Abstract:Humanoid robots have great potential to perform various human-level skills. These skills involve locomotion, manipulation, and cognitive capabilities. Driven by advances in machine learning and the strength of existing model-based approaches, these capabilities have progressed rapidly, but often separately. Therefore, a timely overview of current progress and future trends in this fast-evolving field is essential. This survey first summarizes the model-based planning and control that have been the backbone of humanoid robotics for the past three decades. We then explore emerging learning-based methods, with a focus on reinforcement learning and imitation learning that enhance the versatility of loco-manipulation skills. We examine the potential of integrating foundation models with humanoid embodiments, assessing the prospects for developing generalist humanoid agents. In addition, this survey covers emerging research for whole-body tactile sensing that unlocks new humanoid skills that involve physical interactions. The survey concludes with a discussion of the challenges and future trends.
Abstract:This paper describes RHP Friends, a social humanoid robot developed to enable assistive robotic deployments in human-coexisting environments. As a use-case application, we present its potential use in nursing by extending its capabilities to operate human devices and tools according to the task and by enabling remote assistance operations. To meet a wide variety of tasks and situations in environments designed by and for humans, we developed a system that seamlessly integrates the slim and lightweight robot and several technologies: locomanipulation, multi-contact motion, teleoperation, and object detection and tracking. We demonstrated the system's usage in a nursing application. The robot efficiently performed the daily task of patient transfer and a non-routine task, represented by a request to operate a circuit breaker. This demonstration, held at the 2023 International Robot Exhibition (IREX), conducted three times a day over three days.
Abstract:In this work, we present several tools for efficient sequential hierarchical least-squares programming (S-HLSP) for lexicographical optimization tailored to robot control and planning. As its main step, S-HLSP relies on approximations of the original non-linear hierarchical least-squares programming (NL-HLSP) to a hierarchical least-squares programming (HLSP) by the hierarchical Newton's method or the hierarchical Gauss-Newton algorithm. We present a threshold adaptation strategy for appropriate switches between the two. This ensures optimality of infeasible constraints, promotes numerical stability when solving the HLSP's and enhances optimality of lower priority levels by avoiding regularized local minima. We introduce the solver $\mathcal{N}$ADM$_2$, an alternating direction method of multipliers for HLSP based on nullspace projections of active constraints. The required basis of nullspace of the active constraints is provided by a computationally efficient turnback algorithm for system dynamics discretized by the Euler method. It is based on an upper bound on the bandwidth of linearly independent column subsets within the linearized constraint matrices. Importantly, an expensive initial rank-revealing matrix factorization is unnecessary. We show how the high sparsity of the basis in the fully-actuated case can be preserved in the under-actuated case. $\mathcal{N}$ADM$_2$ consistently shows faster computations times than competing off-the-shelf solvers on NL-HLSP composed of test-functions and whole-body trajectory optimization for fully-actuated and under-actuated robotic systems. We demonstrate how the inherently lower accuracy solutions of the alternating direction method of multipliers can be used to warm-start the non-linear solver for efficient computation of high accuracy solutions to non-linear hierarchical least-squares programs.
Abstract:The ANA Avatar XPRIZE was a four-year competition to develop a robotic "avatar" system to allow a human operator to sense, communicate, and act in a remote environment as though physically present. The competition featured a unique requirement that judges would operate the avatars after less than one hour of training on the human-machine interfaces, and avatar systems were judged on both objective and subjective scoring metrics. This paper presents a unified summary and analysis of the competition from technical, judging, and organizational perspectives. We study the use of telerobotics technologies and innovations pursued by the competing teams in their avatar systems, and correlate the use of these technologies with judges' task performance and subjective survey ratings. It also summarizes perspectives from team leads, judges, and organizers about the competition's execution and impact to inform the future development of telerobotics and telepresence.
Abstract:Intentionally applying impacts while maintaining balance is challenging for legged robots. This study originated from observing experimental data of the humanoid robot HRP-4 intentionally hitting a wall with its right arm while standing on two feet. Strangely, violating the usual zero moment point balance criteria did not systematically result in a fall. To investigate this phenomenon, we propose the zero-step capture region for non-coplanar contacts, defined as the center of mass (CoM) velocity area, and validated it with push-recovery experiments employing the HRP-4 balancing on two non-coplanar contacts. To further enable on-purpose impacts, we compute the set of candidate post-impact CoM velocities accounting for frictional-impact dynamics in three dimensions, and restrict the entire set within the CoM velocity area to maintain balance with the sustained contacts during and after impacts. We illustrate the maximum contact velocity for various HRP-4 stances in simulation, indicating potential for integration into other task-space whole-body controllers or planners. This study is the first to address the challenging problem of applying an intentional impact with a kinematic-controlled humanoid robot on non-coplanar contacts.
Abstract:Task-space quadratic programming (QP) is an elegant approach for controlling robots subject to constraints. Yet, in the case of kinematic-controlled (i.e., high-gains position or velocity) robots, closed-loop QP control scheme can be prone to instability depending on how the gains related to the tasks or the constraints are chosen. In this paper, we address such instability shortcomings. First, we highlight the non-robustness of the closed-loop system against non-modeled dynamics, such as those relative to joint-dynamics, flexibilities, external perturbations, etc. Then, we propose a robust QP control formulation based on high-level integral feedback terms in the task-space including the constraints. The proposed method is formally proved to ensure closed-loop robust stability and is intended to be applied to any kinematic-controlled robots under practical assumptions. We assess our approach through experiments on a fixed-base robot performing stable fast motions, and a floating-base humanoid robot robustly reacting to perturbations to keep its balance.
Abstract:This work links optimization approaches from hierarchical least-squares programming to instantaneous prioritized whole-body robot control. Concretely, we formulate the hierarchical Newton's method which solves prioritized non-linear least-squares problems in a numerically stable fashion even in the presence of kinematic and algorithmic singularities of the approximated kinematic constraints. These results are then transferred to control problems which exhibit the additional variability of time. This is necessary in order to formulate acceleration based controllers and to incorporate the second order dynamics. However, we show that the Newton's method without complicated adaptations is not appropriate in the acceleration domain. We therefore formulate a velocity based controller which exhibits second order proportional derivative convergence characteristics. Our developments are verified in toy robot control scenarios as well as in complex robot experiments which stress the importance of prioritized control and its singularity resolution.
Abstract:We present a sequential hierarchical least-squares programming solver with trust-region and hierarchical step-filter tailored to prioritized non-linear optimal control. It is based on a hierarchical step-filter which resolves each priority level of a non-linear hierarchical least-squares programming via a globally convergent sequential quadratic programming step-filter. Leveraging a condition on the trust-region or the filter initialization, our hierarchical step-filter maintains this global convergence property. The hierarchical least-squares programming sub-problems are solved via a sparse nullspace method based interior point method. It is based on an efficient implementation of the turnback algorithm for the computation of nullspace bases for banded matrices. It is also here that we propose a nullspace trust region adaptation method towards a comprehensive hierarchical step-filter. We demonstrate the computational efficiency of the hierarchical solver on typical test functions like the Rosenbrock and Himmelblau's functions, inverse kinematics problems and optimal control.
Abstract:In immersive humanoid robot teleoperation, there are three main shortcomings that can alter the transparency of the visual feedback: the lag between the motion of the operator's and robot's head due to network communication delays or slow robot joint motion. This latency could cause a noticeable delay in the visual feedback, which jeopardizes the embodiment quality, can cause dizziness, and affects the interactivity resulting in operator frequent motion pauses for the visual feedback to settle; (ii) the mismatch between the camera's and the headset's field-of-views (FOV), the former having generally a lower FOV; and (iii) a mismatch between human's and robot's range of motions of the neck, the latter being also generally lower. In order to leverage these drawbacks, we developed a decoupled viewpoint control solution for a humanoid platform which allows visual feedback with low-latency and artificially increases the camera's FOV range to match that of the operator's headset. Our novel solution uses SLAM technology to enhance the visual feedback from a reconstructed mesh, complementing the areas that are not covered by the visual feedback from the robot. The visual feedback is presented as a point cloud in real-time to the operator. As a result, the operator is fed with real-time vision from the robot's head orientation by observing the pose of the point cloud. Balancing this kind of awareness and immersion is important in virtual reality based teleoperation, considering the safety and robustness of the control system. An experiment shows the effectiveness of our solution.
Abstract:Bidirectional object handover between a human and a robot enables an important functionality skill in robotic human-centered manufacturing or services. The problem in achieving this skill lies in the capacity of any solution to deal with three important aspects: (i) synchronized timing for the handing over phases; (ii) the handling of object pose constraints; and (iii) understanding the haptic exchanging to seamlessly achieve some steps of the (i). We propose a new approach for (i) and (ii) consisting in explicitly formulating the handover process as constraints in a task-space quadratic programming control framework to achieve implicit time and trajectory encounters. Our method is implemented on Panda robotic arm taking objects from a human operator.