Abstract:The performance of Transfer Learning (TL) heavily relies on effective pretraining, which demands large datasets and substantial computational resources. As a result, executing TL is often challenging for individual model developers. Federated Learning (FL) addresses these issues by facilitating collaborations among clients, expanding the dataset indirectly, distributing computational costs, and preserving privacy. However, key challenges remain unresolved. First, existing FL methods tend to optimize transferability only within local domains, neglecting the global learning domain. Second, most approaches rely on indirect transferability metrics, which do not accurately reflect the final target loss or true degree of transferability. To address these gaps, we propose two enhancements to FL. First, we introduce a client-server exchange protocol that leverages cross-client Jacobian (gradient) norms to boost transferability. Second, we increase the average Jacobian norm across clients at the server, using this as a local regularizer to reduce cross-client Jacobian variance. Our transferable federated algorithm, termed FedGTST (Federated Global Transferability via Statistics Tuning), demonstrates that increasing the average Jacobian and reducing its variance allows for tighter control of the target loss. This leads to an upper bound on the target loss in terms of the source loss and source-target domain discrepancy. Extensive experiments on datasets such as MNIST to MNIST-M and CIFAR10 to SVHN show that FedGTST outperforms relevant baselines, including FedSR. On the second dataset pair, FedGTST improves accuracy by 9.8% over FedSR and 7.6% over FedIIR when LeNet is used as the backbone.
Abstract:Rank aggregation combines multiple ranked lists into a consensus ranking. In fields like biomedical data sharing, rankings may be distributed and require privacy. This motivates the need for federated rank aggregation protocols, which support distributed, private, and communication-efficient learning across multiple clients with local data. We present the first known federated rank aggregation methods using Borda scoring and Lehmer codes, focusing on the sample complexity for federated algorithms on Mallows distributions with a known scaling factor $\phi$ and an unknown centroid permutation $\sigma_0$. Federated Borda approach involves local client scoring, nontrivial quantization, and privacy-preserving protocols. We show that for $\phi \in [0,1)$, and arbitrary $\sigma_0$ of length $N$, it suffices for each of the $L$ clients to locally aggregate $\max\{C_1(\phi), C_2(\phi)\frac{1}{L}\log \frac{N}{\delta}\}$ rankings, where $C_1(\phi)$ and $C_2(\phi)$ are constants, quantize the result, and send it to the server who can then recover $\sigma_0$ with probability $\geq 1-\delta$. Communication complexity scales as $NL \log N$. Our results represent the first rigorous analysis of Borda's method in centralized and distributed settings under the Mallows model. Federated Lehmer coding approach creates a local Lehmer code for each client, using a coordinate-majority aggregation approach with specialized quantization methods for efficiency and privacy. We show that for $\phi+\phi^2<1+\phi^N$, and arbitrary $\sigma_0$ of length $N$, it suffices for each of the $L$ clients to locally aggregate $\max\{C_3(\phi), C_4(\phi)\frac{1}{L}\log \frac{N}{\delta}\}$ rankings, where $C_3(\phi)$ and $C_4(\phi)$ are constants. Clients send truncated Lehmer coordinate histograms to the server, which can recover $\sigma_0$ with probability $\geq 1-\delta$. Communication complexity is $\sim O(N\log NL\log L)$.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have become instrumental in diverse real-world applications, offering powerful graph learning capabilities for tasks such as social networks and medical data analysis. Despite their successes, GNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, including membership inference attacks (MIA), which threaten privacy by identifying whether a record was part of the model's training data. While existing research has explored MIA in GNNs under graph inductive learning settings, the more common and challenging graph transductive learning setting remains understudied in this context. This paper addresses this gap and proposes an effective two-stage defense, Graph Transductive Defense (GTD), tailored to graph transductive learning characteristics. The gist of our approach is a combination of a train-test alternate training schedule and flattening strategy, which successfully reduces the difference between the training and testing loss distributions. Extensive empirical results demonstrate the superior performance of our method (a decrease in attack AUROC by $9.42\%$ and an increase in utility performance by $18.08\%$ on average compared to LBP), highlighting its potential for seamless integration into various classification models with minimal overhead.
Abstract:We study the problem of online conditional distribution estimation with \emph{unbounded} label sets under local differential privacy. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a distribution-valued function class with unbounded label set. We aim at estimating an \emph{unknown} function $f\in \mathcal{F}$ in an online fashion so that at time $t$ when the context $\boldsymbol{x}_t$ is provided we can generate an estimate of $f(\boldsymbol{x}_t)$ under KL-divergence knowing only a privatized version of the true labels sampling from $f(\boldsymbol{x}_t)$. The ultimate objective is to minimize the cumulative KL-risk of a finite horizon $T$. We show that under $(\epsilon,0)$-local differential privacy of the privatized labels, the KL-risk grows as $\tilde{\Theta}(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\sqrt{KT})$ upto poly-logarithmic factors where $K=|\mathcal{F}|$. This is in stark contrast to the $\tilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{T\log K})$ bound demonstrated by Wu et al. (2023a) for bounded label sets. As a byproduct, our results recover a nearly tight upper bound for the hypothesis selection problem of gopi et al. (2020) established only for the batch setting.
Abstract:Hierarchical and tree-like data sets arise in many applications, including language processing, graph data mining, phylogeny and genomics. It is known that tree-like data cannot be embedded into Euclidean spaces of finite dimension with small distortion. This problem can be mitigated through the use of hyperbolic spaces. When such data also has to be processed in a distributed and privatized setting, it becomes necessary to work with new federated learning methods tailored to hyperbolic spaces. As an initial step towards the development of the field of federated learning in hyperbolic spaces, we propose the first known approach to federated classification in hyperbolic spaces. Our contributions are as follows. First, we develop distributed versions of convex SVM classifiers for Poincar\'e discs. In this setting, the information conveyed from clients to the global classifier are convex hulls of clusters present in individual client data. Second, to avoid label switching issues, we introduce a number-theoretic approach for label recovery based on the so-called integer $B_h$ sequences. Third, we compute the complexity of the convex hulls in hyperbolic spaces to assess the extent of data leakage; at the same time, in order to limit the communication cost for the hulls, we propose a new quantization method for the Poincar\'e disc coupled with Reed-Solomon-like encoding. Fourth, at server level, we introduce a new approach for aggregating convex hulls of the clients based on balanced graph partitioning. We test our method on a collection of diverse data sets, including hierarchical single-cell RNA-seq data from different patients distributed across different repositories that have stringent privacy constraints. The classification accuracy of our method is up to $\sim 11\%$ better than its Euclidean counterpart, demonstrating the importance of privacy-preserving learning in hyperbolic spaces.
Abstract:Graph learning methods, such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) based on graph convolutions, are highly successful in solving real-world learning problems involving graph-structured data. However, graph learning methods expose sensitive user information and interactions not only through their model parameters but also through their model predictions. Consequently, standard Differential Privacy (DP) techniques that merely offer model weight privacy are inadequate. This is especially the case for node predictions that leverage neighboring node attributes directly via graph convolutions that create additional risks of privacy leakage. To address this problem, we introduce Graph Differential Privacy (GDP), a new formal DP framework tailored to graph learning settings that ensures both provably private model parameters and predictions. Furthermore, since there may be different privacy requirements for the node attributes and graph structure, we introduce a novel notion of relaxed node-level data adjacency. This relaxation can be used for establishing guarantees for different degrees of graph topology privacy while maintaining node attribute privacy. Importantly, this relaxation reveals a useful trade-off between utility and topology privacy for graph learning methods. In addition, our analysis of GDP reveals that existing DP-GNNs fail to exploit this trade-off due to the complex interplay between graph topology and attribute data in standard graph convolution designs. To mitigate this problem, we introduce the Differentially Private Decoupled Graph Convolution (DPDGC) model, which benefits from decoupled graph convolution while providing GDP guarantees. Extensive experiments on seven node classification benchmarking datasets demonstrate the superior privacy-utility trade-off of DPDGC over existing DP-GNNs based on standard graph convolution design.
Abstract:The eXtreme Multi-label Classification~(XMC) problem seeks to find relevant labels from an exceptionally large label space. Most of the existing XMC learners focus on the extraction of semantic features from input query text. However, conventional XMC studies usually neglect the side information of instances and labels, which can be of use in many real-world applications such as recommendation systems and e-commerce product search. We propose Predicted Instance Neighborhood Aggregation (PINA), a data enhancement method for the general XMC problem that leverages beneficial side information. Unlike most existing XMC frameworks that treat labels and input instances as featureless indicators and independent entries, PINA extracts information from the label metadata and the correlations among training instances. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the consistent gain of PINA on various XMC tasks compared to the state-of-the-art methods: PINA offers a gain in accuracy compared to standard XR-Transformers on five public benchmark datasets. Moreover, PINA achieves a $\sim 5\%$ gain in accuracy on the largest dataset LF-AmazonTitles-1.3M. Our implementation is publicly available.
Abstract:As the demand for user privacy grows, controlled data removal (machine unlearning) is becoming an important feature of machine learning models for data-sensitive Web applications such as social networks and recommender systems. Nevertheless, at this point it is still largely unknown how to perform efficient machine unlearning of graph neural networks (GNNs); this is especially the case when the number of training samples is small, in which case unlearning can seriously compromise the performance of the model. To address this issue, we initiate the study of unlearning the Graph Scattering Transform (GST), a mathematical framework that is efficient, provably stable under feature or graph topology perturbations, and offers graph classification performance comparable to that of GNNs. Our main contribution is the first known nonlinear approximate graph unlearning method based on GSTs. Our second contribution is a theoretical analysis of the computational complexity of the proposed unlearning mechanism, which is hard to replicate for deep neural networks. Our third contribution are extensive simulation results which show that, compared to complete retraining of GNNs after each removal request, the new GST-based approach offers, on average, a $10.38$x speed-up and leads to a $2.6$% increase in test accuracy during unlearning of $90$ out of $100$ training graphs from the IMDB dataset ($10$% training ratio).
Abstract:Federated clustering is an unsupervised learning problem that arises in a number of practical applications, including personalized recommender and healthcare systems. With the adoption of recent laws ensuring the "right to be forgotten", the problem of machine unlearning for federated clustering methods has become of significant importance. This work proposes the first known unlearning mechanism for federated clustering with privacy criteria that support simple, provable, and efficient data removal at the client and server level. The gist of our approach is to combine special initialization procedures with quantization methods that allow for secure aggregation of estimated local cluster counts at the server unit. As part of our platform, we introduce secure compressed multiset aggregation (SCMA), which is of independent interest for secure sparse model aggregation. In order to simultaneously facilitate low communication complexity and secret sharing protocols, we integrate Reed-Solomon encoding with special evaluation points into the new SCMA pipeline and derive bounds on the time and communication complexity of different components of the scheme. Compared to completely retraining K-means++ locally and globally for each removal request, we obtain an average speed-up of roughly 84x across seven datasets, two of which contain biological and medical information that is subject to frequent unlearning requests.
Abstract:Graph-structured data is ubiquitous in practice and often processed using graph neural networks (GNNs). With the adoption of recent laws ensuring the ``right to be forgotten'', the problem of graph data removal has become of significant importance. To address the problem, we introduce the first known framework for \emph{certified graph unlearning} of GNNs. In contrast to standard machine unlearning, new analytical and heuristic unlearning challenges arise when dealing with complex graph data. First, three different types of unlearning requests need to be considered, including node feature, edge and node unlearning. Second, to establish provable performance guarantees, one needs to address challenges associated with feature mixing during propagation. The underlying analysis is illustrated on the example of simple graph convolutions (SGC) and their generalized PageRank (GPR) extensions, thereby laying the theoretical foundation for certified unlearning of GNNs. Our empirical studies on six benchmark datasets demonstrate excellent performance-complexity trade-offs when compared to complete retraining methods and approaches that do not leverage graph information. For example, when unlearning $20\%$ of the nodes on the Cora dataset, our approach suffers only a $0.1\%$ loss in test accuracy while offering a $4$-fold speed-up compared to complete retraining. Our scheme also outperforms unlearning methods that do not leverage graph information with a $12\%$ increase in test accuracy for a comparable time complexity.