Abstract:In real-world applications, machine learning models must reliably detect Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples to prevent unsafe decisions. Current OoD detection methods often rely on analyzing the logits or the embeddings of the penultimate layer of a neural network. However, little work has been conducted on the exploitation of the rich information encoded in intermediate layers. To address this, we analyze the discriminative power of intermediate layers and show that they can positively be used for OoD detection. Therefore, we propose to regularize intermediate layers with an energy-based contrastive loss, and by grouping multiple layers in a single aggregated response. We demonstrate that intermediate layer activations improves OoD detection performance by running a comprehensive evaluation across multiple datasets.
Abstract:In autonomous driving scenarios, current object detection models show strong performance when tested in clear weather. However, their performance deteriorates significantly when tested in degrading weather conditions. In addition, even when adapted to perform robustly in a sequence of different weather conditions, they are often unable to perform well in all of them and suffer from catastrophic forgetting. To efficiently mitigate forgetting, we propose Domain-Incremental Learning through Activation Matching (DILAM), which employs unsupervised feature alignment to adapt only the affine parameters of a clear weather pre-trained network to different weather conditions. We propose to store these affine parameters as a memory bank for each weather condition and plug-in their weather-specific parameters during driving (i.e. test time) when the respective weather conditions are encountered. Our memory bank is extremely lightweight, since affine parameters account for less than 2% of a typical object detector. Furthermore, contrary to previous domain-incremental learning approaches, we do not require the weather label when testing and propose to automatically infer the weather condition by a majority voting linear classifier.
Abstract:Although deep neural networks enable impressive visual perception performance for autonomous driving, their robustness to varying weather conditions still requires attention. When adapting these models for changed environments, such as different weather conditions, they are prone to forgetting previously learned information. This catastrophic forgetting is typically addressed via incremental learning approaches which usually re-train the model by either keeping a memory bank of training samples or keeping a copy of the entire model or model parameters for each scenario. While these approaches show impressive results, they can be prone to scalability issues and their applicability for autonomous driving in all weather conditions has not been shown. In this paper we propose DISC -- Domain Incremental through Statistical Correction -- a simple online zero-forgetting approach which can incrementally learn new tasks (i.e weather conditions) without requiring re-training or expensive memory banks. The only information we store for each task are the statistical parameters as we categorize each domain by the change in first and second order statistics. Thus, as each task arrives, we simply 'plug and play' the statistical vectors for the corresponding task into the model and it immediately starts to perform well on that task. We show the efficacy of our approach by testing it for object detection in a challenging domain-incremental autonomous driving scenario where we encounter different adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain, fog, and snow.
Abstract:In class-incremental learning, an agent with limited resources needs to learn a sequence of classification tasks, forming an ever growing classification problem, with the constraint of not being able to access data from previous tasks. The main difference with task-incremental learning, where a task-ID is available at inference time, is that the learner also needs to perform cross-task discrimination, i.e. distinguish between classes that have not been seen together. Approaches to tackle this problem are numerous and mostly make use of an external memory (buffer) of non-negligible size. In this paper, we ablate the learning of cross-task features and study its influence on the performance of basic replay strategies used for class-IL. We also define a new forgetting measure for class-incremental learning, and see that forgetting is not the principal cause of low performance. Our experimental results show that future algorithms for class-incremental learning should not only prevent forgetting, but also aim to improve the quality of the cross-task features. This is especially important when the number of classes per task is small.
Abstract:Learning continually from non-stationary data streams is a long-standing goal and a challenging problem in machine learning. Recently, we have witnessed a renewed and fast-growing interest in continual learning, especially within the deep learning community. However, algorithmic solutions are often difficult to re-implement, evaluate and port across different settings, where even results on standard benchmarks are hard to reproduce. In this work, we propose Avalanche, an open-source end-to-end library for continual learning research based on PyTorch. Avalanche is designed to provide a shared and collaborative codebase for fast prototyping, training, and reproducible evaluation of continual learning algorithms.
Abstract:For future learning systems incremental learning is desirable, because it allows for: efficient resource usage by eliminating the need to retrain from scratch at the arrival of new data; reduced memory usage by preventing or limiting the amount of data required to be stored -- also important when privacy limitations are imposed; and learning that more closely resembles human learning. The main challenge for incremental learning is catastrophic forgetting, which refers to the precipitous drop in performance on previously learned tasks after learning a new one. Incremental learning of deep neural networks has seen explosive growth in recent years. Initial work focused on task incremental learning, where a task-ID is provided at inference time. Recently we have seen a shift towards class-incremental learning where the learner must classify at inference time between all classes seen in previous tasks without recourse to a task-ID. In this paper, we provide a complete survey of existing methods for incremental learning, and in particular we perform an extensive experimental evaluation on twelve class-incremental methods. We consider several new experimental scenarios, including a comparison of class-incremental methods on multiple large-scale datasets, investigation into small and large domain shifts, and comparison on various network architectures.
Abstract:We hypothesize that disentangled feature representations suffer less from catastrophic forgetting. As a case study we perform explicit disentanglement of color and shape, by adjusting the network architecture. We tested classification accuracy and forgetting in a task-incremental setting with Oxford-102 Flowers dataset. We combine our method with Elastic Weight Consolidation, Learning without Forgetting, Synaptic Intelligence and Memory Aware Synapses, and show that feature disentanglement positively impacts continual learning performance.
Abstract:The influence of class orderings in the evaluation of incremental learning has received very little attention. In this paper, we investigate the impact of class orderings for incrementally learned classifiers. We propose a method to compute various orderings for a dataset. The orderings are derived by simulated annealing optimization from the confusion matrix and reflect different incremental learning scenarios, including maximally and minimally confusing tasks. We evaluate a wide range of state-of-the-art incremental learning methods on the proposed orderings. Results show that orderings can have a significant impact on performance and the ranking of the methods.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose an approach without any forgetting to continual learning for the task-aware regime, where at inference the task-label is known. By using ternary masks we can upgrade a model to new tasks, reusing knowledge from previous tasks while not forgetting anything about them. Using masks prevents both catastrophic forgetting and backward transfer. We argue -- and show experimentally -- that avoiding the former largely compensates for the lack of the latter, which is rarely observed in practice. In contrast to earlier works, our masks are applied to the features (activations) of each layer instead of the weights. This considerably reduces the number of mask parameters to be added for each new task; with more than three orders of magnitude for most networks. The encoding of the ternary masks into two bits per feature creates very little overhead to the network, avoiding scalability issues. Our masks do not permit any changes to features which are used by previous tasks. As this may be too restrictive to allow learning of new tasks, we add task-specific feature normalization. This way, already learned features can adapt to the current task without changing the behavior of these features for previous tasks. Extensive experiments on several finegrained datasets and ImageNet show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art while reducing memory overhead in comparison to weight-based approaches.
Abstract:Artificial neural networks thrive in solving the classification problem for a particular rigid task, where the network resembles a static entity of knowledge, acquired through generalized learning behaviour from a distinct training phase. However, endeavours to extend this knowledge without targeting the original task usually result in a catastrophic forgetting of this task. Continual learning shifts this paradigm towards a network that can continually accumulate knowledge over different tasks without the need for retraining from scratch, with methods in particular aiming to alleviate forgetting. We focus on task-incremental classification, where tasks arrive in a batch-like fashion, and are delineated by clear boundaries. Our main contributions concern 1) a taxonomy and extensive overview of the state-of-the-art, 2) a novel framework to continually determine stability-plasticity trade-off of the continual learner, 3) a comprehensive experimental comparison of 10 state-of-the-art continual learning methods and 4 baselines. We empirically scrutinize which method performs best, both on balanced Tiny Imagenet and a large-scale unbalanced iNaturalist datasets. We study the influence of model capacity, weight decay and dropout regularization, and the order in which the tasks are presented, and qualitatively compare methods in terms of required memory, computation time and storage.