Abstract:The contextual multi-armed bandit (MAB) is a widely used framework for problems requiring sequential decision-making under uncertainty, such as recommendation systems. In applications involving a large number of users, the performance of contextual MAB can be significantly improved by facilitating collaboration among multiple users. This has been achieved by the clustering of bandits (CB) methods, which adaptively group the users into different clusters and achieve collaboration by allowing the users in the same cluster to share data. However, classical CB algorithms typically rely on numerical reward feedback, which may not be practical in certain real-world applications. For instance, in recommendation systems, it is more realistic and reliable to solicit preference feedback between pairs of recommended items rather than absolute rewards. To address this limitation, we introduce the first "clustering of dueling bandit algorithms" to enable collaborative decision-making based on preference feedback. We propose two novel algorithms: (1) Clustering of Linear Dueling Bandits (COLDB) which models the user reward functions as linear functions of the context vectors, and (2) Clustering of Neural Dueling Bandits (CONDB) which uses a neural network to model complex, non-linear user reward functions. Both algorithms are supported by rigorous theoretical analyses, demonstrating that user collaboration leads to improved regret bounds. Extensive empirical evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets further validate the effectiveness of our methods, establishing their potential in real-world applications involving multiple users with preference-based feedback.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have been adopted to solve sequential decision-making tasks such as multi-armed bandits (MAB), in which an LLM is directly instructed to select the arms to pull in every iteration. However, this paradigm of direct arm selection using LLMs has been shown to be suboptimal in many MAB tasks. Therefore, we propose an alternative approach which combines the strengths of classical MAB and LLMs. Specifically, we adopt a classical MAB algorithm as the high-level framework and leverage the strong in-context learning capability of LLMs to perform the sub-task of reward prediction. Firstly, we incorporate the LLM-based reward predictor into the classical Thompson sampling (TS) algorithm and adopt a decaying schedule for the LLM temperature to ensure a transition from exploration to exploitation. Next, we incorporate the LLM-based reward predictor (with a temperature of 0) into a regression oracle-based MAB algorithm equipped with an explicit exploration mechanism. We also extend our TS-based algorithm to dueling bandits where only the preference feedback between pairs of arms is available, which requires non-trivial algorithmic modifications. We conduct empirical evaluations using both synthetic MAB tasks and experiments designed using real-world text datasets, in which the results show that our algorithms consistently outperform previous baseline methods based on direct arm selection. Interestingly, we also demonstrate that in challenging tasks where the arms lack semantic meanings that can be exploited by the LLM, our approach achieves considerably better performance than LLM-based direct arm selection.