Abstract:We study the efficiency of multi-vector retrieval methods like ColBERT and its recent variant XTR. We introduce WARP, a retrieval engine that drastically improves the efficiency of XTR-based ColBERT retrievers through three key innovations: (1) WARP$_\text{SELECT}$ for dynamic similarity imputation, (2) implicit decompression to bypass costly vector reconstruction, and (3) a two-stage reduction process for efficient scoring. Combined with optimized C++ kernels and specialized inference runtimes, WARP reduces end-to-end latency by 41x compared to XTR's reference implementation and thereby achieves a 3x speedup over PLAID from the the official ColBERT implementation. We study the efficiency of multi-vector retrieval methods like ColBERT and its recent variant XTR. We introduce WARP, a retrieval engine that drastically improves the efficiency of XTR-based ColBERT retrievers through three key innovations: (1) WARP$_\text{SELECT}$ for dynamic similarity imputation, (2) implicit decompression during retrieval, and (3) a two-stage reduction process for efficient scoring. Thanks also to highly-optimized C++ kernels and to the adoption of specialized inference runtimes, WARP can reduce end-to-end query latency relative to XTR's reference implementation by 41x. And it thereby achieves a 3x speedup over the official ColBERTv2 PLAID engine, while preserving retrieval quality.
Abstract:Rerankers, typically cross-encoders, are often used to re-score the documents retrieved by cheaper initial IR systems. This is because, though expensive, rerankers are assumed to be more effective. We challenge this assumption by measuring reranker performance for full retrieval, not just re-scoring first-stage retrieval. Our experiments reveal a surprising trend: the best existing rerankers provide diminishing returns when scoring progressively more documents and actually degrade quality beyond a certain limit. In fact, in this setting, rerankers can frequently assign high scores to documents with no lexical or semantic overlap with the query. We hope that our findings will spur future research to improve reranking.
Abstract:Many open-ended conversations (e.g., tutoring lessons or business meetings) revolve around pre-defined reference materials, like worksheets or meeting bullets. To provide a framework for studying such conversation structure, we introduce Problem-Oriented Segmentation & Retrieval (POSR), the task of jointly breaking down conversations into segments and linking each segment to the relevant reference item. As a case study, we apply POSR to education where effectively structuring lessons around problems is critical yet difficult. We present LessonLink, the first dataset of real-world tutoring lessons, featuring 3,500 segments, spanning 24,300 minutes of instruction and linked to 116 SAT math problems. We define and evaluate several joint and independent approaches for POSR, including segmentation (e.g., TextTiling), retrieval (e.g., ColBERT), and large language models (LLMs) methods. Our results highlight that modeling POSR as one joint task is essential: POSR methods outperform independent segmentation and retrieval pipelines by up to +76% on joint metrics and surpass traditional segmentation methods by up to +78% on segmentation metrics. We demonstrate POSR's practical impact on downstream education applications, deriving new insights on the language and time use in real-world lesson structures.
Abstract:The hallucinations of large language models (LLMs) are increasingly mitigated by allowing LLMs to search for information and to ground their answers in real sources. Unfortunately, LLMs often struggle with posing the right search queries, especially when dealing with complex or otherwise indirect topics. Observing that LLMs can learn to search for relevant facts by $\textit{trying}$ different queries and learning to up-weight queries that successfully produce relevant results, we introduce $\underline{Le}$arning to $\underline{Re}$trieve by $\underline{T}$rying (LeReT), a reinforcement learning framework that explores search queries and uses preference-based optimization to improve their quality. LeReT can improve the absolute retrieval accuracy by up to 29% and the downstream generator evaluations by 17%. The simplicity and flexibility of LeReT allows it to be applied to arbitrary off-the-shelf retrievers and makes it a promising technique for improving general LLM pipelines. Project website: http://sherylhsu.com/LeReT/.
Abstract:Users can divulge sensitive information to proprietary LLM providers, raising significant privacy concerns. While open-source models, hosted locally on the user's machine, alleviate some concerns, models that users can host locally are often less capable than proprietary frontier models. Toward preserving user privacy while retaining the best quality, we propose Privacy-Conscious Delegation, a novel task for chaining API-based and local models. We utilize recent public collections of user-LLM interactions to construct a natural benchmark called PUPA, which contains personally identifiable information (PII). To study potential approaches, we devise PAPILLON, a multi-stage LLM pipeline that uses prompt optimization to address a simpler version of our task. Our best pipeline maintains high response quality for 85.5% of user queries while restricting privacy leakage to only 7.5%. We still leave a large margin to the generation quality of proprietary LLMs for future work. Our data and code will be available at https://github.com/siyan-sylvia-li/PAPILLON.
Abstract:Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems are increasingly taking the form of multi-stage pipelines involving multiple distinct language models (LMs) and prompting strategies. Here we address the question of how to fine-tune such systems to improve their performance. We cast this as a problem of optimizing the underlying LM weights and the prompting strategies together, and consider a challenging but highly realistic scenario in which we have no gold labels for any intermediate stages in the pipeline. To address this challenge, we evaluate approximate optimization strategies in which we bootstrap training labels for all pipeline stages and use these to optimize the pipeline's prompts and fine-tune its weights alternatingly. In experiments with multi-hop QA, mathematical reasoning, and feature-based classification, we find that simple approaches for optimizing the prompts and weights together outperform directly optimizing weights alone and prompts alone by up to 65% and 5%, respectively, on average across LMs and tasks. We will release our new optimizers in DSPy at http://dspy.ai
Abstract:Language Model Programs, i.e. sophisticated pipelines of modular language model (LM) calls, are increasingly advancing NLP tasks, but they require crafting prompts that are jointly effective for all modules. We study prompt optimization for LM programs, i.e. how to update these prompts to maximize a downstream metric without access to module-level labels or gradients. To make this tractable, we factorize our problem into optimizing the free-form instructions and few-shot demonstrations of every module and introduce several strategies to craft task-grounded instructions and navigate credit assignment across modules. Our strategies include (i) program- and data-aware techniques for proposing effective instructions, (ii) a stochastic mini-batch evaluation function for learning a surrogate model of our objective, and (iii) a meta-optimization procedure in which we refine how LMs construct proposals over time. Using these insights we develop MIPRO, a novel optimizer that outperforms baselines on five of six diverse LM programs using a best-in-class open-source model (Llama-3-8B), by as high as 12.9% accuracy. We will release our new optimizers and benchmark in DSPy at https://github.com/stanfordnlp/dspy
Abstract:We develop a method for training small-scale (under 100M parameter) neural information retrieval models with as few as 10 gold relevance labels. The method depends on generating synthetic queries for documents using a language model (LM), and the key step is that we automatically optimize the LM prompt that is used to generate these queries based on training quality. In experiments with the BIRCO benchmark, we find that models trained with our method outperform RankZephyr and are competitive with RankLLama, both of which are 7B parameter models trained on over 100K labels. These findings point to the power of automatic prompt optimization for synthetic dataset generation.
Abstract:Many online content portals allow users to ask questions to supplement their understanding (e.g., of lectures). While information retrieval (IR) systems may provide answers for such user queries, they do not directly assist content creators -- such as lecturers who want to improve their content -- identify segments that _caused_ a user to ask those questions. We introduce the task of backtracing, in which systems retrieve the text segment that most likely caused a user query. We formalize three real-world domains for which backtracing is important in improving content delivery and communication: understanding the cause of (a) student confusion in the Lecture domain, (b) reader curiosity in the News Article domain, and (c) user emotion in the Conversation domain. We evaluate the zero-shot performance of popular information retrieval methods and language modeling methods, including bi-encoder, re-ranking and likelihood-based methods and ChatGPT. While traditional IR systems retrieve semantically relevant information (e.g., details on "projection matrices" for a query "does projecting multiple times still lead to the same point?"), they often miss the causally relevant context (e.g., the lecturer states "projecting twice gets me the same answer as one projection"). Our results show that there is room for improvement on backtracing and it requires new retrieval approaches. We hope our benchmark serves to improve future retrieval systems for backtracing, spawning systems that refine content generation and identify linguistic triggers influencing user queries. Our code and data are open-sourced: https://github.com/rosewang2008/backtracing.
Abstract:We study how to apply large language models to write grounded and organized long-form articles from scratch, with comparable breadth and depth to Wikipedia pages. This underexplored problem poses new challenges at the pre-writing stage, including how to research the topic and prepare an outline prior to writing. We propose STORM, a writing system for the Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking. STORM models the pre-writing stage by (1) discovering diverse perspectives in researching the given topic, (2) simulating conversations where writers carrying different perspectives pose questions to a topic expert grounded on trusted Internet sources, (3) curating the collected information to create an outline. For evaluation, we curate FreshWiki, a dataset of recent high-quality Wikipedia articles, and formulate outline assessments to evaluate the pre-writing stage. We further gather feedback from experienced Wikipedia editors. Compared to articles generated by an outline-driven retrieval-augmented baseline, more of STORM's articles are deemed to be organized (by a 25% absolute increase) and broad in coverage (by 10%). The expert feedback also helps identify new challenges for generating grounded long articles, such as source bias transfer and over-association of unrelated facts.