Abstract:Employing self-supervised learning (SSL) methodologies assumes par-amount significance in handling unlabeled polyp datasets when building deep learning-based automatic polyp segmentation models. However, the intricate privacy dynamics surrounding medical data often preclude seamless data sharing among disparate medical centers. Federated learning (FL) emerges as a formidable solution to this privacy conundrum, yet within the realm of FL, optimizing model generalization stands as a pressing imperative. Robust generalization capabilities are imperative to ensure the model's efficacy across diverse geographical domains post-training on localized client datasets. In this paper, a Federated self-supervised Domain Generalization method is proposed to enhance the generalization capacity of federated and Label-efficient intestinal polyp segmentation, named LFDG. Based on a classical SSL method, DropPos, LFDG proposes an adversarial learning-based data augmentation method (SSADA) to enhance the data diversity. LFDG further proposes a relaxation module based on Source-reconstruction and Augmentation-masking (SRAM) to maintain stability in feature learning. We have validated LFDG on polyp images from six medical centers. The performance of our method achieves 3.80% and 3.92% better than the baseline and other recent FL methods and SSL methods, respectively.
Abstract:Anatomical abnormality detection and report generation of chest X-ray (CXR) are two essential tasks in clinical practice. The former aims at localizing and characterizing cardiopulmonary radiological findings in CXRs, while the latter summarizes the findings in a detailed report for further diagnosis and treatment. Existing methods often focused on either task separately, ignoring their correlation. This work proposes a co-evolutionary abnormality detection and report generation (CoE-DG) framework. The framework utilizes both fully labeled (with bounding box annotations and clinical reports) and weakly labeled (with reports only) data to achieve mutual promotion between the abnormality detection and report generation tasks. Specifically, we introduce a bi-directional information interaction strategy with generator-guided information propagation (GIP) and detector-guided information propagation (DIP). For semi-supervised abnormality detection, GIP takes the informative feature extracted by the generator as an auxiliary input to the detector and uses the generator's prediction to refine the detector's pseudo labels. We further propose an intra-image-modal self-adaptive non-maximum suppression module (SA-NMS). This module dynamically rectifies pseudo detection labels generated by the teacher detection model with high-confidence predictions by the student.Inversely, for report generation, DIP takes the abnormalities' categories and locations predicted by the detector as input and guidance for the generator to improve the generated reports.
Abstract:Significant disparities between the features of natural images and those inherent to histopathological images make it challenging to directly apply and transfer pre-trained models from natural images to histopathology tasks. Moreover, the frequent lack of annotations in histopathology patch images has driven researchers to explore self-supervised learning methods like mask reconstruction for learning representations from large amounts of unlabeled data. Crucially, previous mask-based efforts in self-supervised learning have often overlooked the spatial interactions among entities, which are essential for constructing accurate representations of pathological entities. To address these challenges, constructing graphs of entities is a promising approach. In addition, the diffusion reconstruction strategy has recently shown superior performance through its random intensity noise addition technique to enhance the robust learned representation. Therefore, we introduce H-MGDM, a novel self-supervised Histopathology image representation learning method through the Dynamic Entity-Masked Graph Diffusion Model. Specifically, we propose to use complementary subgraphs as latent diffusion conditions and self-supervised targets respectively during pre-training. We note that the graph can embed entities' topological relationships and enhance representation. Dynamic conditions and targets can improve pathological fine reconstruction. Our model has conducted pretraining experiments on three large histopathological datasets. The advanced predictive performance and interpretability of H-MGDM are clearly evaluated on comprehensive downstream tasks such as classification and survival analysis on six datasets. Our code will be publicly available at https://github.com/centurion-crawler/H-MGDM.
Abstract:The human brain receives nutrients and oxygen through an intricate network of blood vessels. Pathology affecting small vessels, at the mesoscopic scale, represents a critical vulnerability within the cerebral blood supply and can lead to severe conditions, such as Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases. The advent of 7 Tesla MRI systems has enabled the acquisition of higher spatial resolution images, making it possible to visualise such vessels in the brain. However, the lack of publicly available annotated datasets has impeded the development of robust, machine learning-driven segmentation algorithms. To address this, the SMILE-UHURA challenge was organised. This challenge, held in conjunction with the ISBI 2023, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, aimed to provide a platform for researchers working on related topics. The SMILE-UHURA challenge addresses the gap in publicly available annotated datasets by providing an annotated dataset of Time-of-Flight angiography acquired with 7T MRI. This dataset was created through a combination of automated pre-segmentation and extensive manual refinement. In this manuscript, sixteen submitted methods and two baseline methods are compared both quantitatively and qualitatively on two different datasets: held-out test MRAs from the same dataset as the training data (with labels kept secret) and a separate 7T ToF MRA dataset where both input volumes and labels are kept secret. The results demonstrate that most of the submitted deep learning methods, trained on the provided training dataset, achieved reliable segmentation performance. Dice scores reached up to 0.838 $\pm$ 0.066 and 0.716 $\pm$ 0.125 on the respective datasets, with an average performance of up to 0.804 $\pm$ 0.15.
Abstract:Instance segmentation plays a vital role in the morphological quantification of biomedical entities such as tissues and cells, enabling precise identification and delineation of different structures. Current methods often address the challenges of touching, overlapping or crossing instances through individual modeling, while neglecting the intrinsic interrelation between these conditions. In this work, we propose a Gradient Anomaly-aware Biomedical Instance Segmentation approach (GAInS), which leverages instance gradient information to perceive local gradient anomaly regions, thus modeling the spatial relationship between instances and refining local region segmentation. Specifically, GAInS is firstly built on a Gradient Anomaly Mapping Module (GAMM), which encodes the radial fields of instances through window sliding to obtain instance gradient anomaly maps. To efficiently refine boundaries and regions with gradient anomaly attention, we propose an Adaptive Local Refinement Module (ALRM) with a gradient anomaly-aware loss function. Extensive comparisons and ablation experiments in three biomedical scenarios demonstrate that our proposed GAInS outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) instance segmentation methods. The code is available at https://github.com/DeepGAInS/GAInS.
Abstract:With the rapid development of depth sensor, more and more RGB-D videos could be obtained. Identifying the foreground in RGB-D videos is a fundamental and important task. However, the existing salient object detection (SOD) works only focus on either static RGB-D images or RGB videos, ignoring the collaborating of RGB-D and video information. In this paper, we first collect a new annotated RGB-D video SOD (ViDSOD-100) dataset, which contains 100 videos within a total of 9,362 frames, acquired from diverse natural scenes. All the frames in each video are manually annotated to a high-quality saliency annotation. Moreover, we propose a new baseline model, named attentive triple-fusion network (ATF-Net), for RGB-D video salient object detection. Our method aggregates the appearance information from an input RGB image, spatio-temporal information from an estimated motion map, and the geometry information from the depth map by devising three modality-specific branches and a multi-modality integration branch. The modality-specific branches extract the representation of different inputs, while the multi-modality integration branch combines the multi-level modality-specific features by introducing the encoder feature aggregation (MEA) modules and decoder feature aggregation (MDA) modules. The experimental findings conducted on both our newly introduced ViDSOD-100 dataset and the well-established DAVSOD dataset highlight the superior performance of the proposed ATF-Net. This performance enhancement is demonstrated both quantitatively and qualitatively, surpassing the capabilities of current state-of-the-art techniques across various domains, including RGB-D saliency detection, video saliency detection, and video object segmentation. Our data and our code are available at github.com/jhl-Det/RGBD_Video_SOD.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) has gained attention for addressing data scarcity and privacy concerns. While parallel FL algorithms like FedAvg exhibit remarkable performance, they face challenges in scenarios with diverse network speeds and concerns about centralized control, especially in multi-institutional collaborations like the medical domain. Serial FL presents an alternative solution, circumventing these challenges by transferring model updates serially between devices in a cyclical manner. Nevertheless, it is deemed inferior to parallel FL in that (1) its performance shows undesirable fluctuations, and (2) it converges to a lower plateau, particularly when dealing with non-IID data. The observed phenomenon is attributed to catastrophic forgetting due to knowledge loss from previous sites. In this paper, to overcome fluctuation and low efficiency in the iterative learning and forgetting process, we introduce cyclical weight consolidation (CWC), a straightforward yet potent approach specifically tailored for serial FL. CWC employs a consolidation matrix to regulate local optimization. This matrix tracks the significance of each parameter on the overall federation throughout the entire training trajectory, preventing abrupt changes in significant weights. During revisitation, to maintain adaptability, old memory undergoes decay to incorporate new information. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that in various non-IID settings, CWC mitigates the fluctuation behavior of the original serial FL approach and enhances the converged performance consistently and significantly. The improved performance is either comparable to or better than the parallel vanilla.
Abstract:Most existing federated learning (FL) methods for medical image analysis only considered intramodal heterogeneity, limiting their applicability to multimodal imaging applications. In practice, it is not uncommon that some FL participants only possess a subset of the complete imaging modalities, posing inter-modal heterogeneity as a challenge to effectively training a global model on all participants' data. In addition, each participant would expect to obtain a personalized model tailored for its local data characteristics from the FL in such a scenario. In this work, we propose a new FL framework with federated modality-specific encoders and multimodal anchors (FedMEMA) to simultaneously address the two concurrent issues. Above all, FedMEMA employs an exclusive encoder for each modality to account for the inter-modal heterogeneity in the first place. In the meantime, while the encoders are shared by the participants, the decoders are personalized to meet individual needs. Specifically, a server with full-modal data employs a fusion decoder to aggregate and fuse representations from all modality-specific encoders, thus bridging the modalities to optimize the encoders via backpropagation reversely. Meanwhile, multiple anchors are extracted from the fused multimodal representations and distributed to the clients in addition to the encoder parameters. On the other end, the clients with incomplete modalities calibrate their missing-modal representations toward the global full-modal anchors via scaled dot-product cross-attention, making up the information loss due to absent modalities while adapting the representations of present ones. FedMEMA is validated on the BraTS 2020 benchmark for multimodal brain tumor segmentation. Results show that it outperforms various up-to-date methods for multimodal and personalized FL and that its novel designs are effective. Our code is available.
Abstract:Histopathology serves as the gold standard in cancer diagnosis, with clinical reports being vital in interpreting and understanding this process, guiding cancer treatment and patient care. The automation of histopathology report generation with deep learning stands to significantly enhance clinical efficiency and lessen the labor-intensive, time-consuming burden on pathologists in report writing. In pursuit of this advancement, we introduce HistGen, a multiple instance learning-empowered framework for histopathology report generation together with the first benchmark dataset for evaluation. Inspired by diagnostic and report-writing workflows, HistGen features two delicately designed modules, aiming to boost report generation by aligning whole slide images (WSIs) and diagnostic reports from local and global granularity. To achieve this, a local-global hierarchical encoder is developed for efficient visual feature aggregation from a region-to-slide perspective. Meanwhile, a cross-modal context module is proposed to explicitly facilitate alignment and interaction between distinct modalities, effectively bridging the gap between the extensive visual sequences of WSIs and corresponding highly summarized reports. Experimental results on WSI report generation show the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) models by a large margin. Moreover, the results of fine-tuning our model on cancer subtyping and survival analysis tasks further demonstrate superior performance compared to SOTA methods, showcasing strong transfer learning capability. Dataset, model weights, and source code are available in https://github.com/dddavid4real/HistGen.
Abstract:Whole Slide Image (WSI) classification is often formulated as a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem. Recently, Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in WSI classification. However, existing methods leverage coarse-grained pathogenetic descriptions for visual representation supervision, which are insufficient to capture the complex visual appearance of pathogenetic images, hindering the generalizability of models on diverse downstream tasks. Additionally, processing high-resolution WSIs can be computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a novel "Fine-grained Visual-Semantic Interaction" (FiVE) framework for WSI classification. It is designed to enhance the model's generalizability by leveraging the interplay between localized visual patterns and fine-grained pathological semantics. Specifically, with meticulously designed queries, we start by utilizing a large language model to extract fine-grained pathological descriptions from various non-standardized raw reports. The output descriptions are then reconstructed into fine-grained labels used for training. By introducing a Task-specific Fine-grained Semantics (TFS) module, we enable prompts to capture crucial visual information in WSIs, which enhances representation learning and augments generalization capabilities significantly. Furthermore, given that pathological visual patterns are redundantly distributed across tissue slices, we sample a subset of visual instances during training. Our method demonstrates robust generalizability and strong transferability, dominantly outperforming the counterparts on the TCGA Lung Cancer dataset with at least 9.19% higher accuracy in few-shot experiments.