Abstract:Existing 2D methods utilize UNet-based diffusion models to generate multi-view physically-based rendering (PBR) maps but struggle with multi-view inconsistency, while some 3D methods directly generate UV maps, encountering generalization issues due to the limited 3D data. To address these problems, we propose a two-stage approach, including multi-view generation and UV materials refinement. In the generation stage, we adopt a Diffusion Transformer (DiT) model to generate PBR materials, where both the specially designed multi-branch DiT and reference-based DiT blocks adopt a global attention mechanism to promote feature interaction and fusion between different views, thereby improving multi-view consistency. In addition, we adopt a PBR-based diffusion loss to ensure that the generated materials align with realistic physical principles. In the refinement stage, we propose a material-refined DiT that performs inpainting in empty areas and enhances details in UV space. Except for the normal condition, this refinement also takes the material map from the generation stage as an additional condition to reduce the learning difficulty and improve generalization. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in texturing 3D objects with PBR materials and provides significant advantages for graphics relighting applications. Project Page: https://lingtengqiu.github.io/2024/MCMat/
Abstract:Generating animatable human avatars from a single image is essential for various digital human modeling applications. Existing 3D reconstruction methods often struggle to capture fine details in animatable models, while generative approaches for controllable animation, though avoiding explicit 3D modeling, suffer from viewpoint inconsistencies in extreme poses and computational inefficiencies. In this paper, we address these challenges by leveraging the power of generative models to produce detailed multi-view canonical pose images, which help resolve ambiguities in animatable human reconstruction. We then propose a robust method for 3D reconstruction of inconsistent images, enabling real-time rendering during inference. Specifically, we adapt a transformer-based video generation model to generate multi-view canonical pose images and normal maps, pretraining on a large-scale video dataset to improve generalization. To handle view inconsistencies, we recast the reconstruction problem as a 4D task and introduce an efficient 3D modeling approach using 4D Gaussian Splatting. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves photorealistic, real-time animation of 3D human avatars from in-the-wild images, showcasing its effectiveness and generalization capability.
Abstract:MVImgNet is a large-scale dataset that contains multi-view images of ~220k real-world objects in 238 classes. As a counterpart of ImageNet, it introduces 3D visual signals via multi-view shooting, making a soft bridge between 2D and 3D vision. This paper constructs the MVImgNet2.0 dataset that expands MVImgNet into a total of ~520k objects and 515 categories, which derives a 3D dataset with a larger scale that is more comparable to ones in the 2D domain. In addition to the expanded dataset scale and category range, MVImgNet2.0 is of a higher quality than MVImgNet owing to four new features: (i) most shoots capture 360-degree views of the objects, which can support the learning of object reconstruction with completeness; (ii) the segmentation manner is advanced to produce foreground object masks of higher accuracy; (iii) a more powerful structure-from-motion method is adopted to derive the camera pose for each frame of a lower estimation error; (iv) higher-quality dense point clouds are reconstructed via advanced methods for objects captured in 360-degree views, which can serve for downstream applications. Extensive experiments confirm the value of the proposed MVImgNet2.0 in boosting the performance of large 3D reconstruction models. MVImgNet2.0 will be public at luyues.github.io/mvimgnet2, including multi-view images of all 520k objects, the reconstructed high-quality point clouds, and data annotation codes, hoping to inspire the broader vision community.
Abstract:Reproducing buggy code is the first and crucially important step in issue resolving, as it aids in identifying the underlying problems and validating that generated patches resolve the problem. While numerous approaches have been proposed for this task, they primarily address common, widespread errors and struggle to adapt to unique, evolving errors specific to individual code repositories. To fill this gap, we propose EvoCoder, a multi-agent continuous learning framework for issue code reproduction. EvoCoder adopts a reflection mechanism that allows the LLM to continuously learn from previously resolved problems and dynamically refine its strategies to new emerging challenges. To prevent experience bloating, EvoCoder introduces a novel hierarchical experience pool that enables the model to adaptively update common and repo-specific experiences. Our experimental results show a 20\% improvement in issue reproduction rates over existing SOTA methods. Furthermore, integrating our reproduction mechanism significantly boosts the overall accuracy of the existing issue-resolving pipeline.
Abstract:For predicting software defects at an early stage, researchers have proposed just-in-time defect prediction (JIT-DP) to identify potential defects in code commits. The prevailing approaches train models to represent code changes in history commits and utilize the learned representations to predict the presence of defects in the latest commit. However, existing models merely learn editions in source code, without considering the natural language intentions behind the changes. This limitation hinders their ability to capture deeper semantics. To address this, we introduce a novel bi-modal change pre-training model called BiCC-BERT. BiCC-BERT is pre-trained on a code change corpus to learn bi-modal semantic representations. To incorporate commit messages from the corpus, we design a novel pre-training objective called Replaced Message Identification (RMI), which learns the semantic association between commit messages and code changes. Subsequently, we integrate BiCC-BERT into JIT-DP and propose a new defect prediction approach -- JIT-BiCC. By leveraging the bi-modal representations from BiCC-BERT, JIT-BiCC captures more profound change semantics. We train JIT-BiCC using 27,391 code changes and compare its performance with 8 state-of-the-art JIT-DP approaches. The results demonstrate that JIT-BiCC outperforms all baselines, achieving a 10.8% improvement in F1-score. This highlights its effectiveness in learning the bi-modal semantics for JIT-DP.
Abstract:Language plays a vital role in the realm of human motion. Existing methods have largely depended on CLIP text embeddings for motion generation, yet they fall short in effectively aligning language and motion due to CLIP's pretraining on static image-text pairs. This work introduces LaMP, a novel Language-Motion Pretraining model, which transitions from a language-vision to a more suitable language-motion latent space. It addresses key limitations by generating motion-informative text embeddings, significantly enhancing the relevance and semantics of generated motion sequences. With LaMP, we advance three key tasks: text-to-motion generation, motion-text retrieval, and motion captioning through aligned language-motion representation learning. For generation, we utilize LaMP to provide the text condition instead of CLIP, and an autoregressive masked prediction is designed to achieve mask modeling without rank collapse in transformers. For retrieval, motion features from LaMP's motion transformer interact with query tokens to retrieve text features from the text transformer, and vice versa. For captioning, we finetune a large language model with the language-informative motion features to develop a strong motion captioning model. In addition, we introduce the LaMP-BertScore metric to assess the alignment of generated motions with textual descriptions. Extensive experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate substantial improvements over previous methods across all three tasks. The code of our method will be made public.
Abstract:While large code language models have made significant strides in AI-assisted coding tasks, there are growing concerns about privacy challenges. The user code is transparent to the cloud LLM service provider, inducing risks of unauthorized training, reading, and execution of the user code. In this paper, we propose CodeCipher, a novel method that perturbs privacy from code while preserving the original response from LLMs. CodeCipher transforms the LLM's embedding matrix so that each row corresponds to a different word in the original matrix, forming a token-to-token confusion mapping for obfuscating source code. The new embedding matrix is optimized by minimizing the task-specific loss function. To tackle the challenge of the discrete and sparse nature of word vector spaces, CodeCipher adopts a discrete optimization strategy that aligns the updated vector to the nearest valid token in the vocabulary before each gradient update. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on three AI-assisted coding tasks including code completion, summarization, and translation. Results show that our model successfully confuses the privacy in source code while preserving the original LLM's performance.
Abstract:While large language models have made significant strides in code generation, the pass rate of the generated code is bottlenecked on subtle errors, often requiring human intervention to pass tests, especially for complex problems. Existing LLM-based debugging systems treat generated programs as monolithic units, failing to address bugs at multiple levels of granularity, from low-level syntax errors to high-level algorithmic flaws. In this paper, we introduce Multi-Granularity Debugger (MGDebugger), a hierarchical code debugger by isolating, identifying, and resolving bugs at various levels of granularity. MGDebugger decomposes problematic code into a hierarchical tree structure of subfunctions, with each level representing a particular granularity of error. During debugging, it analyzes each subfunction and iteratively resolves bugs in a bottom-up manner. To effectively test each subfunction, we propose an LLM-simulated Python executor, which traces code execution and tracks important variable states to pinpoint errors accurately. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MGDebugger outperforms existing debugging systems, achieving an 18.9% improvement in accuracy over seed generations in HumanEval and a 97.6% repair success rate in HumanEvalFix. Furthermore, MGDebugger effectively fixes bugs across different categories and difficulty levels, demonstrating its robustness and effectiveness.
Abstract:Motion generation from discrete quantization offers many advantages over continuous regression, but at the cost of inevitable approximation errors. Previous methods usually quantize the entire body pose into one code, which not only faces the difficulty in encoding all joints within one vector but also loses the spatial relationship between different joints. Differently, in this work we quantize each individual joint into one vector, which i) simplifies the quantization process as the complexity associated with a single joint is markedly lower than that of the entire pose; ii) maintains a spatial-temporal structure that preserves both the spatial relationships among joints and the temporal movement patterns; iii) yields a 2D token map, which enables the application of various 2D operations widely used in 2D images. Grounded in the 2D motion quantization, we build a spatial-temporal modeling framework, where 2D joint VQVAE, temporal-spatial 2D masking technique, and spatial-temporal 2D attention are proposed to take advantage of spatial-temporal signals among the 2D tokens. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms previous methods across different datasets, with a $26.6\%$ decrease of FID on HumanML3D and a $29.9\%$ decrease on KIT-ML.
Abstract:Reconstructing the high-fidelity surface from multi-view images, especially sparse images, is a critical and practical task that has attracted widespread attention in recent years. However, existing methods are impeded by the memory constraint or the requirement of ground-truth depths and cannot recover satisfactory geometric details. To this end, we propose SuRF, a new Surface-centric framework that incorporates a new Region sparsification based on a matching Field, achieving good trade-offs between performance, efficiency and scalability. To our knowledge, this is the first unsupervised method achieving end-to-end sparsification powered by the introduced matching field, which leverages the weight distribution to efficiently locate the boundary regions containing surface. Instead of predicting an SDF value for each voxel, we present a new region sparsification approach to sparse the volume by judging whether the voxel is inside the surface region. In this way, our model can exploit higher frequency features around the surface with less memory and computational consumption. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks containing complex large-scale scenes show that our reconstructions exhibit high-quality details and achieve new state-of-the-art performance, i.e., 46% improvements with 80% less memory consumption. Code is available at https://github.com/prstrive/SuRF.