spatial classification problem for monitoring using data collected by a coordinated team of mobile robots. Such classification problems arise in several applications including search-and-rescue and precision agriculture. Specifically, we want to classify the regions of a search environment into interesting and uninteresting as quickly as possible using a team of mobile sensors and mobile charging stations. We develop a data-driven strategy that accommodates the noise in sensed data and the limited energy capacity of the sensors, and generates collision-free motion plans for the team. We propose a bi-level approach, where a high-level planner leverages a multi-armed bandit framework to determine the potential regions of interest for the drones to visit next based on the data collected online. Then, a low-level path planner based on integer programming coordinates the paths for the team to visit the target regions subject to the physical constraints. We characterize several theoretical properties of the proposed approach, including anytime guarantees and task completion time. We show the efficacy of our approach in simulation, and further validate these observations in physical experiments using mobile robots.
Abstract:Mixed-integer quadratic programs (MIQPs) are a versatile way of formulating vehicle decision making and motion planning problems, where the prediction model is a hybrid dynamical system that involves both discrete and continuous decision variables. However, even the most advanced MIQP solvers can hardly account for the challenging requirements of automotive embedded platforms. Thus, we use machine learning to simplify and hence speed up optimization. Our work builds on recent ideas for solving MIQPs in real-time by training a neural network to predict the optimal values of integer variables and solving the remaining problem by online quadratic programming. Specifically, we propose a recurrent permutation equivariant deep set that is particularly suited for imitating MIQPs that involve many obstacles, which is often the major source of computational burden in motion planning problems. Our framework comprises also a feasibility projector that corrects infeasible predictions of integer variables and considerably increases the likelihood of computing a collision-free trajectory. We evaluate the performance, safety and real-time feasibility of decision-making for autonomous driving using the proposed approach on realistic multi-lane traffic scenarios with interactive agents in SUMO simulations.
Abstract:This paper investigates the planning and control for accurate positioning of car-like robots. We propose a solution that integrates two modules: a motion planner, facilitated by the rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm and continuous-curvature (CC) steering technique, generates a CC trajectory as a reference; and a nonlinear model predictive controller (NMPC) regulates the robot to accurately track the reference trajectory. Based on the $\mu$-tangency conditions in prior art, we derive explicit existence conditions and develop associated computation methods for a special class of CC paths which not only admit the same driving patterns as Reeds-Shepp paths but also consist of cusp-free clothoid turns. Afterwards, we create an autonomous vehicle parking scenario where the NMPC endeavors to follow the reference trajectory. Feasibility and computational efficiency of the CC steering are validated by numerical simulation. CarSim-Simulink joint simulations statistically verify that with exactly same NMPC, the closed-loop system with CC trajectories as references substantially outperforms the case where Reeds-Shepp trajectories are used as references.
Abstract:We study the problem of computing robust controllable sets for discrete-time linear systems with additive uncertainty. We propose a tractable and scalable approach to inner- and outer-approximate robust controllable sets using constrained zonotopes, when the additive uncertainty set is a symmetric, convex, and compact set. Our least-squares-based approach uses novel closed-form approximations of the Pontryagin difference between a constrained zonotopic minuend and a symmetric, convex, and compact subtrahend. Unlike existing approaches, our approach does not rely on convex optimization solvers, and is projection-free for ellipsoidal and zonotopic uncertainty sets. We also propose a least-squares-based approach to compute a convex, polyhedral outer-approximation to constrained zonotopes, and characterize sufficient conditions under which all these approximations are exact. We demonstrate the computational efficiency and scalability of our approach in several case studies, including the design of abort-safe rendezvous trajectories for a spacecraft in near-rectilinear halo orbit under uncertainty. Our approach can inner-approximate a 20-step robust controllable set for a 100-dimensional linear system in under 15 seconds on a standard computer.
Abstract:We consider the problem of safe multi-agent motion planning for drones in uncertain, cluttered workspaces. For this problem, we present a tractable motion planner that builds upon the strengths of reinforcement learning and constrained-control-based trajectory planning. First, we use single-agent reinforcement learning to learn motion plans from data that reach the target but may not be collision-free. Next, we use a convex optimization, chance constraints, and set-based methods for constrained control to ensure safety, despite the uncertainty in the workspace, agent motion, and sensing. The proposed approach can handle state and control constraints on the agents, and enforce collision avoidance among themselves and with static obstacles in the workspace with high probability. The proposed approach yields a safe, real-time implementable, multi-agent motion planner that is simpler to train than methods based solely on learning. Numerical simulations and experiments show the efficacy of the approach.
Abstract:Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) is a set of methods and tools that systematically integrate machine learning (ML) algorithms with physical constraints and abstract mathematical models developed in scientific and engineering domains. As opposed to purely data-driven methods, PIML models can be trained from additional information obtained by enforcing physical laws such as energy and mass conservation. More broadly, PIML models can include abstract properties and conditions such as stability, convexity, or invariance. The basic premise of PIML is that the integration of ML and physics can yield more effective, physically consistent, and data-efficient models. This paper aims to provide a tutorial-like overview of the recent advances in PIML for dynamical system modeling and control. Specifically, the paper covers an overview of the theory, fundamental concepts and methods, tools, and applications on topics of: 1) physics-informed learning for system identification; 2) physics-informed learning for control; 3) analysis and verification of PIML models; and 4) physics-informed digital twins. The paper is concluded with a perspective on open challenges and future research opportunities.
Abstract:While privacy concerns entice connected and automated vehicles to incorporate on-board federated learning (FL) solutions, an integrated vehicle-to-everything communication with heterogeneous computation power aware learning platform is urgently necessary to make it a reality. Motivated by this, we propose a novel mobility, communication and computation aware online FL platform that uses on-road vehicles as learning agents. Thanks to the advanced features of modern vehicles, the on-board sensors can collect data as vehicles travel along their trajectories, while the on-board processors can train machine learning models using the collected data. To take the high mobility of vehicles into account, we consider the delay as a learning parameter and restrict it to be less than a tolerable threshold. To satisfy this threshold, the central server accepts partially trained models, the distributed roadside units (a) perform downlink multicast beamforming to minimize global model distribution delay and (b) allocate optimal uplink radio resources to minimize local model offloading delay, and the vehicle agents conduct heterogeneous local model training. Using real-world vehicle trace datasets, we validate our FL solutions. Simulation shows that the proposed integrated FL platform is robust and outperforms baseline models. With reasonable local training episodes, it can effectively satisfy all constraints and deliver near ground truth multi-horizon velocity and vehicle-specific power predictions.
Abstract:This paper presents an integrated motion planning system for autonomous vehicle (AV) parking in the presence of other moving vehicles. The proposed system includes 1) a hybrid environment predictor that predicts the motions of the surrounding vehicles and 2) a strategic motion planner that reacts to the predictions. The hybrid environment predictor performs short-term predictions via an extended Kalman filter and an adaptive observer. It also combines short-term predictions with a driver behavior cost-map to make long-term predictions. The strategic motion planner comprises 1) a model predictive control-based safety controller for trajectory tracking; 2) a search-based retreating planner for finding an evasion path in an emergency; 3) an optimization-based repairing planner for planning a new path when the original path is invalidated. Simulation validation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of initial planning, motion prediction, safe tracking, retreating in an emergency, and trajectory repairing.
Abstract:This paper proposes a method for calibrating control parameters. Examples of such control parameters are gains of PID controllers, weights of a cost function for optimal control, filter coefficients, the sliding surface of a sliding mode controller, or weights of a neural network. Hence, the proposed method can be applied to a wide range of controllers. The method uses a Kalman filter that estimates control parameters rather than the system's state, using data of closed-loop system operation. The control parameter calibration is driven by a training objective, which encompasses specifications on the performance of the dynamical system. The calibration method tunes the parameters online and robustly, is computationally efficient, has low data storage requirements, and is easy to implement making it appealing for many real-time applications. Simulation results show that the method is able to learn control parameters quickly (approximately 24% average decay factor of closed-loop cost), is able to tune the parameters to compensate for disturbances (approximately 29% improvement on tracking precision), and is robust to noise. Further, a simulation study with the high-fidelity vehicle simulator CarSim shows that the method can calibrate controllers of a complex dynamical system online, which indicates its applicability to a real-world system.