Abstract:In this work, we extend the SEEDS superpixel algorithm from 2D images to 3D volumes, resulting in 3D SEEDS, a faster, better, and open-source supervoxel algorithm for medical image analysis. We compare 3D SEEDS with the widely used supervoxel algorithm SLIC on 13 segmentation tasks across 10 organs. 3D SEEDS accelerates supervoxel generation by a factor of 10, improves the achievable Dice score by +6.5%, and reduces the under-segmentation error by -0.16%. The code is available at https://github.com/Zch0414/3d_seeds
Abstract:Sensors are key components enabling various applications, e.g., home intrusion detection and environmental monitoring. While various software defenses and physical protections are used to prevent sensor manipulation, this paper introduces a new threat vector, PowerRadio, that bypasses existing protections and changes sensor readings from a distance. PowerRadio leverages interconnected ground (GND) wires, a standard practice for electrical safety at home, to inject malicious signals. The injected signal is coupled by the sensor's analog measurement wire and eventually survives the noise filters, inducing incorrect measurement. We present three methods to manipulate sensors by inducing static bias, periodical signals, or pulses. For instance, we show adding stripes into the captured images of a surveillance camera or injecting inaudible voice commands into conference microphones. We study the underlying principles of PowerRadio and identify its root causes: (1) the lack of shielding between ground and data signal wires and (2) the asymmetry of circuit impedance that enables interference to bypass filtering. We validate PowerRadio against a surveillance system, broadcast systems, and various sensors. We believe that PowerRadio represents an emerging threat, exhibiting the advantages of both radiated and conducted EMI, e.g., expanding the effective attack distance of radiated EMI yet eliminating the requirement of line-of-sight or approaching physically. Our insights shall provide guidance for enhancing the sensors' security and power wiring during the design phases.
Abstract:Data trading is increasingly gaining attention. However, the inherent replicability and privacy concerns of data make it challenging to directly apply traditional trading theories to data markets. This paper compares data trading markets with traditional ones, focusing particularly on how the replicability and privacy of data impact data markets. We discuss how data's replicability fundamentally alters the concept of opportunity cost in traditional microeconomics within the context of data markets. Additionally, we explore how to leverage this change to maximize benefits without compromising data privacy. This paper outlines the constraints for data circulation within the privacy domain chain and presents a model that maximizes data's value under these constraints. Specific application scenarios are provided, and experiments demonstrate the solvability of this model.
Abstract:As social media becomes increasingly popular, more and more public health activities emerge, which is worth noting for pandemic monitoring and government decision-making. Current techniques for public health analysis involve popular models such as BERT and large language models (LLMs). Although recent progress in LLMs has shown a strong ability to comprehend knowledge by being fine-tuned on specific domain datasets, the costs of training an in-domain LLM for every specific public health task are especially expensive. Furthermore, such kinds of in-domain datasets from social media are generally highly imbalanced, which will hinder the efficiency of LLMs tuning. To tackle these challenges, the data imbalance issue can be overcome by sophisticated data augmentation methods for social media datasets. In addition, the ability of the LLMs can be effectively utilised by prompting the model properly. In light of the above discussion, in this paper, a novel ALEX framework is proposed for social media analysis on public health. Specifically, an augmentation pipeline is developed to resolve the data imbalance issue. Furthermore, an LLMs explanation mechanism is proposed by prompting an LLM with the predicted results from BERT models. Extensive experiments conducted on three tasks at the Social Media Mining for Health 2023 (SMM4H) competition with the first ranking in two tasks demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed ALEX method. Our code has been released in https://github.com/YanJiangJerry/ALEX.
Abstract:As social media becomes increasingly popular, more and more activities related to public health emerge. Current techniques for public health analysis involve popular models such as BERT and large language models (LLMs). However, the costs of training in-domain LLMs for public health are especially expensive. Furthermore, such kinds of in-domain datasets from social media are generally imbalanced. To tackle these challenges, the data imbalance issue can be overcome by data augmentation and balanced training. Moreover, the ability of the LLMs can be effectively utilized by prompting the model properly. In this paper, a novel ALEX framework is proposed to improve the performance of public health analysis on social media by adopting an LLMs explanation mechanism. Results show that our ALEX model got the best performance among all submissions in both Task 2 and Task 4 with a high score in Task 1 in Social Media Mining for Health 2023 (SMM4H)[1]. Our code has been released at https:// github.com/YanJiangJerry/ALEX.
Abstract:Revealing hidden dynamics from the stochastic data is a challenging problem as randomness takes part in the evolution of the data. The problem becomes exceedingly complex when the trajectories of the stochastic data are absent in many scenarios. Here we present an approach to effectively modeling the dynamics of the stochastic data without trajectories based on the weak form of the Fokker-Planck (FP) equation, which governs the evolution of the density function in the Brownian process. Taking the collocations of Gaussian functions as the test functions in the weak form of the FP equation, we transfer the derivatives to the Gaussian functions and thus approximate the weak form by the expectational sum of the data. With a dictionary representation of the unknown terms, a linear system is built and then solved by the regression, revealing the unknown dynamics of the data. Hence, we name the method with the Weak Collocation Regression (WCR) method for its three key components: weak form, collocation of Gaussian kernels, and regression. The numerical experiments show that our method is flexible and fast, which reveals the dynamics within seconds in multi-dimensional problems and can be easily extended to high-dimensional data such as 20 dimensions. WCR can also correctly identify the hidden dynamics of the complex tasks with variable-dependent diffusion and coupled drift, and the performance is robust, achieving high accuracy in the case with noise added.
Abstract:The fog-radio-access-network (F-RAN) has been proposed to address the strict latency requirements, which offloads computation tasks generated in user equipments (UEs) to the edge to reduce the processing latency. However, it incorporates the task transmission latency, which may become the bottleneck of latency requirements. Data compression (DC) has been considered as one of the promising techniques to reduce the transmission latency. By compressing the computation tasks before transmitting, the transmission delay is reduced due to the shrink transmitted data size, and the original computing task can be retrieved by employing data decompressing (DD) at the edge nodes or the centre cloud. Nevertheless, the DC and DD incorporate extra processing latency, and the latency performance has not been investigated in the large-scale DC-enabled F-RAN. Therefore, in this work, the successful data compression probability (SDCP) is defined to analyse the latency performance of the F-RAN. Moreover, to analyse the effect of compression offloading ratio (COR), a novel hybrid compression mode is proposed based on the queueing theory. Based on this, the closed-form result of SDCP in the large-scale DC-enabled F-RAN is derived by combining the Matern cluster process and M/G/1 queueing model, and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. Based on the derived SDCP results, the effects of COR on the SDCP is analysed numerically. The results show that the SDCP with the optimal COR can be enhanced with a maximum value of 0.3 and 0.55 as compared with the cases of compressing all computing tasks at the edge and at the UE, respectively. Moreover, for the system requiring the minimal latency, the proposed hybrid compression mode can alleviate the requirement on the backhaul capacity.
Abstract:Stance detection aims to identify whether the author of a text is in favor of, against, or neutral to a given target. The main challenge of this task comes two-fold: few-shot learning resulting from the varying targets and the lack of contextual information of the targets. Existing works mainly focus on solving the second issue by designing attention-based models or introducing noisy external knowledge, while the first issue remains under-explored. In this paper, inspired by the potential capability of pre-trained language models (PLMs) serving as knowledge bases and few-shot learners, we propose to introduce prompt-based fine-tuning for stance detection. PLMs can provide essential contextual information for the targets and enable few-shot learning via prompts. Considering the crucial role of the target in stance detection task, we design target-aware prompts and propose a novel verbalizer. Instead of mapping each label to a concrete word, our verbalizer maps each label to a vector and picks the label that best captures the correlation between the stance and the target. Moreover, to alleviate the possible defect of dealing with varying targets with a single hand-crafted prompt, we propose to distill the information learned from multiple prompts. Experimental results show the superior performance of our proposed model in both full-data and few-shot scenarios.
Abstract:This paper presents the development of machine learning-enabled data-driven models for effective capacity predictions for lithium-ion batteries under different cyclic conditions. To achieve this, a model structure is first proposed with the considerations of battery ageing tendency and the corresponding operational temperature and depth-of-discharge. Then based on a systematic understanding of covariance functions within the Gaussian process regression, two related data-driven models are developed. Specifically, by modifying the isotropic squared exponential kernel with an automatic relevance determination structure, 'Model A' could extract the highly relevant input features for capacity predictions. Through coupling the Arrhenius law and a polynomial equation into a compositional kernel, 'Model B' is capable of considering the electrochemical and empirical knowledge of battery degradation. The developed models are validated and compared on the Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) lithium-ion batteries with various cycling patterns. Experimental results demonstrate that the modified Gaussian process regression model considering the battery electrochemical and empirical ageing signature outperforms other counterparts and is able to achieve satisfactory results for both one-step and multi-step predictions. The proposed technique is promising for battery capacity predictions under various cycling cases.
Abstract:Cluster-wise linear regression (CLR), a clustering problem intertwined with regression, is to find clusters of entities such that the overall sum of squared errors from regressions performed over these clusters is minimized, where each cluster may have different variances. We generalize the CLR problem by allowing each entity to have more than one observation, and refer to it as generalized CLR. We propose an exact mathematical programming based approach relying on column generation, a column generation based heuristic algorithm that clusters predefined groups of entities, a metaheuristic genetic algorithm with adapted Lloyd's algorithm for K-means clustering, a two-stage approach, and a modified algorithm of Sp{\"a}th \cite{Spath1979} for solving generalized CLR. We examine the performance of our algorithms on a stock keeping unit (SKU) clustering problem employed in forecasting halo and cannibalization effects in promotions using real-world retail data from a large supermarket chain. In the SKU clustering problem, the retailer needs to cluster SKUs based on their seasonal effects in response to promotions. The seasonal effects are the results of regressions with predictors being promotion mechanisms and seasonal dummies performed over clusters generated. We compare the performance of all proposed algorithms for the SKU problem with real-world and synthetic data.