Abstract:Long-tailed learning has garnered increasing attention due to its practical significance. Among the various approaches, the fine-tuning paradigm has gained considerable interest with the advent of foundation models. However, most existing methods primarily focus on leveraging knowledge from these models, overlooking the inherent biases introduced by the imbalanced training data they rely on. In this paper, we examine how such imbalances from pre-training affect long-tailed downstream tasks. Specifically, we find the imbalance biases inherited in foundation models on downstream task as parameter imbalance and data imbalance. During fine-tuning, we observe that parameter imbalance plays a more critical role, while data imbalance can be mitigated using existing re-balancing strategies. Moreover, we find that parameter imbalance cannot be effectively addressed by current re-balancing techniques, such as adjusting the logits, during training, unlike data imbalance. To tackle both imbalances simultaneously, we build our method on causal learning and view the incomplete semantic factor as the confounder, which brings spurious correlations between input samples and labels. To resolve the negative effects of this, we propose a novel backdoor adjustment method that learns the true causal effect between input samples and labels, rather than merely fitting the correlations in the data. Notably, we achieve an average performance increase of about $1.67\%$ on each dataset.
Abstract:Single image defocus deblurring (SIDD) aims to restore an all-in-focus image from a defocused one. Distribution shifts in defocused images generally lead to performance degradation of existing methods during out-of-distribution inferences. In this work, we gauge the intrinsic reason behind the performance degradation, which is identified as the heterogeneity of lens-specific point spread functions. Empirical evidence supports this finding, motivating us to employ a continual test-time adaptation (CTTA) paradigm for SIDD. However, traditional CTTA methods, which primarily rely on entropy minimization, cannot sufficiently explore task-dependent information for pixel-level regression tasks like SIDD. To address this issue, we propose a novel Siamese networks-based continual test-time adaptation framework, which adapts source models to continuously changing target domains only requiring unlabeled target data in an online manner. To further mitigate semantically erroneous textures introduced by source SIDD models under severe degradation, we revisit the learning paradigm through a structural causal model and propose Causal Siamese networks (CauSiam). Our method leverages large-scale pre-trained vision-language models to derive discriminative universal semantic priors and integrates these priors into Siamese networks, ensuring causal identifiability between blurry inputs and restored images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CauSiam effectively improves the generalization performance of existing SIDD methods in continuously changing domains.
Abstract:Communication is essential in coordinating the behaviors of multiple agents. However, existing methods primarily emphasize content, timing, and partners for information sharing, often neglecting the critical aspect of integrating shared information. This gap can significantly impact agents' ability to understand and respond to complex, uncertain interactions, thus affecting overall communication efficiency. To address this issue, we introduce M2I2, a novel framework designed to enhance the agents' capabilities to assimilate and utilize received information effectively. M2I2 equips agents with advanced capabilities for masked state modeling and joint-action prediction, enriching their perception of environmental uncertainties and facilitating the anticipation of teammates' intentions. This approach ensures that agents are furnished with both comprehensive and relevant information, bolstering more informed and synergistic behaviors. Moreover, we propose a Dimensional Rational Network, innovatively trained via a meta-learning paradigm, to identify the importance of dimensional pieces of information, evaluating their contributions to decision-making and auxiliary tasks. Then, we implement an importance-based heuristic for selective information masking and sharing. This strategy optimizes the efficiency of masked state modeling and the rationale behind information sharing. We evaluate M2I2 across diverse multi-agent tasks, the results demonstrate its superior performance, efficiency, and generalization capabilities, over existing state-of-the-art methods in various complex scenarios.
Abstract:Representations learned by self-supervised approaches are generally considered to possess sufficient generalizability and discriminability. However, we disclose a nontrivial mutual-exclusion relationship between these critical representation properties through an exploratory demonstration on self-supervised learning. State-of-the-art self-supervised methods tend to enhance either generalizability or discriminability but not both simultaneously. Thus, learning representations jointly possessing strong generalizability and discriminability presents a specific challenge for self-supervised learning. To this end, we revisit the learning paradigm of self-supervised learning from the perspective of evolutionary game theory (EGT) and outline the theoretical roadmap to achieve a desired trade-off between these representation properties. EGT performs well in analyzing the trade-off point in a two-player game by utilizing dynamic system modeling. However, the EGT analysis requires sufficient annotated data, which contradicts the principle of self-supervised learning, i.e., the EGT analysis cannot be conducted without the annotations of the specific target domain for self-supervised learning. Thus, to enhance the methodological generalization, we propose a novel self-supervised learning method that leverages advancements in reinforcement learning to jointly benefit from the general guidance of EGT and sequentially optimize the model to chase the consistent improvement of generalizability and discriminability for specific target domains during pre-training. Theoretically, we establish that the proposed method tightens the generalization error upper bound of self-supervised learning. Empirically, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks.
Abstract:Humans excel at adapting perceptions and actions to diverse environments, enabling efficient interaction with the external world. This adaptive capability relies on the biological nervous system (BNS), which activates different brain regions for distinct tasks. Meta-learning similarly trains machines to handle multiple tasks but relies on a fixed network structure, not as flexible as BNS. To investigate the role of flexible network structure (FNS) in meta-learning, we conduct extensive empirical and theoretical analyses, finding that model performance is tied to structure, with no universally optimal pattern across tasks. This reveals the crucial role of FNS in meta-learning, ensuring meta-learning to generate the optimal structure for each task, thereby maximizing the performance and learning efficiency of meta-learning. Motivated by this insight, we propose to define, measure, and model FNS in meta-learning. First, we define that an effective FNS should possess frugality, plasticity, and sensitivity. Then, to quantify FNS in practice, we present three measurements for these properties, collectively forming the \emph{structure constraint} with theoretical supports. Building on this, we finally propose Neuromodulated Meta-Learning (NeuronML) to model FNS in meta-learning. It utilizes bi-level optimization to update both weights and structure with the structure constraint. Extensive theoretical and empirical evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of NeuronML on various tasks. Code is publicly available at \href{https://github.com/WangJingyao07/NeuronML}{https://github.com/WangJingyao07/NeuronML}.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning (SSL) methods learn from unlabeled data and achieve high generalization performance on downstream tasks. However, they may also suffer from overfitting to their training data and lose the ability to adapt to new tasks. To investigate this phenomenon, we conduct experiments on various SSL methods and datasets and make two observations: (1) Overfitting occurs abruptly in later layers and epochs, while generalizing features are learned in early layers for all epochs; (2) Coding rate reduction can be used as an indicator to measure the degree of overfitting in SSL models. Based on these observations, we propose Undoing Memorization Mechanism (UMM), a plug-and-play method that mitigates overfitting of the pre-trained feature extractor by aligning the feature distributions of the early and the last layers to maximize the coding rate reduction of the last layer output. The learning process of UMM is a bi-level optimization process. We provide a causal analysis of UMM to explain how UMM can help the pre-trained feature extractor overcome overfitting and recover generalization. We also demonstrate that UMM significantly improves the generalization performance of SSL methods on various downstream tasks.
Abstract:Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach for leveraging knowledge from previous tasks to solve new tasks. The mainstream methods focus on training a well-generalized model initialization, which is then adapted to different tasks with limited data and updates. However, it pushes the model overfitting on the training tasks. Previous methods mainly attributed this to the lack of data and used augmentations to address this issue, but they were limited by sufficient training and effective augmentation strategies. In this work, we focus on the more fundamental ``learning to learn'' strategy of meta-learning to explore what causes errors and how to eliminate these errors without changing the environment. Specifically, we first rethink the algorithmic procedure of meta-learning from a ``learning'' lens. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, we find that (i) this paradigm faces the risk of both overfitting and underfitting and (ii) the model adapted to different tasks promote each other where the effect is stronger if the tasks are more similar. Based on this insight, we propose using task relations to calibrate the optimization process of meta-learning and propose a plug-and-play method called Task Relation Learner (TRLearner) to achieve this goal. Specifically, it first obtains task relation matrices from the extracted task-specific meta-data. Then, it uses the obtained matrices with relation-aware consistency regularization to guide optimization. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of TRLearner.
Abstract:An effective paradigm of multi-modal learning (MML) is to learn unified representations among modalities. From a causal perspective, constraining the consistency between different modalities can mine causal representations that convey primary events. However, such simple consistency may face the risk of learning insufficient or unnecessary information: a necessary but insufficient cause is invariant across modalities but may not have the required accuracy; a sufficient but unnecessary cause tends to adapt well to specific modalities but may be hard to adapt to new data. To address this issue, in this paper, we aim to learn representations that are both causal sufficient and necessary, i.e., Causal Complete Cause ($C^3$), for MML. Firstly, we define the concept of $C^3$ for MML, which reflects the probability of being causal sufficiency and necessity. We also propose the identifiability and measurement of $C^3$, i.e., $C^3$ risk, to ensure calculating the learned representations' $C^3$ scores in practice. Then, we theoretically prove the effectiveness of $C^3$ risk by establishing the performance guarantee of MML with a tight generalization bound. Based on these theoretical results, we propose a plug-and-play method, namely Causal Complete Cause Regularization ($C^3$R), to learn causal complete representations by constraining the $C^3$ risk bound. Extensive experiments conducted on various benchmark datasets empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of $C^3$R.
Abstract:Leveraging the development of structural causal model (SCM), researchers can establish graphical models for exploring the causal mechanisms behind machine learning techniques. As the complexity of machine learning applications rises, single-world interventionism causal analysis encounters theoretical adaptation limitations. Accordingly, cross-world counterfactual approach extends our understanding of causality beyond observed data, enabling hypothetical reasoning about alternative scenarios. However, the joint involvement of cross-world variables, encompassing counterfactual variables and real-world variables, challenges the construction of the graphical model. Twin network is a subtle attempt, establishing a symbiotic relationship, to bridge the gap between graphical modeling and the introduction of counterfactuals albeit with room for improvement in generalization. In this regard, we demonstrate the theoretical breakdowns of twin networks in certain cross-world counterfactual scenarios. To this end, we propose a novel teleporter theory to establish a general and simple graphical representation of counterfactuals, which provides criteria for determining teleporter variables to connect multiple worlds. In theoretical application, we determine that introducing the proposed teleporter theory can directly obtain the conditional independence between counterfactual variables and real-world variables from the cross-world SCM without requiring complex algebraic derivations. Accordingly, we can further identify counterfactual causal effects through cross-world symbolic derivation. We demonstrate the generality of the teleporter theory to the practical application. Adhering to the proposed theory, we build a plug-and-play module, and the effectiveness of which are substantiated by experiments on benchmarks.
Abstract:Multi-modal methods establish comprehensive superiority over uni-modal methods. However, the imbalanced contributions of different modalities to task-dependent predictions constantly degrade the discriminative performance of canonical multi-modal methods. Based on the contribution to task-dependent predictions, modalities can be identified as predominant and auxiliary modalities. Benchmark methods raise a tractable solution: augmenting the auxiliary modality with a minor contribution during training. However, our empirical explorations challenge the fundamental idea behind such behavior, and we further conclude that benchmark approaches suffer from certain defects: insufficient theoretical interpretability and limited exploration capability of discriminative knowledge. To this end, we revisit multi-modal representation learning from a causal perspective and build the Structural Causal Model. Following the empirical explorations, we determine to capture the true causality between the discriminative knowledge of predominant modality and predictive label while considering the auxiliary modality. Thus, we introduce the $\beta$-generalization front-door criterion. Furthermore, we propose a novel network for sufficiently exploring multi-modal discriminative knowledge. Rigorous theoretical analyses and various empirical evaluations are provided to support the effectiveness of the innate mechanism behind our proposed method.