Abstract:While many sophisticated exploration methods have been proposed, their lack of generality and high computational cost often lead researchers to favor simpler methods like $\epsilon$-greedy. Motivated by this, we introduce $\beta$-DQN, a simple and efficient exploration method that augments the standard DQN with a behavior function $\beta$. This function estimates the probability that each action has been taken at each state. By leveraging $\beta$, we generate a population of diverse policies that balance exploration between state-action coverage and overestimation bias correction. An adaptive meta-controller is designed to select an effective policy for each episode, enabling flexible and explainable exploration. $\beta$-DQN is straightforward to implement and adds minimal computational overhead to the standard DQN. Experiments on both simple and challenging exploration domains show that $\beta$-DQN outperforms existing baseline methods across a wide range of tasks, providing an effective solution for improving exploration in deep reinforcement learning.
Abstract:Offline preference-based reinforcement learning (RL), which focuses on optimizing policies using human preferences between pairs of trajectory segments selected from an offline dataset, has emerged as a practical avenue for RL applications. Existing works rely on extracting step-wise reward signals from trajectory-wise preference annotations, assuming that preferences correlate with the cumulative Markovian rewards. However, such methods fail to capture the holistic perspective of data annotation: Humans often assess the desirability of a sequence of actions by considering the overall outcome rather than the immediate rewards. To address this challenge, we propose to model human preferences using rewards conditioned on future outcomes of the trajectory segments, i.e. the hindsight information. For downstream RL optimization, the reward of each step is calculated by marginalizing over possible future outcomes, the distribution of which is approximated by a variational auto-encoder trained using the offline dataset. Our proposed method, Hindsight Preference Learning (HPL), can facilitate credit assignment by taking full advantage of vast trajectory data available in massive unlabeled datasets. Comprehensive empirical studies demonstrate the benefits of HPL in delivering robust and advantageous rewards across various domains. Our code is publicly released at https://github.com/typoverflow/WiseRL.
Abstract:Diffusion-based models have achieved notable empirical successes in reinforcement learning (RL) due to their expressiveness in modeling complex distributions. Despite existing methods being promising, the key challenge of extending existing methods for broader real-world applications lies in the computational cost at inference time, i.e., sampling from a diffusion model is considerably slow as it often requires tens to hundreds of iterations to generate even one sample. To circumvent this issue, we propose to leverage the flexibility of diffusion models for RL from a representation learning perspective. In particular, by exploiting the connection between diffusion model and energy-based model, we develop Diffusion Spectral Representation (Diff-SR), a coherent algorithm framework that enables extracting sufficient representations for value functions in Markov decision processes (MDP) and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP). We further demonstrate how Diff-SR facilitates efficient policy optimization and practical algorithms while explicitly bypassing the difficulty and inference cost of sampling from the diffusion model. Finally, we provide comprehensive empirical studies to verify the benefits of Diff-SR in delivering robust and advantageous performance across various benchmarks with both fully and partially observable settings.
Abstract:We prove that the combination of a target network and over-parameterized linear function approximation establishes a weaker convergence condition for bootstrapped value estimation in certain cases, even with off-policy data. Our condition is naturally satisfied for expected updates over the entire state-action space or learning with a batch of complete trajectories from episodic Markov decision processes. Notably, using only a target network or an over-parameterized model does not provide such a convergence guarantee. Additionally, we extend our results to learning with truncated trajectories, showing that convergence is achievable for all tasks with minor modifications, akin to value truncation for the final states in trajectories. Our primary result focuses on temporal difference estimation for prediction, providing high-probability value estimation error bounds and empirical analysis on Baird's counterexample and a Four-room task. Furthermore, we explore the control setting, demonstrating that similar convergence conditions apply to Q-learning.
Abstract:In traditional statistical learning, data points are usually assumed to be independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) following an unknown probability distribution. This paper presents a contrasting viewpoint, perceiving data points as interconnected and employing a Markov reward process (MRP) for data modeling. We reformulate the typical supervised learning as an on-policy policy evaluation problem within reinforcement learning (RL), introducing a generalized temporal difference (TD) learning algorithm as a resolution. Theoretically, our analysis draws connections between the solutions of linear TD learning and ordinary least squares (OLS). We also show that under specific conditions, particularly when noises are correlated, the TD's solution proves to be a more effective estimator than OLS. Furthermore, we establish the convergence of our generalized TD algorithms under linear function approximation. Empirical studies verify our theoretical results, examine the vital design of our TD algorithm and show practical utility across various datasets, encompassing tasks such as regression and image classification with deep learning.
Abstract:In real-world reinforcement learning problems, the state information is often only partially observable, which breaks the basic assumption in Markov decision processes, and thus, leads to inferior performances. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes have been introduced to explicitly take the issue into account for learning, exploration, and planning, but presenting significant computational and statistical challenges. To address these difficulties, we exploit the representation view, which leads to a coherent design framework for a practically tractable reinforcement learning algorithm upon partial observations. We provide a theoretical analysis for justifying the statistical efficiency of the proposed algorithm. We also empirically demonstrate the proposed algorithm can surpass state-of-the-art performance with partial observations across various benchmarks, therefore, pushing reliable reinforcement learning towards more practical applications.
Abstract:Decision Transformer (DT) is an innovative algorithm leveraging recent advances of the transformer architecture in reinforcement learning (RL). However, a notable limitation of DT is its reliance on recalling trajectories from datasets, losing the capability to seamlessly stitch sub-optimal trajectories together. In this work we introduce a general sequence modeling framework for studying sequential decision making through the lens of Hierarchical RL. At the time of making decisions, a high-level policy first proposes an ideal prompt for the current state, a low-level policy subsequently generates an action conditioned on the given prompt. We show DT emerges as a special case of this framework with certain choices of high-level and low-level policies, and discuss the potential failure of these choices. Inspired by these observations, we study how to jointly optimize the high-level and low-level policies to enable the stitching ability, which further leads to the development of new offline RL algorithms. Our empirical results clearly show that the proposed algorithms significantly surpass DT on several control and navigation benchmarks. We hope our contributions can inspire the integration of transformer architectures within the field of RL.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (RL) seeks to derive an effective control policy from previously collected data. To circumvent errors due to inadequate data coverage, behavior-regularized methods optimize the control policy while concurrently minimizing deviation from the data collection policy. Nevertheless, these methods often exhibit subpar practical performance, particularly when the offline dataset is collected by sub-optimal policies. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm employing in-sample policy iteration that substantially enhances behavior-regularized methods in offline RL. The core insight is that by continuously refining the policy used for behavior regularization, in-sample policy iteration gradually improves itself while implicitly avoids querying out-of-sample actions to avert catastrophic learning failures. Our theoretical analysis verifies its ability to learn the in-sample optimal policy, exclusively utilizing actions well-covered by the dataset. Moreover, we propose competitive policy improvement, a technique applying two competitive policies, both of which are trained by iteratively improving over the best competitor. We show that this simple yet potent technique significantly enhances learning efficiency when function approximation is applied. Lastly, experimental results on the D4RL benchmark indicate that our algorithm outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in most tasks.
Abstract:Efficient exploration is critical in cooperative deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). In this paper, we propose an exploration method that efficiently encourages cooperative exploration based on the idea of the theoretically justified tree search algorithm UCT (Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees). The high-level intuition is that to perform optimism-based exploration, agents would achieve cooperative strategies if each agent's optimism estimate captures a structured dependency relationship with other agents. At each node (i.e., action) of the search tree, UCT performs optimism-based exploration using a bonus derived by conditioning on the visitation count of its parent node. We provide a perspective to view MARL as tree search iterations and develop a method called Conditionally Optimistic Exploration (COE). We assume agents take actions following a sequential order, and consider nodes at the same depth of the search tree as actions of one individual agent. COE computes each agent's state-action value estimate with an optimistic bonus derived from the visitation count of the state and joint actions taken by agents up to the current agent. COE is adaptable to any value decomposition method for centralized training with decentralized execution. Experiments across various cooperative MARL benchmarks show that COE outperforms current state-of-the-art exploration methods on hard-exploration tasks.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) agents can leverage batches of previously collected data to extract a reasonable control policy. An emerging issue in this offline RL setting, however, is that the bootstrapping update underlying many of our methods suffers from insufficient action-coverage: standard max operator may select a maximal action that has not been seen in the dataset. Bootstrapping from these inaccurate values can lead to overestimation and even divergence. There are a growing number of methods that attempt to approximate an \emph{in-sample} max, that only uses actions well-covered by the dataset. We highlight a simple fact: it is more straightforward to approximate an in-sample \emph{softmax} using only actions in the dataset. We show that policy iteration based on the in-sample softmax converges, and that for decreasing temperatures it approaches the in-sample max. We derive an In-Sample Actor-Critic (AC), using this in-sample softmax, and show that it is consistently better or comparable to existing offline RL methods, and is also well-suited to fine-tuning.