Abstract:Existing 2D methods utilize UNet-based diffusion models to generate multi-view physically-based rendering (PBR) maps but struggle with multi-view inconsistency, while some 3D methods directly generate UV maps, encountering generalization issues due to the limited 3D data. To address these problems, we propose a two-stage approach, including multi-view generation and UV materials refinement. In the generation stage, we adopt a Diffusion Transformer (DiT) model to generate PBR materials, where both the specially designed multi-branch DiT and reference-based DiT blocks adopt a global attention mechanism to promote feature interaction and fusion between different views, thereby improving multi-view consistency. In addition, we adopt a PBR-based diffusion loss to ensure that the generated materials align with realistic physical principles. In the refinement stage, we propose a material-refined DiT that performs inpainting in empty areas and enhances details in UV space. Except for the normal condition, this refinement also takes the material map from the generation stage as an additional condition to reduce the learning difficulty and improve generalization. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in texturing 3D objects with PBR materials and provides significant advantages for graphics relighting applications. Project Page: https://lingtengqiu.github.io/2024/MCMat/
Abstract:Generating motion sequences conforming to a target style while adhering to the given content prompts requires accommodating both the content and style. In existing methods, the information usually only flows from style to content, which may cause conflict between the style and content, harming the integration. Differently, in this work we build a bidirectional control flow between the style and the content, also adjusting the style towards the content, in which case the style-content collision is alleviated and the dynamics of the style is better preserved in the integration. Moreover, we extend the stylized motion generation from one modality, i.e. the style motion, to multiple modalities including texts and images through contrastive learning, leading to flexible style control on the motion generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms previous methods across different datasets, while also enabling multimodal signals control. The code of our method will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Generating animatable human avatars from a single image is essential for various digital human modeling applications. Existing 3D reconstruction methods often struggle to capture fine details in animatable models, while generative approaches for controllable animation, though avoiding explicit 3D modeling, suffer from viewpoint inconsistencies in extreme poses and computational inefficiencies. In this paper, we address these challenges by leveraging the power of generative models to produce detailed multi-view canonical pose images, which help resolve ambiguities in animatable human reconstruction. We then propose a robust method for 3D reconstruction of inconsistent images, enabling real-time rendering during inference. Specifically, we adapt a transformer-based video generation model to generate multi-view canonical pose images and normal maps, pretraining on a large-scale video dataset to improve generalization. To handle view inconsistencies, we recast the reconstruction problem as a 4D task and introduce an efficient 3D modeling approach using 4D Gaussian Splatting. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves photorealistic, real-time animation of 3D human avatars from in-the-wild images, showcasing its effectiveness and generalization capability.
Abstract:MVImgNet is a large-scale dataset that contains multi-view images of ~220k real-world objects in 238 classes. As a counterpart of ImageNet, it introduces 3D visual signals via multi-view shooting, making a soft bridge between 2D and 3D vision. This paper constructs the MVImgNet2.0 dataset that expands MVImgNet into a total of ~520k objects and 515 categories, which derives a 3D dataset with a larger scale that is more comparable to ones in the 2D domain. In addition to the expanded dataset scale and category range, MVImgNet2.0 is of a higher quality than MVImgNet owing to four new features: (i) most shoots capture 360-degree views of the objects, which can support the learning of object reconstruction with completeness; (ii) the segmentation manner is advanced to produce foreground object masks of higher accuracy; (iii) a more powerful structure-from-motion method is adopted to derive the camera pose for each frame of a lower estimation error; (iv) higher-quality dense point clouds are reconstructed via advanced methods for objects captured in 360-degree views, which can serve for downstream applications. Extensive experiments confirm the value of the proposed MVImgNet2.0 in boosting the performance of large 3D reconstruction models. MVImgNet2.0 will be public at luyues.github.io/mvimgnet2, including multi-view images of all 520k objects, the reconstructed high-quality point clouds, and data annotation codes, hoping to inspire the broader vision community.
Abstract:Language plays a vital role in the realm of human motion. Existing methods have largely depended on CLIP text embeddings for motion generation, yet they fall short in effectively aligning language and motion due to CLIP's pretraining on static image-text pairs. This work introduces LaMP, a novel Language-Motion Pretraining model, which transitions from a language-vision to a more suitable language-motion latent space. It addresses key limitations by generating motion-informative text embeddings, significantly enhancing the relevance and semantics of generated motion sequences. With LaMP, we advance three key tasks: text-to-motion generation, motion-text retrieval, and motion captioning through aligned language-motion representation learning. For generation, we utilize LaMP to provide the text condition instead of CLIP, and an autoregressive masked prediction is designed to achieve mask modeling without rank collapse in transformers. For retrieval, motion features from LaMP's motion transformer interact with query tokens to retrieve text features from the text transformer, and vice versa. For captioning, we finetune a large language model with the language-informative motion features to develop a strong motion captioning model. In addition, we introduce the LaMP-BertScore metric to assess the alignment of generated motions with textual descriptions. Extensive experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate substantial improvements over previous methods across all three tasks. The code of our method will be made public.
Abstract:Text-to-3D generation has recently seen significant progress. To enhance its practicality in real-world applications, it is crucial to generate multiple independent objects with interactions, similar to layer-compositing in 2D image editing. However, existing text-to-3D methods struggle with this task, as they are designed to generate either non-independent objects or independent objects lacking spatially plausible interactions. Addressing this, we propose DreamDissector, a text-to-3D method capable of generating multiple independent objects with interactions. DreamDissector accepts a multi-object text-to-3D NeRF as input and produces independent textured meshes. To achieve this, we introduce the Neural Category Field (NeCF) for disentangling the input NeRF. Additionally, we present the Category Score Distillation Sampling (CSDS), facilitated by a Deep Concept Mining (DCM) module, to tackle the concept gap issue in diffusion models. By leveraging NeCF and CSDS, we can effectively derive sub-NeRFs from the original scene. Further refinement enhances geometry and texture. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of DreamDissector, providing users with novel means to control 3D synthesis at the object level and potentially opening avenues for various creative applications in the future.
Abstract:This work addresses the challenge of high-quality surface normal estimation from monocular colored inputs (i.e., images and videos), a field which has recently been revolutionized by repurposing diffusion priors. However, previous attempts still struggle with stochastic inference, conflicting with the deterministic nature of the Image2Normal task, and costly ensembling step, which slows down the estimation process. Our method, StableNormal, mitigates the stochasticity of the diffusion process by reducing inference variance, thus producing "Stable-and-Sharp" normal estimates without any additional ensembling process. StableNormal works robustly under challenging imaging conditions, such as extreme lighting, blurring, and low quality. It is also robust against transparent and reflective surfaces, as well as cluttered scenes with numerous objects. Specifically, StableNormal employs a coarse-to-fine strategy, which starts with a one-step normal estimator (YOSO) to derive an initial normal guess, that is relatively coarse but reliable, then followed by a semantic-guided refinement process (SG-DRN) that refines the normals to recover geometric details. The effectiveness of StableNormal is demonstrated through competitive performance in standard datasets such as DIODE-indoor, iBims, ScannetV2 and NYUv2, and also in various downstream tasks, such as surface reconstruction and normal enhancement. These results evidence that StableNormal retains both the "stability" and "sharpness" for accurate normal estimation. StableNormal represents a baby attempt to repurpose diffusion priors for deterministic estimation. To democratize this, code and models have been publicly available in hf.co/Stable-X
Abstract:Generalizable 3D object reconstruction from single-view RGB-D images remains a challenging task, particularly with real-world data. Current state-of-the-art methods develop Transformer-based implicit field learning, necessitating an intensive learning paradigm that requires dense query-supervision uniformly sampled throughout the entire space. We propose a novel approach, IPoD, which harmonizes implicit field learning with point diffusion. This approach treats the query points for implicit field learning as a noisy point cloud for iterative denoising, allowing for their dynamic adaptation to the target object shape. Such adaptive query points harness diffusion learning's capability for coarse shape recovery and also enhances the implicit representation's ability to delineate finer details. Besides, an additional self-conditioning mechanism is designed to use implicit predictions as the guidance of diffusion learning, leading to a cooperative system. Experiments conducted on the CO3D-v2 dataset affirm the superiority of IPoD, achieving 7.8% improvement in F-score and 28.6% in Chamfer distance over existing methods. The generalizability of IPoD is also demonstrated on the MVImgNet dataset. Our project page is at https://yushuang-wu.github.io/IPoD.
Abstract:Generating multi-view images based on text or single-image prompts is a critical capability for the creation of 3D content. Two fundamental questions on this topic are what data we use for training and how to ensure multi-view consistency. This paper introduces a novel framework that makes fundamental contributions to both questions. Unlike leveraging images from 2D diffusion models for training, we propose a dense consistent multi-view generation model that is fine-tuned from off-the-shelf video generative models. Images from video generative models are more suitable for multi-view generation because the underlying network architecture that generates them employs a temporal module to enforce frame consistency. Moreover, the video data sets used to train these models are abundant and diverse, leading to a reduced train-finetuning domain gap. To enhance multi-view consistency, we introduce a 3D-Aware Denoising Sampling, which first employs a feed-forward reconstruction module to get an explicit global 3D model, and then adopts a sampling strategy that effectively involves images rendered from the global 3D model into the denoising sampling loop to improve the multi-view consistency of the final images. As a by-product, this module also provides a fast way to create 3D assets represented by 3D Gaussians within a few seconds. Our approach can generate 24 dense views and converges much faster in training than state-of-the-art approaches (4 GPU hours versus many thousand GPU hours) with comparable visual quality and consistency. By further fine-tuning, our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative metrics and visual effects. Our project page is aigc3d.github.io/VideoMV.
Abstract:In this era, the success of large language models and text-to-image models can be attributed to the driving force of large-scale datasets. However, in the realm of 3D vision, while remarkable progress has been made with models trained on large-scale synthetic and real-captured object data like Objaverse and MVImgNet, a similar level of progress has not been observed in the domain of human-centric tasks partially due to the lack of a large-scale human dataset. Existing datasets of high-fidelity 3D human capture continue to be mid-sized due to the significant challenges in acquiring large-scale high-quality 3D human data. To bridge this gap, we present MVHumanNet, a dataset that comprises multi-view human action sequences of 4,500 human identities. The primary focus of our work is on collecting human data that features a large number of diverse identities and everyday clothing using a multi-view human capture system, which facilitates easily scalable data collection. Our dataset contains 9,000 daily outfits, 60,000 motion sequences and 645 million frames with extensive annotations, including human masks, camera parameters, 2D and 3D keypoints, SMPL/SMPLX parameters, and corresponding textual descriptions. To explore the potential of MVHumanNet in various 2D and 3D visual tasks, we conducted pilot studies on view-consistent action recognition, human NeRF reconstruction, text-driven view-unconstrained human image generation, as well as 2D view-unconstrained human image and 3D avatar generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the performance improvements and effective applications enabled by the scale provided by MVHumanNet. As the current largest-scale 3D human dataset, we hope that the release of MVHumanNet data with annotations will foster further innovations in the domain of 3D human-centric tasks at scale.