Abstract:The amount of articulatory data available for training deep learning models is much less compared to acoustic speech data. In order to improve articulatory-to-acoustic synthesis performance in these low-resource settings, we propose a multimodal pre-training framework. On single-speaker speech synthesis tasks from real-time magnetic resonance imaging and surface electromyography inputs, the intelligibility of synthesized outputs improves noticeably. For example, compared to prior work, utilizing our proposed transfer learning methods improves the MRI-to-speech performance by 36% word error rate. In addition to these intelligibility results, our multimodal pre-trained models consistently outperform unimodal baselines on three objective and subjective synthesis quality metrics.
Abstract:Syllables are compositional units of spoken language that play a crucial role in human speech perception and production. However, current neural speech representations lack structure, resulting in dense token sequences that are costly to process. To bridge this gap, we propose a new model, Sylber, that produces speech representations with clean and robust syllabic structure. Specifically, we propose a self-supervised model that regresses features on syllabic segments distilled from a teacher model which is an exponential moving average of the model in training. This results in a highly structured representation of speech features, offering three key benefits: 1) a fast, linear-time syllable segmentation algorithm, 2) efficient syllabic tokenization with an average of 4.27 tokens per second, and 3) syllabic units better suited for lexical and syntactic understanding. We also train token-to-speech generative models with our syllabic units and show that fully intelligible speech can be reconstructed from these tokens. Lastly, we observe that categorical perception, a linguistic phenomenon of speech perception, emerges naturally in our model, making the embedding space more categorical and sparse than previous self-supervised learning approaches. Together, we present a novel self-supervised approach for representing speech as syllables, with significant potential for efficient speech tokenization and spoken language modeling.
Abstract:Vocal tract articulation is a natural, grounded control space of speech production. The spatiotemporal coordination of articulators combined with the vocal source shapes intelligible speech sounds to enable effective spoken communication. Based on this physiological grounding of speech, we propose a new framework of neural encoding-decoding of speech -- articulatory encodec. The articulatory encodec comprises an articulatory analysis model that infers articulatory features from speech audio, and an articulatory synthesis model that synthesizes speech audio from articulatory features. The articulatory features are kinematic traces of vocal tract articulators and source features, which are intuitively interpretable and controllable, being the actual physical interface of speech production. An additional speaker identity encoder is jointly trained with the articulatory synthesizer to inform the voice texture of individual speakers. By training on large-scale speech data, we achieve a fully intelligible, high-quality articulatory synthesizer that generalizes to unseen speakers. Furthermore, the speaker embedding is effectively disentangled from articulations, which enables accent-perserving zero-shot voice conversion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of universal, high-performance articulatory inference and synthesis, suggesting the proposed framework as a powerful coding system of speech.
Abstract:Streaming speech-to-avatar synthesis creates real-time animations for a virtual character from audio data. Accurate avatar representations of speech are important for the visualization of sound in linguistics, phonetics, and phonology, visual feedback to assist second language acquisition, and virtual embodiment for paralyzed patients. Previous works have highlighted the capability of deep articulatory inversion to perform high-quality avatar animation using electromagnetic articulography (EMA) features. However, these models focus on offline avatar synthesis with recordings rather than real-time audio, which is necessary for live avatar visualization or embodiment. To address this issue, we propose a method using articulatory inversion for streaming high quality facial and inner-mouth avatar animation from real-time audio. Our approach achieves 130ms average streaming latency for every 0.1 seconds of audio with a 0.792 correlation with ground truth articulations. Finally, we show generated mouth and tongue animations to demonstrate the efficacy of our methodology.
Abstract:Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) based models of speech have shown remarkable performance on a range of downstream tasks. These state-of-the-art models have remained blackboxes, but many recent studies have begun "probing" models like HuBERT, to correlate their internal representations to different aspects of speech. In this paper, we show "inference of articulatory kinematics" as fundamental property of SSL models, i.e., the ability of these models to transform acoustics into the causal articulatory dynamics underlying the speech signal. We also show that this abstraction is largely overlapping across the language of the data used to train the model, with preference to the language with similar phonological system. Furthermore, we show that with simple affine transformations, Acoustic-to-Articulatory inversion (AAI) is transferrable across speakers, even across genders, languages, and dialects, showing the generalizability of this property. Together, these results shed new light on the internals of SSL models that are critical to their superior performance, and open up new avenues into language-agnostic universal models for speech engineering, that are interpretable and grounded in speech science.
Abstract:Data-driven unit discovery in self-supervised learning (SSL) of speech has embarked on a new era of spoken language processing. Yet, the discovered units often remain in phonetic space, limiting the utility of SSL representations. Here, we demonstrate that a syllabic organization emerges in learning sentence-level representation of speech. In particular, we adopt "self-distillation" objective to fine-tune the pretrained HuBERT with an aggregator token that summarizes the entire sentence. Without any supervision, the resulting model draws definite boundaries in speech, and the representations across frames show salient syllabic structures. We demonstrate that this emergent structure largely corresponds to the ground truth syllables. Furthermore, we propose a new benchmark task, Spoken Speech ABX, for evaluating sentence-level representation of speech. When compared to previous models, our model outperforms in both unsupervised syllable discovery and learning sentence-level representation. Together, we demonstrate that the self-distillation of HuBERT gives rise to syllabic organization without relying on external labels or modalities, and potentially provides novel data-driven units for spoken language modeling.
Abstract:Humans encode information into sounds by controlling articulators and decode information from sounds using the auditory apparatus. This paper introduces CiwaGAN, a model of human spoken language acquisition that combines unsupervised articulatory modeling with an unsupervised model of information exchange through the auditory modality. While prior research includes unsupervised articulatory modeling and information exchange separately, our model is the first to combine the two components. The paper also proposes an improved articulatory model with more interpretable internal representations. The proposed CiwaGAN model is the most realistic approximation of human spoken language acquisition using deep learning. As such, it is useful for cognitively plausible simulations of the human speech act.
Abstract:Understanding the neural implementation of complex human behaviors is one of the major goals in neuroscience. To this end, it is crucial to find a true representation of the neural data, which is challenging due to the high complexity of behaviors and the low signal-to-ratio (SNR) of the signals. Here, we propose a novel unsupervised learning framework, Neural Latent Aligner (NLA), to find well-constrained, behaviorally relevant neural representations of complex behaviors. The key idea is to align representations across repeated trials to learn cross-trial consistent information. Furthermore, we propose a novel, fully differentiable time warping model (TWM) to resolve the temporal misalignment of trials. When applied to intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) of natural speaking, our model learns better representations for decoding behaviors than the baseline models, especially in lower dimensional space. The TWM is empirically validated by measuring behavioral coherence between aligned trials. The proposed framework learns more cross-trial consistent representations than the baselines, and when visualized, the manifold reveals shared neural trajectories across trials.
Abstract:In this paper, we study articulatory synthesis, a speech synthesis method using human vocal tract information that offers a way to develop efficient, generalizable and interpretable synthesizers. While recent advances have enabled intelligible articulatory synthesis using electromagnetic articulography (EMA), these methods lack critical articulatory information like excitation and nasality, limiting generalization capabilities. To bridge this gap, we propose an alternative MRI-based feature set that covers a much more extensive articulatory space than EMA. We also introduce normalization and denoising procedures to enhance the generalizability of deep learning methods trained on MRI data. Moreover, we propose an MRI-to-speech model that improves both computational efficiency and speech fidelity. Finally, through a series of ablations, we show that the proposed MRI representation is more comprehensive than EMA and identify the most suitable MRI feature subset for articulatory synthesis.
Abstract:To build speech processing methods that can handle speech as naturally as humans, researchers have explored multiple ways of building an invertible mapping from speech to an interpretable space. The articulatory space is a promising inversion target, since this space captures the mechanics of speech production. To this end, we build an acoustic-to-articulatory inversion (AAI) model that leverages autoregression, adversarial training, and self supervision to generalize to unseen speakers. Our approach obtains 0.784 correlation on an electromagnetic articulography (EMA) dataset, improving the state-of-the-art by 12.5%. Additionally, we show the interpretability of these representations through directly comparing the behavior of estimated representations with speech production behavior. Finally, we propose a resynthesis-based AAI evaluation metric that does not rely on articulatory labels, demonstrating its efficacy with an 18-speaker dataset.