Abstract:Autoregressive conditional image generation algorithms are capable of generating photorealistic images that are consistent with given textual or image conditions, and have great potential for a wide range of applications. Nevertheless, the majority of popular autoregressive image generation methods rely heavily on vector quantization, and the inherent discrete characteristic of codebook presents a considerable challenge to achieving high-quality image generation. To address this limitation, this paper introduces a novel conditional introduction network for continuous masked autoregressive models. The proposed self-control network serves to mitigate the negative impact of vector quantization on the quality of the generated images, while simultaneously enhancing the conditional control during the generation process. In particular, the self-control network is constructed upon a continuous mask autoregressive generative model, which incorporates multimodal conditional information, including text and images, into a unified autoregressive sequence in a serial manner. Through a self-attention mechanism, the network is capable of generating images that are controllable based on specific conditions. The self-control network discards the conventional cross-attention-based conditional fusion mechanism and effectively unifies the conditional and generative information within the same space, thereby facilitating more seamless learning and fusion of multimodal features.
Abstract:Domain generalization (DG) aims to train a model from limited source domains, allowing it to generalize to unknown target domains. Typically, DG models only employ large-scale pre-trained models during the initialization of fine-tuning. However, large-scale pre-trained models already possess the ability to resist domain shift. If we reference pre-trained models continuously during fine-tuning to maintain this ability, it could further enhance the generalization ability of the DG model. For this purpose, we introduce a new method called Fine-Tune with Large-scale pre-trained Priors (FT-LP), which incorporates the pre-trained model as a prior into the DG fine-tuning process, ensuring that the model refers to its pre-trained model at each optimization step. FT-LP comprises a theoretical framework and a simple implementation strategy. In theory, we verify the rationality of FT-LP by introducing a generalization error bound with the pre-trained priors for DG. In implementation, we utilize an encoder to simulate the model distribution, enabling the use of FT-LP when only pre-trained weights are available. In summary, we offer a new fine-tuning method for DG algorithms to utilize pre-trained models throughout the fine-tuning process. Through experiments on various datasets and DG models, our proposed method exhibits significant improvements, indicating its effectiveness.
Abstract:Domain invariant learning aims to learn models that extract invariant features over various training domains, resulting in better generalization to unseen target domains. Recently, Bayesian Neural Networks have achieved promising results in domain invariant learning, but most works concentrate on aligning features distributions rather than parameter distributions. Inspired by the principle of Bayesian Neural Network, we attempt to directly learn the domain invariant posterior distribution of network parameters. We first propose a theorem to show that the invariant posterior of parameters can be implicitly inferred by aggregating posteriors on different training domains. Our assumption is more relaxed and allows us to extract more domain invariant information. We also propose a simple yet effective method, named PosTerior Generalization (PTG), that can be used to estimate the invariant parameter distribution. PTG fully exploits variational inference to approximate parameter distributions, including the invariant posterior and the posteriors on training domains. Furthermore, we develop a lite version of PTG for widespread applications. PTG shows competitive performance on various domain generalization benchmarks on DomainBed. Additionally, PTG can use any existing domain generalization methods as its prior, and combined with previous state-of-the-art method the performance can be further improved. Code will be made public.
Abstract:Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) have become one of the promising approaches for uncertainty estimation due to the solid theorical foundations. However, the performance of BNNs is affected by the ability of catching uncertainty. Instead of only seeking the distribution of neural network weights by in-distribution (ID) data, in this paper, we propose a new Bayesian Neural Network with an Attached structure (ABNN) to catch more uncertainty from out-of-distribution (OOD) data. We first construct a mathematical description for the uncertainty of OOD data according to the prior distribution, and then develop an attached Bayesian structure to integrate the uncertainty of OOD data into the backbone network. ABNN is composed of an expectation module and several distribution modules. The expectation module is a backbone deep network which focuses on the original task, and the distribution modules are mini Bayesian structures which serve as attachments of the backbone. In particular, the distribution modules aim at extracting the uncertainty from both ID and OOD data. We further provide theoretical analysis for the convergence of ABNN, and experimentally validate its superiority by comparing with some state-of-the-art uncertainty estimation methods Code will be made available.