Abstract:What latent features are encoded in language model (LM) representations? Recent work on training sparse autoencoders (SAEs) to disentangle interpretable features in LM representations has shown significant promise. However, evaluating the quality of these SAEs is difficult because we lack a ground-truth collection of interpretable features that we expect good SAEs to recover. We thus propose to measure progress in interpretable dictionary learning by working in the setting of LMs trained on chess and Othello transcripts. These settings carry natural collections of interpretable features -- for example, "there is a knight on F3" -- which we leverage into $\textit{supervised}$ metrics for SAE quality. To guide progress in interpretable dictionary learning, we introduce a new SAE training technique, $\textit{p-annealing}$, which improves performance on prior unsupervised metrics as well as our new metrics.
Abstract:Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a crucial but challenging task in many high-dimensional regression or learning problems to increase the confidence of a given predictor. We develop a new data-driven approach for UQ in regression that applies both to classical regression approaches such as the LASSO as well as to neural networks. One of the most notable UQ techniques is the debiased LASSO, which modifies the LASSO to allow for the construction of asymptotic confidence intervals by decomposing the estimation error into a Gaussian and an asymptotically vanishing bias component. However, in real-world problems with finite-dimensional data, the bias term is often too significant to be neglected, resulting in overly narrow confidence intervals. Our work rigorously addresses this issue and derives a data-driven adjustment that corrects the confidence intervals for a large class of predictors by estimating the means and variances of the bias terms from training data, exploiting high-dimensional concentration phenomena. This gives rise to non-asymptotic confidence intervals, which can help avoid overestimating uncertainty in critical applications such as MRI diagnosis. Importantly, our analysis extends beyond sparse regression to data-driven predictors like neural networks, enhancing the reliability of model-based deep learning. Our findings bridge the gap between established theory and the practical applicability of such debiased methods.
Abstract:One of the most promising solutions for uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional statistics is the debiased LASSO that relies on unconstrained $\ell_1$-minimization. The initial works focused on real Gaussian designs as a toy model for this problem. However, in medical imaging applications, such as compressive sensing for MRI, the measurement system is represented by a (subsampled) complex Fourier matrix. The purpose of this work is to extend the method to the MRI case in order to construct confidence intervals for each pixel of an MR image. We show that a sufficient amount of data is $n \gtrsim \max\{ s_0\log^2 s_0\log p, s_0 \log^2 p \}$.
Abstract:Over the last few years, debiased estimators have been proposed in order to establish rigorous confidence intervals for high-dimensional problems in machine learning and data science. The core argument is that the error of these estimators with respect to the ground truth can be expressed as a Gaussian variable plus a remainder term that vanishes as long as the dimension of the problem is sufficiently high. Thus, uncertainty quantification (UQ) can be performed exploiting the Gaussian model. Empirically, however, the remainder term cannot be neglected in many realistic situations of moderately-sized dimensions, in particular in certain structured measurement scenarios such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This, in turn, can downgrade the advantage of the UQ methods as compared to non-UQ approaches such as the standard LASSO. In this paper, we present a method to improve the debiased estimator by sampling without replacement. Our approach leverages recent results of ours on the structure of the random nature of certain sampling schemes showing how a transition between sampling with and without replacement can lead to a weighted reconstruction scheme with improved performance for the standard LASSO. In this paper, we illustrate how this reweighted sampling idea can also improve the debiased estimator and, consequently, provide a better method for UQ in Fourier imaging.
Abstract:Image search and retrieval tasks can perpetuate harmful stereotypes, erase cultural identities, and amplify social disparities. Current approaches to mitigate these representational harms balance the number of retrieved items across population groups defined by a small number of (often binary) attributes. However, most existing methods overlook intersectional groups determined by combinations of group attributes, such as gender, race, and ethnicity. We introduce Multi-Group Proportional Representation (MPR), a novel metric that measures representation across intersectional groups. We develop practical methods for estimating MPR, provide theoretical guarantees, and propose optimization algorithms to ensure MPR in retrieval. We demonstrate that existing methods optimizing for equal and proportional representation metrics may fail to promote MPR. Crucially, our work shows that optimizing MPR yields more proportional representation across multiple intersectional groups specified by a rich function class, often with minimal compromise in retrieval accuracy.
Abstract:Model-based deep learning solutions to inverse problems have attracted increasing attention in recent years as they bridge state-of-the-art numerical performance with interpretability. In addition, the incorporated prior domain knowledge can make the training more efficient as the smaller number of parameters allows the training step to be executed with smaller datasets. Algorithm unrolling schemes stand out among these model-based learning techniques. Despite their rapid advancement and their close connection to traditional high-dimensional statistical methods, they lack certainty estimates and a theory for uncertainty quantification is still elusive. This work provides a step towards closing this gap proposing a rigorous way to obtain confidence intervals for the LISTA estimator.
Abstract:We propose an iterative algorithm for low-rank matrix completion that can be interpreted as an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm, a saddle-escaping smoothing Newton method or a variable metric proximal gradient method applied to a non-convex rank surrogate. It combines the favorable data-efficiency of previous IRLS approaches with an improved scalability by several orders of magnitude. We establish the first local convergence guarantee from a minimal number of samples for that class of algorithms, showing that the method attains a local quadratic convergence rate. Furthermore, we show that the linear systems to be solved are well-conditioned even for very ill-conditioned ground truth matrices. We provide extensive experiments, indicating that unlike many state-of-the-art approaches, our method is able to complete very ill-conditioned matrices with a condition number of up to $10^{10}$ from few samples, while being competitive in its scalability.
Abstract:Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS), whose history goes back more than 80 years, represents an important family of algorithms for non-smooth optimization as it is able to optimize these problems by solving a sequence of linear systems. In 2010, Daubechies, DeVore, Fornasier, and G\"unt\"urk proved that IRLS for $\ell_1$-minimization, an optimization program ubiquitous in the field of compressed sensing, globally converges to a sparse solution. While this algorithm has been popular in applications in engineering and statistics, fundamental algorithmic questions have remained unanswered. As a matter of fact, existing convergence guarantees only provide global convergence without any rate, except for the case that the support of the underlying signal has already been identified. In this paper, we prove that IRLS for $\ell_1$-minimization converges to a sparse solution with a global linear rate. We support our theory by numerical experiments indicating that our linear rate essentially captures the correct dimension dependence.