Abstract:Learning from active human involvement enables the human subject to actively intervene and demonstrate to the AI agent during training. The interaction and corrective feedback from human brings safety and AI alignment to the learning process. In this work, we propose a new reward-free active human involvement method called Proxy Value Propagation for policy optimization. Our key insight is that a proxy value function can be designed to express human intents, wherein state-action pairs in the human demonstration are labeled with high values, while those agents' actions that are intervened receive low values. Through the TD-learning framework, labeled values of demonstrated state-action pairs are further propagated to other unlabeled data generated from agents' exploration. The proxy value function thus induces a policy that faithfully emulates human behaviors. Human-in-the-loop experiments show the generality and efficiency of our method. With minimal modification to existing reinforcement learning algorithms, our method can learn to solve continuous and discrete control tasks with various human control devices, including the challenging task of driving in Grand Theft Auto V. Demo video and code are available at: https://metadriverse.github.io/pvp
Abstract:Vision Language Models (VLMs) demonstrate significant potential as embodied AI agents for various mobility applications. However, a standardized, closed-loop benchmark for evaluating their spatial reasoning and sequential decision-making capabilities is lacking. To address this, we present MetaVQA: a comprehensive benchmark designed to assess and enhance VLMs' understanding of spatial relationships and scene dynamics through Visual Question Answering (VQA) and closed-loop simulations. MetaVQA leverages Set-of-Mark prompting and top-down view ground-truth annotations from nuScenes and Waymo datasets to automatically generate extensive question-answer pairs based on diverse real-world traffic scenarios, ensuring object-centric and context-rich instructions. Our experiments show that fine-tuning VLMs with the MetaVQA dataset significantly improves their spatial reasoning and embodied scene comprehension in safety-critical simulations, evident not only in improved VQA accuracies but also in emerging safety-aware driving maneuvers. In addition, the learning demonstrates strong transferability from simulation to real-world observation. Code and data will be publicly available at https://metadriverse.github.io/metavqa .
Abstract:Sim-to-real gap has long posed a significant challenge for robot learning in simulation, preventing the deployment of learned models in the real world. Previous work has primarily focused on domain randomization and system identification to mitigate this gap. However, these methods are often limited by the inherent constraints of the simulation and graphics engines. In this work, we propose Vid2Sim, a novel framework that effectively bridges the sim2real gap through a scalable and cost-efficient real2sim pipeline for neural 3D scene reconstruction and simulation. Given a monocular video as input, Vid2Sim can generate photorealistic and physically interactable 3D simulation environments to enable the reinforcement learning of visual navigation agents in complex urban environments. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Vid2Sim significantly improves the performance of urban navigation in the digital twins and real world by 31.2% and 68.3% in success rate compared with agents trained with prior simulation methods.
Abstract:A major challenge in autonomous vehicle research is modeling agent behaviors, which has critical applications including constructing realistic and reliable simulations for off-board evaluation and forecasting traffic agents motion for onboard planning. While supervised learning has shown success in modeling agents across various domains, these models can suffer from distribution shift when deployed at test-time. In this work, we improve the reliability of agent behaviors by closed-loop fine-tuning of behavior models with reinforcement learning. Our method demonstrates improved overall performance, as well as improved targeted metrics such as collision rate, on the Waymo Open Sim Agents challenge. Additionally, we present a novel policy evaluation benchmark to directly assess the ability of simulated agents to measure the quality of autonomous vehicle planners and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on this new benchmark.
Abstract:Controllable synthetic data generation can substantially lower the annotation cost of training data in autonomous driving research and development. Prior works use diffusion models to generate driving images conditioned on the 3D object layout. However, those models are trained on small-scale datasets like nuScenes, which lack appearance and layout diversity. Moreover, the trained models can only generate images based on the real-world layout data from the validation set of the same dataset, where overfitting might happen. In this work, we introduce a simulator-conditioned scene generation framework called SimGen that can learn to generate diverse driving scenes by mixing data from the simulator and the real world. It uses a novel cascade diffusion pipeline to address challenging sim-to-real gaps and multi-condition conflicts. A driving video dataset DIVA is collected to enhance the generative diversity of SimGen, which contains over 147.5 hours of real-world driving videos from 73 locations worldwide and simulated driving data from the MetaDrive simulator. SimGen achieves superior generation quality and diversity while preserving controllability based on the text prompt and the layout pulled from a simulator. We further demonstrate the improvements brought by SimGen for synthetic data augmentation on the BEV detection and segmentation task and showcase its capability in safety-critical data generation. Code, data, and models will be made available.
Abstract:End-to-end scene text spotting, which aims to read the text in natural images, has garnered significant attention in recent years. However, recent state-of-the-art methods usually incorporate detection and recognition simply by sharing the backbone, which does not directly take advantage of the feature interaction between the two tasks. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end scene text spotting framework termed SwinTextSpotter v2, which seeks to find a better synergy between text detection and recognition. Specifically, we enhance the relationship between two tasks using novel Recognition Conversion and Recognition Alignment modules. Recognition Conversion explicitly guides text localization through recognition loss, while Recognition Alignment dynamically extracts text features for recognition through the detection predictions. This simple yet effective design results in a concise framework that requires neither an additional rectification module nor character-level annotations for the arbitrarily-shaped text. Furthermore, the parameters of the detector are greatly reduced without performance degradation by introducing a Box Selection Schedule. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that SwinTextSpotter v2 achieved state-of-the-art performance on various multilingual (English, Chinese, and Vietnamese) benchmarks. The code will be available at \href{https://github.com/mxin262/SwinTextSpotterv2}{SwinTextSpotter v2}.
Abstract:Driving safety is a top priority for autonomous vehicles. Orthogonal to prior work handling accident-prone traffic events by algorithm designs at the policy level, we investigate a Closed-loop Adversarial Training (CAT) framework for safe end-to-end driving in this paper through the lens of environment augmentation. CAT aims to continuously improve the safety of driving agents by training the agent on safety-critical scenarios that are dynamically generated over time. A novel resampling technique is developed to turn log-replay real-world driving scenarios into safety-critical ones via probabilistic factorization, where the adversarial traffic generation is modeled as the multiplication of standard motion prediction sub-problems. Consequently, CAT can launch more efficient physical attacks compared to existing safety-critical scenario generation methods and yields a significantly less computational cost in the iterative learning pipeline. We incorporate CAT into the MetaDrive simulator and validate our approach on hundreds of driving scenarios imported from real-world driving datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that CAT can effectively generate adversarial scenarios countering the agent being trained. After training, the agent can achieve superior driving safety in both log-replay and safety-critical traffic scenarios on the held-out test set. Code and data are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/cat.
Abstract:Large-scale driving datasets such as Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes substantially accelerate autonomous driving research, especially for perception tasks such as 3D detection and trajectory forecasting. Since the driving logs in these datasets contain HD maps and detailed object annotations which accurately reflect the real-world complexity of traffic behaviors, we can harvest a massive number of complex traffic scenarios and recreate their digital twins in simulation. Compared to the hand-crafted scenarios often used in existing simulators, data-driven scenarios collected from the real world can facilitate many research opportunities in machine learning and autonomous driving. In this work, we present ScenarioNet, an open-source platform for large-scale traffic scenario modeling and simulation. ScenarioNet defines a unified scenario description format and collects a large-scale repository of real-world traffic scenarios from the heterogeneous data in various driving datasets including Waymo, nuScenes, Lyft L5, and nuPlan datasets. These scenarios can be further replayed and interacted with in multiple views from Bird-Eye-View layout to realistic 3D rendering in MetaDrive simulator. This provides a benchmark for evaluating the safety of autonomous driving stacks in simulation before their real-world deployment. We further demonstrate the strengths of ScenarioNet on large-scale scenario generation, imitation learning, and reinforcement learning in both single-agent and multi-agent settings. Code, demo videos, and website are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/scenarionet.
Abstract:The Teacher-Student Framework (TSF) is a reinforcement learning setting where a teacher agent guards the training of a student agent by intervening and providing online demonstrations. Assuming optimal, the teacher policy has the perfect timing and capability to intervene in the learning process of the student agent, providing safety guarantee and exploration guidance. Nevertheless, in many real-world settings it is expensive or even impossible to obtain a well-performing teacher policy. In this work, we relax the assumption of a well-performing teacher and develop a new method that can incorporate arbitrary teacher policies with modest or inferior performance. We instantiate an Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning algorithm, termed Teacher-Student Shared Control (TS2C), which incorporates teacher intervention based on trajectory-based value estimation. Theoretical analysis validates that the proposed TS2C algorithm attains efficient exploration and substantial safety guarantee without being affected by the teacher's own performance. Experiments on various continuous control tasks show that our method can exploit teacher policies at different performance levels while maintaining a low training cost. Moreover, the student policy surpasses the imperfect teacher policy in terms of higher accumulated reward in held-out testing environments. Code is available at https://metadriverse.github.io/TS2C.
Abstract:Diverse and realistic traffic scenarios are crucial for evaluating the AI safety of autonomous driving systems in simulation. This work introduces a data-driven method called TrafficGen for traffic scenario generation. It learns from the fragmented human driving data collected in the real world and then can generate realistic traffic scenarios. TrafficGen is an autoregressive generative model with an encoder-decoder architecture. In each autoregressive iteration, it first encodes the current traffic context with the attention mechanism and then decodes a vehicle's initial state followed by generating its long trajectory. We evaluate the trained model in terms of vehicle placement and trajectories and show substantial improvements over baselines. TrafficGen can be also used to augment existing traffic scenarios, by adding new vehicles and extending the fragmented trajectories. We further demonstrate that importing the generated scenarios into a simulator as interactive training environments improves the performance and the safety of driving policy learned from reinforcement learning. More project resource is available at https://metadriverse.github.io/trafficgen