Abstract:Advancements in emerging technologies, e.g., reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and holographic MIMO (HMIMO), facilitate unprecedented manipulation of electromagnetic (EM) waves, significantly enhancing the performance of wireless communication systems. To accurately characterize the achievable performance limits of these systems, it is crucial to develop a universal EM-compliant channel model. This paper addresses this necessity by proposing a comprehensive EM channel model tailored for realistic multi-path environments, accounting for the combined effects of antenna array configurations and propagation conditions in HMIMO communications. Both polarization phenomena and spatial correlation are incorporated into this probabilistic channel model. Additionally, physical constraints of antenna configurations, such as mutual coupling effects and energy consumption, are integrated into the channel modeling framework. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed probabilistic channel model, indicating that traditional Rician and Rayleigh fading models cannot accurately depict the channel characteristics and underestimate the channel capacity. More importantly, the proposed channel model outperforms free-space Green's functions in accurately depicting both near-field gain and multi-path effects in radiative near-field regions. These gains are much more evident in tri-polarized systems, highlighting the necessity of polarization interference elimination techniques. Moreover, the theoretical analysis accurately verifies that capacity decreases with expanding communication regions of two-user communications.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to revolutionize the Sixth Generation (6G) communication networks. However, current mainstream LLMs generally lack the specialized knowledge in telecom domain. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a pipeline to adapt any general purpose LLMs to a telecom-specific LLMs. We collect and build telecom-specific pre-train dataset, instruction dataset, preference dataset to perform continual pre-training, instruct tuning and alignment tuning respectively. Besides, due to the lack of widely accepted evaluation benchmarks in telecom domain, we extend existing evaluation benchmarks and proposed three new benchmarks, namely, Telecom Math Modeling, Telecom Open QnA and Telecom Code Tasks. These new benchmarks provide a holistic evaluation of the capabilities of LLMs including math modeling, Open-Ended question answering, code generation, infilling, summarization and analysis in telecom domain. Our fine-tuned LLM TelecomGPT outperforms state of the art (SOTA) LLMs including GPT-4, Llama-3 and Mistral in Telecom Math Modeling benchmark significantly and achieve comparable performance in various evaluation benchmarks such as TeleQnA, 3GPP technical documents classification, telecom code summary and generation and infilling.
Abstract:Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has emerged as a promising technology to facilitate high-rate communications and super-resolution sensing, particularly operating in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band. However, the vulnerability of mmWave signals to blockages severely impairs ISAC capabilities and coverage. To tackle this, an efficient and low-cost solution is to deploy distributed reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) to construct virtual links between the base stations (BSs) and users in a controllable fashion. In this paper, we investigate the generalized RIS-assisted mmWave ISAC networks considering the blockage effect, and examine the beneficial impact of RISs on the coverage rate utilizing stochastic geometry. Specifically, taking into account the coupling effect of ISAC dual functions within the same network topology, we derive the conditional coverage probability of ISAC performance for two association cases, based on the proposed beam pattern model and user association policies. Then, the marginal coverage rate is calculated by combining these two cases through the distance-dependent thinning method. Simulation results verify the accuracy of derived theoretical formulations and provide valuable guidelines for the practical network deployment. Specifically, our results indicate the superiority of the RIS deployment with the density of 40 km${}^{-2}$ BSs, and that the joint coverage rate of ISAC performance exhibits potential growth from $67.1\%$ to $92.2\%$ with the deployment of RISs.
Abstract:Millimeter-wave (mmWave) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication with the advanced beamforming technologies is a key enabler to meet the growing demands of future mobile communication. However, the dynamic nature of cellular channels in large-scale urban mmWave MIMO communication scenarios brings substantial challenges, particularly in terms of complexity and robustness. To address these issues, we propose a robust gradient-based liquid neural network (GLNN) framework that utilizes ordinary differential equation-based liquid neurons to solve the beamforming problem. Specifically, our proposed GLNN framework takes gradients of the optimization objective function as inputs to extract the high-order channel feature information, and then introduces a residual connection to mitigate the training burden. Furthermore, we use the manifold learning technique to compress the search space of the beamforming problem. These designs enable the GLNN to effectively maintain low complexity while ensuring strong robustness to noisy and highly dynamic channels. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the GLNN can achieve 4.15% higher spectral efficiency than that of typical iterative algorithms, and reduce the time consumption to only 1.61% that of conventional methods.
Abstract:Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and communication networks are expected to have groundbreaking synergies in 6G. Connecting GenAI agents over a wireless network can potentially unleash the power of collective intelligence and pave the way for artificial general intelligence (AGI). However, current wireless networks are designed as a "data pipe" and are not suited to accommodate and leverage the power of GenAI. In this paper, we propose the GenAINet framework in which distributed GenAI agents communicate knowledge (high-level concepts or abstracts) to accomplish arbitrary tasks. We first provide a network architecture integrating GenAI capabilities to manage both network protocols and applications. Building on this, we investigate effective communication and reasoning problems by proposing a semantic-native GenAINet. Specifically, GenAI agents extract semantic concepts from multi-modal raw data, build a knowledgebase representing their semantic relations, which is retrieved by GenAI models for planning and reasoning. Under this paradigm, an agent can learn fast from other agents' experience for making better decisions with efficient communications. Furthermore, we conduct two case studies where in wireless device query, we show that extracting and transferring knowledge can improve query accuracy with reduced communication; and in wireless power control, we show that distributed agents can improve decisions via collaborative reasoning. Finally, we address that developing a hierarchical semantic level Telecom world model is a key path towards network of collective intelligence.
Abstract:The emerging concept of extremely-large holographic multiple-input multiple-output (HMIMO), beneficial from compactly and densely packed cost-efficient radiating meta-atoms, has been demonstrated for enhanced degrees of freedom even in pure line-of-sight conditions, enabling tremendous multiplexing gain for the next-generation communication systems. Most of the reported works focus on energy and spectrum efficiency, path loss analyses, and channel modeling. The extension to secure communications remains unexplored. In this paper, we theoretically characterize the secrecy capacity of the HMIMO network with multiple legitimate users and one eavesdropper while taking into consideration artificial noise and max-min fairness. We formulate the power allocation (PA) problem and address it by following successive convex approximation and Taylor expansion. We further study the effect of fixed PA coefficients, imperfect channel state information, inter-element spacing, and the number of Eve's antennas on the sum secrecy rate. Simulation results show that significant performance gain with more than 100\% increment in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime for the two-user case is obtained by exploiting adaptive/flexible PA compared to the case with fixed PA coefficients.
Abstract:Wireless communications at high-frequency bands with large antenna arrays face challenges in beam management, which can potentially be improved by multimodality sensing information from cameras, LiDAR, radar, and GPS. In this paper, we present a multimodal transformer deep learning framework for sensing-assisted beam prediction. We employ a convolutional neural network to extract the features from a sequence of images, point clouds, and radar raw data sampled over time. At each convolutional layer, we use transformer encoders to learn the hidden relations between feature tokens from different modalities and time instances over abstraction space and produce encoded vectors for the next-level feature extraction. We train the model on a combination of different modalities with supervised learning. We try to enhance the model over imbalanced data by utilizing focal loss and exponential moving average. We also evaluate data processing and augmentation techniques such as image enhancement, segmentation, background filtering, multimodal data flipping, radar signal transformation, and GPS angle calibration. Experimental results show that our solution trained on image and GPS data produces the best distance-based accuracy of predicted beams at 78.44%, with effective generalization to unseen day scenarios near 73% and night scenarios over 84%. This outperforms using other modalities and arbitrary data processing techniques, which demonstrates the effectiveness of transformers with feature fusion in performing radio beam prediction from images and GPS. Furthermore, our solution could be pretrained from large sequences of multimodality wireless data, on fine-tuning for multiple downstream radio network tasks.
Abstract:In this work, we study the problem of semantic communication and inference, in which a student agent (i.e. mobile device) queries a teacher agent (i.e. cloud sever) to generate higher-order data semantics living in a simplicial complex. Specifically, the teacher first maps its data into a k-order simplicial complex and learns its high-order correlations. For effective communication and inference, the teacher seeks minimally sufficient and invariant semantic structures prior to conveying information. These minimal simplicial structures are found via judiciously removing simplices selected by the Hodge Laplacians without compromising the inference query accuracy. Subsequently, the student locally runs its own set of queries based on a masked simplicial convolutional autoencoder (SCAE) leveraging both local and remote teacher's knowledge. Numerical results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of improving inference query accuracy under different channel conditions and simplicial structures. Experiments on a coauthorship dataset show that removing simplices by ranking the Laplacian values yields a 85% reduction in payload size without sacrificing accuracy. Joint semantic communication and inference by masked SCAE improves query accuracy by 25% compared to local student based query and 15% compared to remote teacher based query. Finally, incorporating channel semantics is shown to effectively improve inference accuracy, notably at low SNR values.
Abstract:The evolution of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) constitutes a turning point in reshaping the future of technology in different aspects. Wireless networks in particular, with the blooming of self-evolving networks, represent a rich field for exploiting GenAI and reaping several benefits that can fundamentally change the way how wireless networks are designed and operated nowadays. To be specific, large language models (LLMs), a subfield of GenAI, are envisioned to open up a new era of autonomous wireless networks, in which a multimodal large model trained over various Telecom data, can be fine-tuned to perform several downstream tasks, eliminating the need for dedicated AI models for each task and paving the way for the realization of artificial general intelligence (AGI)-empowered wireless networks. In this article, we aim to unfold the opportunities that can be reaped from integrating LLMs into the Telecom domain. In particular, we aim to put a forward-looking vision on a new realm of possibilities and applications of LLMs in future wireless networks, defining directions for designing, training, testing, and deploying Telecom LLMs, and reveal insights on the associated theoretical and practical challenges.
Abstract:The recent progress of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new frontiers in the possibility of automating many tasks involved in Telecom networks design, implementation, and deployment. This has been further pushed forward with the evolution of generative artificial intelligence (AI), including the emergence of large language models (LLMs), which is believed to be the cornerstone toward realizing self-governed, interactive AI agents. Motivated by this, in this paper, we aim to adapt the paradigm of LLMs to the Telecom domain. In particular, we fine-tune several LLMs including BERT, distilled BERT, RoBERTa and GPT-2, to the Telecom domain languages, and demonstrate a use case for identifying the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard working groups. We consider training the selected models on 3GPP technical documents (Tdoc) pertinent to years 2009-2019 and predict the Tdoc categories in years 2020-2023. The results demonstrate that fine-tuning BERT and RoBERTa model achieves 84.6% accuracy, while GPT-2 model achieves 83% in identifying 3GPP working groups. The distilled BERT model with around 50% less parameters achieves similar performance as others. This corroborates that fine-tuning pretrained LLM can effectively identify the categories of Telecom language. The developed framework shows a stepping stone towards realizing intent-driven and self-evolving wireless networks from Telecom languages, and paves the way for the implementation of generative AI in the Telecom domain.