Abstract:Recent advancements in generative AI have made it possible to create synthetic datasets that can be as accurate as real-world data for training AI models, powering statistical insights, and fostering collaboration with sensitive datasets while offering strong privacy guarantees. Effectively measuring the empirical privacy of synthetic data is an important step in the process. However, while there is a multitude of new privacy metrics being published every day, there currently is no standardization. In this paper, we review the pros and cons of popular metrics that include simulations of adversarial attacks. We also review current best practices for amending generative models to enhance the privacy of the data they create (e.g. differential privacy).
Abstract:In the field of machine learning, domain-specific annotated data is an invaluable resource for training effective models. However, in the medical domain, this data often includes Personal Health Information (PHI), raising significant privacy concerns. The stringent regulations surrounding PHI limit the availability and sharing of medical datasets, which poses a substantial challenge for researchers and practitioners aiming to develop advanced machine learning models. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to "clone" datasets containing PHI. Our approach ensures that the cloned datasets retain the essential characteristics and utility of the original data without compromising patient privacy. By leveraging differential-privacy techniques and a novel fine-tuning task, our method produces datasets that are free from identifiable information while preserving the statistical properties necessary for model training. We conduct utility testing to evaluate the performance of machine learning models trained on the cloned datasets. The results demonstrate that our cloned datasets not only uphold privacy standards but also enhance model performance compared to those trained on traditional anonymized datasets. This work offers a viable solution for the ethical and effective utilization of sensitive medical data in machine learning, facilitating progress in medical research and the development of robust predictive models.
Abstract:We study the problem of in-context learning (ICL) with large language models (LLMs) on private datasets. This scenario poses privacy risks, as LLMs may leak or regurgitate the private examples demonstrated in the prompt. We propose a novel algorithm that generates synthetic few-shot demonstrations from the private dataset with formal differential privacy (DP) guarantees, and show empirically that it can achieve effective ICL. We conduct extensive experiments on standard benchmarks and compare our algorithm with non-private ICL and zero-shot solutions. Our results demonstrate that our algorithm can achieve competitive performance with strong privacy levels. These results open up new possibilities for ICL with privacy protection for a broad range of applications.
Abstract:We present Project Florida, a system architecture and software development kit (SDK) enabling deployment of large-scale Federated Learning (FL) solutions across a heterogeneous device ecosystem. Federated learning is an approach to machine learning based on a strong data sovereignty principle, i.e., that privacy and security of data is best enabled by storing it at its origin, whether on end-user devices or in segregated cloud storage silos. Federated learning enables model training across devices and silos while the training data remains within its security boundary, by distributing a model snapshot to a client running inside the boundary, running client code to update the model, and then aggregating updated snapshots across many clients in a central orchestrator. Deploying a FL solution requires implementation of complex privacy and security mechanisms as well as scalable orchestration infrastructure. Scale and performance is a paramount concern, as the model training process benefits from full participation of many client devices, which may have a wide variety of performance characteristics. Project Florida aims to simplify the task of deploying cross-device FL solutions by providing cloud-hosted infrastructure and accompanying task management interfaces, as well as a multi-platform SDK supporting most major programming languages including C++, Java, and Python, enabling FL training across a wide range of operating system (OS) and hardware specifications. The architecture decouples service management from the FL workflow, enabling a cloud service provider to deliver FL-as-a-service (FLaaS) to ML engineers and application developers. We present an overview of Florida, including a description of the architecture, sample code, and illustrative experiments demonstrating system capabilities.
Abstract:With tools like GitHub Copilot, automatic code suggestion is no longer a dream in software engineering. These tools, based on large language models, are typically trained on massive corpora of code mined from unvetted public sources. As a result, these models are susceptible to data poisoning attacks where an adversary manipulates the model's training or fine-tuning phases by injecting malicious data. Poisoning attacks could be designed to influence the model's suggestions at run time for chosen contexts, such as inducing the model into suggesting insecure code payloads. To achieve this, prior poisoning attacks explicitly inject the insecure code payload into the training data, making the poisoning data detectable by static analysis tools that can remove such malicious data from the training set. In this work, we demonstrate two novel data poisoning attacks, COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE, that can bypass static analysis by planting malicious poisoning data in out-of-context regions such as docstrings. Our most novel attack, TROJANPUZZLE, goes one step further in generating less suspicious poisoning data by never including certain (suspicious) parts of the payload in the poisoned data, while still inducing a model that suggests the entire payload when completing code (i.e., outside docstrings). This makes TROJANPUZZLE robust against signature-based dataset-cleansing methods that identify and filter out suspicious sequences from the training data. Our evaluation against two model sizes demonstrates that both COVERT and TROJANPUZZLE have significant implications for how practitioners should select code used to train or tune code-suggestion models.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a novel machine learning approach that allows the model trainer to access more data samples, by training the model across multiple decentralized data sources, while data access constraints are in place. Such trained models can achieve significantly higher performance beyond what can be done when trained on a single data source. As part of FL's promises, none of the training data is ever transmitted to any central location, ensuring that sensitive data remains local and private. These characteristics make FL perfectly suited for large-scale applications in healthcare, where a variety of compliance constraints restrict how data may be handled, processed, and stored. Despite the apparent benefits of federated learning, the heterogeneity in the local data distributions pose significant challenges, and such challenges are even more pronounced in the case of multilingual data providers. In this paper we present a federated learning system for training a large-scale multi-lingual model suitable for fine-tuning on downstream tasks such as medical entity tagging. Our work represents one of the first such production-scale systems, capable of training across multiple highly heterogeneous data providers, and achieving levels of accuracy that could not be otherwise achieved by using central training with public data. Finally, we show that the global model performance can be further improved by a training step performed locally.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) enables edge-devices to collaboratively learn a model without disclosing their private data to a central aggregating server. Most existing FL algorithms require models of identical architecture to be deployed across the clients and server, making it infeasible to train large models due to clients' limited system resources. In this work, we propose a novel ensemble knowledge transfer method named Fed-ET in which small models (different in architecture) are trained on clients, and used to train a larger model at the server. Unlike in conventional ensemble learning, in FL the ensemble can be trained on clients' highly heterogeneous data. Cognizant of this property, Fed-ET uses a weighted consensus distillation scheme with diversity regularization that efficiently extracts reliable consensus from the ensemble while improving generalization by exploiting the diversity within the ensemble. We show the generalization bound for the ensemble of weighted models trained on heterogeneous datasets that supports the intuition of Fed-ET. Our experiments on image and language tasks show that Fed-ET significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art FL algorithms with fewer communicated parameters, and is also robust against high data-heterogeneity.
Abstract:In this paper we introduce "Federated Learning Utilities and Tools for Experimentation" (FLUTE), a high-performance open source platform for federated learning research and offline simulations. The goal of FLUTE is to enable rapid prototyping and simulation of new federated learning algorithms at scale, including novel optimization, privacy, and communications strategies. We describe the architecture of FLUTE, enabling arbitrary federated modeling schemes to be realized, we compare the platform with other state-of-the-art platforms, and we describe available features of FLUTE for experimentation in core areas of active research, such as optimization, privacy and scalability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the platform with a series of experiments for text prediction and speech recognition, including the addition of differential privacy, quantization, scaling and a variety of optimization and federation approaches.
Abstract:We give simpler, sparser, and faster algorithms for differentially private fine-tuning of large-scale pre-trained language models, which achieve the state-of-the-art privacy versus utility tradeoffs on many standard NLP tasks. We propose a meta-framework for this problem, inspired by the recent success of highly parameter-efficient methods for fine-tuning. Our experiments show that differentially private adaptations of these approaches outperform previous private algorithms in three important dimensions: utility, privacy, and the computational and memory cost of private training. On many commonly studied datasets, the utility of private models approaches that of non-private models. For example, on the MNLI dataset we achieve an accuracy of $87.8\%$ using RoBERTa-Large and $83.5\%$ using RoBERTa-Base with a privacy budget of $\epsilon = 6.7$. In comparison, absent privacy constraints, RoBERTa-Large achieves an accuracy of $90.2\%$. Our findings are similar for natural language generation tasks. Privately fine-tuning with DART, GPT-2-Small, GPT-2-Medium, GPT-2-Large, and GPT-2-XL achieve BLEU scores of 38.5, 42.0, 43.1, and 43.8 respectively (privacy budget of $\epsilon = 6.8,\delta=$ 1e-5) whereas the non-private baseline is $48.1$. All our experiments suggest that larger models are better suited for private fine-tuning: while they are well known to achieve superior accuracy non-privately, we find that they also better maintain their accuracy when privacy is introduced.
Abstract:Building machine learning models from decentralized datasets located in different centers with federated learning (FL) is a promising approach to circumvent local data scarcity while preserving privacy. However, the prominent Cox proportional hazards (PH) model, used for survival analysis, does not fit the FL framework, as its loss function is non-separable with respect to the samples. The na\"ive method to bypass this non-separability consists in calculating the losses per center, and minimizing their sum as an approximation of the true loss. We show that the resulting model may suffer from important performance loss in some adverse settings. Instead, we leverage the discrete-time extension of the Cox PH model to formulate survival analysis as a classification problem with a separable loss function. Using this approach, we train survival models using standard FL techniques on synthetic data, as well as real-world datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), showing similar performance to a Cox PH model trained on aggregated data. Compared to previous works, the proposed method is more communication-efficient, more generic, and more amenable to using privacy-preserving techniques.