Beihang University
Abstract:Obtaining accurate weather forecasts at station locations is a critical challenge due to systematic biases arising from the mismatch between multi-scale, continuous atmospheric characteristic and their discrete, gridded representations. Previous works have primarily focused on modeling gridded meteorological data, inherently neglecting the off-grid, continuous nature of atmospheric states and leaving such biases unresolved. To address this, we propose the Kolmogorov Arnold Neural Interpolator (KANI), a novel framework that redefines meteorological field representation as continuous neural functions derived from discretized grids. Grounded in the Kolmogorov Arnold theorem, KANI captures the inherent continuity of atmospheric states and leverages sparse in-situ observations to correct these biases systematically. Furthermore, KANI introduces an innovative zero-shot downscaling capability, guided by high-resolution topographic textures without requiring high-resolution meteorological fields for supervision. Experimental results across three sub-regions of the continental United States indicate that KANI achieves an accuracy improvement of 40.28% for temperature and 67.41% for wind speed, highlighting its significant improvement over traditional interpolation methods. This enables continuous neural representation of meteorological variables through neural networks, transcending the limitations of conventional grid-based representations.
Abstract:Global Station Weather Forecasting (GSWF), a prominent meteorological research area, is pivotal in providing timely localized weather predictions. Despite the progress existing models have made in the overall accuracy of the GSWF, executing high-precision extreme event prediction still presents a substantial challenge. The recent emergence of state-space models, with their ability to efficiently capture continuous-time dynamics and latent states, offer potential solutions. However, early investigations indicated that Mamba underperforms in the context of GSWF, suggesting further adaptation and optimization. To tackle this problem, in this paper, we introduce Weather State-space Model (WSSM), a novel Mamba-based approach tailored for GSWF. Geographical knowledge is integrated in addition to the widely-used positional encoding to represent the absolute special-temporal position. The multi-scale time-frequency features are synthesized from coarse to fine to model the seasonal to extreme weather dynamic. Our method effectively improves the overall prediction accuracy and addresses the challenge of forecasting extreme weather events. The state-of-the-art results obtained on the Weather-5K subset underscore the efficacy of the WSSM
Abstract:Referring remote sensing image segmentation is crucial for achieving fine-grained visual understanding through free-format textual input, enabling enhanced scene and object extraction in remote sensing applications. Current research primarily utilizes pre-trained language models to encode textual descriptions and align them with visual modalities, thereby facilitating the expression of relevant visual features. However, these approaches often struggle to establish robust alignments between fine-grained semantic concepts, leading to inconsistent representations across textual and visual information. To address these limitations, we introduce a referring remote sensing image segmentation foundational model, RSRefSeg. RSRefSeg leverages CLIP for visual and textual encoding, employing both global and local textual semantics as filters to generate referring-related visual activation features in the latent space. These activated features then serve as input prompts for SAM, which refines the segmentation masks through its robust visual generalization capabilities. Experimental results on the RRSIS-D dataset demonstrate that RSRefSeg outperforms existing methods, underscoring the effectiveness of foundational models in enhancing multimodal task comprehension. The code is available at \url{}.
Abstract:Remote sensing image semantic change detection is a method used to analyze remote sensing images, aiming to identify areas of change as well as categorize these changes within images of the same location taken at different times. Traditional change detection methods often face challenges in generalizing across semantic categories in practical scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce a novel approach called Semantic-CD, specifically designed for semantic change detection in remote sensing images. This method incorporates the open vocabulary semantics from the vision-language foundation model, CLIP. By utilizing CLIP's extensive vocabulary knowledge, our model enhances its ability to generalize across categories and improves segmentation through fully decoupled multi-task learning, which includes both binary change detection and semantic change detection tasks. Semantic-CD consists of four main components: a bi-temporal CLIP visual encoder for extracting features from bi-temporal images, an open semantic prompter for creating semantic cost volume maps with open vocabulary, a binary change detection decoder for generating binary change detection masks, and a semantic change detection decoder for producing semantic labels. Experimental results on the SECOND dataset demonstrate that Semantic-CD achieves more accurate masks and reduces semantic classification errors, illustrating its effectiveness in applying semantic priors from vision-language foundation models to SCD tasks.
Abstract:Generative foundation models have advanced large-scale text-driven natural image generation, becoming a prominent research trend across various vertical domains. However, in the remote sensing field, there is still a lack of research on large-scale text-to-image (text2image) generation technology. Existing remote sensing image-text datasets are small in scale and confined to specific geographic areas and scene types. Besides, existing text2image methods have struggled to achieve global-scale, multi-resolution controllable, and unbounded image generation. To address these challenges, this paper presents two key contributions: the Git-10M dataset and the Text2Earth foundation model. Git-10M is a global-scale image-text dataset comprising 10 million image-text pairs, 5 times larger than the previous largest one. The dataset covers a wide range of geographic scenes and contains resolution information, significantly surpassing existing datasets in both size and diversity. Building on Git-10M, we propose Text2Earth, a 1.3 billion parameter generative foundation model based on the diffusion framework to model global-scale remote sensing scenes. Text2Earth integrates a resolution guidance mechanism, enabling users to specify image resolutions. A dynamic condition adaptation strategy is proposed for training and inference to improve image quality. Text2Earth excels in zero-shot text2image generation and demonstrates robust generalization and flexibility across multiple tasks, including unbounded scene construction, image editing, and cross-modal image generation. This robust capability surpasses previous models restricted to the basic fixed size and limited scene types. On the previous benchmark dataset, Text2Earth outperforms previous models with an improvement of +26.23 FID and +20.95% Zero-shot Cls-OA metric.Our project page is \url{}
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel semantic splatting approach based on Gaussian Splatting to achieve efficient and low-latency. Our method projects the RGB attributes and semantic features of point clouds onto the image plane, simultaneously rendering RGB images and semantic segmentation results. Leveraging the explicit structure of point clouds and a one-time rendering strategy, our approach significantly enhances efficiency during optimization and rendering. Additionally, we employ SAM2 to generate pseudo-labels for boundary regions, which often lack sufficient supervision, and introduce two-level aggregation losses at the 2D feature map and 3D spatial levels to improve the view-consistent and spatial continuity.
Abstract:Temporal image analysis in remote sensing has traditionally centered on change detection, which identifies regions of change between images captured at different times. However, change detection remains limited by its focus on visual-level interpretation, often lacking contextual or descriptive information. The rise of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) has introduced a new dimension to remote sensing temporal image analysis by integrating visual information with natural language, creating an avenue for advanced interpretation of temporal image changes. Remote Sensing Temporal VLMs (RSTVLMs) allow for dynamic interactions, generating descriptive captions, answering questions, and providing a richer semantic understanding of temporal images. This temporal vision-language capability is particularly valuable for complex remote sensing applications, where higher-level insights are crucial. This paper comprehensively reviews the progress of RSTVLM research, with a focus on the latest VLM applications for temporal image analysis. We categorize and discuss core methodologies, datasets, and metrics, highlight recent advances in temporal vision-language tasks, and outline key challenges and future directions for research in this emerging field. This survey fills a critical gap in the literature by providing an integrated overview of RSTVLM, offering a foundation for further advancements in remote sensing temporal image understanding. We will keep tracing related works at \url{}
Abstract:Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation (UDA-RSSeg) addresses the challenge of adapting a model trained on source domain data to target domain samples, thereby minimizing the need for annotated data across diverse remote sensing scenes. This task presents two principal challenges: (1) severe inconsistencies in feature representation across different remote sensing domains, and (2) a domain gap that emerges due to the representation bias of source domain patterns when translating features to predictive logits. To tackle these issues, we propose a joint-optimized adversarial network incorporating the "Segment Anything Model (SAM) (SAM-JOANet)" for UDA-RSSeg. Our approach integrates SAM to leverage its robust generalized representation capabilities, thereby alleviating feature inconsistencies. We introduce a finetuning decoder designed to convert SAM-Encoder features into predictive logits. Additionally, a feature-level adversarial-based prompted segmentor is employed to generate class-agnostic maps, which guide the finetuning decoder's feature representations. The network is optimized end-to-end, combining the prompted segmentor and the finetuning decoder. Extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets, including ISPRS (Potsdam/Vaihingen) and CITY-OSM (Paris/Chicago), demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The results, supported by visualization and analysis, confirm the method's interpretability and robustness. The code of this paper is available at
Abstract:Recent advancements in human motion synthesis have focused on specific types of motions, such as human-scene interaction, locomotion or human-human interaction, however, there is a lack of a unified system capable of generating a diverse combination of motion types. In response, we introduce Sitcom-Crafter, a comprehensive and extendable system for human motion generation in 3D space, which can be guided by extensive plot contexts to enhance workflow efficiency for anime and game designers. The system is comprised of eight modules, three of which are dedicated to motion generation, while the remaining five are augmentation modules that ensure consistent fusion of motion sequences and system functionality. Central to the generation modules is our novel 3D scene-aware human-human interaction module, which addresses collision issues by synthesizing implicit 3D Signed Distance Function (SDF) points around motion spaces, thereby minimizing human-scene collisions without additional data collection costs. Complementing this, our locomotion and human-scene interaction modules leverage existing methods to enrich the system's motion generation capabilities. Augmentation modules encompass plot comprehension for command generation, motion synchronization for seamless integration of different motion types, hand pose retrieval to enhance motion realism, motion collision revision to prevent human collisions, and 3D retargeting to ensure visual fidelity. Experimental evaluations validate the system's ability to generate high-quality, diverse, and physically realistic motions, underscoring its potential for advancing creative workflows.
Abstract:Most dehazing methods suffer from limited receptive field and do not explore the rich semantic prior encapsulated in vision-language models, which have proven effective in downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce CLIPHaze, a pioneering hybrid framework that synergizes the efficient global modeling of Mamba with the prior knowledge and zero-shot capabilities of CLIP to address both issues simultaneously. Specifically, our method employs parallel state space model and window-based self-attention to obtain global contextual dependency and local fine-grained perception, respectively. To seamlessly aggregate information from both paths, we introduce CLIP-instructed Aggregation Module (CAM). For non-homogeneous and homogeneous haze, CAM leverages zero-shot estimated haze density map and high-quality image embedding without degradation information to explicitly and implicitly determine the optimal neural operation range for each pixel, thereby adaptively fusing two paths with different receptive fields. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks demonstrate that CLIPHaze achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance, particularly in non-homogeneous haze. Code will be publicly after acceptance.