Abstract:We consider the spatial classification problem for monitoring using data collected by a coordinated team of mobile robots. Such classification problems arise in several applications including search-and-rescue and precision agriculture. Specifically, we want to classify the regions of a search environment into interesting and uninteresting as quickly as possible using a team of mobile sensors and mobile charging stations. We develop a data-driven strategy that accommodates the noise in sensed data and the limited energy capacity of the sensors, and generates collision-free motion plans for the team. We propose a bi-level approach, where a high-level planner leverages a multi-armed bandit framework to determine the potential regions of interest for the drones to visit next based on the data collected online. Then, a low-level path planner based on integer programming coordinates the paths for the team to visit the target regions subject to the physical constraints. We characterize several theoretical properties of the proposed approach, including anytime guarantees and task completion time. We show the efficacy of our approach in simulation, and further validate these observations in physical experiments using mobile robots.
Abstract:Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL) is a subset of machine learning that introduces constraints into the traditional reinforcement learning (RL) framework. Unlike conventional RL which aims solely to maximize cumulative rewards, CRL incorporates additional constraints that represent specific mission requirements or limitations that the agent must comply with during the learning process. In this paper, we address a type of CRL problem where an agent aims to learn the optimal policy to maximize reward while ensuring a desired level of temporal logic constraint satisfaction throughout the learning process. We propose a novel framework that relies on switching between pure learning (reward maximization) and constraint satisfaction. This framework estimates the probability of constraint satisfaction based on earlier trials and properly adjusts the probability of switching between learning and constraint satisfaction policies. We theoretically validate the correctness of the proposed algorithm and demonstrate its performance and scalability through comprehensive simulations.
Abstract:We propose an automata-theoretic approach for reinforcement learning (RL) under complex spatio-temporal constraints with time windows. The problem is formulated using a Markov decision process under a bounded temporal logic constraint. Different from existing RL methods that can eventually learn optimal policies satisfying such constraints, our proposed approach enforces a desired probability of constraint satisfaction throughout learning. This is achieved by translating the bounded temporal logic constraint into a total automaton and avoiding "unsafe" actions based on the available prior information regarding the transition probabilities, i.e., a pair of upper and lower bounds for each transition probability. We provide theoretical guarantees on the resulting probability of constraint satisfaction. We also provide numerical results in a scenario where a robot explores the environment to discover high-reward regions while fulfilling some periodic pick-up and delivery tasks that are encoded as temporal logic constraints.