Cornell University
Abstract:Self-driving cars relying solely on ego-centric perception face limitations in sensing, often failing to detect occluded, faraway objects. Collaborative autonomous driving (CAV) seems like a promising direction, but collecting data for development is non-trivial. It requires placing multiple sensor-equipped agents in a real-world driving scene, simultaneously! As such, existing datasets are limited in locations and agents. We introduce a novel surrogate to the rescue, which is to generate realistic perception from different viewpoints in a driving scene, conditioned on a real-world sample - the ego-car's sensory data. This surrogate has huge potential: it could potentially turn any ego-car dataset into a collaborative driving one to scale up the development of CAV. We present the very first solution, using a combination of simulated collaborative data and real ego-car data. Our method, Transfer Your Perspective (TYP), learns a conditioned diffusion model whose output samples are not only realistic but also consistent in both semantics and layouts with the given ego-car data. Empirical results demonstrate TYP's effectiveness in aiding in a CAV setting. In particular, TYP enables us to (pre-)train collaborative perception algorithms like early and late fusion with little or no real-world collaborative data, greatly facilitating downstream CAV applications.
Abstract:Accurate 3D object detection in real-world environments requires a huge amount of annotated data with high quality. Acquiring such data is tedious and expensive, and often needs repeated effort when a new sensor is adopted or when the detector is deployed in a new environment. We investigate a new scenario to construct 3D object detectors: learning from the predictions of a nearby unit that is equipped with an accurate detector. For example, when a self-driving car enters a new area, it may learn from other traffic participants whose detectors have been optimized for that area. This setting is label-efficient, sensor-agnostic, and communication-efficient: nearby units only need to share the predictions with the ego agent (e.g., car). Naively using the received predictions as ground-truths to train the detector for the ego car, however, leads to inferior performance. We systematically study the problem and identify viewpoint mismatches and mislocalization (due to synchronization and GPS errors) as the main causes, which unavoidably result in false positives, false negatives, and inaccurate pseudo labels. We propose a distance-based curriculum, first learning from closer units with similar viewpoints and subsequently improving the quality of other units' predictions via self-training. We further demonstrate that an effective pseudo label refinement module can be trained with a handful of annotated data, largely reducing the data quantity necessary to train an object detector. We validate our approach on the recently released real-world collaborative driving dataset, using reference cars' predictions as pseudo labels for the ego car. Extensive experiments including several scenarios (e.g., different sensors, detectors, and domains) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach toward label-efficient learning of 3D perception from other units' predictions.
Abstract:Ensuring robust 3D object detection and localization is crucial for many applications in robotics and autonomous driving. Recent models, however, face difficulties in maintaining high performance when applied to domains with differing sensor setups or geographic locations, often resulting in poor localization accuracy due to domain shift. To overcome this challenge, we introduce a novel diffusion-based box refinement approach. This method employs a domain-agnostic diffusion model, conditioned on the LiDAR points surrounding a coarse bounding box, to simultaneously refine the box's location, size, and orientation. We evaluate this approach under various domain adaptation settings, and our results reveal significant improvements across different datasets, object classes and detectors.
Abstract:Accurate 3D object detection is crucial to autonomous driving. Though LiDAR-based detectors have achieved impressive performance, the high cost of LiDAR sensors precludes their widespread adoption in affordable vehicles. Camera-based detectors are cheaper alternatives but often suffer inferior performance compared to their LiDAR-based counterparts due to inherent depth ambiguities in images. In this work, we seek to improve monocular 3D detectors by leveraging unlabeled historical LiDAR data. Specifically, at inference time, we assume that the camera-based detectors have access to multiple unlabeled LiDAR scans from past traversals at locations of interest (potentially from other high-end vehicles equipped with LiDAR sensors). Under this setup, we proposed a novel, simple, and end-to-end trainable framework, termed AsyncDepth, to effectively extract relevant features from asynchronous LiDAR traversals of the same location for monocular 3D detectors. We show consistent and significant performance gain (up to 9 AP) across multiple state-of-the-art models and datasets with a negligible additional latency of 9.66 ms and a small storage cost.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning (RL) approaches have been broadly applied to a large number of robotics tasks, such as robot manipulation and autonomous driving. However, an open problem in deep RL is learning policies that are robust to variations in the environment, which is an important condition for such systems to be deployed into real-world, unstructured settings. Curriculum learning is one approach that has been applied to improve generalization performance in both supervised and reinforcement learning domains, but selecting the appropriate curriculum to achieve robustness can be a user-intensive process. In our work, we show that performing probabilistic inference of the underlying curriculum-reward function using Bayesian Optimization can be a promising technique for finding a robust curriculum. We demonstrate that a curriculum found with Bayesian optimization can outperform a vanilla deep RL agent and a hand-engineered curriculum in the domain of autonomous racing with obstacle avoidance. Our code is available at
Abstract:Recent advances in machine learning have shown that Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) can improve machine learning models and align them with human preferences. Although very successful for Large Language Models (LLMs), these advancements have not had a comparable impact in research for autonomous vehicles -- where alignment with human expectations can be imperative. In this paper, we propose to adapt similar RL-based methods to unsupervised object discovery, i.e. learning to detect objects from LiDAR points without any training labels. Instead of labels, we use simple heuristics to mimic human feedback. More explicitly, we combine multiple heuristics into a simple reward function that positively correlates its score with bounding box accuracy, i.e., boxes containing objects are scored higher than those without. We start from the detector's own predictions to explore the space and reinforce boxes with high rewards through gradient updates. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach is not only more accurate, but also orders of magnitudes faster to train compared to prior works on object discovery.
Abstract:Accurate 3D object detection and understanding for self-driving cars heavily relies on LiDAR point clouds, necessitating large amounts of labeled data to train. In this work, we introduce an innovative pre-training approach, Grounded Point Colorization (GPC), to bridge the gap between data and labels by teaching the model to colorize LiDAR point clouds, equipping it with valuable semantic cues. To tackle challenges arising from color variations and selection bias, we incorporate color as "context" by providing ground-truth colors as hints during colorization. Experimental results on the KITTI and Waymo datasets demonstrate GPC's remarkable effectiveness. Even with limited labeled data, GPC significantly improves fine-tuning performance; notably, on just 20% of the KITTI dataset, GPC outperforms training from scratch with the entire dataset. In sum, we introduce a fresh perspective on pre-training for 3D object detection, aligning the objective with the model's intended role and ultimately advancing the accuracy and efficiency of 3D object detection for autonomous vehicles.
Abstract:The rapid development of 3D object detection systems for self-driving cars has significantly improved accuracy. However, these systems struggle to generalize across diverse driving environments, which can lead to safety-critical failures in detecting traffic participants. To address this, we propose a method that utilizes unlabeled repeated traversals of multiple locations to adapt object detectors to new driving environments. By incorporating statistics computed from repeated LiDAR scans, we guide the adaptation process effectively. Our approach enhances LiDAR-based detection models using spatial quantized historical features and introduces a lightweight regression head to leverage the statistics for feature regularization. Additionally, we leverage the statistics for a novel self-training process to stabilize the training. The framework is detector model-agnostic and experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate significant improvements, achieving up to a 20-point performance gain, especially in detecting pedestrians and distant objects. Code is available at
Abstract:Path planning in obstacle-dense environments is a key challenge in robotics, and depends on inferring scene attributes and associated uncertainties. We present a multiple-hypothesis path planner designed to navigate complex environments using obstacle detections. Path hypotheses are generated by reasoning about uncertainty and range, as initial detections are typically at far ranges with high uncertainty, before subsequent detections reduce this uncertainty. Given estimated obstacles, we build a graph of pairwise connections between objects based on the probability that the robot can safely pass between the pair. The graph is updated in real time and pruned of unsafe paths, providing probabilistic safety guarantees. The planner generates path hypotheses over this graph, then trades between safety and path length to intelligently optimize the best route. We evaluate our planner on randomly generated simulated forests, and find that in the most challenging environments, it increases the navigation success rate over an A* baseline from 20% to 75%. Results indicate that the use of evolving, range-based uncertainty and multiple hypotheses are critical for navigating dense environments.
Abstract:The uncertainty quantification of prediction models (e.g., neural networks) is crucial for their adoption in many robotics applications. This is arguably as important as making accurate predictions, especially for safety-critical applications such as self-driving cars. This paper proposes our approach to uncertainty quantification in the context of visual localization for autonomous driving, where we predict locations from images. Our proposed framework estimates probabilistic uncertainty by creating a sensor error model that maps an internal output of the prediction model to the uncertainty. The sensor error model is created using multiple image databases of visual localization, each with ground-truth location. We demonstrate the accuracy of our uncertainty prediction framework using the Ithaca365 dataset, which includes variations in lighting, weather (sunny, snowy, night), and alignment errors between databases. We analyze both the predicted uncertainty and its incorporation into a Kalman-based localization filter. Our results show that prediction error variations increase with poor weather and lighting condition, leading to greater uncertainty and outliers, which can be predicted by our proposed uncertainty model. Additionally, our probabilistic error model enables the filter to remove ad hoc sensor gating, as the uncertainty automatically adjusts the model to the input data