Abstract:This white paper discusses the role of large-scale AI in the telecommunications industry, with a specific focus on the potential of generative AI to revolutionize network functions and user experiences, especially in the context of 6G systems. It highlights the development and deployment of Large Telecom Models (LTMs), which are tailored AI models designed to address the complex challenges faced by modern telecom networks. The paper covers a wide range of topics, from the architecture and deployment strategies of LTMs to their applications in network management, resource allocation, and optimization. It also explores the regulatory, ethical, and standardization considerations for LTMs, offering insights into their future integration into telecom infrastructure. The goal is to provide a comprehensive roadmap for the adoption of LTMs to enhance scalability, performance, and user-centric innovation in telecom networks.
Abstract:Late visions and trends for the future sixth Generation (6G) of wireless communications advocate, among other technologies, towards the deployment of network nodes with extreme numbers of antennas and up to terahertz frequencies, as means to enable various immersive applications. However, these technologies impose several challenges in the design of radio-frequency front-ends and beamforming architectures, as well as of ultra-wideband waveforms and computationally efficient transceiver signal processing. In this article, we revisit the Time Reversal (TR) technique, which was initially experimented in acoustics, in the context of large-bandwidth 6G wireless communications, capitalizing on its high resolution spatiotemporal focusing realized with low complexity transceivers. We first overview representative state-of-the-art in TR-based wireless communications, identifying the key competencies and requirements of TR for efficient operation. Recent and novel experimental setups and results for the spatiotemporal focusing capability of TR at the carrier frequencies $2.5$, $36$, and $273$ GHz are then presented, demonstrating in quantitative ways the technique's effectiveness in these very different frequency bands, as well as the roles of the available bandwidth and the number of transmit antennas. We also showcase the TR potential for realizing low complexity multi-user communications. The opportunities arising from TR-based wireless communications as well as the challenges for finding their place in 6G networks, also in conjunction with other complementary candidate technologies, are highlighted.
Abstract:Due to availability of large spectrum chunks, the sub-TeraHertz (subTHz) frequency band can support Ultra-WideBand (UWB) wireless communications, paving the way for unprecedented increase in the wireless network capacity. This fact is expected to be the next breakthrough for the upcoming sixth Generation (6G) standards. However, the technology of subTHz transceivers is not yet mature enough to apply the advanced signal processing currently being implemented for millimeter wave wireless communications. In this paper, we consider the Time Reversal (TR) precoding technique, which provides simple and robust processing capable to offer highly focalized in time and space UWB waveforms, exploiting the spatial diversity of wireless channels. We first investigate experimentally the performance of subTHz TR focusing in complex media inside a leaking reverberation cavity. We then combine TR with received spatial modulation to realize data communication using a simple non-coherent receiver with two antennas. Our results showcase the capability of TR to offer focusing in time in the order of few nanoseconds and in space in the order of less than 1 mm.