While many sophisticated exploration methods have been proposed, their lack of generality and high computational cost often lead researchers to favor simpler methods like $\epsilon$-greedy. Motivated by this, we introduce $\beta$-DQN, a simple and efficient exploration method that augments the standard DQN with a behavior function $\beta$. This function estimates the probability that each action has been taken at each state. By leveraging $\beta$, we generate a population of diverse policies that balance exploration between state-action coverage and overestimation bias correction. An adaptive meta-controller is designed to select an effective policy for each episode, enabling flexible and explainable exploration. $\beta$-DQN is straightforward to implement and adds minimal computational overhead to the standard DQN. Experiments on both simple and challenging exploration domains show that $\beta$-DQN outperforms existing baseline methods across a wide range of tasks, providing an effective solution for improving exploration in deep reinforcement learning.