Abstract:Training deep neural networks requires datasets with a large number of annotated examples. The collection and annotation of these datasets is not only extremely expensive but also faces legal and privacy problems. These factors are a significant limitation for many real-world applications. To address this, we introduce HydraMix, a novel architecture that generates new image compositions by mixing multiple different images from the same class. HydraMix learns the fusion of the content of various images guided by a segmentation-based mixing mask in feature space and is optimized via a combination of unsupervised and adversarial training. Our data augmentation scheme allows the creation of models trained from scratch on very small datasets. We conduct extensive experiments on ciFAIR-10, STL-10, and ciFAIR-100. Additionally, we introduce a novel text-image metric to assess the generality of the augmented datasets. Our results show that HydraMix outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for image classification on small datasets.
Abstract:Monocular 3D human pose and shape estimation is an inherently ill-posed problem due to depth ambiguities, occlusions, and truncations. Recent probabilistic approaches learn a distribution over plausible 3D human meshes by maximizing the likelihood of the ground-truth pose given an image. We show that this objective function alone is not sufficient to best capture the full distributions. Instead, we propose to additionally supervise the learned distributions by minimizing the distance to distributions encoded in heatmaps of a 2D pose detector. Moreover, we reveal that current methods often generate incorrect hypotheses for invisible joints which is not detected by the evaluation protocols. We demonstrate that person segmentation masks can be utilized during training to significantly decrease the number of invalid samples and introduce two metrics to evaluate it. Our normalizing flow-based approach predicts plausible 3D human mesh hypotheses that are consistent with the image evidence while maintaining high diversity for ambiguous body parts. Experiments on 3DPW and EMDB show that we outperform other state-of-the-art probabilistic methods. Code is available for research purposes at https://github.com/twehrbein/humr.
Abstract:The evaluation of cell tracking results steers the development of tracking methods, significantly impacting biomedical research. This is quantitatively achieved by means of evaluation metrics. Unfortunately, current metrics favor local correctness and weakly reward global coherence, impeding high-level biological analysis. To also foster global coherence, we propose the CHOTA metric (Cell-specific Higher Order Tracking Accuracy) which unifies the evaluation of all relevant aspects of cell tracking: cell detections and local associations, global coherence, and lineage tracking. We achieve this by introducing a new definition of the term 'trajectory' that includes the entire cell lineage and by including this into the well-established HOTA metric from general multiple object tracking. Furthermore, we provide a detailed survey of contemporary cell tracking metrics to compare our novel CHOTA metric and to show its advantages. All metrics are extensively evaluated on state-of-the-art real-data cell tracking results and synthetic results that simulate specific tracking errors. We show that CHOTA is sensitive to all tracking errors and gives a good indication of the biologically relevant capability of a method to reconstruct the full lineage of cells. It introduces a robust and comprehensive alternative to the currently used metrics in cell tracking. Python code is available at https://github.com/CellTrackingChallenge/py-ctcmetrics .
Abstract:Describing a scene in terms of primitives -- geometrically simple shapes that offer a parsimonious but accurate abstraction of structure -- is an established vision problem. This is a good model of a difficult fitting problem: different scenes require different numbers of primitives and primitives interact strongly, but any proposed solution can be evaluated at inference time. The state of the art method involves a learned regression procedure to predict a start point consisting of a fixed number of primitives, followed by a descent method to refine the geometry and remove redundant primitives. Methods are evaluated by accuracy in depth and normal prediction and in scene segmentation. This paper shows that very significant improvements in accuracy can be obtained by (a) incorporating a small number of negative primitives and (b) ensembling over a number of different regression procedures. Ensembling is by refining each predicted start point, then choosing the best by fitting loss. Extensive experiments on a standard dataset confirm that negative primitives are useful in a large fraction of images, and that our refine-then-choose strategy outperforms choose-then-refine, confirming that the fitting problem is very difficult.
Abstract:Detecting anomalies in images has become a well-explored problem in both academia and industry. State-of-the-art algorithms are able to detect defects in increasingly difficult settings and data modalities. However, most current methods are not suited to address 3D objects captured from differing poses. While solutions using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have been proposed, they suffer from excessive computation requirements, which hinder real-world usability. For this reason, we propose the novel 3D Gaussian splatting-based framework SplatPose which, given multi-view images of a 3D object, accurately estimates the pose of unseen views in a differentiable manner, and detects anomalies in them. We achieve state-of-the-art results in both training and inference speed, and detection performance, even when using less training data than competing methods. We thoroughly evaluate our framework using the recently proposed Pose-agnostic Anomaly Detection benchmark and its multi-pose anomaly detection (MAD) data set.
Abstract:Cell tracking and segmentation assist biologists in extracting insights from large-scale microscopy time-lapse data. Driven by local accuracy metrics, current tracking approaches often suffer from a lack of long-term consistency. To address this issue, we introduce an uncertainty estimation technique for neural tracking-by-regression frameworks and incorporate it into our novel extended Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture tracker. Our uncertainty estimation identifies uncertain associations within high-performing tracking-by-regression methods using problem-specific test-time augmentations. Leveraging this uncertainty, along with a novel mitosis-aware assignment problem formulation, our tracker resolves false associations and mitosis detections stemming from long-term conflicts. We evaluate our approach on nine competitive datasets and demonstrate that it outperforms the current state-of-the-art on biologically relevant metrics substantially, achieving improvements by a factor of approximately $5.75$. Furthermore, we uncover new insights into the behavior of tracking-by-regression uncertainty.
Abstract:Recently, regression-based methods have dominated the field of 3D human pose and shape estimation. Despite their promising results, a common issue is the misalignment between predictions and image observations, often caused by minor joint rotation errors that accumulate along the kinematic chain. To address this issue, we propose to construct dense correspondences between initial human model estimates and the corresponding images that can be used to refine the initial predictions. To this end, we utilize renderings of the 3D models to predict per-pixel 2D displacements between the synthetic renderings and the RGB images. This allows us to effectively integrate and exploit appearance information of the persons. Our per-pixel displacements can be efficiently transformed to per-visible-vertex displacements and then used for 3D model refinement by minimizing a reprojection loss. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we refine the initial 3D human mesh predictions of multiple models using different refinement procedures on 3DPW and RICH. We show that our approach not only consistently leads to better image-model alignment, but also to improved 3D accuracy.
Abstract:Multi-class multi-instance segmentation is the task of identifying masks for multiple object classes and multiple instances of the same class within an image. The foundational Segment Anything Model (SAM) is designed for promptable multi-class multi-instance segmentation but tends to output part or sub-part masks in the "everything" mode for various real-world applications. Whole object segmentation masks play a crucial role for indoor scene understanding, especially in robotics applications. We propose a new domain invariant Real-to-Simulation (Real-Sim) fine-tuning strategy for SAM. We use object images and ground truth data collected from Ai2Thor simulator during fine-tuning (real-to-sim). To allow our Segment Any Object Model (SAOM) to work in the "everything" mode, we propose the novel nearest neighbour assignment method, updating point embeddings for each ground-truth mask. SAOM is evaluated on our own dataset collected from Ai2Thor simulator. SAOM significantly improves on SAM, with a 28% increase in mIoU and a 25% increase in mAcc for 54 frequently-seen indoor object classes. Moreover, our Real-to-Simulation fine-tuning strategy demonstrates promising generalization performance in real environments without being trained on the real-world data (sim-to-real). The dataset and the code will be released after publication.
Abstract:Humans perceive and construct the world as an arrangement of simple parametric models. In particular, we can often describe man-made environments using volumetric primitives such as cuboids or cylinders. Inferring these primitives is important for attaining high-level, abstract scene descriptions. Previous approaches for primitive-based abstraction estimate shape parameters directly and are only able to reproduce simple objects. In contrast, we propose a robust estimator for primitive fitting, which meaningfully abstracts complex real-world environments using cuboids. A RANSAC estimator guided by a neural network fits these primitives to a depth map. We condition the network on previously detected parts of the scene, parsing it one-by-one. To obtain cuboids from single RGB images, we additionally optimise a depth estimation CNN end-to-end. Naively minimising point-to-primitive distances leads to large or spurious cuboids occluding parts of the scene. We thus propose an improved occlusion-aware distance metric correctly handling opaque scenes. Furthermore, we present a neural network based cuboid solver which provides more parsimonious scene abstractions while also reducing inference time. The proposed algorithm does not require labour-intensive labels, such as cuboid annotations, for training. Results on the NYU Depth v2 dataset demonstrate that the proposed algorithm successfully abstracts cluttered real-world 3D scene layouts.
Abstract:A Normalizing Flow computes a bijective mapping from an arbitrary distribution to a predefined (e.g. normal) distribution. Such a flow can be used to address different tasks, e.g. anomaly detection, once such a mapping has been learned. In this work we introduce Normalizing Flows for Quantum architectures, describe how to model and optimize such a flow and evaluate our method on example datasets. Our proposed models show competitive performance for anomaly detection compared to classical methods, e.g. based on isolation forests, the local outlier factor (LOF) or single-class SVMs, while being fully executable on a quantum computer.