Abstract:In continual learning, understanding the properties of task sequences and their relationships to model performance is important for developing advanced algorithms with better accuracy. However, efforts in this direction remain underdeveloped despite encouraging progress in methodology development. In this work, we investigate the impacts of sequence transferability on continual learning and propose two novel measures that capture the total transferability of a task sequence, either in the forward or backward direction. Based on the empirical properties of these measures, we then develop a new method for the task order selection problem in continual learning. Our method can be shown to offer a better performance than the conventional strategy of random task selection.
Abstract:Objective: Assessing Alzheimer's disease (AD) using high-dimensional radiology images is clinically important but challenging. Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced AD diagnosis, it remains unclear how to design AI models embracing predictability and explainability. Here, we propose VisTA, a multimodal language-vision model assisted by contrastive learning, to optimize disease prediction and evidence-based, interpretable explanations for clinical decision-making. Methods: We developed VisTA (Vision-Text Alignment Model) for AD diagnosis. Architecturally, we built VisTA from BiomedCLIP and fine-tuned it using contrastive learning to align images with verified abnormalities and their descriptions. To train VisTA, we used a constructed reference dataset containing images, abnormality types, and descriptions verified by medical experts. VisTA produces four outputs: predicted abnormality type, similarity to reference cases, evidence-driven explanation, and final AD diagnoses. To illustrate VisTA's efficacy, we reported accuracy metrics for abnormality retrieval and dementia prediction. To demonstrate VisTA's explainability, we compared its explanations with human experts' explanations. Results: Compared to 15 million images used for baseline pretraining, VisTA only used 170 samples for fine-tuning and obtained significant improvement in abnormality retrieval and dementia prediction. For abnormality retrieval, VisTA reached 74% accuracy and an AUC of 0.87 (26% and 0.74, respectively, from baseline models). For dementia prediction, VisTA achieved 88% accuracy and an AUC of 0.82 (30% and 0.57, respectively, from baseline models). The generated explanations agreed strongly with human experts' and provided insights into the diagnostic process. Taken together, VisTA optimize prediction, clinical reasoning, and explanation.
Abstract:The covariance matrix is a foundation in numerous statistical and machine-learning applications such as Principle Component Analysis, Correlation Heatmap, etc. However, missing values within datasets present a formidable obstacle to accurately estimating this matrix. While imputation methods offer one avenue for addressing this challenge, they often entail a trade-off between computational efficiency and estimation accuracy. Consequently, attention has shifted towards direct parameter estimation, given its precision and reduced computational burden. In this paper, we propose Direct Parameter Estimation for Randomly Missing Data with Categorical Features (DPERC), an efficient approach for direct parameter estimation tailored to mixed data that contains missing values within continuous features. Our method is motivated by leveraging information from categorical features, which can significantly enhance covariance matrix estimation for continuous features. Our approach effectively harnesses the information embedded within mixed data structures. Through comprehensive evaluations of diverse datasets, we demonstrate the competitive performance of DPERC compared to various contemporary techniques. In addition, we also show by experiments that DPERC is a valuable tool for visualizing the correlation heatmap.
Abstract:Healthcare time series data is vital for monitoring patient activity but often contains noise and missing values due to various reasons such as sensor errors or data interruptions. Imputation, i.e., filling in the missing values, is a common way to deal with this issue. In this study, we compare imputation methods, including Multiple Imputation with Random Forest (MICE-RF) and advanced deep learning approaches (SAITS, BRITS, Transformer) for noisy, missing time series data in terms of MAE, F1-score, AUC, and MCC, across missing data rates (10 % - 80 %). Our results show that MICE-RF can effectively impute missing data compared to deep learning methods and the improvement in classification of data imputed indicates that imputation can have denoising effects. Therefore, using an imputation algorithm on time series with missing data can, at the same time, offer denoising effects.
Abstract:Understanding human visual processing in dynamic environments is essential for psychology and human-centered interaction design. Mobile eye-tracking systems, combining egocentric video and gaze signals, offer valuable insights. However, manual analysis of these recordings is time-intensive. In this work, we present a novel human-centered learning algorithm designed for automated object recognition within mobile eye-tracking settings. Our approach seamlessly integrates an object detector with an inductive message-passing network technique (I-MPN), harnessing node features such as node profile information and positions. This integration enables our algorithm to learn embedding functions capable of generalizing to new object angle views, thereby facilitating rapid adaptation and efficient reasoning in dynamic contexts as users navigate through their environment. Through experiments conducted on three distinct video sequences, our \textit{interactive-based method} showcases significant performance improvements over fixed training/testing algorithms, even when trained on considerably smaller annotated samples collected through user feedback. Furthermore, we showcase exceptional efficiency in data annotation processes, surpassing approaches that use complete object detectors, combine detectors with convolutional networks, or employ interactive video segmentation.
Abstract:Increasing the throughput of the Transformer architecture, a foundational component used in numerous state-of-the-art models for vision and language tasks (e.g., GPT, LLaVa), is an important problem in machine learning. One recent and effective strategy is to merge token representations within Transformer models, aiming to reduce computational and memory requirements while maintaining accuracy. Prior works have proposed algorithms based on Bipartite Soft Matching (BSM), which divides tokens into distinct sets and merges the top k similar tokens. However, these methods have significant drawbacks, such as sensitivity to token-splitting strategies and damage to informative tokens in later layers. This paper presents a novel paradigm called PiToMe, which prioritizes the preservation of informative tokens using an additional metric termed the energy score. This score identifies large clusters of similar tokens as high-energy, indicating potential candidates for merging, while smaller (unique and isolated) clusters are considered as low-energy and preserved. Experimental findings demonstrate that PiToMe saved from 40-60\% FLOPs of the base models while exhibiting superior off-the-shelf performance on image classification (0.5\% average performance drop of ViT-MAE-H compared to 2.6\% as baselines), image-text retrieval (0.3\% average performance drop of CLIP on Flickr30k compared to 4.5\% as others), and analogously in visual questions answering with LLaVa-7B. Furthermore, PiToMe is theoretically shown to preserve intrinsic spectral properties of the original token space under mild conditions
Abstract:Sparse mixture of experts (SMoE) offers an appealing solution to scale up the model complexity beyond the mean of increasing the network's depth or width. However, effective training of SMoE has proven to be challenging due to the representation collapse issue, which causes parameter redundancy and limited representation potentials. In this work, we propose a competition mechanism to address this fundamental challenge of representation collapse. By routing inputs only to experts with the highest neural response, we show that, under mild assumptions, competition enjoys the same convergence rate as the optimal estimator. We further propose CompeteSMoE, an effective and efficient algorithm to train large language models by deploying a simple router that predicts the competition outcomes. Consequently, CompeteSMoE enjoys strong performance gains from the competition routing policy while having low computation overheads. Our extensive empirical evaluations on two transformer architectures and a wide range of tasks demonstrate the efficacy, robustness, and scalability of CompeteSMoE compared to state-of-the-art SMoE strategies.
Abstract:The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance is a variant of the optimal transport problem that allows one to match objects between incomparable spaces. At its core, the GW distance is specified as the solution of a non-convex quadratic program and is not known to be tractable to solve. In particular, existing solvers for the GW distance are only able to find locally optimal solutions. In this work, we propose a semi-definite programming (SDP) relaxation of the GW distance. The relaxation can be viewed as the dual of the GW distance augmented with constraints that relate the linear and quadratic terms of transportation maps. Our relaxation provides a principled manner to compute the approximation ratio of any transport map to the global optimal solution. Finally, our numerical experiments suggest that the proposed relaxation is strong in that it frequently computes the global optimal solution, together with a proof of global optimality.
Abstract:Constructing a robust model that can effectively generalize to test samples under distribution shifts remains a significant challenge in the field of medical imaging. The foundational models for vision and language, pre-trained on extensive sets of natural image and text data, have emerged as a promising approach. It showcases impressive learning abilities across different tasks with the need for only a limited amount of annotated samples. While numerous techniques have focused on developing better fine-tuning strategies to adapt these models for specific domains, we instead examine their robustness to domain shifts in the medical image segmentation task. To this end, we compare the generalization performance to unseen domains of various pre-trained models after being fine-tuned on the same in-distribution dataset and show that foundation-based models enjoy better robustness than other architectures. From here, we further developed a new Bayesian uncertainty estimation for frozen models and used them as an indicator to characterize the model's performance on out-of-distribution (OOD) data, proving particularly beneficial for real-world applications. Our experiments not only reveal the limitations of current indicators like accuracy on the line or agreement on the line commonly used in natural image applications but also emphasize the promise of the introduced Bayesian uncertainty. Specifically, lower uncertainty predictions usually tend to higher out-of-distribution (OOD) performance.
Abstract:Existing generalization bounds for deep neural networks require data to be independent and identically distributed (iid). This assumption may not hold in real-life applications such as evolutionary biology, infectious disease epidemiology, and stock price prediction. This work establishes a generalization bound of feed-forward neural networks for non-stationary $\phi$-mixing data.