Abstract:Describing a scene in terms of primitives -- geometrically simple shapes that offer a parsimonious but accurate abstraction of structure -- is an established vision problem. This is a good model of a difficult fitting problem: different scenes require different numbers of primitives and primitives interact strongly, but any proposed solution can be evaluated at inference time. The state of the art method involves a learned regression procedure to predict a start point consisting of a fixed number of primitives, followed by a descent method to refine the geometry and remove redundant primitives. Methods are evaluated by accuracy in depth and normal prediction and in scene segmentation. This paper shows that very significant improvements in accuracy can be obtained by (a) incorporating a small number of negative primitives and (b) ensembling over a number of different regression procedures. Ensembling is by refining each predicted start point, then choosing the best by fitting loss. Extensive experiments on a standard dataset confirm that negative primitives are useful in a large fraction of images, and that our refine-then-choose strategy outperforms choose-then-refine, confirming that the fitting problem is very difficult.
Abstract:Physically-based renderings contain Monte-Carlo noise, with variance that increases as the number of rays per pixel decreases. This noise, while zero-mean for good modern renderers, can have heavy tails (most notably, for scenes containing specular or refractive objects). Learned methods for restoring low fidelity renders are highly developed, because suppressing render noise means one can save compute and use fast renders with few rays per pixel. We demonstrate that a diffusion model can denoise low fidelity renders successfully. Furthermore, our method can be conditioned on a variety of natural render information, and this conditioning helps performance. Quantitative experiments show that our method is competitive with SOTA across a range of sampling rates, but current metrics slightly favor competitor methods. Qualitative examination of the reconstructions suggests that the metrics themselves may not be reliable. The image prior applied by a diffusion method strongly favors reconstructions that are "like" real images -- so have straight shadow boundaries, curved specularities, no "fireflies" and the like -- and metrics do not account for this. We show numerous examples where methods preferred by current metrics produce qualitatively weaker reconstructions than ours.
Abstract:Virtual Try-on (VTON) involves generating images of a person wearing selected garments. Diffusion-based methods, in particular, can create high-quality images, but they struggle to maintain the identities of the input garments. We identified this problem stems from the specifics in the training formulation for diffusion. To address this, we propose a unique training scheme that limits the scope in which diffusion is trained. We use a control image that perfectly aligns with the target image during training. In turn, this accurately preserves garment details during inference. We demonstrate our method not only effectively conserves garment details but also allows for layering, styling, and shoe try-on. Our method runs multi-garment try-on in a single inference cycle and can support high-quality zoomed-in generations without training in higher resolutions. Finally, we show our method surpasses prior methods in accuracy and quality.
Abstract:Automated red teaming holds substantial promise for uncovering and mitigating the risks associated with the malicious use of large language models (LLMs), yet the field lacks a standardized evaluation framework to rigorously assess new methods. To address this issue, we introduce HarmBench, a standardized evaluation framework for automated red teaming. We identify several desirable properties previously unaccounted for in red teaming evaluations and systematically design HarmBench to meet these criteria. Using HarmBench, we conduct a large-scale comparison of 18 red teaming methods and 33 target LLMs and defenses, yielding novel insights. We also introduce a highly efficient adversarial training method that greatly enhances LLM robustness across a wide range of attacks, demonstrating how HarmBench enables codevelopment of attacks and defenses. We open source HarmBench at https://github.com/centerforaisafety/HarmBench.
Abstract:Retail photography imposes specific requirements on images. For instance, images may need uniform background colors, consistent model poses, centered products, and consistent lighting. Minor deviations from these standards impact a site's aesthetic appeal, making the images unsuitable for use. We show that Stable Diffusion methods, as currently applied, do not respect these requirements. The usual practice of training the denoiser with a very noisy image and starting inference with a sample of pure noise leads to inconsistent generated images during inference. This inconsistency occurs because it is easy to tell the difference between samples of the training and inference distributions. As a result, a network trained with centered retail product images with uniform backgrounds generates images with erratic backgrounds. The problem is easily fixed by initializing inference with samples from an approximation of noisy images. However, in using such an approximation, the joint distribution of text and noisy image at inference time still slightly differs from that at training time. This discrepancy is corrected by training the network with samples from the approximate noisy image distribution. Extensive experiments on real application data show significant qualitative and quantitative improvements in performance from adopting these procedures. Finally, our procedure can interact well with other control-based methods to further enhance the controllability of diffusion-based methods.
Abstract:Dense depth and surface normal predictors should possess the equivariant property to cropping-and-resizing -- cropping the input image should result in cropping the same output image. However, we find that state-of-the-art depth and normal predictors, despite having strong performances, surprisingly do not respect equivariance. The problem exists even when crop-and-resize data augmentation is employed during training. To remedy this, we propose an equivariant regularization technique, consisting of an averaging procedure and a self-consistency loss, to explicitly promote cropping-and-resizing equivariance in depth and normal networks. Our approach can be applied to both CNN and Transformer architectures, does not incur extra cost during testing, and notably improves the supervised and semi-supervised learning performance of dense predictors on Taskonomy tasks. Finally, finetuning with our loss on unlabeled images improves not only equivariance but also accuracy of state-of-the-art depth and normal predictors when evaluated on NYU-v2. GitHub link: https://github.com/mikuhatsune/equivariance
Abstract:We demonstrate two novel editing procedures in the context of fantasy card art. Palette transfer applies a specified reference palette to a given card. For fantasy art, the desired change in palette can be very large, leading to huge changes in the "look" of the art. We demonstrate that a pipeline of vector quantization; matching; and "vector dequantization" (using a diffusion model) produces successful extreme palette transfers. Segment control allows an artist to move one or more image segments, and to optionally specify the desired color of the result. The combination of these two types of edit yields valuable workflows, including: move a segment, then recolor; recolor, then force some segments to take a prescribed color. We demonstrate our methods on the challenging Yu-Gi-Oh card art dataset.
Abstract:We present Blocks2World, a novel method for 3D scene rendering and editing that leverages a two-step process: convex decomposition of images and conditioned synthesis. Our technique begins by extracting 3D parallelepipeds from various objects in a given scene using convex decomposition, thus obtaining a primitive representation of the scene. These primitives are then utilized to generate paired data through simple ray-traced depth maps. The next stage involves training a conditioned model that learns to generate images from the 2D-rendered convex primitives. This step establishes a direct mapping between the 3D model and its 2D representation, effectively learning the transition from a 3D model to an image. Once the model is fully trained, it offers remarkable control over the synthesis of novel and edited scenes. This is achieved by manipulating the primitives at test time, including translating or adding them, thereby enabling a highly customizable scene rendering process. Our method provides a fresh perspective on 3D scene rendering and editing, offering control and flexibility. It opens up new avenues for research and applications in the field, including authoring and data augmentation.
Abstract:We describe a method to parse a complex, cluttered indoor scene into primitives which offer a parsimonious abstraction of scene structure. Our primitives are simple convexes. Our method uses a learned regression procedure to parse a scene into a fixed number of convexes from RGBD input, and can optionally accept segmentations to improve the decomposition. The result is then polished with a descent method which adjusts the convexes to produce a very good fit, and greedily removes superfluous primitives. Because the entire scene is parsed, we can evaluate using traditional depth, normal, and segmentation error metrics. Our evaluation procedure demonstrates that the error from our primitive representation is comparable to that of predicting depth from a single image.
Abstract:As the prevalence of data analysis grows, safeguarding data privacy has become a paramount concern. Consequently, there has been an upsurge in the development of mechanisms aimed at privacy-preserving data analyses. However, these approaches are task-specific; designing algorithms for new tasks is a cumbersome process. As an alternative, one can create synthetic data that is (ideally) devoid of private information. This paper focuses on privacy-preserving data synthesis (PPDS) by providing a comprehensive overview, analysis, and discussion of the field. Specifically, we put forth a master recipe that unifies two prominent strands of research in PPDS: statistical methods and deep learning (DL)-based methods. Under the master recipe, we further dissect the statistical methods into choices of modeling and representation, and investigate the DL-based methods by different generative modeling principles. To consolidate our findings, we provide comprehensive reference tables, distill key takeaways, and identify open problems in the existing literature. In doing so, we aim to answer the following questions: What are the design principles behind different PPDS methods? How can we categorize these methods, and what are the advantages and disadvantages associated with each category? Can we provide guidelines for method selection in different real-world scenarios? We proceed to benchmark several prominent DL-based methods on the task of private image synthesis and conclude that DP-MERF is an all-purpose approach. Finally, upon systematizing the work over the past decade, we identify future directions and call for actions from researchers.