Abstract:Learning from active human involvement enables the human subject to actively intervene and demonstrate to the AI agent during training. The interaction and corrective feedback from human brings safety and AI alignment to the learning process. In this work, we propose a new reward-free active human involvement method called Proxy Value Propagation for policy optimization. Our key insight is that a proxy value function can be designed to express human intents, wherein state-action pairs in the human demonstration are labeled with high values, while those agents' actions that are intervened receive low values. Through the TD-learning framework, labeled values of demonstrated state-action pairs are further propagated to other unlabeled data generated from agents' exploration. The proxy value function thus induces a policy that faithfully emulates human behaviors. Human-in-the-loop experiments show the generality and efficiency of our method. With minimal modification to existing reinforcement learning algorithms, our method can learn to solve continuous and discrete control tasks with various human control devices, including the challenging task of driving in Grand Theft Auto V. Demo video and code are available at: https://metadriverse.github.io/pvp
Abstract:Public urban spaces like streetscapes and plazas serve residents and accommodate social life in all its vibrant variations. Recent advances in Robotics and Embodied AI make public urban spaces no longer exclusive to humans. Food delivery bots and electric wheelchairs have started sharing sidewalks with pedestrians, while diverse robot dogs and humanoids have recently emerged in the street. Ensuring the generalizability and safety of these forthcoming mobile machines is crucial when navigating through the bustling streets in urban spaces. In this work, we present MetaUrban, a compositional simulation platform for Embodied AI research in urban spaces. MetaUrban can construct an infinite number of interactive urban scenes from compositional elements, covering a vast array of ground plans, object placements, pedestrians, vulnerable road users, and other mobile agents' appearances and dynamics. We design point navigation and social navigation tasks as the pilot study using MetaUrban for embodied AI research and establish various baselines of Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning. Experiments demonstrate that the compositional nature of the simulated environments can substantially improve the generalizability and safety of the trained mobile agents. MetaUrban will be made publicly available to provide more research opportunities and foster safe and trustworthy embodied AI in urban spaces.
Abstract:Stable locomotion in precipitous environments is an essential capability of quadruped robots, demanding the ability to resist various external disturbances. However, recent learning-based policies only use basic domain randomization to improve the robustness of learned policies, which cannot guarantee that the robot has adequate disturbance resistance capabilities. In this paper, we propose to model the learning process as an adversarial interaction between the actor and a newly introduced disturber and ensure their optimization with $H_{\infty}$ constraint. In contrast to the actor that maximizes the discounted overall reward, the disturber is responsible for generating effective external forces and is optimized by maximizing the error between the task reward and its oracle, i.e., "cost" in each iteration. To keep joint optimization between the actor and the disturber stable, our $H_{\infty}$ constraint mandates the bound of ratio between the cost to the intensity of the external forces. Through reciprocal interaction throughout the training phase, the actor can acquire the capability to navigate increasingly complex physical disturbances. We verify the robustness of our approach on quadrupedal locomotion tasks with Unitree Aliengo robot, and also a more challenging task with Unitree A1 robot, where the quadruped is expected to perform locomotion merely on its hind legs as if it is a bipedal robot. The simulated quantitative results show improvement against baselines, demonstrating the effectiveness of the method and each design choice. On the other hand, real-robot experiments qualitatively exhibit how robust the policy is when interfering with various disturbances on various terrains, including stairs, high platforms, slopes, and slippery terrains. All code, checkpoints, and real-world deployment guidance will be made public.
Abstract:Traffic signal control (TSC) is crucial for reducing traffic congestion that leads to smoother traffic flow, reduced idling time, and mitigated CO2 emissions. In this study, we explore the computer vision approach for TSC that modulates on-road traffic flows through visual observation. Unlike traditional feature-based approaches, vision-based methods depend much less on heuristics and predefined features, bringing promising potentials for end-to-end learning and optimization of traffic signals. Thus, we introduce a holistic traffic simulation framework called TrafficDojo towards vision-based TSC and its benchmarking by integrating the microscopic traffic flow provided in SUMO into the driving simulator MetaDrive. This proposed framework offers a versatile traffic environment for in-depth analysis and comprehensive evaluation of traffic signal controllers across diverse traffic conditions and scenarios. We establish and compare baseline algorithms including both traditional and Reinforecment Learning (RL) approaches. This work sheds insights into the design and development of vision-based TSC approaches and open up new research opportunities. All the code and baselines will be made publicly available.
Abstract:While recent advances in neural radiance field enable realistic digitization for large-scale scenes, the image-capturing process is still time-consuming and labor-intensive. Previous works attempt to automate this process using the Next-Best-View (NBV) policy for active 3D reconstruction. However, the existing NBV policies heavily rely on hand-crafted criteria, limited action space, or per-scene optimized representations. These constraints limit their cross-dataset generalizability. To overcome them, we propose GenNBV, an end-to-end generalizable NBV policy. Our policy adopts a reinforcement learning (RL)-based framework and extends typical limited action space to 5D free space. It empowers our agent drone to scan from any viewpoint, and even interact with unseen geometries during training. To boost the cross-dataset generalizability, we also propose a novel multi-source state embedding, including geometric, semantic, and action representations. We establish a benchmark using the Isaac Gym simulator with the Houses3K and OmniObject3D datasets to evaluate this NBV policy. Experiments demonstrate that our policy achieves a 98.26% and 97.12% coverage ratio on unseen building-scale objects from these datasets, respectively, outperforming prior solutions.
Abstract:Robust locomotion control depends on accurate state estimations. However, the sensors of most legged robots can only provide partial and noisy observations, making the estimation particularly challenging, especially for external states like terrain frictions and elevation maps. Inspired by the classical Internal Model Control principle, we consider these external states as disturbances and introduce Hybrid Internal Model (HIM) to estimate them according to the response of the robot. The response, which we refer to as the hybrid internal embedding, contains the robot's explicit velocity and implicit stability representation, corresponding to two primary goals for locomotion tasks: explicitly tracking velocity and implicitly maintaining stability. We use contrastive learning to optimize the embedding to be close to the robot's successor state, in which the response is naturally embedded. HIM has several appealing benefits: It only needs the robot's proprioceptions, i.e., those from joint encoders and IMU as observations. It innovatively maintains consistent observations between simulation reference and reality that avoids information loss in mimicking learning. It exploits batch-level information that is more robust to noises and keeps better sample efficiency. It only requires 1 hour of training on an RTX 4090 to enable a quadruped robot to traverse any terrain under any disturbances. A wealth of real-world experiments demonstrates its agility, even in high-difficulty tasks and cases never occurred during the training process, revealing remarkable open-world generalizability.
Abstract:Driving safety is a top priority for autonomous vehicles. Orthogonal to prior work handling accident-prone traffic events by algorithm designs at the policy level, we investigate a Closed-loop Adversarial Training (CAT) framework for safe end-to-end driving in this paper through the lens of environment augmentation. CAT aims to continuously improve the safety of driving agents by training the agent on safety-critical scenarios that are dynamically generated over time. A novel resampling technique is developed to turn log-replay real-world driving scenarios into safety-critical ones via probabilistic factorization, where the adversarial traffic generation is modeled as the multiplication of standard motion prediction sub-problems. Consequently, CAT can launch more efficient physical attacks compared to existing safety-critical scenario generation methods and yields a significantly less computational cost in the iterative learning pipeline. We incorporate CAT into the MetaDrive simulator and validate our approach on hundreds of driving scenarios imported from real-world driving datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that CAT can effectively generate adversarial scenarios countering the agent being trained. After training, the agent can achieve superior driving safety in both log-replay and safety-critical traffic scenarios on the held-out test set. Code and data are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/cat.
Abstract:Large-scale driving datasets such as Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes substantially accelerate autonomous driving research, especially for perception tasks such as 3D detection and trajectory forecasting. Since the driving logs in these datasets contain HD maps and detailed object annotations which accurately reflect the real-world complexity of traffic behaviors, we can harvest a massive number of complex traffic scenarios and recreate their digital twins in simulation. Compared to the hand-crafted scenarios often used in existing simulators, data-driven scenarios collected from the real world can facilitate many research opportunities in machine learning and autonomous driving. In this work, we present ScenarioNet, an open-source platform for large-scale traffic scenario modeling and simulation. ScenarioNet defines a unified scenario description format and collects a large-scale repository of real-world traffic scenarios from the heterogeneous data in various driving datasets including Waymo, nuScenes, Lyft L5, and nuPlan datasets. These scenarios can be further replayed and interacted with in multiple views from Bird-Eye-View layout to realistic 3D rendering in MetaDrive simulator. This provides a benchmark for evaluating the safety of autonomous driving stacks in simulation before their real-world deployment. We further demonstrate the strengths of ScenarioNet on large-scale scenario generation, imitation learning, and reinforcement learning in both single-agent and multi-agent settings. Code, demo videos, and website are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/scenarionet.
Abstract:The Teacher-Student Framework (TSF) is a reinforcement learning setting where a teacher agent guards the training of a student agent by intervening and providing online demonstrations. Assuming optimal, the teacher policy has the perfect timing and capability to intervene in the learning process of the student agent, providing safety guarantee and exploration guidance. Nevertheless, in many real-world settings it is expensive or even impossible to obtain a well-performing teacher policy. In this work, we relax the assumption of a well-performing teacher and develop a new method that can incorporate arbitrary teacher policies with modest or inferior performance. We instantiate an Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning algorithm, termed Teacher-Student Shared Control (TS2C), which incorporates teacher intervention based on trajectory-based value estimation. Theoretical analysis validates that the proposed TS2C algorithm attains efficient exploration and substantial safety guarantee without being affected by the teacher's own performance. Experiments on various continuous control tasks show that our method can exploit teacher policies at different performance levels while maintaining a low training cost. Moreover, the student policy surpasses the imperfect teacher policy in terms of higher accumulated reward in held-out testing environments. Code is available at https://metadriverse.github.io/TS2C.
Abstract:Diverse and realistic traffic scenarios are crucial for evaluating the AI safety of autonomous driving systems in simulation. This work introduces a data-driven method called TrafficGen for traffic scenario generation. It learns from the fragmented human driving data collected in the real world and then can generate realistic traffic scenarios. TrafficGen is an autoregressive generative model with an encoder-decoder architecture. In each autoregressive iteration, it first encodes the current traffic context with the attention mechanism and then decodes a vehicle's initial state followed by generating its long trajectory. We evaluate the trained model in terms of vehicle placement and trajectories and show substantial improvements over baselines. TrafficGen can be also used to augment existing traffic scenarios, by adding new vehicles and extending the fragmented trajectories. We further demonstrate that importing the generated scenarios into a simulator as interactive training environments improves the performance and the safety of driving policy learned from reinforcement learning. More project resource is available at https://metadriverse.github.io/trafficgen