Abstract:Autonomous driving demands safe motion planning, especially in critical "long-tail" scenarios. Recent end-to-end autonomous driving systems leverage large language models (LLMs) as planners to improve generalizability to rare events. However, using LLMs at test time introduces high computational costs. To address this, we propose DiMA, an end-to-end autonomous driving system that maintains the efficiency of an LLM-free (or vision-based) planner while leveraging the world knowledge of an LLM. DiMA distills the information from a multi-modal LLM to a vision-based end-to-end planner through a set of specially designed surrogate tasks. Under a joint training strategy, a scene encoder common to both networks produces structured representations that are semantically grounded as well as aligned to the final planning objective. Notably, the LLM is optional at inference, enabling robust planning without compromising on efficiency. Training with DiMA results in a 37% reduction in the L2 trajectory error and an 80% reduction in the collision rate of the vision-based planner, as well as a 44% trajectory error reduction in longtail scenarios. DiMA also achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes planning benchmark.
Abstract:Robotics tasks are highly compositional by nature. For example, to perform a high-level task like cleaning the table a robot must employ low-level capabilities of moving the effectors to the objects on the table, pick them up and then move them off the table one-by-one, while re-evaluating the consequently dynamic scenario in the process. Given that large vision language models (VLMs) have shown progress on many tasks that require high level, human-like reasoning, we ask the question: if the models are taught the requisite low-level capabilities, can they compose them in novel ways to achieve interesting high-level tasks like cleaning the table without having to be explicitly taught so? To this end, we present ClevrSkills - a benchmark suite for compositional reasoning in robotics. ClevrSkills is an environment suite developed on top of the ManiSkill2 simulator and an accompanying dataset. The dataset contains trajectories generated on a range of robotics tasks with language and visual annotations as well as multi-modal prompts as task specification. The suite includes a curriculum of tasks with three levels of compositional understanding, starting with simple tasks requiring basic motor skills. We benchmark multiple different VLM baselines on ClevrSkills and show that even after being pre-trained on large numbers of tasks, these models fail on compositional reasoning in robotics tasks.
Abstract:Tasks at the intersection of vision and language have had a profound impact in advancing the capabilities of vision-language models such as dialog-based assistants. However, models trained on existing tasks are largely limited to turn-based interactions, where each turn must be stepped (i.e., prompted) by the user. Open-ended, asynchronous interactions where an AI model may proactively deliver timely responses or feedback based on the unfolding situation in real-time are an open challenge. In this work, we present the QEVD benchmark and dataset which explores human-AI interaction in the challenging, yet controlled, real-world domain of fitness coaching - a task which intrinsically requires monitoring live user activity and providing timely feedback. It is the first benchmark that requires assistive vision-language models to recognize complex human actions, identify mistakes grounded in those actions, and provide appropriate feedback. Our experiments reveal the limitations of existing state of the art vision-language models for such asynchronous situated interactions. Motivated by this, we propose a simple end-to-end streaming baseline that can respond asynchronously to human actions with appropriate feedbacks at the appropriate time.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have made tremendous progress in natural language understanding and they have also been successfully adopted in other domains such as computer vision, robotics, reinforcement learning, etc. In this work, we apply LLMs to image generation tasks by directly generating the virtual brush strokes to paint an image. We present Painter, an LLM that can convert user prompts in text description format to sketches by generating the corresponding brush strokes in an auto-regressive way. We construct Painter based on off-the-shelf LLM that is pre-trained on a large text corpus, by fine-tuning it on the new task while preserving language understanding capabilities. We create a dataset of diverse multi-object sketches paired with textual prompts that covers several object types and tasks. Painter can generate sketches from text descriptions, remove objects from canvas, and detect and classify objects in sketches. Although this is an unprecedented pioneering work in using LLMs for auto-regressive image generation, the results are very encouraging.
Abstract:Large language models have recently shown human level performance on a variety of reasoning tasks. However, the ability of these models to perform complex visual reasoning has not been studied in detail yet. A key challenge in many visual reasoning tasks is that the visual information needs to be tightly integrated in the reasoning process. We propose to address this challenge by drawing inspiration from human visual problem solving which depends on a variety of low-level visual capabilities. It can often be cast as the three step-process of ``Look, Remember, Reason'': visual information is incrementally extracted using low-level visual routines in a step-by-step fashion until a final answer is reached. We follow the same paradigm to enable existing large language models, with minimal changes to the architecture, to solve visual reasoning problems. To this end, we introduce rationales over the visual input that allow us to integrate low-level visual capabilities, such as object recognition and tracking, as surrogate tasks. We show competitive performance on diverse visual reasoning tasks from the CLEVR, CATER, and ACRE datasets over state-of-the-art models designed specifically for these tasks.
Abstract:Simulators offer the possibility of safe, low-cost development of self-driving systems. However, current driving simulators exhibit na\"ive behavior models for background traffic. Hand-tuned scenarios are typically added during simulation to induce safety-critical situations. An alternative approach is to adversarially perturb the background traffic trajectories. In this paper, we study this approach to safety-critical driving scenario generation using the CARLA simulator. We use a kinematic bicycle model as a proxy to the simulator's true dynamics and observe that gradients through this proxy model are sufficient for optimizing the background traffic trajectories. Based on this finding, we propose KING, which generates safety-critical driving scenarios with a 20% higher success rate than black-box optimization. By solving the scenarios generated by KING using a privileged rule-based expert algorithm, we obtain training data for an imitation learning policy. After fine-tuning on this new data, we show that the policy becomes better at avoiding collisions. Importantly, our generated data leads to reduced collisions on both held-out scenarios generated via KING as well as traditional hand-crafted scenarios, demonstrating improved robustness.
Abstract:Accurate prediction of pedestrian and bicyclist paths is integral to the development of reliable autonomous vehicles in dense urban environments. The interactions between vehicle and pedestrian or bicyclist have a significant impact on the trajectories of traffic participants e.g. stopping or turning to avoid collisions. Although recent datasets and trajectory prediction approaches have fostered the development of autonomous vehicles yet the amount of vehicle-pedestrian (bicyclist) interactions modeled are sparse. In this work, we propose Euro-PVI, a dataset of pedestrian and bicyclist trajectories. In particular, our dataset caters more diverse and complex interactions in dense urban scenarios compared to the existing datasets. To address the challenges in predicting future trajectories with dense interactions, we develop a joint inference model that learns an expressive multi-modal shared latent space across agents in the urban scene. This enables our Joint-$\beta$-cVAE approach to better model the distribution of future trajectories. We achieve state of the art results on the nuScenes and Euro-PVI datasets demonstrating the importance of capturing interactions between ego-vehicle and pedestrians (bicyclists) for accurate predictions.
Abstract:Prediction of trajectories such as that of pedestrians is crucial to the performance of autonomous agents. While previous works have leveraged conditional generative models like GANs and VAEs for learning the likely future trajectories, accurately modeling the dependency structure of these multimodal distributions, particularly over long time horizons remains challenging. Normalizing flow based generative models can model complex distributions admitting exact inference. These include variants with split coupling invertible transformations that are easier to parallelize compared to their autoregressive counterparts. To this end, we introduce a novel Haar wavelet based block autoregressive model leveraging split couplings, conditioned on coarse trajectories obtained from Haar wavelet based transformations at different levels of granularity. This yields an exact inference method that models trajectories at different spatio-temporal resolutions in a hierarchical manner. We illustrate the advantages of our approach for generating diverse and accurate trajectories on two real-world datasets - Stanford Drone and Intersection Drone.
Abstract:Flow-based generative models are an important class of exact inference models that admit efficient inference and sampling for image synthesis. Owing to the efficiency constraints on the design of the flow layers, e.g. split coupling flow layers in which approximately half the pixels do not undergo further transformations, they have limited expressiveness for modeling long-range data dependencies compared to autoregressive models that rely on conditional pixel-wise generation. In this work, we improve the representational power of flow-based models by introducing channel-wise dependencies in their latent space through multi-scale autoregressive priors (mAR). Our mAR prior for models with split coupling flow layers (mAR-SCF) can better capture dependencies in complex multimodal data. The resulting model achieves state-of-the-art density estimation results on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet. Furthermore, we show that mAR-SCF allows for improved image generation quality, with gains in FID and Inception scores compared to state-of-the-art flow-based models.
Abstract:Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can achieve state-of-the-art sample quality in generative modelling tasks but suffer from the mode collapse problem. Variational Autoencoders (VAE) on the other hand explicitly maximize a reconstruction-based data log-likelihood forcing it to cover all modes, but suffer from poorer sample quality. Recent works have proposed hybrid VAE-GAN frameworks which integrate a GAN-based synthetic likelihood to the VAE objective to address both the mode collapse and sample quality issues, with limited success. This is because the VAE objective forces a trade-off between the data log-likelihood and divergence to the latent prior. The synthetic likelihood ratio term also shows instability during training. We propose a novel objective with a "Best-of-Many-Samples" reconstruction cost and a stable direct estimate of the synthetic likelihood. This enables our hybrid VAE-GAN framework to achieve high data log-likelihood and low divergence to the latent prior at the same time and shows significant improvement over both hybrid VAE-GANS and plain GANs in mode coverage and quality.