Abstract:Multi-behavior recommendation systems enhance effectiveness by leveraging auxiliary behaviors (such as page views and favorites) to address the limitations of traditional models that depend solely on sparse target behaviors like purchases. Existing approaches to multi-behavior recommendations typically follow one of two strategies: some derive initial node representations from individual behavior subgraphs before integrating them for a comprehensive profile, while others interpret multi-behavior data as a heterogeneous graph, applying graph neural networks to achieve a unified node representation. However, these methods do not adequately explore the intricate patterns of behavior among users and items. To bridge this gap, we introduce a novel algorithm called Behavior Pattern mining-based Multi-behavior Recommendation (BPMR). Our method extensively investigates the diverse interaction patterns between users and items, utilizing these patterns as features for making recommendations. We employ a Bayesian approach to streamline the recommendation process, effectively circumventing the challenges posed by graph neural network algorithms, such as the inability to accurately capture user preferences due to over-smoothing. Our experimental evaluation on three real-world datasets demonstrates that BPMR significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms, showing an average improvement of 268.29% in Recall@10 and 248.02% in NDCG@10 metrics. The code of our BPMR is openly accessible for use and further research at https://github.com/rookitkitlee/BPMR.
Abstract:In recommender systems, multi-behavior methods have demonstrated their effectiveness in mitigating issues like data sparsity, a common challenge in traditional single-behavior recommendation approaches. These methods typically infer user preferences from various auxiliary behaviors and apply them to the target behavior for recommendations. However, this direct transfer can introduce noise to the target behavior in recommendation, due to variations in user attention across different behaviors. To address this issue, this paper introduces a novel approach, Behavior-Contextualized Item Preference Modeling (BCIPM), for multi-behavior recommendation. Our proposed Behavior-Contextualized Item Preference Network discerns and learns users' specific item preferences within each behavior. It then considers only those preferences relevant to the target behavior for final recommendations, significantly reducing noise from auxiliary behaviors. These auxiliary behaviors are utilized solely for training the network parameters, thereby refining the learning process without compromising the accuracy of the target behavior recommendations. To further enhance the effectiveness of BCIPM, we adopt a strategy of pre-training the initial embeddings. This step is crucial for enriching the item-aware preferences, particularly in scenarios where data related to the target behavior is sparse. Comprehensive experiments conducted on four real-world datasets demonstrate BCIPM's superior performance compared to several leading state-of-the-art models, validating the robustness and efficiency of our proposed approach.
Abstract:Multi-behavioral recommender systems have emerged as a solution to address data sparsity and cold-start issues by incorporating auxiliary behaviors alongside target behaviors. However, existing models struggle to accurately capture varying user preferences across different behaviors and fail to account for diverse item preferences within behaviors. Various user preference factors (such as price or quality) entangled in the behavior may lead to sub-optimization problems. Furthermore, these models overlook the personalized nature of user behavioral preferences by employing uniform transformation networks for all users and items. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Disentangled Cascaded Graph Convolutional Network (Disen-CGCN), a novel multi-behavior recommendation model. Disen-CGCN employs disentangled representation techniques to effectively separate factors within user and item representations, ensuring their independence. In addition, it incorporates a multi-behavioral meta-network, enabling personalized feature transformation across user and item behaviors. Furthermore, an attention mechanism captures user preferences for different item factors within each behavior. By leveraging attention weights, we aggregate user and item embeddings separately for each behavior, computing preference scores that predict overall user preferences for items. Our evaluation on benchmark datasets demonstrates the superiority of Disen-CGCN over state-of-the-art models, showcasing an average performance improvement of 7.07% and 9.00% on respective datasets. These results highlight Disen-CGCN's ability to effectively leverage multi-behavioral data, leading to more accurate recommendations.
Abstract:Graph Convolution Networks (GCNs) have significantly succeeded in learning user and item representations for recommendation systems. The core of their efficacy is the ability to explicitly exploit the collaborative signals from both the first- and high-order neighboring nodes. However, most existing GCN-based methods overlook the multiple interests of users while performing high-order graph convolution. Thus, the noisy information from unreliable neighbor nodes (e.g., users with dissimilar interests) negatively impacts the representation learning of the target node. Additionally, conducting graph convolution operations without differentiating high-order neighbors suffers the over-smoothing issue when stacking more layers, resulting in performance degradation. In this paper, we aim to capture more valuable information from high-order neighboring nodes while avoiding noise for better representation learning of the target node. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel GCN-based recommendation model, termed Cluster-based Graph Collaborative Filtering (ClusterGCF). This model performs high-order graph convolution on cluster-specific graphs, which are constructed by capturing the multiple interests of users and identifying the common interests among them. Specifically, we design an unsupervised and optimizable soft node clustering approach to classify user and item nodes into multiple clusters. Based on the soft node clustering results and the topology of the user-item interaction graph, we assign the nodes with probabilities for different clusters to construct the cluster-specific graphs. To evaluate the effectiveness of ClusterGCF, we conducted extensive experiments on four publicly available datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our model can significantly improve recommendation performance.
Abstract:Recommendation systems harness user-item interactions like clicks and reviews to learn their representations. Previous studies improve recommendation accuracy and interpretability by modeling user preferences across various aspects and intents. However, the aspects and intents are inferred directly from user reviews or behavior patterns, suffering from the data noise and the data sparsity problem. Furthermore, it is difficult to understand the reasons behind recommendations due to the challenges of interpreting implicit aspects and intents. Inspired by the deep semantic understanding offered by large language models (LLMs), we introduce a chain-based prompting approach to uncover semantic aspect-aware interactions, which provide clearer insights into user behaviors at a fine-grained semantic level. To incorporate the abundant interactions of various aspects, we propose the simple yet effective Semantic Aspect-based Graph Convolution Network (short for SAGCN). By performing graph convolutions on multiple semantic aspect graphs, SAGCN efficiently combines embeddings across multiple semantic aspects for final user and item representations. The effectiveness of the SAGCN was evaluated on three publicly available datasets through extensive experiments, which revealed that it outperforms all other competitors. Furthermore, interpretability analysis experiments were conducted to demonstrate the interpretability of incorporating semantic aspects into the model.
Abstract:Recommendation algorithms forecast user preferences by correlating user and item representations derived from historical interaction patterns. In pursuit of enhanced performance, many methods focus on learning robust and independent representations by disentangling the intricate factors within interaction data across various modalities in an unsupervised manner. However, such an approach obfuscates the discernment of how specific factors (e.g., category or brand) influence the outcomes, making it challenging to regulate their effects. In response to this challenge, we introduce a novel method called Attribute-Driven Disentangled Representation Learning (short for AD-DRL), which explicitly incorporates attributes from different modalities into the disentangled representation learning process. By assigning a specific attribute to each factor in multimodal features, AD-DRL can disentangle the factors at both attribute and attribute-value levels. To obtain robust and independent representations for each factor associated with a specific attribute, we first disentangle the representations of features both within and across different modalities. Moreover, we further enhance the robustness of the representations by fusing the multimodal features of the same factor. Empirical evaluations conducted on three public real-world datasets substantiate the effectiveness of AD-DRL, as well as its interpretability and controllability.
Abstract:Continual Learning (CL) aims to incrementally update a trained model on new tasks without forgetting the acquired knowledge of old ones. Existing CL methods usually reduce forgetting with task priors, \ie using task identity or a subset of previously seen samples for model training. However, these methods would be infeasible when such priors are unknown in real-world applications. To address this fundamental but seldom-studied problem, we propose a Prior-Free Continual Learning (PFCL) method, which learns new tasks without knowing the task identity or any previous data. First, based on a fixed single-head architecture, we eliminate the need for task identity to select the task-specific output head. Second, we employ a regularization-based strategy for consistent predictions between the new and old models, avoiding revisiting previous samples. However, using this strategy alone often performs poorly in class-incremental scenarios, particularly for a long sequence of tasks. By analyzing the effectiveness and limitations of conventional regularization-based methods, we propose enhancing model consistency with an auxiliary unlabeled dataset additionally. Moreover, since some auxiliary data may degrade the performance, we further develop a reliable sample selection strategy to obtain consistent performance improvement. Extensive experiments on multiple image classification benchmark datasets show that our PFCL method significantly mitigates forgetting in all three learning scenarios. Furthermore, when compared to the most recent rehearsal-based methods that replay a limited number of previous samples, PFCL achieves competitive accuracy. Our code is available at: https://github.com/visiontao/pfcl
Abstract:Multimodal recommendation exploits the rich multimodal information associated with users or items to enhance the representation learning for better performance. In these methods, end-to-end feature extractors (e.g., shallow/deep neural networks) are often adopted to tailor the generic multimodal features that are extracted from raw data by pre-trained models for recommendation. However, compact extractors, such as shallow neural networks, may find it challenging to extract effective information from complex and high-dimensional generic modality features. Conversely, DNN-based extractors may encounter the data sparsity problem in recommendation. To address this problem, we propose a novel model-agnostic approach called Semantic-guided Feature Distillation (SGFD), which employs a teacher-student framework to extract feature for multimodal recommendation. The teacher model first extracts rich modality features from the generic modality feature by considering both the semantic information of items and the complementary information of multiple modalities. SGFD then utilizes response-based and feature-based distillation loss to effectively transfer the knowledge encoded in the teacher model to the student model. To evaluate the effectiveness of our SGFD, we integrate SGFD into three backbone multimodal recommendation models. Extensive experiments on three public real-world datasets demonstrate that SGFD-enhanced models can achieve substantial improvement over their counterparts.
Abstract:Training an effective video action recognition model poses significant computational challenges, particularly under limited resource budgets. Current methods primarily aim to either reduce model size or utilize pre-trained models, limiting their adaptability to various backbone architectures. This paper investigates the issue of over-sampled frames, a prevalent problem in many approaches yet it has received relatively little attention. Despite the use of fewer frames being a potential solution, this approach often results in a substantial decline in performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel method to restore the intermediate features for two sparsely sampled and adjacent video frames. This feature restoration technique brings a negligible increase in computational requirements compared to resource-intensive image encoders, such as ViT. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we conduct extensive experiments on four public datasets, including Kinetics-400, ActivityNet, UCF-101, and HMDB-51. With the integration of our method, the efficiency of three commonly used baselines has been improved by over 50%, with a mere 0.5% reduction in recognition accuracy. In addition, our method also surprisingly helps improve the generalization ability of the models under zero-shot settings.
Abstract:The research field of Information Retrieval (IR) has evolved significantly, expanding beyond traditional search to meet diverse user information needs. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in text understanding, generation, and knowledge inference, opening up exciting avenues for IR research. LLMs not only facilitate generative retrieval but also offer improved solutions for user understanding, model evaluation, and user-system interactions. More importantly, the synergistic relationship among IR models, LLMs, and humans forms a new technical paradigm that is more powerful for information seeking. IR models provide real-time and relevant information, LLMs contribute internal knowledge, and humans play a central role of demanders and evaluators to the reliability of information services. Nevertheless, significant challenges exist, including computational costs, credibility concerns, domain-specific limitations, and ethical considerations. To thoroughly discuss the transformative impact of LLMs on IR research, the Chinese IR community conducted a strategic workshop in April 2023, yielding valuable insights. This paper provides a summary of the workshop's outcomes, including the rethinking of IR's core values, the mutual enhancement of LLMs and IR, the proposal of a novel IR technical paradigm, and open challenges.