Abstract:Using pre-trained models has been found to reduce the effect of data heterogeneity and speed up federated learning algorithms. Recent works have investigated the use of first-order statistics and second-order statistics to aggregate local client data distributions at the server and achieve very high performance without any training. In this work we propose a training-free method based on an unbiased estimator of class covariance matrices. Our method, which only uses first-order statistics in the form of class means communicated by clients to the server, incurs only a fraction of the communication costs required by methods based on communicating second-order statistics. We show how these estimated class covariances can be used to initialize a linear classifier, thus exploiting the covariances without actually sharing them. When compared to state-of-the-art methods which also share only class means, our approach improves performance in the range of 4-26\% with exactly the same communication cost. Moreover, our method achieves performance competitive or superior to sharing second-order statistics with dramatically less communication overhead. Finally, using our method to initialize classifiers and then performing federated fine-tuning yields better and faster convergence. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FedCOF.
Abstract:Exemplar-free class-incremental learning using a backbone trained from scratch and starting from a small first task presents a significant challenge for continual representation learning. Prototype-based approaches, when continually updated, face the critical issue of semantic drift due to which the old class prototypes drift to different positions in the new feature space. Through an analysis of prototype-based continual learning, we show that forgetting is not due to diminished discriminative power of the feature extractor, and can potentially be corrected by drift compensation. To address this, we propose Learnable Drift Compensation (LDC), which can effectively mitigate drift in any moving backbone, whether supervised or unsupervised. LDC is fast and straightforward to integrate on top of existing continual learning approaches. Furthermore, we showcase how LDC can be applied in combination with self-supervised CL methods, resulting in the first exemplar-free semi-supervised continual learning approach. We achieve state-of-the-art performance in both supervised and semi-supervised settings across multiple datasets. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/alviur/ldc}.
Abstract:Continual learning methods are known to suffer from catastrophic forgetting, a phenomenon that is particularly hard to counter for methods that do not store exemplars of previous tasks. Therefore, to reduce potential drift in the feature extractor, existing exemplar-free methods are typically evaluated in settings where the first task is significantly larger than subsequent tasks. Their performance drops drastically in more challenging settings starting with a smaller first task. To address this problem of feature drift estimation for exemplar-free methods, we propose to adversarially perturb the current samples such that their embeddings are close to the old class prototypes in the old model embedding space. We then estimate the drift in the embedding space from the old to the new model using the perturbed images and compensate the prototypes accordingly. We exploit the fact that adversarial samples are transferable from the old to the new feature space in a continual learning setting. The generation of these images is simple and computationally cheap. We demonstrate in our experiments that the proposed approach better tracks the movement of prototypes in embedding space and outperforms existing methods on several standard continual learning benchmarks as well as on fine-grained datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/ADC.
Abstract:Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to adapt the model to new classes from very few data (5 samples) without forgetting the previously learned classes. Recent works in many-shot CIL (MSCIL) (using all available training data) exploited pre-trained models to reduce forgetting and achieve better plasticity. In a similar fashion, we use ViT models pre-trained on large-scale datasets for few-shot settings, which face the critical issue of low plasticity. FSCIL methods start with a many-shot first task to learn a very good feature extractor and then move to the few-shot setting from the second task onwards. While the focus of most recent studies is on how to learn the many-shot first task so that the model generalizes to all future few-shot tasks, we explore in this work how to better model the few-shot data using pre-trained models, irrespective of how the first task is trained. Inspired by recent works in MSCIL, we explore how using higher-order feature statistics can influence the classification of few-shot classes. We identify the main challenge of obtaining a good covariance matrix from few-shot data and propose to calibrate the covariance matrix for new classes based on semantic similarity to the many-shot base classes. Using the calibrated feature statistics in combination with existing methods significantly improves few-shot continual classification on several FSCIL benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FSCIL-Calibration.
Abstract:The goal of the challenge is to develop a test-time adaptation (TTA) method, which could adapt the model to gradually changing domains in video sequences for semantic segmentation task. It is based on a synthetic driving video dataset - SHIFT. The source model is trained on images taken during daytime in clear weather. Domain changes at test-time are mainly caused by varying weather conditions and times of day. The TTA methods are evaluated in each image sequence (video) separately, meaning the model is reset to the source model state before the next sequence. Images come one by one and a prediction has to be made at the arrival of each frame. Each sequence is composed of 401 images and starts with the source domain, then gradually drifts to a different one (changing weather or time of day) until the middle of the sequence. In the second half of the sequence, the domain gradually shifts back to the source one. Ground truth data is available only for the validation split of the SHIFT dataset, in which there are only six sequences that start and end with the source domain. We conduct an analysis specifically on those sequences. Ground truth data for test split, on which the developed TTA methods are evaluated for leader board ranking, are not publicly available. The proposed solution secured a 3rd place in a challenge and received an innovation award. Contrary to the solutions that scored better, we did not use any external pretrained models or specialized data augmentations, to keep the solutions as general as possible. We have focused on analyzing the distributional shift and developing a method that could adapt to changing data dynamics and generalize across different scenarios.
Abstract:Exemplar-free class-incremental learning (CIL) poses several challenges since it prohibits the rehearsal of data from previous tasks and thus suffers from catastrophic forgetting. Recent approaches to incrementally learning the classifier by freezing the feature extractor after the first task have gained much attention. In this paper, we explore prototypical networks for CIL, which generate new class prototypes using the frozen feature extractor and classify the features based on the Euclidean distance to the prototypes. In an analysis of the feature distributions of classes, we show that classification based on Euclidean metrics is successful for jointly trained features. However, when learning from non-stationary data, we observe that the Euclidean metric is suboptimal and that feature distributions are heterogeneous. To address this challenge, we revisit the anisotropic Mahalanobis distance for CIL. In addition, we empirically show that modeling the feature covariance relations is better than previous attempts at sampling features from normal distributions and training a linear classifier. Unlike existing methods, our approach generalizes to both many- and few-shot CIL settings, as well as to domain-incremental settings. Interestingly, without updating the backbone network, our method obtains state-of-the-art results on several standard continual learning benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FeCAM.
Abstract:The size of an individual cell type, such as a red blood cell, does not vary much among humans. We use this knowledge as a prior for classifying and detecting cells in images with only a few ground truth bounding box annotations, while most of the cells are annotated with points. This setting leads to weakly semi-supervised learning. We propose replacing points with either stochastic (ST) boxes or bounding box predictions during the training process. The proposed "mean-IOU" ST box maximizes the overlap with all the boxes belonging to the sample space with a class-specific approximated prior probability distribution of bounding boxes. Our method trains with both box- and point-labelled images in conjunction, unlike the existing methods, which train first with box- and then point-labelled images. In the most challenging setting, when only 5% images are box-labelled, quantitative experiments on a urine dataset show that our one-stage method outperforms two-stage methods by 5.56 mAP. Furthermore, we suggest an approach that partially answers "how many box-labelled annotations are necessary?" before training a machine learning model.
Abstract:In class-incremental semantic segmentation (CISS), deep learning architectures suffer from the critical problems of catastrophic forgetting and semantic background shift. Although recent works focused on these issues, existing classifier initialization methods do not address the background shift problem and assign the same initialization weights to both background and new foreground class classifiers. We propose to address the background shift with a novel classifier initialization method which employs gradient-based attribution to identify the most relevant weights for new classes from the classifier's weights for the previous background and transfers these weights to the new classifier. This warm-start weight initialization provides a general solution applicable to several CISS methods. Furthermore, it accelerates learning of new classes while mitigating forgetting. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvement in mIoU compared to the state-of-the-art CISS methods on the Pascal-VOC 2012, ADE20K and Cityscapes datasets.
Abstract:Urinalysis is a standard diagnostic test to detect urinary system related problems. The automation of urinalysis will reduce the overall diagnostic time. Recent studies used urine microscopic datasets for designing deep learning based algorithms to classify and detect urine cells. But these datasets are not publicly available for further research. To alleviate the need for urine datsets, we prepare our urine sediment microscopic image (UMID) dataset comprising of around 3700 cell annotations and 3 categories of cells namely RBC, pus and epithelial cells. We discuss the several challenges involved in preparing the dataset and the annotations. We make the dataset publicly available.