University of Bonn
Abstract:Modern unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are irreplaceable in search and rescue (SAR) missions to obtain a situational overview or provide closeups without endangering personnel. However, UAVs heavily rely on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) for localization which works well in open spaces, but the precision drastically degrades in the vicinity of buildings. These inaccuracies hinder aggregation of diverse data from multiple sources in a unified georeferenced frame for SAR operators. In contrast, CityGML models provide approximate building shapes with accurate georeferenced poses. Besides, LiDAR works best in the vicinity of 3D structures. Hence, we refine coarse GNSS measurements by registering LiDAR maps against CityGML and digital elevation map (DEM) models as a prior for allocentric mapping. An intuitive plausibility score selects the best hypothesis based on occupancy using a 2D height map. Afterwards, we integrate the registration results in a continuous-time spline-based pose graph optimizer with LiDAR odometry and further sensing modalities to obtain globally consistent, georeferenced trajectories and maps. We evaluate the viability of our approach on multiple flights captured at two distinct testing sites. Our method successfully reduced GNSS offset errors from up-to 16 m to below 0.5 m on multiple flights. Furthermore, we obtain globally consistent maps w.r.t. prior 3D geospatial models.
Abstract:We introduce an analytic method for generating a parametric and constraint-aware kick for humanoid robots. The kick is split into four phases with trajectories stemming from equations of motion with constant acceleration. To make the motion execution physically feasible, the kick duration alters the step frequency. The generated kicks seamlessly integrate within a ZMP-based gait, benefitting from the stability provided by the built-in controls. The whole approach has been evaluated in simulation and on a real NimbRo-OP2X humanoid robot.
Abstract:Robots need to perceive persons in their surroundings for safety and to interact with them. In this paper, we present a person segmentation and action classification approach that operates on 3D scans of hemisphere field of view LiDAR sensors. We recorded a data set with an Ouster OSDome-64 sensor consisting of scenes where persons perform three different actions and annotated it. We propose a method based on a MaskDINO model to detect and segment persons and to recognize their actions from combined spherical projected multi-channel representations of the LiDAR data with an additional positional encoding. Our approach demonstrates good performance for the person segmentation task and further performs well for the estimation of the person action states walking, waving, and sitting. An ablation study provides insights about the individual channel contributions for the person segmentation task. The trained models, code and dataset are made publicly available.
Abstract:The human gait is a complex interplay between the neuronal and the muscular systems, reflecting an individual's neurological and physiological condition. This makes gait analysis a valuable tool for biomechanics and medical experts. Traditional observational gait analysis is cost-effective but lacks reliability and accuracy, while instrumented gait analysis, particularly using marker-based optical systems, provides accurate data but is expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we introduce a novel markerless approach for gait analysis using a multi-camera setup with smart edge sensors to estimate 3D body poses without fiducial markers. We propose a Siamese embedding network with triplet loss calculation to identify individuals by their gait pattern. This network effectively maps gait sequences to an embedding space that enables clustering sequences from the same individual or activity closely together while separating those of different ones. Our results demonstrate the potential of the proposed system for efficient automated gait analysis in diverse real-world environments, facilitating a wide range of applications.
Abstract:Recent advances in LLM have been instrumental in autonomous robot control and human-robot interaction by leveraging their vast general knowledge and capabilities to understand and reason across a wide range of tasks and scenarios. Previous works have investigated various prompt engineering techniques for improving the performance of \glspl{LLM} to accomplish tasks, while others have proposed methods that utilize LLMs to plan and execute tasks based on the available functionalities of a given robot platform. In this work, we consider both lines of research by comparing prompt engineering techniques and combinations thereof within the application of high-level task planning and execution in service robotics. We define a diverse set of tasks and a simple set of functionalities in simulation, and measure task completion accuracy and execution time for several state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Learning a latent dynamics model provides a task-agnostic representation of an agent's understanding of its environment. Leveraging this knowledge for model-based reinforcement learning holds the potential to improve sample efficiency over model-free methods by learning inside imagined rollouts. Furthermore, because the latent space serves as input to behavior models, the informative representations learned by the world model facilitate efficient learning of desired skills. Most existing methods rely on holistic representations of the environment's state. In contrast, humans reason about objects and their interactions, forecasting how actions will affect specific parts of their surroundings. Inspired by this, we propose Slot-Attention for Object-centric Latent Dynamics (SOLD), a novel algorithm that learns object-centric dynamics models in an unsupervised manner from pixel inputs. We demonstrate that the structured latent space not only improves model interpretability but also provides a valuable input space for behavior models to reason over. Our results show that SOLD outperforms DreamerV3, a state-of-the-art model-based RL algorithm, across a range of benchmark robotic environments that evaluate for both relational reasoning and low-level manipulation capabilities. Videos are available at
Abstract:The anticipation of human behavior is a crucial capability for robots to interact with humans safely and efficiently. We employ a smart edge sensor network to provide global observations along with future predictions and goal information to integrate anticipatory behavior for the control of a mobile manipulation robot. We present approaches to anticipate human behavior in the context of safe navigation and a collaborative mobile manipulation task. First, we anticipate human motion by employing projections of human trajectories from smart edge sensor network observations into the planning map of a mobile robot. Second, we anticipate human intentions in a collaborative furniture-carrying task to achieve a given goal. Our experiments indicate that anticipating human behavior allows for safer navigation and more efficient collaboration. Finally, we showcase an integrated system that anticipates human behavior and collaborates with a human to achieve a target room layout, including the placement of tables and chairs.
Abstract:Perception systems play a crucial role in autonomous driving, incorporating multiple sensors and corresponding computer vision algorithms. 3D LiDAR sensors are widely used to capture sparse point clouds of the vehicle's surroundings. However, such systems struggle to perceive occluded areas and gaps in the scene due to the sparsity of these point clouds and their lack of semantics. To address these challenges, Semantic Scene Completion (SSC) jointly predicts unobserved geometry and semantics in the scene given raw LiDAR measurements, aiming for a more complete scene representation. Building on promising results of diffusion models in image generation and super-resolution tasks, we propose their extension to SSC by implementing the noising and denoising diffusion processes in the point and semantic spaces individually. To control the generation, we employ semantic LiDAR point clouds as conditional input and design local and global regularization losses to stabilize the denoising process. We evaluate our approach on autonomous driving datasets and our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art for SSC.
Abstract:We present a novel seated foot controller for handling 3-DOF aimed to control locomotion for telepresence robotics and virtual reality environments. Tilting the feet on two axes yields in forward, backward and sideways motion. In addition, a separate rotary joint allows for rotation around the vertical axis. Attached springs on all joints self-center the controller. The HTC Vive tracker is used to translate the trackers' orientation into locomotion commands. The proposed self-centering foot controller was used successfully for the ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition, where a naive operator traversed the robot through a longer distance, surpassing obstacles while solving various interaction and manipulation tasks in between. We publicly provide the models of the mostly 3D-printed feet controller for reproduction.
Abstract:Autonomous cleaning robots for public spaces have potential for addressing current societal challenges, such as labor shortages and cleanliness in public spaces. Other application domains like autonomous driving, bin picking, or search and rescue have shown that benchmarking platforms and approaches in competitive settings can advance their respective research fields, resulting in more applicable systems under real-world conditions. For this paper, we analyzed seven semi-structured, qualitative stakeholder interviews about outdoor cleaning, identified current needs as well as limitations, and considered those results for the development of a benchmarking scenario based on the previous observations.