Abstract:Using pre-trained models has been found to reduce the effect of data heterogeneity and speed up federated learning algorithms. Recent works have investigated the use of first-order statistics and second-order statistics to aggregate local client data distributions at the server and achieve very high performance without any training. In this work we propose a training-free method based on an unbiased estimator of class covariance matrices. Our method, which only uses first-order statistics in the form of class means communicated by clients to the server, incurs only a fraction of the communication costs required by methods based on communicating second-order statistics. We show how these estimated class covariances can be used to initialize a linear classifier, thus exploiting the covariances without actually sharing them. When compared to state-of-the-art methods which also share only class means, our approach improves performance in the range of 4-26\% with exactly the same communication cost. Moreover, our method achieves performance competitive or superior to sharing second-order statistics with dramatically less communication overhead. Finally, using our method to initialize classifiers and then performing federated fine-tuning yields better and faster convergence. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FedCOF.
Abstract:Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning (EFCIL) tackles the problem of training a model on a sequence of tasks without access to past data. Existing state-of-the-art methods represent classes as Gaussian distributions in the feature extractor's latent space, enabling Bayes classification or training the classifier by replaying pseudo features. However, we identify two critical issues that compromise their efficacy when the feature extractor is updated on incremental tasks. First, they do not consider that classes' covariance matrices change and must be adapted after each task. Second, they are susceptible to a task-recency bias caused by dimensionality collapse occurring during training. In this work, we propose AdaGauss -- a novel method that adapts covariance matrices from task to task and mitigates the task-recency bias owing to the additional anti-collapse loss function. AdaGauss yields state-of-the-art results on popular EFCIL benchmarks and datasets when training from scratch or starting from a pre-trained backbone. The code is available at: https://github.com/grypesc/AdaGauss.
Abstract:Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) has recently emerged as a promising strategy for tackling the problem of machine learning model robustness under distribution shifts by adapting the model during inference without access to any labels. Because of task difficulty, hyperparameters strongly influence the effectiveness of adaptation. However, the literature has provided little exploration into optimal hyperparameter selection. In this work, we tackle this problem by evaluating existing TTA methods using surrogate-based hp-selection strategies (which do not assume access to the test labels) to obtain a more realistic evaluation of their performance. We show that some of the recent state-of-the-art methods exhibit inferior performance compared to the previous algorithms when using our more realistic evaluation setup. Further, we show that forgetting is still a problem in TTA as the only method that is robust to hp-selection resets the model to the initial state at every step. We analyze different types of unsupervised selection strategies, and while they work reasonably well in most scenarios, the only strategies that work consistently well use some kind of supervision (either by a limited number of annotated test samples or by using pretraining data). Our findings underscore the need for further research with more rigorous benchmarking by explicitly stating model selection strategies, to facilitate which we open-source our code.
Abstract:This paper introduces a continual learning approach named MagMax, which utilizes model merging to enable large pre-trained models to continuously learn from new data without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Distinct from traditional continual learning methods that aim to reduce forgetting during task training, MagMax combines sequential fine-tuning with a maximum magnitude weight selection for effective knowledge integration across tasks. Our initial contribution is an extensive examination of model merging techniques, revealing that simple approaches like weight averaging and random weight selection surprisingly hold up well in various continual learning contexts. More importantly, we present MagMax, a novel model-merging strategy that enables continual learning of large pre-trained models for successive tasks. Our thorough evaluation demonstrates the superiority of MagMax in various scenarios, including class- and domain-incremental learning settings.
Abstract:Continual learning methods are known to suffer from catastrophic forgetting, a phenomenon that is particularly hard to counter for methods that do not store exemplars of previous tasks. Therefore, to reduce potential drift in the feature extractor, existing exemplar-free methods are typically evaluated in settings where the first task is significantly larger than subsequent tasks. Their performance drops drastically in more challenging settings starting with a smaller first task. To address this problem of feature drift estimation for exemplar-free methods, we propose to adversarially perturb the current samples such that their embeddings are close to the old class prototypes in the old model embedding space. We then estimate the drift in the embedding space from the old to the new model using the perturbed images and compensate the prototypes accordingly. We exploit the fact that adversarial samples are transferable from the old to the new feature space in a continual learning setting. The generation of these images is simple and computationally cheap. We demonstrate in our experiments that the proposed approach better tracks the movement of prototypes in embedding space and outperforms existing methods on several standard continual learning benchmarks as well as on fine-grained datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/ADC.
Abstract:Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to adapt the model to new classes from very few data (5 samples) without forgetting the previously learned classes. Recent works in many-shot CIL (MSCIL) (using all available training data) exploited pre-trained models to reduce forgetting and achieve better plasticity. In a similar fashion, we use ViT models pre-trained on large-scale datasets for few-shot settings, which face the critical issue of low plasticity. FSCIL methods start with a many-shot first task to learn a very good feature extractor and then move to the few-shot setting from the second task onwards. While the focus of most recent studies is on how to learn the many-shot first task so that the model generalizes to all future few-shot tasks, we explore in this work how to better model the few-shot data using pre-trained models, irrespective of how the first task is trained. Inspired by recent works in MSCIL, we explore how using higher-order feature statistics can influence the classification of few-shot classes. We identify the main challenge of obtaining a good covariance matrix from few-shot data and propose to calibrate the covariance matrix for new classes based on semantic similarity to the many-shot base classes. Using the calibrated feature statistics in combination with existing methods significantly improves few-shot continual classification on several FSCIL benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FSCIL-Calibration.
Abstract:Driven by the demand for energy-efficient employment of deep neural networks, early-exit methods have experienced a notable increase in research attention. These strategies allow for swift predictions by making decisions early in the network, thereby conserving computation time and resources. However, so far the early-exit networks have only been developed for stationary data distributions, which restricts their application in real-world scenarios with continuous non-stationary data. This study aims to explore the continual learning of the early-exit networks. We adapt existing continual learning methods to fit with early-exit architectures and investigate their behavior in the continual setting. We notice that early network layers exhibit reduced forgetting and can outperform standard networks even when using significantly fewer resources. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of task-recency bias on early-exit inference and propose Task-wise Logits Correction (TLC), a simple method that equalizes this bias and improves the network performance for every given compute budget in the class-incremental setting. We assess the accuracy and computational cost of various continual learning techniques enhanced with early-exits and TLC across standard class-incremental learning benchmarks such as 10 split CIFAR100 and ImageNetSubset and show that TLC can achieve the accuracy of the standard methods using less than 70\% of their computations. Moreover, at full computational budget, our method outperforms the accuracy of the standard counterparts by up to 15 percentage points. Our research underscores the inherent synergy between early-exit networks and continual learning, emphasizing their practical utility in resource-constrained environments.
Abstract:We introduce GUIDE, a novel continual learning approach that directs diffusion models to rehearse samples at risk of being forgotten. Existing generative strategies combat catastrophic forgetting by randomly sampling rehearsal examples from a generative model. Such an approach contradicts buffer-based approaches where sampling strategy plays an important role. We propose to bridge this gap by integrating diffusion models with classifier guidance techniques to produce rehearsal examples specifically targeting information forgotten by a continuously trained model. This approach enables the generation of samples from preceding task distributions, which are more likely to be misclassified in the context of recently encountered classes. Our experimental results show that GUIDE significantly reduces catastrophic forgetting, outperforming conventional random sampling approaches and surpassing recent state-of-the-art methods in continual learning with generative replay.
Abstract:Class-incremental learning is becoming more popular as it helps models widen their applicability while not forgetting what they already know. A trend in this area is to use a mixture-of-expert technique, where different models work together to solve the task. However, the experts are usually trained all at once using whole task data, which makes them all prone to forgetting and increasing computational burden. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel approach named SEED. SEED selects only one, the most optimal expert for a considered task, and uses data from this task to fine-tune only this expert. For this purpose, each expert represents each class with a Gaussian distribution, and the optimal expert is selected based on the similarity of those distributions. Consequently, SEED increases diversity and heterogeneity within the experts while maintaining the high stability of this ensemble method. The extensive experiments demonstrate that SEED achieves state-of-the-art performance in exemplar-free settings across various scenarios, showing the potential of expert diversification through data in continual learning.
Abstract:In the field of continual learning, models are designed to learn tasks one after the other. While most research has centered on supervised continual learning, recent studies have highlighted the strengths of self-supervised continual representation learning. The improved transferability of representations built with self-supervised methods is often associated with the role played by the multi-layer perceptron projector. In this work, we depart from this observation and reexamine the role of supervision in continual representation learning. We reckon that additional information, such as human annotations, should not deteriorate the quality of representations. Our findings show that supervised models when enhanced with a multi-layer perceptron head, can outperform self-supervised models in continual representation learning.